
Peerles Warrior : Sun Moon in heaven

In the enchanting realm of Douluo, a world brimming with mystical wonders, a tale unfolds long before the era of the Peerless Tang Sect. It is an era when an extraordinary emperor graces the land, destined to leave an indelible mark on history. In which experiences the joy, love, regrets, hate. The world welcoming the son of era into the world, a child who carries within him the incomparable legacy of the Desolate Era, Passed the different world create an epic.

DaoistHI4fqd · perkotaan
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Peerless Warrior: golden light Xulann

In the vast and intricate cosmos of Medium great thousand world, a multitude of worlds exist, each with its own unique characteristics and inhabitants. These worlds can be broadly categorized into two realms: the Upper Realm and the Lower Realm.

The Upper Realm encompasses celestial domains, realms of divine beings and enlightened entities that transcend mortal existence. It is a realm of ethereal beauty, where celestial bodies and majestic realms of splendor dot the cosmic landscape. In this realm, gods, celestial beings, and powerful entities reside, wielding immense power and wisdom. The laws that govern the Upper Realm are beyond mortal comprehension, and its denizens possess abilities that far surpass the limits of the mortal realm.

Contrasting the grandeur of the Upper Realm, the Lower Realm is a realm intertwined with the mortal plane, where human and non-human civilizations thrive. Among the numerous worlds in the Lower Realm, one that shines prominently is the Douluo Star. It is a realm teeming with life and imbued with spiritual energy, where various sentient beings coexist.

Douluo Star Has 4 Empires with such as Heaven Royal family, Dou Royal, Star Lu Royal Family and Sun Moon Royal Family. In which Heaven Royal family, Dou Royal, Star Lu Royal Family are the traditional Soul master Families and Sun moon Royal Family is the Modern Soul Tools family.

Among the four powerful empires in the world of Douluo, the Sun Moon Royal Family stands out as a formidable force, known for their mastery over the development and utilization of soul tools.

The Sun Moon Royal Family, with its lineage stretching back generations, holds a deep understanding of the intricate workings of soul tools. They have honed their skills in crafting, enhancing, and utilizing these magnificent artifacts, elevating their power to unparalleled heights. The empire's members possess an innate talent for soul tool cultivation, making them adept at harnessing the potential of these mystical creations.

Under the leadership of the Sun Moon Royal Family, the empire has become a hub for innovation and technological advancement. They have established schools and institutions dedicated to the study and development of soul tools, attracting talented individuals from all corners of the world. These institutions serve as breeding grounds for skilled artisans and inventors, who continuously push the boundaries of what soul tools can achieve.

The Sun Moon Royal Family's mastery of soul tools extends beyond mere functionality. They have delved into the realm of soul tool fusion, combining multiple tools to create even more potent and versatile weapons. These advancements have not only solidified their dominance in warfare but also revolutionized other aspects of life, such as transportation, communication, and agriculture.

In the ancient past, a cataclysmic event occurred when the tectonic plates of two continents collided, resulting in the formation of the Douluo Continent and the Sun Moon Continent. This convergence shaped the destiny of both lands and set the stage for a pivotal war that unfolded 4000 years ago.

During this conflict, the Sun Moon Continent nearly emerged victorious, poised to exert its dominance over the Douluo Continent. However, the tides of fate shifted when powerful forces, such as the renowned Shrek Academy, stepped in to intervene. With their aid, the Douluo Continent managed to turn the tide of battle and secure a hard-fought victory.

This war marked a significant turning point in the history of both continents. It served as a testament to the resilience and determination of the people of the Douluo Continent, who rallied together against the formidable might of the Sun Moon forces. The intervention of influential factions and the bravery of countless individuals played a vital role in shaping the outcome of the conflict.

Inside the grand Sun Moon Royal Palace, as night descends and the world slumbers, a sacred ritual takes place within the bedroom of the revered Emperor and Queen. In this hallowed chamber, the balance of yin and yang is carefully maintained, symbolizing the harmony and unity that lies at the heart of the empire's power.

As the period of the hour of having the Ying yang commences, the Emperor and Queen, guided by ancient traditions, embark on a solemn journey to nurture the delicate equilibrium between opposing forces. They understand that the union of yin and yang represents the essence of cosmic energy and the fundamental principles of existence.

With reverence and devotion, the Emperor and Queen perform rituals and exercises that channel the yin and yang energies. They cultivate their own spiritual connection to these opposing forces, harmonizing their own energies with the cosmic flow. Their synchronized movements and focused intentions create a profound resonance, infusing their beings with the divine essence of balance.

After the hour had passed, Queen Aliya couldn't help but voice her worries to Emperor Xu. "Can it be successful?" she asked, her concern etched on her face.

Emperor Xu, his voice filled with reassurance, replied, "According to the exercise, it will always be successful."

But despite his confident words, the worry lingered in the air. Queen Aliya pressed further, "If this is not successful, would you abandon me and give my position to another concubine?"

Emperor Xu's response was firm and resolute, "Don't worry, it will definitely be successful."

However, despite his unwavering confidence, the flicker of concern in his eyes betrayed the weight of the situation. It had been five years since their marriage, and as the royal family, they held immense power. But even an emperor couldn't escape the grip of uncertainty when it came to the future.

The initial joy of their marriage had been overshadowed by the pressing need for an heir. Every royal family required an heir to secure the lineage and stability of the empire. Despite their best efforts over the years, Emperor Xu and Queen Aliya had been unable to conceive. The burden of this reality weighed heavily upon Queen Aliya, evident in her bitter expression.

In search of a solution, they had tried various methods, exhausting every possibility. In their quest to find an answer, Emperor Xu had discovered an ancient exercise centered around yin and yang cultivation. It was this exercise that they had attempted today, hoping for a miracle that would bless them with a child and secure the future of their family.

After practicing the exercise both sleep.

At this Moment, From outside the Great thousand world, the inexplainable golden light flashed through to middle great thousand world to middle thousand world accorss to douluo star went to the stomach of the queen Aliya.

In a moment of profound significance, an inexplicable golden light pierced through the boundaries of the Great Thousand World, traversing the realms from the outer reaches to the middle Great Thousand World, and further still to the middle Thousand World. Finally, the radiant light found its way to the Douluo Star, where it seemingly traveled with a purpose, directed towards the womb of Queen Aliya.


Three months had passed since the joyous news of the impending heir of the Sun Moon Empire spread throughout the royal palace, bringing happiness and celebration to the entire realm. However, amidst the general jubilation, there were those who harbored dissatisfaction, particularly among the concubines of Emperor Xu. Their ambitions and desires clashed with the prospect of a new successor to the throne.

Meanwhile, inside the serene Royal Family Garden, a lady sat with a smile on her face, overseeing the development of silk-worm clothes for the soon-to-be-born child. She radiated a sense of serenity and maternal warmth, instructing the maids with care and attention to detail.

Inside the lady's womb, the unborn baby possessed an innate sense of something extraordinary. The baby longed to reach out and touch the world, but its tiny hands were confined within its mother's protective embrace. In this moment, a flood of memories surged through the infant's consciousness, overwhelming but fascinating. The baby silently adapted to this influx of information.

In the depths of the baby's thoughts, a voice echoed, belonging to Xu Lann. "Oh, every time this happens, I pass out. Finally, today I am able to stabilize myself."

Xu Lann pondered on how he arrived in this world, reflecting on his second chance at life. Once a 21st-century student on Earth's Blue Star, his love for novels and manga filled his days. However, a tragic earthquake in Nepal ended his life abruptly. Unbeknownst to him, he found himself transported to the world of the Desolate Era, the realm of Ji Ning.

Initially bewildered by his circumstances, Xu Lann discovered that he was born into the Ji family, and even more astonishingly, he realized he was a distant cousin of Ji Ning himself. Determined not to squander his newfound opportunity, Xu Lann resolved to make the most of his rebirth. Though lacking the Nuwa Visualization Method, he understood that Ji Ning would never willingly bestow it upon him, as even Ji Ning himself did not possess the knowledge of its acquisition.

With a mature mindset, Xu Lann vowed not to waste his second life in this new world. Quietly, he began to train himself, seeking self-improvement and enlightenment. He understood the importance of setting his own path, even without the advantage of the Nuwa Visualization Method.

During his formative years, Xu Lann made every effort to develop his physical fitness. At the age of seven, he was presented with a remarkable opportunity: the chance to choose the Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens Technique. This renowned body-refining technique was hailed as the Number One Fiendgod Body Refining Technique in the Three Realms. Determined to make the most of this opportunity, Xu Lann delved into practicing the technique.

Given his innate soul talent as a transverser, Xu Lann displayed astonishing progress. After just two months of diligent practice, he successfully reached the first level of the Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens Technique. Though his progress paled in comparison to Ji Ning, it was still an extraordinary feat when measured against the capabilities of ordinary individuals. Xu Lann felt a deep sense of satisfaction with his achievements.

In addition to his body refinement training, Xu Lann also dedicated himself to mastering the basic sword techniques. Over a span of six years, he honed his swordsmanship, striving for perfection. Furthermore, due to his close relationship with Ji Ning, he gained access to the Immortal-rank Ki Refining Technique of the Ji Family, specializing in the water element. Xu Lann's connection with Ji Ning allowed for the exchange of knowledge and solidified their friendship.

During this period, Xu Lann preferred seclusion, immersing himself in rigorous training. After two decades of intense practice, he reached the peak of Xiantai, the bottleneck of mortal cultivation. However, despite his efforts, Xu Lann's limited soul talent prevented him from breaking through this barrier. Seeking a chance at attaining a fairy fate, he tried his luck with a visualization technique of the Buddha. Unfortunately, his information was leaked unknowingly, resulting in him being besieged and ultimately killed by a group of Zifu cultivators.

As Xu Lann's soul teetered on the brink of dissipation, a miraculous event occurred. A group of golden light enshrouded his dying body, and he found himself transported to the womb of Queen Aliya, becoming part of the soul destined to be reborn as her child.

After 3 Month of adaption of body and memories he is able to observe his situation, Now his mental power is superior to this body and due to connection with mother he basically confirmed he is the prince of the family, other thing he didn't know due to high realm of mental power which is only wisp left he found that inside the body with the blood and body development and another power flows into the body which is similar to qi refinning, and found that this power is gathering in one point, and coincindencely its power similar to the attribute of Crimsonbright Diagram Of The Nine Heavens, which is sun and moon power. So with the help of wisp of mental power he tries to touch this, but when he tries it he found this power and found this power similar to qi and has the power to nourish body, So due to this he tries to control the route of the qi and stop it from sending it to one direction and tried to cover the whole body. After Several failure He succeedd in flowing the qi in the whole body. He knew almost 10 days has passed.

After this He also tries to visualise the wisdom buddha picture due to which he died, which is to visulize the Tao of the buddha, to recover the mental power, but after he tries that He found that with the natural energy of mental power the qi which flowing in the body went to in the direction of brain where his sea of consiousness is. and also conected to the body. Due to this he found their is an inexplainble connection between qi and sea of consiousness. And due to natural flow of the tao of buddha the energy of qi inside the body in increasing. Similarly during the repatative process of 7 month has passed.

After watching the development of the body He controls this extra qi to his brain and eyes which is connected and whole body which is surrounding by this qi too. After repeatatively observing this Xu lann thought to develop the tattos of first stage of Crimsonbright Diagram Of The Nine Heavens.

The [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens] had several major obstacles.

The first was the introduction. In order to begin training in it, one had to be able to sense the 'Great Yang' (the Sun) and the 'Great Yin' (the Moon) in the skies. Many other body training methods required the absorption of elemental energy, such as fire, water, or electricity in order to build up power. But the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens] required its practitioners to immediately begin sensing those two greatest of celestial bodies, and to absorb the energy of the Sun and the Moon.

Many trainees simply couldn't sense the Sun and the Moon at all. And this was just the first step! But thanks to the qi he found the matching attribute and power of sun moon which he already experience one time. So after trying to create the sun moon pattern on the body using qi he found it relative painfull, so he tries it slowly So during this time 2 more months had passed. At this time He found that He tries to create the divine pattern which is succefull, but he cannot sense the power of water and fire as it is suppressed by something during this time the qi absorbed by whole body and his brain and eye. And during this time he also found it is the time go out.

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