

A teenage boy came to a prestigious university to find the answers about a group called ILLUMINATI, for those who know's about it ..... This mere name is enough to send shivers down one's spine , majority of people think it's just an urban legend, but this thing called illuminati really does exist and controlling world's top brass from the shadows.... This teenage boy is exceptionally genius and highly skilled in manipulating other's , his only goal in life is to uncover the truth about this so called ILLUMINATI..... The truth about them and the truth about his mother's death , the only clue he have about illuminati's existence is the pendant , which he inherited from his mother right before her death , undoubtedly this mysterious pendant is the biggest key that will lead him to illuminati's nucleus..... He doesn't want to stand out in this prestigious university and just wants to investigate it, because this university just so happens to be linked with illuminati and this is the only lead we have so far...... The Boy have to be vigilant because a little mistake could very well cost him his life ....... Many have tried to find secrets about illuminati but very few individual had gotten close to this unseen world before they all perished without a trace, some individual who got spared by ILLUMINATI are living the life which is worst than death itself . ..

swordsman_ZORO · perkotaan
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1 Chs


This is year 2023 , A certain boy came to a really prestigious university, it is known through out the world as the best university for foreign language.

The name of this university is IFLU. not many people know about the meaning of this name, and they simply think that the university's name is IFLU.

EP. 1

Title: The First Quest Starts


A quiet, vast library filled with students engrossed in their books. Among them is LUX , a 17-year-old with an intense gaze and an air of mystery. He's meticulously studying a worn-out book titled "Secret Societies in History."

The book had a familiar image that resembles his pendant

A close-up of the pendant, emitting an eerie glow. Engraved on it is a symbol resembling an eye within a triangle.


LUX's fingers trace the pendant as he ponders its connection to his mother's death. Determined to uncover the truth, he plans to investigate the rumored link between this prestigious university and the elusive Illuminati.

his classes gonna start from tomorrow onwards and he doesn't wanna stand out much, so he's concealing his ability and intelligence.

he read many books in the library until evening and went back to his room.


Lux's dorm room is filled with newspaper clippings, photos, and documents about secret societies. He connects dots, maps out connections, and arranges it all on a large corkboard.


(talking to himself)

Illuminati... the shadows controlling the world. If this university is involved, there must be clues here.

Next day, the first day of the class


Lux sits among the students, listening attentively as PROFESSOR ANDERSON delivers a lecture on ancient civilizations and hidden knowledge. he is seem to be in his mid 30's and yet professor Anderson is fluent in more than 10 foreign languages and went to research about many different civilization around the world.


The secrets of the past are often shrouded in mystery, locked away from the grasp of ordinary minds. But some believe in the existence of organizations, like the knights Templar, Freemasons and the most famous illuminati, that have guarded these secrets for centuries.

Lux's interest is piqued, and he takes diligent notes.

Professor Anderson left an impact on Lux , and he thought that maybe professor Anderson knows something about illuminati. but right now asking about the organization is not good , since he don't know much about professor Anderson.

he kept trying to find more clues trying to investigate every part of the university, after many unfruitful tries around the campus he went to the research lab.


Lux infiltrates the restricted research lab, his skills in manipulation and stealthy tactics serving him well. He meticulously browses through top-secret files, looking for any mention of the pendant or the Illuminati.


(whispering to himself)

There must be something. A connection to my mother... a connection to the truth.

Suddenly, alarms blare, and Lux's heart races as he hastily gathers a few documents and escapes, narrowly avoiding capture.

he finally Found some leads by decoding the documents.

Lux follows a series of cryptic clues that he found in the documents. The clues lead him to a hidden, dimly lit room beneath an ancient building on campus. He watches from the shadows as the strange people convene, their faces masked by shadows.



Finally, I got some leads

He captures photos and records snippets of their conversation, hoping to take advantage of this progress and gathering some clues and Intel's


Lux meticulously cross-references his findings with countless books, piecing together a puzzle that unravels the truth of the university's grip on power.


Lux stands on a rooftop, looking out at the city's twinkling lights. Armed with a lead, he makes a choice.


I'll honor my mother's memory by destroying and exposing the Illuminati's secrets, no matter the cost.

With newfound determination, he continued the process to uncover the truth .

so far, after all this hard work he only discovered the true name of the university but that alone was a big achievement for now, the name of the university is ..... ILLUMINATI'S FOREIGN LANGUAGE UNIVERSITY and that's the full form of [I.F.L.U]