
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
46 Chs

Alone Training

After a week, inside the lightning god castle , Huxton was still lying inside the lightning pool, he gently moved his fingers, after a few seconds, he opened his eyes, the Lightning inside the pool still continued to move around him like a coiling snake.

Huxton felt a severe pain on his head,he tried to stand up but staggered and fell back to the pool.

"Lord Huxton, still relax, you have not yet fully recovered"Huzzah immediately appeared and said in a gentle tune

"Ok grandpa, is everyone safe?"Huxton asked in a weak voice

"Yes they are but there is a little problem"Huzzah gently said

"what is it?"Huxton asked with a serious expression and tune

"The beast region has been closed down for ten years, so we are stucked in here for ten years"Huzzah gently explained the situation to Huxton

"What!, how did that happen? I can't stay in here for ten years"Huxton exclaimed in shock and said in a serious tune

"Lord Huxton, there was nothing I could do then, a great beast was approaching so the people had to close the seal of the beast region for the safety of everyone"Huzzah said with a low tune

"Grandpa, that means I would be stucked in here for ten years, is there no way for you to open the seal?" Huxton said in a pleading tune, he became panicked and worried

"There is no way, I can't lord Huxton,I guess we will have to train here, it is also an opportunity"Huzzah said lightly

"I know we can train here, but I have families out there who would be looking for me, the sect would also be looking for me, I can't stay in here, I have families and friends out there grandpa"Huxton said with a dejected tune, he couldn't believe he would be spending ten years inside the beast region

"Lord Huxton, there is no way for us to brake that seal, it is a soul seal, one of the most powerful seal, if we try to brake it, that also means killing every body in the country, just use this opportunity given to you by the heavens and make the best out of it, prepare yourself for the journey and battles ahead"Huzzah gently said in a comforting and encouraging tune, he immediately disappeared out of the cultivation room, leaving only Huxton to think about what he just said

Immediately huzzah left the room, Tabbit ran into the cultivation room like a ghost

"Boss, you are awake now, you really scared me to death out there"Tabbit threw himself on Huxton, running into his embrace before excitedly said

"And you pretty saved my ass a couple of times out there, thank you Tabbit"Huxton sincerely said while still holding him in his embrace

"Thank you too boss"Tabbit said

"Well, grandpa Huzzah said we would be staying in here for ten years"Huxton broke the news to him

"What!!, but that's still a good one, I will have enough time to play with those little kids out there, and also make some friends too"Tabbit exclaimed in shock at first but later turned it into excitement

"I think he is right, I can train myself here and become powerful enough to protect my people the next time I see them"Huxton said to himself

"Boss, you made alot of breakthrough, you became faster and you have also reached the 7th level of Foundation building tier, I am just one step ahead of you, you are too cool boss"Tabbit said in praise, he felt the immense aura coming out of Huxtons body

"Whoa... I really did made a huge progress, from the 3rd level to the 7th level of foundation building tier, that's a huge breakthrough, how long have I been out? Huxton exclaimed in excitement before asking Tabbit, he was still very happy

"One week and some few days"Tabbit replied gently

"Wow... I have been unconscious for a week now, that means the regional training has ended a week ago, I guess I will have to continue the training myself"Huxton gently said to himself

They continued to talk, after a few minutes of talking Huxton managed to stand up from the lightning pool, they moved down to the hall, huzzah immediately appeared.

"I see you have gotten better, so what is your decision?"Huzzah gently asked with a smile

"Grandpa, I choose to stay in here and cultivate myself to a greater hight"Huxton said with a light smile

"Hehehe... that's a good one, so we will begin you training at once"Huzzah said

They immediately moved out of the lightning god castle, they appeared in front of the gorilla that was killed by him which was already decaying, huzzah appeared like a smoke and and floated in the air beside him.

"So I would be in this Forest all alone by myself"Huxton sighed to himself

"No boss, we won't be a alone, we have so many stupid babies to keep us company"Tabbit said jokingly

"Grandpa, I need a proper weapon,the tiger claw you gave to me is hard for me to use, I master a trident, or an axe"Huxton said to huzzah who was standing beside him

"I know, the tiger claw was just for you to deal with the beast then, take this, make yourself perfect with Lightning in it, till you cultivate to a greater level and open the weapon room of the thunder gods"Huzzah said before bringing out a long black trident and threw it to Huxton

Huxton became excited and immediately started his training, he went and started attacking magical beast of more powerful level, he started going deeper into the forest to hunt for magical beast.

Huxton met powerful magical beast, and with the help of Tabbit and his skills, he was able to handle them all, he met magical beasts stronger than him, but he was able to deal with them.

He stayed in the forest and cultivated earnestly and also trained in his techniques, he was focusing on becoming powerful, every magical beast in the forest ran at the sight of him, he killed magical beast none stop making his combat experience more profound,he slaughtered and also killed every magical beast that crossed his paths. he became ruthless and merciless in the forest because without strength surviving would be impossible, any magical beast far stronger than him, he runs for his live, but he made sure to kill every beast on his way till he got deeper into the forest.

He continued like that till the first year passed, the second, third, forth and also the fifth. Huxton became a grown teenager, with the few years he had spent inside the forest, he was able to understand what surviving and strength truly means, he became a ruthless person.