
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · Fantasi
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46 Chs

The Mission

It is now a new year , Huxton is now nine years old, just like his father said the other year, he will be given a year to train, so he can join the magical beast core hunters in hunting for magical.

Huxton has now mastered his trident and fist techniques, at least that is where bit of his confidence lies, but still he was still afraid. A nine year old boy who isn't a cultivator, hunting for magical beast, that is suicide.

But Huxton has no choice,this is an order from his father and the clan elders, and he can't go against their wish.

He was called to the Leon family meeting hall, the same way last year, by his father so he can be put under the guidance of some elite.

Huxton came into the meeting hall and saw the elders seated around, he still has a lot of unwillingness in his heart but, he can't do anything about it.

He greeted the his father and mother, and also the elders, and then sat down on a seat facing his parents.

"Huxton ,I hope you still remember our talk last year" Millar said while staring at his son

" Yes father, I do"

Huxton replied with a bitter tune

"Ok that's good, the magical beast hunters are already here, they have a mission so I decided for you to join them . Call in the elites" Millar said to his son before pointing the guard at the door before saying.

Immediately ten people dressed in black armor and swords hanging on their waist came into the meeting hall.

"Greetings, clan Lord, greetings madam, greetings elders" The elites all bows and greeted simultaneously

" You are all welcome"Millar replied

"Huxton this are the elites you will be going with on this mission, they are all cultivators at level one at foundation creation tier, I am putting you under their guidance, so I believe you will be safe if you stick with them" Millar said to Huxton

" Ok dad, thank you" Huxton said politely

"Leader Sid, this is my son, he will join you people on this mission, so please take good care of him" Millar said while staring at the leader of the elites. A middle age man of about thirty.

"Yes clan Lord, we will do our best to make sure Young master is safe" Sid replied politely

Then Millar turned back to his son.

" You will be setting out tomorrow, so I hope you take this time now to go prepare, it might take some days, week or even a month" Millar said to Huxton

He kept quiet for a bit before continuing

"I have discussed with the elders and we came to a conclusion, your mission is that , you must come back home with three magical beast core" Millar said lightly

He can't believe he is sending his only son to his death, but this a decision from the elders so he can't do anything about it, he is the clan lord but he can't make decisions with the consultation of the elders. So that is why he chose this strong elites to go with his son , with them around he believes his son would be okay.

Katrina sat there gritting her teeth while staring at the elders in hate.

"All this old hags want to send my son to his death, I will never forgive them" she said to her self while gritting her teeth

Millar also saw the hate in his wives eye, he also felt hate but there is nothing he can do about it, he just pray his son comes back save.

"Son, this is to help you in your martial arts training, this is giving you another way of being strong, so please work hard to survive so you can be strong" Katrina said with a loving voice to her son

That is a mother's love to her child, she would never want to see her child in trouble. Buy this one she is on able to do anything. So she decided to comfort herself with the excuse of making her son strong.

"Ok mom, I will" Huxton replied with a smile in his face

"You can go now and get you things ready, you will be setting out tomorrow, and also, I got you a new trident, I put a fire element magical beast core to it, so it can unleash fire element attack when you fight" Millar said to his son before bringing out a black trident with a red core at the meddle and handed it to Huxton

"And Huxton, take this too" Katrina brought out a ring from tin air and gave it to Huxton.

Huxton collected the Trident and the ring with excitement and asked

"Em... Mom, what's this?

" It is a blood storage ring, used by non cultivator, since you can't cultivate, you don't have a spirit sense so you can't use the storage ring, that is why I brought you a blood storage ring. The space inside is as big as a carriage, so the space is not as big as the storage ring"Katrina replied lovingly

" Ok... So mom, how do I use it?"Huxton asked his mother

Katrina smiled at him and said

" You can wear it on your neck, if you attach a string to it, or you can wear it on your finger, I got you a small size so it can fit in your finger. So just cut your hands and drop a blood on it so you can be able to access it"

Huxton cut open his left hand a little and dropped a blood on the ring, and but on his finger

"Now you work with it with you mind. take the trident close to it and use your mind to command it to accept it, also do the same thing if you want to take it out" Katrina said with a smile on her face

Huxton took the trident close to the ring in his finger stained with blood,he gave a mental command to accept the trident, immediately, the trident vanished from his hands, he was so shocked that he couldn't talk for a while.

Finally he shouted in excitement

"Wow... Mom this is awesome, really awesome.Mom and dad,I will go now, to prepare myself.

He ran out of the meeting hall and ran out of the clan compound in to the street, he was going to visit his two friends before leaving.

He ran for a while before stopping at a store, it was a restaurant, he went in, greeted the Waiter, all the Waiter in the restaurant knows who he is, he visits the restaurant a lot, Huxton asked the Waiter.

"Where is Katelyn"

"Oh young mistress, she's at the back, with Richard" the Waiter replied

"Oh ... Ok, I will head to the back now" Huxton replied before running off to the back of the restaurant

Getting there he saw Richard, and Katelyn practicing their arts, Richard held a long spear, while Katelyn held a slim sword, the three of them have become close, just like siblings, they are the only friend Huxton has in the city, he is very close to them.

When they both saw him they ran to while calling out his name

"Big brother Huxton"

"Big brother Huxton"

"Richard and Katelyn, how are you both doing? He ask them happily

"We are good and you? You came late today, you never came late before, Katelyn asked with a smile on her

"Well there is something, I have to tell you guys" Huxton said sadly

"Big brother what's the problem?"Richard ask with concern

"Big brother Huxton, are you in trouble?, tell us, so we can help you" Katelyn said worriedly

Huxton had a bitter face

"Well I will be leaving tomorrow with our magical beast hunters to hunt for magical beast"Huxton said bitterly

There were silence for a while before Katelyn finally said

"But big brother Huxton, hunting magical beasts is a risky think, you might not even come back alive, and you don't even cultivate, how can you protect your self?" Katelyn asked worriedly

"Well I don't have any choice, I will have to go" Huxton replied bitterly

" Did your father agreed to this" Richard asked him

" This was an instruction from the elders, my dad is helpless" Huxton replied solemnly

"But your father is the clan lord, right?"Katelyn ask worriedly

" Yeah he is but he can't make any big decision without the consultation of the elders " Huxton replied lightly

" I am left with no choice, but I am not going alone, if I stick with the elite my father brought, I believe I will be okay" Huxton kept quiet for a while before continuing

" But big brother, what if something happens to you, you might get injured or probably killed by wild or strong beast?" Katelyn said with concern

" Even if I don't want to go, I can't make that decision"Huxton replied solemnly

"Ahhh ... Ok big brother, we will miss you a lot, I just hope nothing bad will happen to you, please take care of yourself, be safe" After a while Katelyn let out a sigh before saying sweetly

" Well, big brother, I have nothing big to say just, take care of yourself, and be careful" Richard said with a smile too

" Well... thank you two, don't worry, nothing will happen to me" Huxton replied them with a smile

" Don't bother yourselves anymore. Well... Check out the cool ring my mom gave me" after a while Huxton said happily and showed them the ring

" Emm... Big brother, how does it work" Richard asked curiously

Huxton had a smile on his face

" Watch closely, am about to blow you mind's. Richard, Katelyn, give me both your weapons" Huxton said playfully

Still confused, they both gave him their weapons, immediately Huxton brought the two weapons close to the ring and immediately,


They both vanished. Richard and Katelyn were surprised for a few breath, before Katelyn finally said.

"B... Big b brother, were are the weapons?" Katelyn asked still surprised

" Inside the ring" Huxton said proudly

" Can you also bring it out" Richard asked in surprise too

" Yes I can, watch" Huxton replied happily

He brought his hand close to the ring and gave out the mental command to the ring to bring out the two weapons, immediately, the spear and the sword appeared in his hand.katelyn and Richard were so surprised that they can't even bring their mind around it.

"Wow... Big brother Huxton, that is a really cool stuff" Richard said excitedly

" Big brother Huxton, I envy you a lot" Katelyn also said too

" Don't be, let go train. Yeah also check out this new trident my father gave me" Huxton said when he remembered the trident

He brought out the long trident which was taller than him and had a red core at the middle

"Wow big brother Huxton, what a fine trident" Richard said in surprise

" The red stone in the middle, what is that?" Katelyn asked in surprise

" That's a magical beast core our family business, forgotten?" He said proudly

" Wow, so that's how it looks like, according to my knowledge, that's a fire element magical beast core, it's red. right?" She asked

" Yeah it is, it unleash fire when I attack that was what my dad sad, let me try it" Huxton said

He moved to the training statue, and released a casual strike, immediately fire appeared on the three prong of the trident, which moved along with the strike like a Ray and and attacked the statue. Immediately the stone statue shattered and was burn black with smoke every.

They were all surprised including Huxton because he didn't know the attack would be so powerful.

"I think the magical beast core on the trident is high rank magical beast, because the heat was high and the attack was strong" Katelyn said in amazement.

" Big brother, you are so lucky, If I wanted to get a weapon that I can insert a magical beast core, it would be very expensive, even the magical beast core itself is very expensive, my daddy won't be able to afford it, he still saving money to buy my cultivation techniques when I awaken my element base" Richard said sadly

" Don't be sad Richard. so when are you guys planning to awaken your element base" Huxton changed the topic and asked them

" You won't be around, we are planning to awaken it next week here" Katelyn replied

" I am happy for you both,I can't wait to see the element you both will awaken, well I will have to be on my way so I can go get ready for tomorrow's journey, see you guys when I return"Huxton said lightly before turning and leaving

" See you too, when you return, good luck big brother" Katelyn said bitterly

" Be careful big brother" Richard said lightly