


EP.22 When the upper one points, the lower one rolls - 4

Cherry blossom petals gently fell on the cookie he was holding in his hand. Lightly blown through her mouth, it flies in the air with the wind. It was like seeing pink rain when it blended with other cherry blossom petals.

'It's pretty.'

I don't know how long it has been since I've seen cherry blossoms like this. At first, I wasn't a fan of flower viewing. I looked at the pink rain and took a bite of the cookie. Cookies are also delicious.

He slowly turned his gaze to look at the members. A person holding a sandwich or toast one at a time and eating it. It was edible even for those with high-end tastes, and he was eating well without distorting his expression. Why eat cookies while eating that?

Thanks to this, Louise's cookies, which no one eats, naturally became my responsibility. These clenched teeth and not eating are also amazing, but Louise who makes them strong is also amazing. Are you saying that having just one eater is reason enough to make one? It's a huge belief.

Then, a cherry blossom petal dancing in the air stuck to Louise's head. Looking at it like that, my hair is really cherry-colored. Even in this world of free-spirited hair color, it is rare to find such neat pink hair.

"I didn't tell the difference between flowers and sisters, so now I know."

'oh my god.'

He quietly looked away at Tanian speaking as he reached out to remove the cherry blossom petals from Louise's head.

This is Tanian, who has lived his whole life in a closed Holy Land. There must be no talent for expressing a heart-pounding love affair. Still, I feel sad that the words I said I would do my best were at that level.


Louise smiled awkwardly as if embarrassed to hear such a word in front of her face, and expressed her gratitude. Tanian nodded as if satisfied with such a reaction. The standard of happiness is really low. Does it mean that life is happy without greed? Of course, I don't want to live like that.

"Because it's a priest, the expression is old-fashioned!"

Luteis smiled at what was so funny, and slapped Tanian on the back a few times. Is that old-fashioned? What is the archaic style that I have known so far?

"Lutis, don't make fun of me too much."

He was relieved to see Einter drying Lutis with a smile. Yes, the old-fashioned thing I know is still alive. Ah, I was relieved. I was so nervous these days that I didn't even notice a light joke.

"Brother, is it okay if I don't eat anything else?"

"Uh. That's enough."

Louise, who was smiling and watching the conversations of the members, suddenly spoke to me. I'm going to give you a sandwich I've been holding on to, but really, that's enough. After sitting under the cherry tree and spreading the lunch box, I have been eating cookies non-stop. Can we eat it all before we go back to the academy?

"Others are delicious..."

"I like this the best, so it's okay."

So don't push any further. Six cookies for one sandwich...

I naturally turned my gaze into the air and avoided Louise's gaze. Hey, the cherry blossoms are pretty.


I gave up the sandwich and stared at my brother Carl again, biting the cookie. In fact, it seems that my older brother didn't notice the gaze because he was watching the cherry blossoms.

'It wouldn't taste good.'

I'm not stupid either. I am well aware that the cookies I made don't taste good. Even the members who always treat me with a smile when they see cookies are awkward and try to avoid them.

Of course, that doesn't mean you can't really make cookies. If it were, I wouldn't have been able to teach confectionery to the members. The basics are fine. I just want to go beyond the basics and make my own unique cookies. Therefore, various attempts were made, and various tasteless results were obtained.

Even so, Carl's brother in front of me always ate the results. It must have been tasteless, but there was no sign of dislike. Rather, he ate it every day as if he was cheering him on.

'Good people.'

As I said to Erich before, I consider Carl's brother to be a good person. Although he may appear cold and blunt on the outside, his words and deeds show his true nature. When I first met my brother. The look her brother gave to Erich was that of an ideal older brother who cared for his younger brother.

I thought that was the nature of my brother. No matter how thorough he is, he can't control his unconscious expression, and if that's possible with his acting skills, he would have been kind to Erich outwardly. A person who was not good at expressing himself, that was his first impression of him.

And after that, I never thought of my brother. He said he was staying at the academy for work, but he didn't think he would have anything to do with me. We just go and say hello when we meet. It was just that. Until the club was formed.

When the minimum number of three people was gathered, but the club could not be formed because I could not find an advisor I thought would be simple. I couldn't hide my sadness. The confectionery club I wanted even before I started school seemed to go away in vain.

"You don't have to look any further. I'm in charge of the torture."

How happy I was when my brother Carl told me that he would be my advisor. She smiled broadly enough to be embarrassed to think about it later and bowed her head several times to express her gratitude. Seeing that, the older brother patted him on the shoulder and turned his back to go somewhere.

My brother, who became a club advisor, always took great care of us. Still, he showed no sign of condolence or hardship. As if he did what he had to do.

For me, who had been receiving embarrassment from Erich and other members, seeing him step back and watch over me was a great comfort. It seemed that his older brother, whom he had wanted for a long time, was firmly supporting him from behind.

From then on, I felt like I had an older brother I could rely on, so I started looking at my brother Carl. what you do and where you go Is there anything I can answer for you?

"It's delicious. I may sell it."

"If there is any left, I will take care of it. Put it here."

The more I did, the more I was taken care of. In case I get hurt, I always ate cookies. Thanks to this, I gained confidence and was able to make decent cookies these days.

'...Yeah, wouldn't it be better than before? A little bit...?'

My brother said they were all delicious, so I can't tell if the taste has changed.

As I was about to smile with gratitude and regret, I remembered yesterday and bit my lip. Irina remembered her asking about Carl's brother, and was about to bring up her story and let it go. She seemed to be hiding something, and she ended up not revealing it until the very end.

It was sad that there was a relationship I didn't know existed between my best friend and my older brother I could rely on, and that he didn't tell me about it. Of course, my brother has no obligation to tell me, but I couldn't help but feel sad.

When I looked at my brother with dissatisfied eyes, maybe he noticed my gaze, and then Carl's brother's gaze turned to me.


"Give me a cookie, too!"

With those words, Carl's brother offered me the cookie that he had just heard. I didn't take the cookie in my hand, but I bit it with my mouth.

Looking at my brother's eyes shaking as if in bewilderment, I saw myself smiling. For some reason, my sadness subsided and I felt better.


The inspector's residence, which returned after the excursion. Exhausted, he sat down on the bed and sighed.

Suddenly, I almost had a 1:5 duel at the picnic area. The eyes of the five men stinged at the sudden prank of Louise. If I had the physical power to stare, it would have hurt a lot...

'Why is he suddenly?'

Suddenly, I didn't know that Louise could bite the cookie in my hand. And seeing her smile, I wondered if she was close enough to play pranks on me. It's not particularly bad news, but there are at least five witnesses.

After washing my face, I lay down on the bed. It wasn't even a day or two that Louise was active in an unexpected direction, so even if she thought about it, she couldn't figure out the reason. Anyway, if I meet you tomorrow at the club room, I'll greet you cheerfully as if nothing happened.

And just as she was about to fall asleep, the communication port that had been thrown on the desk lit up and showed off her presence. It was purple.

...? purple?

"This shit!"

I hurriedly ran and received a call from the telecommunication area. Then an old man's face greeted me.

- Long time no see, Chief Inspector General. I heard the news that he was staying at the academy right away, but I think it's too late to say hello. a lot of hard work

"No. No words. I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do for the Empire."

- indeed. The director's patriotism is always admirable.

Seeing the old man bursting into laughter, I laughed along awkwardly.

The old man who contacted me is the person in charge of affairs related to the imperial family and the minister of the Imperial Household Ministry, who is the number one executive in the empire. In summary, it is the pinnacle of imperial civil servants. On top of that, there is only the imperial family, the mad king.

Although he is not my direct supervisor on the organizational chart, the fact that this old man who is the mouth of the imperial family contacted me means that the will of the imperial family has come down. It's coming, it's coming...

- Yeah, I'm glad you look healthy. His Majesty the Crown Prince was also saddened by the fact that the manager had been dispatched to a distant land. I'm afraid I might experience some discomfort in an unfamiliar foreign country.

"The Emperor's blessings reach the whole of the empire, what should I do to be uncomfortable?"

- His Majesty's blessings truly cover the world, but the order of the empire is maintained, isn't it because of the hard work of loyalists such as the general manager?

"It's overrated."

- Haha, that's too much. This is not just my opinion, but the words of the Crown Prince as well. The chief's hard work for the empire must be done, but he said that his loyalty is truly wonderful.

The Minister of Home Affairs laughed like the old man next door, but I felt a cold sweat running down my back. I expected it, but because the Crown Prince's orders were delivered more directly than I expected.

The true meaning of these words, which appear to be simple virtues, is as follows. If you interpret the inconvenience as the actions of the third prince Ainter, the order of the empire as the stability of the imperial family and succession rights, and my hard work as an exciting purge, the correct answer comes out.

= Keep an eye on the 3rd Prince and deal with them in case of emergency.

'I'll be delighted.'

Fortunately, it is a conditional handler rather than an immediate processing. I'm going to leave it entirely up to you to decide. He had never seen blood in the meantime, so it seems that the Crown Prince has a kind of mercy.

"I am only sorry for the undeserved words. I will do my best not to betray the Crown Prince's trust."

In response, the Minister of Home Affairs nodded with a smile on his face.

- I will pass on the loyalty of the director to the Crown Prince.

"thank you."

- I'm sorry this old man suddenly contacted me. Then get some rest.

The communication area has lost contact and the light has disappeared. I let out a small sigh and threw the communicator back on the desk.

'Even the Crown Prince is crazy.'

Now, we have to watch Einter as the third prince, not just a runner in the battle for Louise.

it's a pain in the ass damn it


EP.23 When the upper one points, the lower one rolls - 5

As always, I am alone in the morning club room. To be honest, I wanted to organize my thoughts at the dorm, but after staying at the academy, I already got used to going to work in the club room. Civil servants have to go to work somewhere in the morning to feel relieved.

Of course, it's just relaxing, and the head is still very complicated.

'You talk easily, you bastard.'

Feeling frustrated, he leaned back as if burying himself in the back of a chair and tilted his head back. The ceiling pattern looks like that, it's the first time I've seen it.

He struggled to hold his breath and shook his head. I guessed from the moment Ainter belonged to the club, but she still had the moment she had if she hadn't come. It's a moment I can't deny.

The order of the Crown Prince was given through the Minister of the Interior Ministry. Of course, it's not an official order, but the Crown Prince, who has been confirmed as the next emperor, wants it explicitly, how can he ignore it? I also belong to the Crown Prince faction for the first time, so I have to show the feign of obeying even a dog-like request.

No matter what, it's too much to deal with the prince in an emergency. Of course, killing with a knife in broad daylight isn't the case, so you have to disguise yourself as an accidental death, but the suffering was enough even for the second prince. In the first place, if the prince suddenly dies, no matter how disguised he is, he is in charge of the prince. He knew it all when he killed the 2nd prince.

'Fortunately, it doesn't seem like that was the intention.'

If the Crown Prince had decided, he would have told them to deal with it immediately, not in case of emergency. However, the silence that Einter has shown in the meantime, the unshakable right of succession, and the insurance of a country that can be used in case of emergency have been combined, and the Crown Prince has chosen mercy. just amazing That fucking bastard is merciful.

It's fortunate though. Even so, I feel sorry for Einter, because I am really reluctant to send a three-piece set for the carriage wine terrace. Since the Prince's seizure button has not yet worked, we have no choice but to defend Einter as much as possible.

'You're like a dog.'

Although he is a prince who is not lacking in spite of swearing several times, it does not mean that he does not understand his feelings.

If you hear the news that Einter, whom you've been paying attention to for a while, is a club with the same club as a prince or a saint candidate, you'd be shocked of course. The past of holding each other by the neck with the second prince, kicking the testicles at the same time, and being stunned at the same time must have passed like a lantern.

But from my point of view, knowing the truth, it is not. If you kill Einter, you can only get the title of killing a prince who is far from succeeding the throne for nothing. There is no benefit and there are only downsides, so it should be avoided.

And if Einter dies suddenly, anyone in the academy kills me. I think I'll be attracted to aggro, no joke.

鈥淚 will pay off my old debt with this.鈥�

In the end, he couldn't help but muttered with a sigh that burst out.

Two years ago, I put a lot of pressure on Einter. I have to kill Einther if I do, so if I defend Einter, it will be enough to pay off the debt. No, it's rather unconventional consideration. Einter should also know about my invisible efforts.

The main quest 'Louis茅 and the Children' is difficult, but the sub quest 'Determining the treatment of Einter' has to be done at the same time. But what can I do, the superior wants it. The lower one should roll in the direction it is pointing. Fortunately, I can control how he rolls.

I'm not happy, but I'm happy anyway. If I don't think like that, I can't stand it.

When it was time for the club, I felt uncomfortable for other reasons. It was less than yesterday, but the eyes of the five were still stinging. Everyone was the type to keep them in their hearts for a long time, I didn't know...

It was even more heartbreaking that Erich was among those five. Did you forget that this hyung gave you the advice to turn into blood and become flesh? Suddenly, the word "black-haired beast" ran through my head, but I tried to ignore it. I believe my brother is not a beast.

"Brother, here it is. I made a new one."

In fact, I wonder if the eyes of the five people are still there due to Louise's great performance, who is constantly talking to me. In fact, Louise must have been embarrassed that he played such a prank yesterday, but his cheeks are slightly red. so why did you do that It's become a mess with no winners.

Anyway, it's freshly made, so you have to taste it.


Cookies stuffed with fruit were placed on a plate. I've heard of cookies like this, but it's the first time I've seen it. Clearly, Louise is good at confectionery. He doesn't have enough skills to set up a confectionery club.

I was satisfied this time with a bite to eat. When Louise nodded her head at the cookies she trusted and ate, Louise was also happy with a bashful smile.

"Shall I eat it too?"


Then, to my surprise, Lutis went out to try Louise's cookies. Louise's eyes widened as if surprised by the unexpected tasting applicant, but he smiled broadly as if he was glad that the guy he had been avoiding came forward first, and offered the plate to Lutis.

"Here! Eat well!"

Look, isn't Louise so happy to eat the hard-made cookies? It was a group of five crazy people who went round and round on such an easy road, but Hana, who finally achieved enlightenment, appeared.

It's a bit reluctant that that realization happened as a check against me, but it's okay if the results are good. The snout of Lyutis, who had only used flags in the meantime, has finally found a role that suits Ropan. It is a touching moment.


It was too early. As soon as he chewed the cookie, Luis茅 was shaken to the point where he could see Louise's shoulders drooping. Now I don't even think about hiding what I can't eat.

"It's not common to put fruit in sweets. Likes or dislikes will vary."

He took the whole plate with him. It's not new now, but in this case, I collect Louise's cookies and dispose of them. In the end, no matter what happens in the middle, the end is always like this.

Louise, who suddenly had the plate taken away, looked at me blankly and then turned her head in embarrassment. He must be embarrassed to hear that there are people who can't eat what he made with confidence. I naturally turned my gaze to Lutis.

'I was expecting it to be dignified.'

Lutis was just a nerd who took action. Still, he deserves an extra point for trying. The problem is that the base score is infinitely negative.

Naturally, I looked at Luteis as if it were pathetic, but Lutes gave me a different look from before. It's not the same boundary as before, awe...? I'm in awe of eating some kind of cookie. Ain't that crazy

With a slight frown and looking away, the four of them stood awkwardly behind Lutis. The first time Lyutis went out, they thought that they would eat cookies too, but after seeing the reaction, they thought it was nothing, so they folded it. very ugly At least Lyutis had the courage to execute.

He quietly bit the fruit cookie on the plate again. When sugar is added, the mind is at ease.

After that, confectionery activities continued as usual. There was nothing special except for the fact that Lutis, who was sunk after going out on a plane, became especially quiet. It's important to distinguish between confidence and recklessness, kid. In the first place, it's funny to talk about recklessness in eating cookies.

While he was trying to take the lead and expressed his condolences to Lutis, who seemed to be the sole last, he felt a few vibrations in the communication area in his arms. When I glanced at it, the communication port did not light up. Looks like someone sent the document. He was also surprised to find out that he had been contacted by the palace interior.

It might be important, so I went outside and stood up to check it, and my eyes met with Louise. When I showed him the communication tool he had pulled out of his arms, he nodded slightly and looked towards the oven. How come it seems that Louise and I often make eye contact these days.

Anyway, I went out of the club room and walked down the empty hallway to manipulate the communication channel. Do you have any documents to send even to me who is being dispatched?

[ As soon as you confirm, run to the minister's office. - Minister of Finance ]

While checking the contents stored in the communication channel, my body stiffened at the phrase that caught my eye. Fortunately, when I double-checked, it wasn't now, but something that flew a few weeks ago. I guess I forgot to check and delete it.

'I thought I was senile at last.'

To come to the minister's office for someone at the academy, either crazy or senile. Regrettably, both are not ministers yet. Along with the summoning skill cast by the Minister, I checked the most recent contents by flipping through the previous contents.

[I have sent the aggregated information at the request of the Director of Inspection, so please check it. - Head of the intelligence department belonging to the Ministry of Special Affairs ]

Oh, this is it.

'Have you already sent it?'

Immediately after the decision to be dispatched to the academy was made, while preparing for various things, there was one thing that I fervently requested from the head of the intelligence department. Although the Inspection Department has its own intelligence investigation capability, it is still at a level that is very embarrassing compared to the intelligence department that handles information with determination.

Fortunately, the head of the intelligence department was also moved by my earnest request, and even though he requested a considerable amount of information, he has already put it together and sent it to me. It seems like this is how they came back from helping each other while serving as a civil servant. not bad...

I checked the long document that arrived before the text asking for confirmation. Looking at the title, the information you asked for is correct.

'Is these things rushed in the original?'

it's crazy If I had stayed still without looking for this, I would have been beaten without a hitch.

I quickly scanned the information sent by the intelligence officer. The first information I found when I heard the news that the original male protagonists were gathering at the academy due to the cruel fate of the original.

"There are so many people who will be thrilled to destroy the Academy."

In the original work, we gathered together groups that seemed to have contributed to the crisis of the main characters.


EP.24 Survival method of possessor (original unknown) - 1

When I was just possessing this wonderful and beautiful world, there were only two things I regretted as I twisted my whole body.

One was that he came into contact with the original of this world, whose name he could no longer remember. I don't know how crazy the person who put me here must have been, but at least it wasn't crazy enough to kill someone who didn't even know the original existed.

The other was that I spit out the original that I saw anyway for free. If I had known that I would suffer the catastrophe of possessed out of nowhere, of course, I would have run to the end. But I vaguely watched the free webtoon only.

Even the free version was a story from childhood, so there was nothing particularly useful information. Even when I first saw Louise at the Academy, I didn't know her identity until I heard her name, so to me, the original was like shark fin cup noodles with 0.0003% shark fin added. It means infinitely meaningless.

'Other people are wandering around destroying the original work or anything else.'

Even while I was rolling, I couldn't tell if this was the original or my worn-out seller. Possessors who do not know the original work are too powerless.

But after a long time of hard work, the time has finally come to see the light. Even if you do not know the contents of the original, there are many things that you can infer from the fact that the original exists in this world.

When the main characters gather at the academy, of course, things will happen at the academy. In a work, incidents and accidents centered on the main characters inevitably occur. In other words, if you block only the people or groups that are likely to cling to the main characters, you can skip the crisis in the original work that I am not aware of.

So, as soon as the dispatch to the academy was confirmed, I immediately ran to the head of the intelligence department and asked to share information. Fortunately, the head of the information department was also moved by my sincere request, and he accepted it.

"I'll ask you about the last thing in moderation, so please do something about this."


Of course, there was also a small sincerity in the sincerity. It's not fair to ask with a bare mouth.

That's how I got my hands on this list of 'Academy Destroyers'. It's more annoying than I thought. The thought of filming a defense game with these at the academy makes me dizzy. I'm glad I got the list ahead of time.

First of all, I had to go back to the club room before the accident happened between the six people, so I quickly identified an antisocial group that was somehow connected with the six main characters.

'It has nothing to do with Louise and Erich.'

Louise is a harmless child, so there is no room for being attacked with grudges. If Erich, who had just entered the academy, had a grudge against being attacked by someone, it would be against the Krasius family, not Erich himself. There is no problem with such a group, as Nana and Gaju were immediately immersed in it.

'Einter has nothing to worry about.'

For Einter right now, I would rather be the most dangerous person. But I have no intention of going out and dealing with Einter, nor will the Crown Prince ignore me at the scene and send another killer. Einter is also safe.

'The problem is the other three.'

I can't ignore the possibility of terrorism targeting them, since they are candidates for the royal family and saints. It doesn't matter if there is a terrorist attack in their own country, but as an academy student, if a terrorist attack occurs, the academy and the empire will also be shattered.

First of all, the group that would have been related to the lutis story was 'The Fifth Empire'

A strong hawk group that insists that the Arminian Kingdom overthrow the Kpelopen Empire and become a new empire. The name of the Fifth Reich was named because it wanted to become a new empire after Kpelopen, the fourth empire in the history of the continent.

Of course, they are ignorant of Arminian politics because they make unrealistic claims, but the crazy people who are originally neglected do crazy things they couldn't have imagined.

There is a possibility of causing chaos in the empire by causing a terrorist attack on the academy where Lyutis is staying, and calling for war with the empire in the name of the death of their own prince. After all, the prince who will inherit the throne is not Lyutis.

Even so, the possibility of sacrificing their own prince and causing a reckless terror that would put their country in crisis if caught? At least, it wouldn't be less than the chance that the Prince of Armain would go to the Imperial Academy while crying. fuck off.

Next, the group that would have been related to the later story was 'Five Pillars'.

It is a group that opposes the movement of the United Kingdom of Juven from being a simple union of five kingdoms to become united around Later's homeland. Compared to the 5th Empire, it is rather large in size as it is in a position to preserve tradition. As far as I can remember, the Empire also secretly supports it. Of course anonymously.

Rather than disposing of later to fight the empire, they are more likely to act to shock the later homeland. Later, it would be easier to target than other members of the royal family surrounded by royal knights and guards.

If the Imperial Academy is raided, discord with the Empire is inevitable, but is there a possibility of causing terrorism? Again, it's not less than the chance of getting into the Imperial Academy in a rainy season. damn it

The last group that would have been associated with the Tanian story was the 'Twilight Church'

It is a pagan group that worships other gods, not Enen, who serves as the only god throughout the continent, including Holy City. A group of fanatics who want to become a new mainstream religion against the Dawning Cult that serves Enen.

They are the specimens of the fanatics who already profusely profusely in the Empire, and they are crazy bastards. Three years ago, when the Empire focused its eyes on the north, they murdered the cardinal in charge of the Empire, thanks to which the Empire trembled and tried to destroy the Twilight Cult that had infiltrated the Empire. And the Twilight Church has successfully escaped and is still alive.

These will target Tanian, the next saint of the Order of Dawning. If you can kill Tanian, who has received the surname of Enes in the sense of being the son of God, the Dawning Church and the status of the Holy Seed will be destroyed.

The wrath of the Empire, whose prestige will be crushed to the ground in the process? With that in mind, I'm not a fanatic. In the first place, it is not surprising that they had already sent cardinals from the imperial territories.

Other than that, there were groups that seemed to be aiming for the academy itself rather than being tied to each of the main characters. The republican terrorist group 'Red Wave' and the resurrected Apels revivalist 'The Third Glory'.

'Are these bastards resurrected?'

I found out now that the Appels Revival Army was re-established. It is the Apels revival force that dried up the seeds after the Empire pursued it so tenaciously. But now, is it resurrected? Isn't this a group that was created for the crisis of the original work too blatantly?

The head of the intelligence department also gave an evaluation full of emotion at the bottom of the paragraph dealing with the third glory, arguing that this previous life was absurd. The rotten corpses began to roam the world again. an appropriate evaluation.

Anyway, there are five groups that are likely to create a crisis in the original work. I am amazed again by the ability of the intelligence officer to quickly synthesize this vast amount of information and send it to me.

And admiration comes out of my nephew who has to block these five.



It's also messed up. Who adjusted the difficulty of this? It's worthwhile to wake up on a moderate difficulty level, this is too much of a bummer.

My teeth trembled. Even if there are two or three villain groups, it's a headache, but there are already five that seem to be rushing to the academy. I don't know who the original author is, but I think he knows that he is serious about destroying the academy. Have you been sown by your professors a lot when you were in college...?

He quietly put the telecommunication device into his arms and leaned his back against the wall. Defense of at least 5 waves, something like this is rare even when running around in the field. But I never imagined that I would receive such a surprise gift all of a sudden. It's a surprise you don't really want.

Anyway, one of the reasons I stay at the academy is to prepare for a situation like this. Of course, he would not have imagined that there were so many things targeting the academy like this at the upper level.

In fact, I reasoned because I was a possessor, and with common sense, who would think that those five groups would leisurely destroy the academy? Do you think they are going to try to overthrow the system by doing something in the dark?

'If I had retired earlier, this would have been avoided.'

My karma of not being retired was deep and deep.

Nothing will change if you just take a deep breath. Rather, the probability of an accident occurring in the club room while he was away is only increasing.

'You have to do it right.'

If there is even a slight twist and a key person is injured or killed, it is impossible to predict what the Empire and I will face in the name of that incident. Without going too far, my career will be twisted like a dog. I want a smooth retirement, not a dishonorable downfall.

In the end, my goal is simple. While staying at the academy, it detects and blocks internal and external factors that threaten the academy in advance. In this way, it endures until the safe graduation of the original figures.

I'm working hard to make sure that Louise's mate is also decided in the meantime. If Louise's mate is not decided by graduation, crazy things blinded by love may cross the border even after graduation. If the academy is part 1, part 2 will be held after graduation. never see that

...If you think about it, isn't it the most convenient way to formally request a marriage from Baron Nayerd? It will be difficult for Baron Nayerd to reject the request for marriage from the Imperial Count Krasius, and it is good that Erich also made love. Gaju isn't the type of person who cares about whoever gets married if he has grandchildren who will inherit his family.

He shook his head to shake off the temptation that had passed by. However, coercive means are not good. Even Louise's intentions were not reflected in the method.

I guess it was because my head was complicated and I thought it was useless. I feel sorry for Louise for this.


EP.25 Survival method of possessor (original unknown) - 2

The more I moved, the more faint voices were heard. The confectionery club room was located in a secluded place to prevent the birth of a pitiful student who would run into the imperial family or the royal family, so it was said that something happened in the confectionery club if you could hear the sound all the way to this hallway.

Something happened after how long I've been away. Did the oven explode and catch fire?

When he hurriedly ran to the club room and opened the door, fortunately, a disaster such as a fire was not welcomed. I saw two princes arguing fiercely as if their mouths were just on fire.

"Most of the heroes who rocked the era were knights. You must have heard of a heroic story that shook the continent with a single sword?"

"The body is finite, but the mind is infinite. So the magic that can develop the mind is the truth."

What are you doing?

I checked the reckless fighting of Luteis and Later's jaws, and took a quick look at the other members. Louise who only blinks, Erich looks at the two quietly, Einter smiles quietly, and Tanian looks only at the oven baking cookies.

Hmm, I guess I'll have to listen to Erich for an explanation.


He slowly walked over to Erich's back and put his hand on his shoulder. Only when his hand was placed on his shoulder did he notice my approach, Erich blinked and turned to look at me. Is it because a guy who has learned martial arts is so dull when pretending to be popular with other people?

"Oh, bro."

"What's up?


With the word that, Erich looked at the two again, overflowing with emotions that could not be hidden. It is only a pity that the name of that feeling is pathetic. You must be arguing for a really useless reason.

Erich's brief explanation was as follows. Tanian, who is still looking at the oven, lightly threw a word, 'Magic tools are convenient.' was the starting point.

Later, later in the united kingdom of Juven, a magical power, was satisfied with the magic-friendly remarks of the saint candidate, and Lyutis of the Arminian kingdom, a knight kingdom, was displeased. After that, the sword vs magic controversy that is taking place in real time.

'The nerds.'

Regardless of whether it's a sword or magic, it's the same thing if you get it right. Just thinking about how I wrapped my hair to protect things like that made me feel resentful. Do you guys have enough spare time to turn around and fight over something like that...?

In the meantime, Tanian was resentful for ignoring the fire and not paying attention. As he is a noble healer, he doesn't seem to be interested in the fights of low-level dealers. No, should a knight be considered a tank? He's terribly evil anyway. He sets a fire and walks out alone.

Anyway, now that you know the insignificant cause, it's time to dry it properly. The relationship between Armin and Juven is not very good, and one of the reasons is that the country has a tendency to specialize in knights and specializations in magic. Even if it's a nonsword now, if left unattended, it might turn into a grab. Of course, I would like to think that the royal family doesn't have that much thought.

...do you have any thoughts about that? This adviser believes in you.

Just as she was about to focus her attention by tapping on the desk next to her, Louise, who was quietly watching their argument, tilted her head and opened her mouth.

鈥淚sn鈥檛 magic better than a sword?鈥�

At those words, Lyutis hardened, and Later smiled with a smile of conversion. The fight that started absurdly ended in vain.

By the way, Louise was a magician. first time i know

In a short period of time, the number of words from Lutis, who splendidly authenticated 'I don't like Louise cookies' and 'I am a knight unlike Louise', decreased sharply. To be honest, I don't feel like I'm self-sufficient, but if it's twisted like that, I feel sorry for it. I don't know about cookies, but it was the first time I knew that Louise preferred magic.

I thought about giving her some comfort, but I ignored it because I was the one who would smile and set a flag the next day anyway. I'm too affectionate, so it's a mask. Did you not forget for a moment that you had suffered me for a while just because you saw a little pitiful side of me?

"When a person is soft-hearted, he seems to be very tired."

- Have you been drinking?

In response to my complaint, the opponent beyond the communication area slammed it. That's right, I was a little serious.

As soon as club time was over and I returned to the dormitory, I contacted the head of the information department. I would like to express my gratitude for sending the information faster than expected, and I had to listen to the comments of the head of the information department at the same time, or to make additional requests.

He was one of the most overworked among managers, so I did not contact him with high expectations. He didn't get a call, so he left a text message, because it was for the cause. But, surprisingly, he got it all at once. Was it time for him to take a break?

- Anyway, we have sent the information we have found so far to the chief of the Inspection Department. Don't worry, we'll send you more information as soon as it comes in.

"Thank you. I'm indebted to this."

- What, you give back as much as you receive. Calculations must be thorough.

For the smooth supply of information, the information department manager took care of the convenience. I saw that something was missing from the family of the head of the intelligence department, and they decided to bury it in moderation. Even the emperor didn't really care. You must have valued the gains from ability rather than the damage caused by corruption of the intelligence chief.

Even more so, because it was the work of family members who were not the person involved in the intelligence department, but the power of the intelligence officer. The head of the intelligence department can't go to work, so he doesn't have time to do anything.

The head of the intelligence department bends his neck left and right as if tired. A rumble could be heard over the communication channel. The intelligence department is split today.

"Are you up all night again?"

- It always happens. It's not even new.

"It's a pity."

- Better than you at the academy.

Are you suddenly attacking me like this?

When I saw the head of the intelligence department bursting into laughter even after crying, I felt pity for it. Her face was pale and her eyes were bloodshot, even through a telecommunication sphere. Yes, even by making fun of me, if the intelligence chief's stress is relieved, it will be the Empire's Hongbok.

It's a secret I can't tell anyone, but in fact, while I was working as the chief of the inspection department, whenever I felt like I was going crazy, I took a look at the chief of intelligence and found comfort in my heart. With the feeling that I am better than that person.

Of course, it is a precious secret that I did not tell anyone because the head of the intelligence department would be outraged if he found out.

- Come to think of it, those five groups.

"Oh, yes."

The head of the intelligence department, who tilted his head back as if thinking of something, turned to the front.

- Beware of the rotting corpses among them. Traces of them are increasingly being found in the direction of the academy.

"It doesn't go beyond expectations."

- They're so stupid, aren't they still talking about the revival of Apels?

The rotting corpses that the intelligence chief speaks of are the third glory of the Appels Revival Army. The Academy is located in the former capital of the Appels Empire, so it is natural for them to try to stick together. It's amazing how it moves at such an expected level.

'Are they the beginning?'

Who among the five groups will take on the glorious vanguard is as much as decided by this. I don't know when it will come, but at least knowing who it is can be said to be a harvest.

- When they get close to the academy, a subjugation force will be dispatched.

"Is that right? That's reassuring."

believed After all, the Empire is not a crazy country that alone enforces the senseless act of stopping the group.

Right now, it's all about figuring out the path of the move, but now that you've confirmed that the academy is your destination, set up traps and wait. And this also applies to other villains except for the third glory.

If you cross the territory of the Empire and head to the Academy, that is enough justification for the Imperial forces to intervene and beat you down. I told the academy that the Imperial forces were reduced, because there were enough troops stationed throughout the Empire. Unless the Empire is crazy, will they really undermine the defense of the Academy? It was just subtracted in moderation with the face of the three kingdoms.

Well, until the subjugation troops arrive, it is enough to prepare for the division that may arise, and to participate in the subjugation to identify the scene when the subjugation troops arrive. Because that's why I'm here in the first place.

- He said that the subjugation troops would be specially selected and sent in consideration of the chief of the inspection department.

"...Did your Excellency Minister of Special Affairs say that?"

- So who is it?

The head of the intelligence department with a low smile. With those words, I ended contact with the head of the intelligence department.

It's a military force that the Minister of Special Affairs has carefully selected and sent to me... I can only guess. I don't know when, but I'll see you after a long time.

Fortunately, as soon as the information sharing with the head of intelligence was finished, the third glory did not begin to destroy the academy. No matter how many times you double-track like a knife, it gives you time to catch your breath. I feel a bit resentful at myself for having to be relieved even for such a natural thing.

Perhaps the third glory will be twisted around to confuse the forage and chase. Anyway, what's the point in a situation where you can clearly see where your destination is, but the more they shovel, the longer it takes to reach the academy, so it's not bad news.

All I need to do is wait at the academy, receive additional information from the intelligence chief, and meet the troops dispatched by the special task force when they arrive. That alone would have lowered the defense difficulty from Hellfire to Hard or Normal.

So I went to work with a slightly lighter step than usual鈥�

"Young-ae Louise. Did you understand what I said?"

In a rare place, I could see Louise conversing with someone. No, it doesn't seem like a conversation, but a one-sided beating.

The minor problem is that the girl who beats Louise with words is someone I know. Her red hair grew to her waist and she held a fan in one hand. Her face is invisible, so it's a long time ago, but she can tell who she is just by hearing her voice in the first place.

As I walked towards the two of them, Louise smiled broadly as if she had found me. Her red-haired schoolgirl also followed Louise's gaze and looked behind her.

"Oh my, Carl Young-sik. It's been a while, isn't it?"

I know. It seems like a year has passed.


EP.26 Survival method of possessor (original unknown) - 3

There are days when a unique coincidence overlaps. Irina, who was always going to school with Louise, caught a spring cold and headed to the infirmary first, and Erich also went to school early in the morning for an interview with her swordsmanship instructor. The other friends also dispersed due to their own circumstances, so Louise's always-busy commute to school was quiet as of today.

It was a bit of an unfamiliar situation for Louise, who had been traveling alone, which is rarer than the one she had traveled with, but it was not without the desire to walk alone at times. Even on the road I used to walk, when I walk alone instead of with a group of people, I can feel a new flavor.

In the morning breeze, Louise took a light step, looking at the flowers in the flower bed. Now, when you arrive at the classroom, Erich, who has finished the interview, will greet you. And she will ask if Irina is okay when Irina comes back from the infirmary. That's how the day will start.

If it wasn't for the unfamiliar voice that suddenly called out to Louise, it would have happened.

"Louis, young girl?"

At the first voice he heard, Louise looked back. Her wavy red hair had grown to her waist, and her green eyes twinkled between her slender eyes. The girl, who covered her mouth with her red fan, seemed accustomed to standing on someone's stomach, and she raised her chin slightly and looked down at Louise.

鈥淟ouise of Baron Nayerd, right?鈥�

It's a question on the outside, but a question full of conviction on the inside. The voice of a girl who spoke confidently resounded in a clear voice.

"Yes, that's right. My name is Louise Nayard."

Even though it was someone who suddenly spoke to me, it is not polite to ignore it. Louise lightly bowed his head and introduced herself, and the female student opened her mouth as well.

鈥淚鈥檓 Marghetta Valenti, the vice president of the student council. He鈥檚 also a year senior to Young-ae.鈥�

At those words, Louise's eyes widened. Valenti, one of the five dukes of the Empire, a family of iron-blooded lords. And Marghetta is the youngest daughter of the Iron-Blood Prince at a later age. She is late enough to have a grandson of the Iron-Blood Gong who is older than Marghetta, and Geum Ok-Yeop, whom the Iron-Blood Ball cherishes to that extent.

"Greetings to Princess Marghetta."

Louise bowed down and greeted again, not the light greeting from before. In the Empire, the prestige of the duke is truly one or the other. Of course, there are five of them, but that doesn't leave any room for undermining the duke's prestige.

Looking at Louise with her lower back, Marghetta shook her head lightly and said.

"You don't have to, Louise Young-ae. Everyone learns on an equal footing at the academy. I am just one of many young-ae's seniors."

"Yes, yes. I see, senpai."

Of course, since the decades after graduation are much longer than the three years at the academy, no one takes those words seriously. That fact was something that even Louise knew, surrounded by the imperial family, the royal family, and the candidates for a saint. No, it could be said that Marghetta in front of her is more fearful than the members of the club.

Compared to the other members who will return to their home countries after graduation, the third prince without real authority, Margueta, the duke's forbidden jade leaf, can make some noble families tremble with just one gesture.

As if noticing that Louise's body was trembling slightly with tension, Marghetta gave a small smile.

"I have something I want to say to Young-ae, can you spare me the time?"

"Yes, of course."

"Thank you, Young-ae."

What young-ae can refuse in front of a princess who stares at her with a gaze that tells her to make it even if she doesn't have it. Louise quietly followed after Marghetta.


As I followed Princess Marghetta to an increasingly deserted place, my body trembled to the point that I wondered if it was possible any more. It's scary to suddenly talk to someone with whom you don't have a contact point, even someone who exists in a distant place you can't even see unless it's at the academy.

I've already experienced it 4 times because of Einter, Luteis, Later, and Tanian, but it's still a feeling I'm not used to.

'no. It will be fine.'

I had a tense meeting with the four at first, but now they are enjoying the same club activities as friends. So you can still go ahead without any problems. Yes, it will. I've never done anything wrong with the princess.

And Princess Marghetta, who stopped walking, turned to me and spoke a single word.

鈥淵oung-ae Louise needs to be respectful.鈥�

Oh, there it is... I must have done something that was offensive to the princess without my knowledge.

I bowed my head at the cold eyes of a high person who was experiencing it for the first time. However, even with her head bowed, the princess's cold gaze was felt.

"This year, the academy experienced an unprecedented event. Young-ae knows what's going on, right?"

"Yes Yes..."

The princess' next words were simple. An unprecedented event in which a key figure from another country entered the academy. In a situation in which it is not enough to act more cautiously in this case and to keep distance with key figures, instead of keeping distance, I am together in the name of the same club.

And as the blue blood of the empire to be careful with, and as a young girl who should show dignity, it was an inappropriate action.

The front of my eyes seemed to be getting a little hazy. This situation was just terrifying and even a little embarrassing. Was it so wrong to enjoy a club together? Was it so wrong to hang out with those kids who came from other countries and had to stay at the academy without any friends?

I just wanted to laugh with those lonely kids. We wanted to get to know each other while eating sweets together.

"Young-ae Louise. Did you understand what I said?"

The princess called me to see if she had finished everything she had to say, and raised her head while barely holding back the tears that were about to flow. It's scary, but she's here because she can't just back off. If I admit it's my fault here, I have to part with the members.

As she was about to open her mouth with a firm resolve in her heart, she saw a familiar someone approaching behind her back.

'Brother Carl!'

When I saw Carl's brother, my tension was relieved, and I smiled broadly without realizing it. The princess looked at me like that and frowned for a moment, so she turned her gaze back 鈹€

"Oh my, Carl Young-sik. It's been a while, isn't it?"

At that moment, the expression of the princess, who had been cold since we first met, seemed to melt away.


It was a long story, but she was still Princess Marghetta. She heard that last year she was admitted to the academy, but she didn't expect to see her here.

"It's been a while, Princess Marghetta. How have you been?"

She bowed her head slightly and said hello, but Marghetta silently folded the fan that covered her mouth, and just stared into my eyes. What, why don't you say anything?

"Princess Marghetta?"

Even if I talk to you again, there is no answer. He did not open his mouth, tapping his cheek with a folded fan to see if he didn't like something.


"Mar. How are you?"

As she spoke with a small sigh, Marghetta opened her mouth with a smile only then. That's a tough mouth to open...

"How have you been, Carl Young-sik? I heard from your father, but it's really nice to see you at the academy."

"I never expected to see you here either. How is your Majesty the Duke?"

"You've been playing since last year. You must have been very heartbroken because the offer you made with a big heart was rejected at once."

"It's sad news."

"Huhu, isn't it? I want Cal Young-sik to soothe his father's heart."

"I will see you with my heart."

I quietly shook my head to make an unreasonable request with a calm face. What's heartbreaking, really, if I visit the Ironblood, I'll get a German Suplex right away. He is definitely the oldest among the dukes, but Jeong Jeong-ham is comparable to any other young man.

He quietly turned his gaze away from the smirking Marguerite and looked at Louise. Tears are brimming with tears as if she would cry if she touched it, and she was smiling awkwardly. Hey, have you heard a lot of bitterness?

"By the way, what's going on with the young girl Louise?"

鈥淎s a senior, I was giving you advice.鈥�

It doesn't seem like simple advice, but since I can't ask for it, I decided to move on. If I dig deeper and listen, the story will only get longer.

When I refused to ask further, Marghetta opened her fan again and covered her mouth. Come to think of it, I think I saw that fan last year too, do you really carry it with you all the time?

"Well then, I'll leave. I'll see you again when I get a chance, Carl Young-sik."

And he left with no regrets. It suddenly appears and then suddenly disappears.

As I watched Marghetta's sudden departure, Louise gently pulled her sleeve from behind. Oh man, I should have consoled you first, but I was distracted.

When I turned around, Louise looked up at me with still watery eyes. Yep, I got a press interview all of a sudden by her princess, so it's worth it. Louise is already playing with things like princes and princes, but these guys are infinitely protective of Louise, so it's not helpful for this kind of resistance.

"Are you okay? What did you hear?"

"It was just advice..."

"You must learn to lie."

Louise, who rolled her eyes and looked around, opened her mouth a few times and eventually confessed the truth. whoops.

'That's not wrong.'

I'm sorry for Louise, but Marghetta's words aren't entirely wrong. Rather, words that are really close to advice. If it wasn't for the case that Louise was the main character in the original novel, I would have thought like Marghetta.

It was difficult for me to take the side of Louise or Marghetta, so I quietly patted Louise on the shoulder and handed a handkerchief. He carefully took a handkerchief and wiped his tears away, looking very sad.

As I looked at it, I shook my head busily apart from my tightly shut mouth.

'I don't think it's the villain Youngae.'

In fact, as soon as I saw Louise being threshed by Marghetta, I thought, 'Is Marghetta a villain girl?' The thought had crossed my mind. Usually, if you look at Ropan, they say that the villain Youngae exists. I didn't enjoy Ropan before possession, so I don't know the details, but I doubted for a moment if this would be the case as well.

However, Marghetta did not meet the conditions of the villain girl. She does not have a crush on or betrothed to Louise with her five possessed people, nor does she act as a villain by unilaterally arguing with Louise. It seems like she just gave her advice as her true senior and princess of the Empire.

Yes, there are only five groups that are trying to destroy the academy externally, but does it make sense to have a villain youngae inside? Even the original author seemed to have at least some morality. I'm glad the inside of the academy seems to be quiet.

With my heart set like that, Louise cautiously spoke to me.

"Hey, brother. Are you acquainted with the princess?"

You seemed friendly," he quietly added, shaking his head resolutely. what is friendly It is true that they met by chance, but they are not friends.

"I had something to see last year. We're not close."

"But Marie... I think you gave me a nickname..."

"I don't know why I do that either."

It's because someone who becomes a princess is forced to do it. If there is a disagreement with a member of the duke family just over a title issue, what could be more foolish than that?

In fact, the reason I accepted Marghetta's persistent request for a nickname was because I didn't think there would be anything to say in the first place. She thought she'd never see her since the Iron Blood Prince turned down her marriage proposal to Marghetta last year.

But I thought it was the end of the relationship, but I'll see you here again. Also, people don't know much about work.


EP.27 Villain? Young Ae - 1