
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · Fantasi
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46 Chs

The Lightning God Castle

"it's a very important item, and I want you to have it" she said seriously

" An important item? And you want me to have it? Since you say it's important, why do you want me to have it? " Huxton asked suspiciously

" Just like I said earlier, I won't be able to make it, I want you to take it, and take care of it" she replied gritting her teeth in pain

The pain was so server that she couldn't endure it, she was already using up so much of her nature essence, but it was not enough to reduce the pain of the soul burning, it could slow the burning but can't stop the pain.

"Aunty don't you have any relative, strong like you who can take the item and take care of it? I can't cultivate and also I am not even strong enough to protect my self, so how I can I protect something so valuable. Huxton said while shaking his head

"And also aunty, you have given me Tabbit, which is a high treasure, I can't take anything else from you, Tabbit is already too much" Huxton gently again

" I am the one giving it to you willingly, I told you I won't last, so tell me , where do you want me to meet my relatives now, just accept the gift from me. Help aunty, use it to tell me thanks for magical beast I gave you. Just take it from me. She said hurriedly to Huxton

"Ok aunty, let me see the treasure" Huxton said to lady Tina

"Ok..." Lady Tina said excitedly

Immediately lady Tina tapped her abdomen and chanted some words, and immediately she opened her mouth and a blue small light, like the size of a mustard seed flew out of her mouth, if not for the darkness, it could not have been seen.

"Em... Aunty what is that?, it's so small, I can't even see it clearly"Huxton said in surprise

" It is called the lightning God castle" she replied in a gentle tune

" Aunty how can that be a castle, such small thing and you call it a castle, aunty I hope you are seeing the size of what you holding" Huxton ask in suspicion

" Yes I do, and also I am not lying"she said with a smile on her face

" Ok, Aunty explain clearly because I don't understand how this little thing which is even hard to see be a castle"Huxton said to lady Tina while staring at her.

" Well I don't have enough time to explain the whole details to you but all I have to say is that this is not just any ordinary simple castle. This castle belonged to my late husband, it is his most precious gift so I am giving it to you to take care of it for me and my husband. Please help us" lady Tina said with a pleading expression

Half of her story was true, but she didn't tell him about the power of the castle, and also her husband being the previous thunder God. She didn't want to confuse him, and also she didn't have much time to explain in detail

"Ohh... Sorry to hear that, I know how it hurts to lose some one close to you" Huxton said in a gentle tune

" So are you willing to accept the castle and take care of it" lady Tina said in a gentle tune to him

"Ok aunty, I will do it so to help your late husband soul rest in peace, and also for little Tabbit you gave me. I am willing" Huxton finally said after pondering for a while

"Thank you so much, I will never forget this favor, now close your eyes, and received the gift"she said excitedly

Huxton hesitated a little before closing his eyes, lady Tina crawled forward on her knees while holding the castle in her hand, she got close to Huxton and then pressed the tiny castle in Huxton's forehead before saying to herself.

"By the power bestowed on me by my late husband, the previous thunder God, I hereby make you the new thunder God, to take care of the castle and make the world a better place, I place this responsibility on you"

Huxton who was standing there with his eyes closed felt something move from his head to his dantian, Immediately his lightning element in his dantian covered the tiny little light which arrived in the dantian, all of a sudden the little light which was covered in lightning disappeared and became one with the lightning.

"Em... aunty, where is the light"Huxton said when he opened his eyes and saw no light in his hand.

"Its already inside you Huxton, no body will know it's on you, that is why you don't have to worry about it being seen by others, you are safe" she said with a smile

" Oh... In me?, I felt something move from my head to my dantian, so it was the little light?" Huxton said in shock

" Yeah it was. Thank you Huxton, and also take this ring, it can store only one living creature inside I have removed the spirit sense in it, when you become a cultivator, you will be able to access the ring, to enter the castle just mentally say enter to the lighnting in your dantian, now I am sure my husband's soul will rest in peace, and my soul will also rest in peace, my time is up now, I will have to say good bye, once again thank you for helping, for agreeing to keep my husband legacy going. She said with a smile before falling to the ground dead.

Her time was long up, but she still use the last of her nature essence to keep it going till she passed the castle to Huxton.

When Huxton saw her die, two stream of tears fell from his eyes down to his cheeks, immediately he walked up to the lifeless body on the ground and knelt to pay his respect. After paying his respect he brought out his trident and made a strike on the ground, immediately a hole deep enough to fit in a human appeared, Huxton pushed her in the closed the grave before running off from the ruin site.

He ran for a while with Tabbit in his hand, before stopping.

"I think I should try to enter the castle the way she said" Huxton thought to himself

" Enter" he said mentally towards the lightning In his dantian.

Immediately "piiiiu..." He disappeared from where he was standing.

When he reappeared he saw his surrounding was different from where he was standing, the whole ground where he was standing was covered in green grass, he saw a building which was not too large and decided to go and check it out, he walked up to the building and opened the door, when he entered, he saw that the building was a stable where different horses were kept. He was surprised.

"Wow...So many horse's" Huxton said in amazement

He stepped out of the building while carrying the little Tabbit in his hand after giving the horses some water from the tank in the stable, when he came out he saw the white gigantic castle with so many windows which was almost touching the clouds in the sky, he exclaimed in shock.

"Holy crap!!! So...So huge,ho... how can such a huge castle exist, aunty Tina was right, it is actually a castle. So this mean I am inside that tiny light Aunty brought out from her mouth, how can this be possible" Huxton said in shock

" What can actually be in such a big castle, I think I should go and check it out" Huxton later said to himself after pondering for while.

"Aunty said it belongs to her late husband, but what if the thing in this castle is dangerous, how can I defend myself?"he said to himself

" Hey little Tabbit, I think you will have to stay in auntys ring for the main time while I go in to check that castle out" he said while staring at the little sleeping lion in his hand

He put the little sleeping lion in the ring which was given to him by lady Tina, he brought out his black trident and advanced towards the white castle, he saw the huge metal door which was thirty feet high and fifteen feet wide.

"How can I open such a huge door?" Huxton said to himself

He slashed the black trident and activate the power of the magical beast core releasing fire to shoot at the door, but still the door refused to open, not even a scratch was left on the door by the trident.

"How the heck do they expect me to open such a huge door" Huxton said angrily to himself

He gave out the trident Slash's several times but the door had no scratch on it talk less of opening the door. He became frustrated and moved forward in anger to push on the door, when his palm touched the surface of the door, Immediately.

"Boom... Krooommm..."

The huge door gave out loud opening sounds before finally opening to the end. When the dust from the door opening disappeared, what appeared before Huxton, got him stupidified.

"Oh! my! goodness!" Huxton exclaimed in shock

He saw a large hall, the walls of the castle was glittering with white crystal Stones, the ground of the castle was covered in white marble, it was so dazzling.

"What Richie's, Aunty's husband is filthy rich, I guess that's why aunty has such treasure that can store living creatures, they are rich. Huxton said in a surprised tune to himself

He saw a big space corridor with sixteen doors opposite each other, that is eight on one side and another eight on the other side, facing each other's.

He removed his eyes from the corridor and turned his eyes to the right and saw the wide stairs with a brown wooden handle. Huxton was surprised by the beauty of the white castle.

He stepped into the white castle, when he was a little distance from the door,the heavy door started closing, Huxton rushed to stop the closing door but was unable till the door closed. He turned and started walking gently into the big hall with his black trident held tightly in his hand.

"Vuummm" immediately a transparent figure on white robe appeared behind Huxton while standing in mid air.

"Greetings to the new thunder God" the figure on white robe bow and greeted Huxton while still standing in mid air.

"Ahh..." Who is that" Huxton shouted in fright

Huxton turned around and saw an old man with long snow white hair, he had long eye lashes, he was putting on a long white robe, his skin was wrinkled, and he also has wrinkle on his face.

"Em... Grand sir, sorry for my intruding" Huxton said apologising

" Hehehehehe...there is no need for apologies, this place belongs to you so you have every right to come in anytime you like"the old man said with a smile

" The owner of this castle?" Huxton asked in confusion

"Yes" the old man replied with a smile on his face

"Em... Grand sir, I think you are mistaken, this castle belonged to Aunty who just died a few minutes ago, she said the castle belongs to her husband, so why are you saying I am the owner" Huxton said in a confused tune

" Yes that's is true, Lady Tina gave you the castle, am I right? The old man asked still smiling

"Yes... But how did you know that, how did you even know Aunty's name" Huxton asked in surprise

" Now let me start making things clearer to you, I know lady Tina didn't tell you the whole details" the old man said still putting up a smile

"Yes, she wanted to tell me but she ran out of time and died before she could say anything further, so please Grand sir, make everything clear to me" Huxton said in a polite tune

" Don't worry young lord, I will explain everything to you in detail"the old man said still standing in mid air with a smile

" Em... Grand sir. The name is Huxton, Huxton Leon, so please call me that"Huxton said to the old man

" Kekeke, I am sorry I can't call you that, I don't have the right to, but what of lord Huxton? The old man said gently

"But why lord, I am too young to be called that, I am not as old as my father, but since you insist, that would be much better that young lord, so Grand sir explain about the castle to me" Huxton said after pondering for a while

"Ok... My name is huzzah, I have been the keeper of this great lighting God castle for millions of years, the first thunder God made me and kept me inside this castle to take care of it" the man said while looking at Huxton

" Grandpa huzzah, where is the thunder God, is he around?" Huxton asked In a polite way

" You are the new thunder God, when you received the responsibility of taking care of this castle from lady Tina, that was when you became the new thunder God, you now own this castle"huzzah explained clearly to Huxton

" The new owner...? I think you are mistaken, I am not even a cultivator so tell me, how can I become the thunder God? Huxton in surprise

"I know that, the lightning cultivation techniques for the thunder God's is in the castle here" huzzah said with a smile

" Really..." Huxton said in excitement

"A lightning techniques, but my father said lightning cultivation techniques does not exist" Huxton said in suspicion

" He might be right, in this mortal realm, there might not be any lightning cultivator because the techniques for it is very rare to see"huzzah said clearly

" But aunty said her husband owns this castle, does that mean her late husband is also a thunder God" Huxton asked huzzah in realisation

" You are smart lord Huxton, lady Tinas husband lord Marcus was the previous thunder God and also the previous owner of this lightning God castle" huzzah said in praise

" So this was what aunty mean by I should take responsibility for it, she wanted me to become the new thunder God after her husband, she wants me to succeed him" Huxton said in understanding

" You are very smart at at young age lord Huxton, lord Marcus was killed and his disciples was also killed so lady Tina desperately looked for a successor for the castle, luckily, she found you" huzzah said in explanation to Huxton

" so that is why aunty was so desperate to give me this castle even though I haven't even started cultivating, she needed a successor so urgently , and I guess that's the reason she died" Huxton in understanding

" It is indeed, you are very smart" huzzah said in praise

"Aunty I won't disappoint you, I won't let you lose face where ever you are, you gave me an opportunity to be strong, thank you aunty" Huxton said gently

" So lord Huxton, are you willing to carry the responsibility of this castle, to fight with it, and cultivate to the "peak of power" so you can make the world a better place?" Huzzah said in a gentle tune to Huxton

" Yes I am" Huxton replied to huzzah

"Are you willing to be the lord of this castle, and and control the lightning's?" Huzzah said to Huxton

" Yes I am"Huxton replied to huzzah

"Then your journey to strength has begun, it's time to tell you the secret of this castle" huzzah said lightly