
Paving My New Life As The Student Council President's Little Sister!

"Please... Please go out with me!" These words would change Yuuki's life forever as he asked out the Student Council President. Having a relatively poor background, nobody would've expected him to go to Fuuwun High, the most prestigious school in Japan, where commoners like him could only dream of attending. However, due to a charity event to make the school look good, the school director gave a scholarship to a person who applied that didn't get in due to a poor background. *Warning this Novel will be a genderbender*

yUa · LGBT+
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1 Chs

Rejection - Chapter 0

Yuuki was your average teenage boy: he had always dreamed of a girl's touch. His goal came true when he was awarded a scholarship to Fuuwun High, the most prestigious and profound school in Japan, where only the elite of the elite could attend. 'Maybe I can finally have a chance in this school', he thought to himself.

"Hey... Did you hear that a commoner somehow got into this school?"

"Pfttt. Are you kidding me? How could a commoner get in? Last time I checked, this school had high standards."

Throughout the school, students could be heard discussing the arrival of Yuuki, just as he was eagerly making his way towards the entrance. Dressed in the Fuuwun uniform, he strode forward with the utmost confidence, expecting to be welcomed into the school as a fellow student. Suddenly breaking his rhythm, a group of high-profile students blocked his path, laughing among themselves and pointing at him.

"Are you sure you're in the right place?"

They looked at him up and down - their eyes lingering on his unkempt hair, before shaking their head in disapproval.

"This isn't a place for poor nobodies like you to be at!"

Surprised, Yuuki thought they were mistaken, 'They couldn't possibly be talking to me, right?'

His thoughts came to a stop as he was shoved to the ground by a student behind him.

"Ouch... What was that for?!" he winced in pain as he looked at the perpetrator with an angry look.

"Commoners like you should stay where they belong!"

Everyone burst into laughter as they witnessed the scene. Slowly, a hand was offered to him. Expecting it to be some sort of joke as well, Yuuki cowered in response. However, after reverting his gaze towards the person who outstretched the hand, the most astonishing beauty he had ever laid eyes upon graced his eyes. Accepting her hand gratefully, he was lifted up from the stone-hard ground.

The crowd began to quieten down as they made way for the person who helped him up, Himeko Aoi, the student council president and sole inheritor of one of the biggest oil companies, "DN". Together, they made their way into the school side by side.

"Just ignore them. Everyone will forget about this incident soon enough." Aoi tried to comfort him in a soothing voice.

Accepting the advice and regaining his confidence, words suddenly came tumbling out his mouth as he bowed a perfect 90 degrees.

"Please... Please go out with me!" Yuuki closed his eyes tight, eagerly awaiting a response.

However, his sudden confession was met with nothing but awkward silence.

"I apologize, I'm afraid I'll have to reject your confession. I have no interest in you romantically."

Tears began to well in his eyes as he came back to his senses and realized how stupid his confession was. Angry at himself, he ran away from the situation, through the crowd of students, and onto the open road.

BANG! Yuuki was sent flying towards a lampost as a truck braked. The world went dark as his eyelids fluttered shut.

"Fuck. At least I managed to touch a girl..." he coughed whilst blood drizzled out of his mouth.