
Patriarch of the Uchiha

After a mysterious accident, a guy finds himself waking up as a young Uchiha Fugaku, the future patriarch of the Uchiha clan in the Naruto world. At first, he is confused and disoriented, but he soon realizes the opportunity that has been presented to him. With his knowledge of the Naruto world, he knows what is coming and how he can change things for the better. Fugaku, a man who lived his life in pursuit of the Uchiha clan's strength and glory, is seen by many as a stern and harsh patriarch. However, the transmigrator is not a good man at heart and seeks to correct Fugaku's mistakes through manipulation and intricate use of politics. As he gains more power and influence, he begins to see the flaws in the ninja world and the flaws in his own thinking. He realizes that peace cannot be achieved, neither through war, nor through working together and understanding one another. However, his path is not an easy one, and he faces many challenges and obstacles along the way. He must navigate the treacherous political landscape of the ninja world while also dealing with the internal struggles of Konohagakure. As he strives to create a better world for all, he must also come to terms with his own identity and reconcile the person he was with the person he wants to become. Through his journey, he learns the true meaning of sacrifice, love, and redemption. !!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!! SLOWPACED STORY - Basically a Snail fusing with a Sloth, and their combination is still faster than this story!!! !!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!! Ark 01: Rise of Fugaku - Current Ark Ark 02: Fugaku in FMA - Next Ark

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55 Chs

Chapter 50:

As the smoke cleared, Fugaku emerged from the debris, his armor cracked but still intact. He glared at the shinobi, his eyes burning with an unyielding rage.

"I've had enough of your feeble attempts," Fugaku growled, his voice laced with fury. "It's time to end this."

With a surge of power, Fugaku unleashed a devastating wave of darkness, enveloping the shinobi. The shadows constricted around him, squeezing the life out of his body and ripping his head from his shoulders.

And then he commenced to obliterate everyone on the battlefield so, on this day Greed made a name for himself and just like Wrath his reputation is one of fighting against impossible odds, and Greed, battered but victorious, stood as a symbol of despair and resilience.

'I will kill Danzo! No more playing around! The next time I see that bastard he will pay for this bullshit!': Fugaku cursed in his mind because now he has to explain how he lost five people on a mission, and two of them were even Jonin.

Under the shroud of an ominously dark sky, the relentless rain poured down, veiling the carnage left in his wake and concealing his swift movements as he navigated his way back to his two remaining comrades.

The blazing inferno that consumed the warehouse and the ensuing clash had the once formidable stronghold now laying in ruins, its crumbling remnants a testament to the ferocity of the battle. In the days to come, shinobi on various missions would return, only to discover the decimated supply point, prompting them to scramble and relay the devastating news to their superiors.

[Location: Konohogakure]

[POV: Narrator]

[Date: 24 hours after Tenjo resigned from the Police Force]

Danzo lounged behind his desk, savoring his tea as he indulged in the solitude of his office. Ever since the attack on his clan, he had immersed himself in the solace of this space, meticulously analyzing the intricate web of events.

"Who could it be?" he mused aloud, his voice echoing in the stillness of the room.

His mind spun with calculations, for no one acted without reaping some sort of advantage. Danzo firmly believed that someone was capitalizing on the assault on his clan, but the question that plagued him was the identity of the mastermind behind it all.

Who could it be? Who has the audacity to go against him, against Danzo Shimura, the Shadow of the Ninja World?

As he pondered the possibilities, dismissing the Hokage and his colleagues as incapable of such cunning moves, the door swung open, and Koharu Utatane burst into the room, her countenance pale as a ghost.

"Danzo, I've found it!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying a hint of urgency.

Danzo arched an eyebrow, feigning indifference. "Why, pray do tell, are you here in such a rush?" he asked, a touch of annoyance coloring his tone.

"I've found out why the Uchiha left the Police Force!" she exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

Danzo chuckled dismissively, pouring two glasses of water—one for himself and one for the exhausted Koharu. "Ah, still harping on about that, are we? We wanted their departure from the force, and I had even devised a few measures to expedite their exit. But, as fate would have it, they beat us to the punch," he replied, a tinge of irony lacing his words.

Danzo reclined in his chair, observing Koharu with a critical eye. Age had not been kind to her, and her lack of training had left her out of shape, an ugly old hag. Once upon a time, she was quite the attractive lass, but now she is just disgusting to look at, he thought to himself. As the specter of another world war loomed over Konoha, it seemed even more crucial to have strong and agile warriors.

Koharu continued her explanation, delving into the notes of the Nidaime Hokage. She revealed the true purpose behind entrusting the Police Force to the Uchiha Clan: to ostracize them and keep them away from the battlefield.

Danzo sighed, a mixture of admiration and frustration tugging at his thoughts. "Ah, the cunning of our dear teacher," he remarked. "No one could match his intricate plots. But it seems someone within the Uchiha Clan has discerned his true intentions and sought to escape from his carefully laid trap."

"Who could it be?" Danzo pondered aloud. He knew that Tenjo, despite his skill on the battlefield, lacked the political astuteness required to unravel the Hokage's plans. If it were Tenjo, he would have withdrawn the Uchiha from the Police Force much earlier, rather than playing the role for over a decade.

Koharu's voice trembled with frustration as she spoke, her anger echoing through the office. "This unknown adversary poses a grave threat to us. They are ruthless and have no regard for the consequences. By targeting and crippling one of our major clans, they have shown their audacity."

Danzo's reaction was immediate. He shot up from his seat, his face contorted with a mix of anger and determination. "It was a warning," he declared, his voice sharp and filled with intensity.

"A warning?" Koharu questioned, her confusion evident.

Danzo's eyes burned with a cold fire as he continued, his voice dripping with contempt. "Not a warning to Hiruzen, nor to you or Homura. This individual is challenging me directly. They want me to know that they too can operate in the shadows, playing the game just as I do. And by targeting the right arms of Shimura Clan Jonin, they are striking at the heart of my influence—I am Hiruzen's right arm."

Koharu listened, her concern growing with each passing word. She tried to reason with Danzo, suggesting they inform Hiruzen of the situation. But Danzo's resolve was unwavering.

"Do as you wish, Koharu. Inform Hiruzen if you see fit. However, I will personally address Tenjo's audacity," Danzo said, his voice laced with a chilling determination. "He believes he can benefit from my clan's suffering. I will show him the true meaning of misery."

Koharu's voice trembled with worry as she pleaded, "Danzo, please reconsider. Don't let your anger guide you towards reckless actions."

Danzo's mind was consumed by a burning anger, fueled by his desire for revenge. Proof or not, he believed he knew the source of the threat—the Uchiha clan. In his eyes, they were the ones who would pay for the suffering his clan had endured.

A sly smirk formed on his lips as he contemplated his next move. Danzo was a man accustomed to operating in the shadows, making decisions that others dared not question. Who would challenge him on his course of action? Who would even be aware of what he was about to do?

With a sinister glint in his eyes, Danzo plotted his path of retribution. He had no intention of playing by the rules or seeking validation. He would take matters into his own hands, exacting his own brand of justice upon those who had dared to challenge him.

In the depths of his mind, Danzo's thoughts echoed with his burning resolve. "I will repay this debt, Tenjo, and then I will come after your fucking clan of imbeciles." The anger within him burned like a raging inferno, propelling him forward onto his destined path.


[Current Balance: 2148 Points of Life Force.]

[Remind me to add the new Points afterwards.]

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