
Peony Flower Prince

there was a girl named Hazel who loved nothing more than spending time in her garden. One day, while tending to her flowers, she noticed a beautiful peony that seemed to be glowing with an otherworldly light. As she approached the flower, she was surprised to see that it had a face and was looking right at her. The peony introduced himself as the Flower heart that the Flower Prince could be real. I hope you all like my novel...

Alicia_Yon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs


I hope this morning is blessed for us. Hazel woke up early, feeling refreshed and content, thanks to Peony's care and attention. Today is the weekend, which means that they have plenty of time to relax and enjoy themselves.

Hazel quickly brushes her teeth and selects her outfit for the day. After taking a refreshing shower, she hears a knock at the door. It's Peony.

"Good morning Hazel," Peony chirps. "Are you okay?"

Hazel smiles in response. "Yes, I'm fine. I'm just getting ready."

"Great," Peony says, grinning. "I'm hungry, though. And I made a mess in the kitchen."

Hazel scowls playfully. "What did you do?"

Peony puts on an innocent face. "I saw that you had some bread out this morning, so I tried to heat it up in the iron."

Hazel looks aghast. "Peony, you can't do that!" She laughs. "Okay, you just sit at the table. I'll clean up the mess."

After breakfast, Hazel suggests they go shopping. "Let's buy you some new clothes and a mobile phone," she tells Peony.

They take a taxi to the city's famous market, where Peony excitedly peruses the shops. Hazel selects a few outfits for him and is complimented by the shopkeeper on her good taste.

Peony blushes at the compliment as they head to the mobile phone store. They test out several phones before Peony makes her choice.

At the end of the day, they return to Hazel's apartment, both feeling happy and content after a successful day of shopping.

Peony are you enjoy. I will teach you how to use cell phone.