
Peerless Medicine God

for me

Misty_Ellaine · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
3119 Chs

Chapter 2454: True Gold Isn’t Afraid of Fire!

Chapter 2454: True Gold Isn't Afraid of Fire! . . .

This was a brightly colored world.

As far as the eye could see, it was full of light dots with different colors.

Very pretty, but Ye Yuan had a creepy feeling.

"These are ... the power of the divine soul? No, wait! Like the power of the divine soul, but also not! These light dots seem to be something in the divine soul!" Ye Yuan looked at the spectacular scenery before his eyes as he said in shock.

His soul attainments were extremely powerful. Along with his strength stepping into Creation Realm, his divine soul already climbed to an extremely terrifying level.

Even some ordinary Deva Fifth Blights might not be as strong as him too!

Martial artists gained enlightenment on Heavenly Dao through the divine soul. Ye Yuan's Heavenly Dao comprehensions were extremely terrifying, so his understanding of the divine soul also far surpassed others.

Although he did not know what these light dots were, he knew that this belongs to something in the divine soul!

Suddenly, Ye Yuan's expression changed and he muttered to himself, "I somewhat understand! The members of the divine race view these idols as gods and respect them from the bottom of their hearts. It's because this thing was taken away from their divine souls! Hiss ... these idols stored so many light dots. What do they want to do?"

"No, wait! The level of these idols is virtually comparable to the Lesser Heavenspan Mountain! It's just much more sinister than the Lesser Heavenspan Mountain! The eight idols came to create such a powerful race. Just what's the origin of these idols?"

The more Ye Yuan thought, the more terrifying it felt.

These idols were different from the Lesser Heavenspan Mountain. The Lesser Heavenspan Mountain was neutral and did not have any attributes.

But these idols extracted countless of a certain kind of power in the divine soul and stored it in this space.

This looked like a huge scheme no matter how he looked at it.

Except, who was controlling all these?

Ye Yuan suddenly felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at him above the void, overlooking all life in the world!

This sort of feeling made him shiver without being cold.

"Judging from the behavior earlier, Li-er's nature wasn't wiped out! All of them, including Tian Qing, have complete seven emotions and six desires. It's just that their submissive wills toward these idols come from the bottom of their hearts! Most likely, the problem lies here! This place looks like a vessel. If I can break the idols and let these mysterious power return to their original bodies, can it make Li-er turn back to her original appearance?" Ye Yuan mused.

Arriving here made Ye Yuan instantly link it to a lot of things.

Since time immemorial, he was probably the first person who took the initiative to enter this space!

Including Tian Qing, even he never entered before.

Because no one could disobey the divine race's will. Let alone could there be anyone who could defy the will of the eight idols.

Ye Yuan's provocation infuriated the eight idols, making them take action against him, taking the initiative to suck himself into this space.

Clearly, these eight idols thought that after he arrived here, he would not be able to go out anymore.

These idols did not seem to have their own will but operated on their own according to some kind of will.

Of course, even so, these eight idols were extremely terrifying too.

Existences on the same level as the Lesser Heavenspan Mountain, it was terrifying even if it did not want to be!

At least, Ye Yuan currently had no way of breaking the god statues.

Rumble ...

Suddenly, this space had an insurrection.

Beneath Ye Yuan's feet, balls of terrifying flames leaped up.

The flames rose very suddenly, completely surrounding Ye Yuan's divine soul all at once.

An extremely strong burning sensation made Ye Yuan hurt until he gave a muffled groan.

"Ignorant ant, to dare provoke heaven's might! Today, the Eight Extreme Heavenly Fire is sent down to refine you! Savor the taste of being burned by myriad fires well!" In the void, came a furious voice.

This void was akin to a clap of thunder, shocking until Ye Yuan's eardrums hurt.

Ye Yuan had never seen such a terrifying power before.

This kind of power seemed to tower above all life!

This cluster of flames had eight colors, seemingly targeting the divine soul. The whole course of it was abnormally terrifying.

Ye Yuan's divine soul felt like it was going to evaporate.


Ye Yuan gave a muffled groan and fell to the ground, and started twitching painfully.

The power of this flame was not a divine fire of the mortal world at all!

With regards to the mortal world's divine fires, Ye Yuan could virtually use being immune to describe.

He was the ancestor of playing with fire!

Even the flames condensed by Dao Ancestors, Ye Yuan did not fear in the slightest too.

But this Eight Extreme Heavenly Fire, Ye Yuan was helpless against it!

He could not control this flame at all!

This flame's agony of being scorched, Ye Yuan had already forgotten how long he had not tasted it before.


Bone penetratingly painful!

From head to toe, every inch of Ye Yuan's skin was receiving the pain of immolation.

Furthermore, this Eight Extreme Heavenly Fire targeted the divine soul. That sort of pain penetrated even deeper into the bones.

Ye Yuan revolved his soul force to the max, but it was still like trying to put out a cartload of burning logs with a cup of water.

Clouds of water vapor rose up from his body.

Those were due to his soul force being evaporated by the Eight Extreme Heavenly Fire!

This Eight Extreme Heavenly Fire was too terrifying.

Ye Yuan's soul force was dissipating rapidly.

Ye Yuan's figure gradually became illusory.

"Hahaha ... Saw that? This is heaven's might! In front of heaven's might, not submitting, there's only death!" That voice came out once more, appearing rather invigorated.

Ye Yuan's consciousness started to become blurry.

His divine soul already almost could not hold on anymore.

"Am ... I going to die?"

"The opponent this time is too strong! He likely came from above the Heavenspan World!"

"If I die, what ... will happen to Li-er? Is she going to keep on being enslaved by people?"

"If I die, what about Lingxue? Her final wisp of spiritual consciousness is also extinguishing already!"

"No! I can't die!"

"So what if heaven's might! If you're heaven, then I'll poke through this heaven!"

"You want to refine me, isn't this a tempering to me?"

"I am going to defy heaven!"

"True gold isn't afraid of fire!"

Ye Yuan used all the strength in his body and slowly crawled to his feet.

He sat cross-legged in the Eight Extreme Heavenly Fire and actually completely opened up his divine soul!

He was no longer using soul force to resist the flames.

In an instant, his divine soul was directly burned until it was significantly more transparent.

His agony also increased exponentially!

Ye Yuan opening up his divine soul was equivalent to drawing the Eight Extreme Heavenly Fire into his body, making every inch of the divine soul receive sanctification.

This sort of agony was ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times than before!

The expression on Ye Yuan's face was becoming contorted.

But he still sat cross-legged, being motionless.

He was controlling his divine soul, attempting to guide these Eight Extreme Heavenly Fire!

Didn't you want to refine me?

Then I'll use your Eight Extreme Heavenly Fire to temper my divine soul!

Either succeed or die trying!

This kind of heavenly fire that came from beyond the heavens, it normally could not be found at all.

It was a calamity to Ye Yuan, but was it also not a massive lucky chance?

Failing to pull through, everything naturally did not need to be discussed anymore.

But if he pulled through, the benefits that Ye Yuan would obtain would also be unimaginable!

Suddenly, Ye Yuan let out a burst of wild laughter as he said, "Hahaha ... Great! Didn't you want to refine me? Not enough! Still not enough! Your Eight Extreme Heavenly Fire is too weak! Still not enough to refine me! Is this your heaven's might? Too weak!"