
Peerless Medicine God

for me

Misty_Ellaine · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
3119 Chs

Chapter 2325: Breaking the Deadlock and Pursuit!

Chapter 2325: Breaking the Deadlock and Pursuit! . . .





Ye Yuan flicked his sleeves grandly, a streak of sword light broke through the spatial turbulent flow and pointed at a star in the starry web.

The human powerhouses had long already been accumulating power, waiting to release. For a moment, countless attacks cut through the sky, flying straight for that star!

Yuan Zhen and the rest had not recovered to their senses from Ye Yuan escaping the Grand Spatial Rend Art yet when they discovered countless powerful attacks tearing across the air and arriving.

And the place where Ye Yuan's sword pointed was precisely the weakest point of the Grand Xingtian Heaven Locking Art currently!

A large-scale spell activated by several tens of thousands of people at the same time, it was impossible to be without flaws.

Except, the Grand Xingtian Heaven Locking Art had always been in continuous operation. The weak spot also drifted from place to place.

Coupled with that this spell's power was incredible, it could infinitely weaken the weakness of this spell.

Wanting to find this spell's weakness was virtually impossible.

But now, it was found by Ye Yuan!

Ye Yuan suffered so many attacks and narrowly escaped death. It was for the sake of this moment.

It was true that this spell was incredible, but it had one great weakness. It was that it was pieced together!

With 36 thousand people joining together, the spell's power was incredible and unmatched.

To those who did not know spatial law, or with very weak comprehension of spatial law, this spell had no weakness.

But Ye Yuan was proficient in spatial law, his spatial law had long already reached peak rank seven.

Plus, Ye Yuan's array formation already reached the level of source. When he looked at this spell, it was completely different from the rest.

Just one look and Ye Yuan saw through that this enormous spell was constructed out of 12 center pivots.

Hence, he entered the boundary of one of the center pivots.

The place that he entered was actually very ingenious. It was a place out of the reach of other hubs.

Hence, he kept testing this spell, in order to find the weakness of the Grand Xingtian Heaven Locking Art.

During this process, Ye Yuan deeply felt this spell's power and profound mysteries. A magnificent spatial world unfolded before him.

To Ye Yuan, this array formation seemingly analyzed spatial law piece by piece, revealing to him the profound mysteries of spatial law.

Even though he got seriously injured, he glimpsed the profound mystery of spatial law.

At the final juncture, Ye Yuan's spatial law successfully broke through to rank eight.

Furthermore, he also found its weakness!

"Quick! Mobilize power to help him defend!" Yuan Zhen yelled loudly in a panic.

However, it was already too late!

Having just executed the Grand Spatial Rend Art, it already drained a tremendous amount of their strength. There was no way to recover within a short time.

Ye Yuan grasped precisely this opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

Above the void, the multicolored attacks arrived in an instant, erupting with an incomparably fierce sound.


The divine race powerhouse in that position having received countless attacks all at once was directly shocked into spewing out fresh blood wildly. He kicked the bucket, dying until he could not be deader.

This star was directly destroyed!

While at this time, the human powerhouses could sense that the void which was sealed tightly finally revealed a trace of gap.

It was precisely this trace of gap that made all human powerhouses ecstatic.

"Second Sage is mighty! Second Sage is mighty! Second Sage created a miracle by himself!"

"Second Sage is a man of his word! He's really bringing us out!"

"After this battle, we'll revere Second Sage as supreme!"

... ...

For a moment, sentiments were at a high.

The human powerhouses were shedding tears of gratitude with regards to the miracle that Ye Yuan created.

Many people even cried bitterly.

This process from despair to hope, made many old things become melancholic and sentimental.

"Don't be happy too early! It's not over yet! Everyone, continue attacking with me!"

Right then, Ye Yuan called out again in a clear voice.


Another streak of sword light flashed across!

This time, everyone's attacks became more orderly. Their power also became a magnitude greater.

Countless attacks rumbled towards the starry web again, another star was extinguished!


Ye Yuan did not hesitate, launching fierce attacks towards the starry web over and over again. The stars that were destroyed also got more and more.

This starry web became a dreamcatcher.

The sealed space had greater and greater undulations and was already unable to seal space anymore.

The Grand Xingtian Heaven Locking Art collapsed with a loud bang!

Ye Yuan bellowed loudly, "Everyone, charge over together!"

These divine race powerhouses were still very formidable; their combat power was still extremely strong.

It was just that without the Grand Xingtian Heaven Locking Art, they were no longer able to trap the human powerhouses anymore.

They could kill a portion of the human powerhouses but were unable to make all of them stay.

Heavenly Emperor powerhouses were adept in spatial law. Wanting to kill them was too hard!

This was also the reason why Originguard set up this Grand Xingtian Heaven Locking Art, trapping everyone in this manner.

The humans could not win, but they could run!

The Originguard who was currently in a fierce battle, his expression suddenly changed wildly, a shocked expression on his face.

"This is impossible! The Grand Xingtian Heaven Locking Art was actually broken?"

Originguard lost focus and was also seriously injured by Medicine Ancestor two people.

Medicine Ancestor two people sensed the loosening of space, faces revealing wild ecstasy.

Not just them, those Deva Realm powerhouses similarly had the wild elation of having survived a calamity.

Even though their opponent was extremely strong, they could run away now!

Forcing Originguard back with one move, Medicine Ancestor did not say a word, and he directly shuttled into the void with a flash.

Wing let loose a torrent of abuse when he saw the situation, "You shameless old thing! You have no sense of responsibility at all! Cloudheart Realm has so many people, yet you don't care about them?"

Originally, everyone was sealed firmly in this space and had nowhere to retreat, and they could only band up.

Now, the Grand Xingtian Heaven Locking Art was broken, which also broke the unity of these human powerhouses.

Now, they only had one thought, that was to run!

Those Deva Realms had monstrous strength. They were naturally the first batch to escape.

Even Ye Yuan this side also had many powerhouses who chose to escape straight away.

The originally united army instantly became scattered and disunited.

But those powerhouses that gathered around Ye Yuan since the beginning, all of them did not leave.

They still followed Ye Yuan, retreating in an orderly manner.

Ye Yuan's injuries were extremely severe, forcefully hanging in there with a breath until now.

Ji Mo as well as several experts guarded by his side, and let him consume several medicinal pills. Ye Yuan's injuries were already brought under control.

In this battle, the humans suffered great losses. The casualties of elite alchemists made up the most part.

But the divine race was no better as well. Their losses were similarly tragic.

Ye Yuan's several rounds of charging killed large numbers of abyss monsters and divine race members.

Except, divine race powerhouses were low in numbers after all. The ones charging in front were mostly abyss monsters.

Therefore, even though this battle was tragic, the divine race's losses were not very great.

But the fight was not over yet!

Although the Grand Xingtian Heaven Locking Art was broken, these divine race powerhouses were still pursuing them.

Because Ye Yuan cracked the Grand Xingtian Heaven Locking Art, he also received heavy focus on his side. At the same time, countless powerhouses were chasing him.

After Medicine Ancestor fled, Wing was alone and could not do much, and was no longer Originguard's match very soon.

It was only to see Originguard send Wing flying in no time flat.

However, he did not chase after.

Originguard's current rage was already billowing to the sky!

The scheme that he carefully designed was actually ruined by a brat!


Originguard's figure moved, rushing over toward Ye Yuan.