
paying for her sins

It was a chance encounter that Ridhima had met vansh. And he was the one who had saved her daughter from the school fire. But Ridhima had caught his attention like no one else had. But to Ridhima trusting him with herself was hard.even after all the denial, she feels attracted to him . But she refused to give into her desire , knowing how dangerous can it be to mix up with a man like vansh . But what heart want it wants . Their hearts wants to be mended by each other . But his enemies are many and her past was still haunting her. Can two broken people make each the whole? Or it all be destroyed in the quest of love.

Anshika_Goyal_2775 · Fantasi
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2 Chs

chapter - 01

Episode start-

I was prepared for anything in this world anything but having a surprise baby wasn't something I wanted to have. I wasn't prepared for it . I never thought I will be becoming a single mother at such young age of eighteen. But now ten years laters I cannot imagine my life without her. my daughter Rhea" is everything to me..

"Sejal , you are done yet I have to go and pick Rhea up from school." I. Asked my assistance . I own a boutique and I have put everything into it.it is the last thing I have left other than Rhea I have in my life ,

"Alright coming Ridhima." I walked towards my car as sejal close the shop.

"Alright ,are you ready to go?" She asked.

"I am now, let's gets my daughter ". As I drove through to streets trying to reach my daughter's school something didn't feel right at all. Something is off here.I quickly got out of the car and walked towards the school..

I was right , the school was surrounded by people and there was a fire in the office building. And that was spreading .

"What happened here"? I asked one of the teachers.

"Short circut , something happened, some kids are trapped inside." I saw her class teacher .

"Where is Rhea?" She didn't reply at first so I asked again.

"We had evacuated the building but I think she is trapped inside." The world vanished beneath my feet .

No, my daughter , my little daughter please someone please save her ,"

"Mam don't go there" someone stopped me.

"My daughter please , please she is inside ." I begged the man.

"Stay here man, do you have a picture of her?" I showed him her picture .

"Alright stay here ." He told me and walked towards the burning building.

He talked with people there . I knew he wasn't going to do anything . He was going to do what other have . After all, she is my child , I have to be the one to protect her myself.

I was walking towards the school building when sejal stopped me."

"What are you trying to do?" She asked .

"Trying to save my Rhea what else ?" Then I heard a commotion everyone was shouting. I saw  the man who I was talking to a while ago ran inside the burning building.

"Who is that guy?" I asked sejal.

"I have seen him before, he is a bodyguard , as far as I know, he works for very high - paid clients . Must be here for someone special . He only works limited contracts."

I was surprised to see him risking his life. Maybe the client was inside .? Was he protecting someone's child?

Then he come but and Rhea was in his arms frightened .Then he walked towards me.

"Here , she is now safe miss." His tone was Curt and professional .

Who is the person?

"Thank you Mr.." ?

VRS , ...excuse me I need to get back to my my work ." He said and I took my daughter from him.

"Excuse me sir" Rhea said to the man.

"Yes," he asked ,

"Thank you " And then she kissed on his cheek,


"VRS , who is that man? I couldn't even thank him properly .

I should thank him personally ." I told sejal.

"I have gotten the details about him Ridhima. He is not a man, but a machine . He is that best in what he does, his clients are high - paid people, actors and businessmen . He doesn't have any client fit for our class , he is heartless and listen to no one but his mentor." Sejal told me.

"He is perfect for us." I told her .

"But We cannot afford him ", "she told me ..

"We can , I don't know why I have a feeling that he is the right person to protect my daughter , and besides, I have same thing I can pawn. I will get amount and meet him.

"I can hire him." I told sejal confidently , I knew I can do it.

I looked at my little girl who was looking back at me.

Don't worry baby , mom is going to get you , your very own superhero," I told her . She adjust her hearing aids .I don't want to remember how she got it . I was so afraid to lose her that day . It it something I do not wish to face ever again. Not for anything . So, to save her i don't care what I have to do to make it work.

The next morning ,I was determined to meet the person who had saved my child , So I told sejal to look after my Rhea. But my child wanted to come with me for some reason. So, I let her know she had gone through trauma just yesterday .

"Stay with momma all the time", I told her and she nodded. I held her hand . Everyone was looking at me with an expression of surprise.

"No one meets him without an appointment mam. Also he is busy with a client." Huh ? " " MR VR. , Cannot see you now,  he doesn't see anyone without previous information .'

That's was not suppose to happen , " then can I book an appointment "? I asked .

"Yes ", you can miss, you can have an appointment three months from now, he has one free time on his calendar ",

"Three months ? , That's is too far away ".

"Ok, then" , "Take it or leave it , many are waiting in line." That was kind of rude but anyways.

" I will take it ." I told the receptionist .

"Alright miss which name I shall book it to?"  She asked .

"Ridhima" , I told her..

Just then I felt my daughter pulling away from me and running toward someone

"Hey kid , don't run around..."

"Whose kid is that ?" Another one said .

"Minor  aren't allowed inside this property . Someone please , call security . If the boss finds out he will fire us."  And then I saw her holding someone's leg, everyone turned silent. It was the man who had saved her from yesterday .

Everyone was looking at them afraid..

I quickly made my way towards them as the quards approached my little girl. But he stopped them.

Then I saw the magic happening in front of my eyes . He crouched down to her level .

"Yes" , little miss how may I help you today"?  My child looked at him and then said . " I wanted to hire you " what?.

"Sound like a business deal to me?" He stood up and held out his finger to her . He held his finger and he led her somewhere . But then he stopped and looked at me. I understand that he wished me to follow him.

"That was new,"  I heard people around me say. It was  surprising for me to think how a nine- years- old had the nerve to say that she wanted to hire him. I followed him quickly and saw the guards with him all the time. And a lady too. I don't get it . Was he protecting some high up? Does he work for them..


happy Reading