

Peony seems to have become more beautiful over time, and now he is with Aster. Aster tells Peony that they should go to school, but Peony says he will join the class later as he has some work to do. On his way to school, Peony thinks about how amazing people are in this world, and how strange and different their lives can be. He realizes that what we see is not always what we get, and that life can be very different from what we imagine it to be.

Peony finally arrives at school and sees that Ethan and Hazel are sitting together. Ethan has his bag on the desk beside him. Peony goes to the other side of the classroom and greets everyone, saying that he wants to be friends with them all. He suggests they exchange phone numbers, but Hazel remains silent.

The teacher arrives and asks the students to observe nature and write an article on it the next day. Peony is asked to show his work in the next class. When the class ends, Peony walks out with the other students and Hazel asks why he is behaving strangely. Peony tells her that he is doing what he feels is right and that she should focus on herself and Ethan.

Peony walks away, and Hazel tries to grab his hand, but Peony refuses and tells her to have some manners. He then goes to the school grounds and starts to cry under the trees. Suddenly it starts raining, and Peony runs to get his bag. His white shirt gets soaked, and his face shines with the raindrops. Everyone in the school starts watching him, and some even start recording him with their cameras. Peony seems to have a magical effect on people.

As Peony is walking home, he sees Aster ride his bike past him and tells him to go home. Peony becomes emotional and turns his face away, but the raindrops on his face reveal his tears. He thinks about how difficult to act like stranger with your love.