

Mariah's pov

Mariah couldn't help but replay the encounter with Klein in her mind as she made her way to her first period. His dark aura had left an indelible mark on her thoughts, his presence lingering in her consciousness. There was something mysterious about him, something that drew her in despite the warning bells in her mind.

As she entered the classroom, Mariah's eyes scanned the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of the handsome stranger again. To her surprise, she found Klein seated at the back of the classroom, surrounded by three other guys and a girl. The girl, Natasha, stood next to him, her eyes fixed on Mariah with a judgmental look.

Natasha, one of the supernatural council's daughters, was a vampire. Known for her beauty and power, she had an air of entitlement that seemed to surround her at all times. The little interaction between Klein and Mariah had not gone unnoticed by her, and it infuriated her to no end.

As the class began, Natasha couldn't contain her anger any longer. She marched over to Klein, her eyes blazing with fury.

"What do you think you're doing, Klein?" she hissed, her voice sharp and venomous. "You dare to interact with a mere human? Have you forgotten who you are?"

Klein's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "Natasha, it's none of your concern," he replied, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "I suggest you mind your own business."

But Natasha refused to back down. She raised her voice, drawing attention from the rest of the class. "You're endangering us all," she accused, her voice dripping with disdain. "You know the rules, Klein. We can't afford to get involved with humans."

Klein's anger surged, his control slipping away. In a moment of rage, he lunged at Natasha, his hands wrapping around her throat. The classroom erupted into chaos as students screamed and scattered, their fear palpable.

Mariah watched in shock, her heart pounding in her chest. The handsome stranger she had been captivated by was now a dangerous threat, his dark side unleashed for all to see. She closed her eyes and just like that she forget it ever happened, something is definitely wrong. Yet she couldn't tear her eyes away, a mixture of fear and fascination holding her captive.

Just as Natasha's face turned pale and her struggles weakened, a calming voice broke through the chaos. "Klein, stop," Iris, Klein's right-hand man, pleaded, his voice filled with concern.

Klein's grip loosened, and he released Natasha, stepping back with a heavy breath. His eyes were filled with regret and remorse as he realized the extent of his actions. The darkness that had consumed him began to recede, leaving him vulnerable and exposed.

Mariah's mind whirled with a mix of emotions. The handsome stranger she had been drawn to had revealed a terrifying side, one that she couldn't ignore. But there was also a part of her that felt a strange connection, a pull towards him that she couldn't explain.

As the chaos settled and the class resumed, Mariah couldn't help but wonder about the secrets that lay hidden within Klein and the supernatural world he belonged to. Little did she know that her path was now intertwined with theirs, and the darkness that surrounded them would soon become her reality.

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