
Peerless Medicine God

for me

Misty_Ellaine · Fantasi Timur
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3119 Chs

Chapter 4: Questioning

Chapter 4: Questioning . . .

The individual signaling the attendant was none other than Ye Yuan, who had been observing quietly on the sidelines.

When the attendant noticed Ye Yuan's interruption, a momentary hesitation crossed his features. It was well-known that Ye Yuan, the young master of the Fragrant Medicine Pavilion, carried a notorious reputation, making the attendant tread cautiously to avoid any potential offense.

Addressing the master on duty, Uncle Qian Miao, Ye Yuan approached and whispered a crucial insight, "Uncle Qian, that prescription is flawed. It could prove fatal."

Ye Yuan, having shed the image of his predecessor, was now a more astute individual. Acknowledging the need to preserve his predecessor's reputation and maintain appearances, he discreetly voiced his concerns to Uncle Qian Miao.

Uncle Qian Miao, a seasoned retainer in the Ye family, held a respected position, although his alchemical skills did not match Ye Hang's prowess. Nevertheless, the abrupt critique from a junior like Ye Yuan stirred an immediate change in Uncle Qian Miao's expression.

Addressing Ye Yuan by his childhood moniker, Little Yuan, Uncle Qian Miao admonished him for potentially tarnishing the reputation painstakingly built for the Fragrant Medicine Pavilion. While expressing the sentiment that the Pavilion's status owed much to the collective effort of the staff, Uncle Qian Miao threatened consequences, asserting that he would be the first to reprimand Ye Yuan.

Ye Yuan anticipated Uncle Qian Miao's reaction, considering his predecessor's troublesome nature. However, Ye Yuan recognized the stakes: if Uncle Qian Miao persisted with the flawed prescription, not only would the brawny man's life be jeopardized, but the Fragrant Medicine Pavilion's reputation could suffer irreparable damage.

Ye Yuan's intervention stemmed from a strategic assessment rather than a desire to reveal his true capabilities. However, he realized that challenging Uncle Qian Miao, an esteemed expert, could have repercussions.

Ye Yuan's expectation of Uncle Qian Miao's reaction was met, and he chose not to be perturbed by the harsh words. Lu-er, standing beside Ye Yuan, couldn't restrain herself and boldly supported Ye Yuan's claim, asserting that the young master had a valid reason for his objection.

Ye Yuan, somewhat surprised by Lu-er's unwavering trust, silently acknowledged her loyalty. Nonetheless, he recognized that Lu-er's outspoken support complicated the situation, escalating the conflict between the juniors and the experienced alchemical master.

Uncle Qian Miao's expression darkened further, and he warned Lu-er against meddling in matters beyond her comprehension. The clash of generations intensified, with Ye Yuan and Lu-er challenging Uncle Qian Miao's prescription.

Uncle Qian Miao, upholding his authority, warned the juniors to provide a satisfactory explanation or face consequences. The brawny man, bewildered by the unfolding confrontation, found himself entangled in an unexpected dispute within the Fragrant Medicine Pavilion.

In this clash of opinions, Ye Yuan, Lu-er, and Uncle Qian Miao stood at odds, their conflicting perspectives threatening the harmony of the Fragrant Medicine Pavilion.

"This situation is dire, Master Qian. The poison coursing through this man's body could escalate into a life-threatening condition if left unattended. Master, I implore you not to be upset and to aid in purging the poison promptly. These two individuals are merely young and inexperienced, casually expressing their thoughts," the brawny man earnestly pleaded. He hadn't anticipated Master Qian taking their remarks seriously, attempting to assuage the tension.

Despite the brawny man's attempt to persuade him, Qian Miao dismissed the urgency with a nonchalant wave of his hand. "Rest assured, it won't take much time. I possess a certain level of confidence in dealing with this poison and won't allow you to succumb. If we don't clarify this matter today, how can I, an old man, have the face to continue making diagnoses here?"

Turning his attention to Ye Yuan, Qian Miao, with a stern expression, pressed the young master for an explanation. "Speak up! If you can't clarify your accusations, don't accuse me of exploiting my seniority. You'll have no grounds to complain to your father."

Ye Yuan, maintaining his silence until questioned by Qian Miao, responded calmly, "The poison afflicting this warrior did not originate from the Seven Evils Flowing Cloud Python."

Dismissing Ye Yuan's statement, the warrior interjected before the young master could elaborate, expressing his disbelief. "Nonsense! My companions lost their lives to its fangs. I barely escaped. Are you suggesting I misidentified it? Ignorant brat, I hold no grudge against you, so why do you wish for my demise?"

Amused, Qian Miao burst into laughter, almost shedding tears. "Did you hear that? Utterly ignorant! Naive brat, leave immediately! If you persist in causing trouble, I'll summon someone to expel you!"

Qian Miao, confident in his ability to identify the poison at a glance, found Ye Yuan's claim incredulous. The warrior's near escape from the python's fangs seemed sufficient evidence for the seasoned alchemist. Moreover, demonic beast hunters, intimately acquainted with their prey, rarely misidentified creatures.

Surrounding onlookers, initially spectators of the unfolding drama, couldn't contain their opinions any longer. Convinced this was a spectacle orchestrated by Ye Yuan, they joined in with disparaging comments, urging him to leave and insinuating he was jeopardizing his father's business.

Lu-er, now less assured, tugged timidly at the corner of Ye Yuan's sleeve, expressing concern. Yet, instead of retreating, she took a step forward, positioning herself in front of Ye Yuan. Her fear wasn't for herself but rather that the situation might turn violent against Ye Yuan.

Touched by Lu-er's protective gesture, Ye Yuan shook his head and calmly countered the mounting opposition, "What you witnessed may not align with reality. The poison afflicting this warrior didn't come from a Seven Evils Flowing Cloud Python; it originated from a Seven-Colored Flowing Cloud Python."