
Paths Of Power

What would you do, to obtain a Path Of Power? A world where there are 5 known Paths Of Power. what happens when are protagonists finds a yet underscored path, the 6th path to power. Join Alex as he sets on a path to uncover the mysteries of his new found power while trying to distinguish between friend and foe Formally: Chains Of Fate. ‐-- Advised: Strong Language And Violence --- The release schedule for this Novel is currently not set in stone. For now expect 3 chapter updates per week minimum.

Kevin711 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs


After the previous day's events, Alex was relaxing in a luxurious bubble bath. While trying to ease his aching muscles, Alex's mind was fast at work."Shade," he muttered under his breath.

The image of his Spear taking Shade's life was something he couldn't get out of his head. It was to be expected, taking human life was never easy even for a professional, while just six months prior to Alex was just a normal student.

The previous day's events made Alex question if he had jumped into his situation to quickly.

"I was so obsessed with gaining power, being someone special that I forgot to ask the right questions." Holding his head and sighing Alex continued his train of thought.

"What does the company, stand for, what is its goal? Dammit, why is it taking me this long to ask these questions I don't even know the company's real name."

Realising how stupid he was being, Alex decided he needed answers before going on any more missions.

Opening his cell phone Alex requested a meeting with the one person he knew could give him answers, Cain.

'Your request for a meeting has been denied' was the response he got from the automated system.

"Dammit," he shouted jumping out the bath. "If Cain won't speak to me Jasper will," thought Alex rushing to get changed.

Walking into the Training Hall Alex could see Jasper. Normally Jasper would be training his Spear in conjunction with his Destructive energy but not today he was just sitting down meditating, his Spear resting in his lap.

"Jasper," shouted Alex running up to Jasper. When he was about 10ft away, Alex found himself running into an invisible wall.

Bouncing off it and falling to the floor, Alex looked up in confusion. "He's about to open his first Gate," said Cain walking up to Alex.

"Opening a 'Gate' can be dangerous. For the one opening it and the people around them. This barrier mitigates that risk." Said Cain pointing at the barrier.

Looking back at Jasper Alex could see small strands of Destruction energy rising off his body. "Will he be okay?" Asked Alex.

"Of course. I'm not one to let a student die," said Cain proudly. "Now I heard you wanted to speak to me," said Cain never taking his eyes off Jasper.

"I wanted to ask you what the company stands for. Like what does it do a such?" Said Alex nervously.

Taking a second to consider Cain responded. "Well, I would say its goal is to gain as much power as possible. Using it to further it's own goals and spread its influence. We have aleady managed to have at least some influence on six of the seven continents and."

Alex's face was one of mixed emotions. While he was hoping that wouldn't be the case he had the sneaking suspicion it was. Realizing his own stupidity Alex once again found herself going into deep thought.

Training to gain power was one thing but going out and killing someone he didn't know. For someone, he didn't trust. For a company he didn't know anything about was too much.

"I understand your confliction but this is how the world works Alex." Said Cain patting him on the shoulder. "The sooner you realise it the better."

"But we could make such a big difference. Why just chase power for the sake of it if we're not gonna use it for good?" Asked Alex.

"You're still far too weak to realise the reality of the situation Alex. This world has more enemies, more threats than you can imagine. If you want to change the way things are then get stronger"

Not liking the answer Alex thanked Cain and set off. He needed to clear his head and he thought a nice long walk could easily help ease his racing mind.

"Keep an eye on him," said Cain to a man appearing by his side." We can't risk losing a Fate Path. If he tries to escape capture him. He's still young and his Will easily malleable given the right tools." Knodding a man walked into the shadows disappearing.

Turning back to his apprentice Cain smiled in Delight. "Looks like I'll have another Wanderer as an apprentice soon enough," he said with a smirk.


After walking for around for almost two hours, Alex found himself back where it all started. He was standing in the centre of Victoria Park. Feeling a rush of nostalgia. Alex lost himself in his thoughts once again. "Feels like yesterday I almost died here."

"Hello Alex," said a featureless man walking out the Shadows. Looking at the featureless man Alex found himself horrified. Never before had he seen a man so unsettling before.

"Who are you?" asked Alex wishing he had brought his Spear with him. "You could say I'm the closest thing to a friend you have on this God-forsaken planet."

"But before we have a nice long conversation, I'd like to get rid of the spy." Raising his hand, the surrounding Shadowd tuning into tentacles wrapping an enemy hidden in the corner wrapped in shadows of his own.

"Now little spy. Why don't you tell me and Alex what your order is ayy? If you're fast I'll even take you out for drinks, hows that sound?" Said Cain with a demonic grin.