
Path To Supremacy

Jin was born different from others with mysterious markings all over his body along with a higher level of intelligence compared to a normal child, though that did not stop him from trying to live a happy life with his loving parents. Sadly for him, because of his title as the monstrosity, the never before seen genius, his parent were killed right in front of his eyes and he also would have died if not for the mysterious awakening of his system. . . . Please read the tags, the mc isn't a kind-hearted person nor is he even the average anti-hero. He is evil, so please don't bother commenting about how evil the mc is unless you like it. . . . . Also, the story wouldn't focus much on the romance that would be coming very late into the novel so don't expect it to do anything to the plot like softening the heart of the mc.

Destructive_killer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
69 Chs

Mentally Broken Or Simply Playful?

"Hahaha...little Seth, only I can ride my shadows. That's what you get for watching me as if I am mentally ill!!!" Jin shouted with a gloating expression towards the embarrassed Seth as he then stepped off of his horse and lifted Seth's body.

With a still embarrassed Seth in his embrace, Jin again sat on his Shadow horse as they left this town marking the beginning of the end for the Vampire Continent.






"What are you crying for...You knew that something was wrong with your little town yet, you do not bother to warn your people."

The voice of a sadistic Seth entered a pale-looking man's ears as snot and tears streamed down what once was a slightly handsome face. Now his beauty was comparable to that of a pig as he screamed at the top of his lungs, hoping that by some stroke of luck, one of his people or even just the denizens of this town would hear him.

Why was he screaming? Well, if it isn't because of the fact that he currently did not have any skin at all, then it definitely is because his body is currently being chopped by a blade of Darkness created by Jin. Watching this, Seth couldn't help but berate the man as he was crying like a little girl getting a bruise on their knee for the second time in their life.

It's been four days since both he and Jin arrived in this new town as they have murdered numerous Vampires at night. But, to make it more enjoyable, they decided to slowly kill these beings as every night, only a couple of murders took place.

They had hoped that this would send the people into alarm and send them on edge as the fact that there was a serial killer among them slowly settled into their consciousness but...who would have thought that the Town Leader would silence the friends of these eight or so persons and instead secretly send his underlings to investigate as he hoped the slightly more than 10,000 beings inside of his town would be oblivious which will prevent unnecessary panic.

Sadly for him, two persons in this town now shared the same blood. Because of this, some of their tastes also became similar, one of those was a playful side that even Jin only awakened after the Darkness Trials. The decision of the Leader of this town ruined the fun that Jin and Seth were bound to get, greatly angering them in the process.

So, the duo decided that it will be an even more intelligent move if the Leader of this city was killed which will increase the fear tenfold compared to an ordinary person. Hence, at this moment, the mayor was going through what Jin called, 'A Torture Tutorial' in which Jin teaches Seth the basics of torturing someone.

What Jin had not expected was for the Leader of this town, to scream so loudly which made him thankful for his intelligence as he thought.

'Though I haven't reached a level where I can manipulate the very concept of darkness, manipulating darkness enough to absorb sound isn't that hard...and thanks to this' Jin thought as he looked at the location of his chest where his Child of Darkness mark was as he thought. 'Thanks to this, manipulating darkness is a lot easier...not that I can compare as I haven't manipulated darkness before getting it.' Jin thought with a goofy smile on his face while slicing pieces of this Town's Leader's flesh.





On top of a rooftop in the dead of night, one can see the figures of Jin and Seth as they watched on with expectancy at the meat that was sizzling in the pan filled with oil. After 'borrowing' a few utensils from the home of this town's leader, including salt and other ingredients, Jin and Seth then headed off to a random rooftop where they then cooked the meat that Jin skillfully peeled off of the Leader's body.

Manipulating darkness a little, Jin materialized two pairs of chopsticks for both him and Seth as they began eating the tender meat.


Jin couldn't help but bellow out as his taste buds met with the tenderness of the meat. Following that was...


A satisfied sigh escaped Seth's lips as he skipped the chewing and immediately swallowed.


"You are supposed to chew!!" Jin shouted as he knocked on Seth's forehead with his knuckles.

"Hey, hey, that's not my fault...who told you to make it so good." Seth said as he took another piece of meat from the pan.


Jin couldn't help but sigh in frustration after hearing Seth's words.

'It seems that I am too amazing in anything I do!!" Jin thought with fake tears streaming down his face.


A loud and blood-curling bellow reverberated in the ears of every living being in this town that spanned two kilometers, successfully making the eyes of Jin and Seth lit up. It seemed like their plan worked as the residents of this town slowly made their way out of their houses and dashed toward the leader's house. The only beings who did remain in their homes were the old, children, and babies.

Sadly for the Vampires, this was the biggest mistake of their lives since Jin wanted to make them feel shocked, fear, loss, wrath, sadness, and finally despair. Knowing his plans have come together, Jin stood up and gestured for Seth to follow as they both headed for their new targets. Targets who were defenseless against Jin and his little Seth, targets who were mere weaklings or cripples. Targets who were either too old to fight back or too young to even realize what was going on.




Appearing inside a dark room, one can see the figures of Jin's fifteen-year-old body and Seth, who looked no older than seven years of age. Gazing at the figures who were playing pillow fight on top of the mattress, Jin knitted his brows as he realized that they were able to sense him...or most probably Seth who couldn't control his body as intricate as Jin.

Seeing this, Jin smiled mysteriously as he walked up to the little girl on the bed as he said.

"Hello, little girl."

Seeing the stranger who entered their room was kind, the girl innocently said, "Hi handswome big bwother."

"Ohhh, your so cute little sister." Jin replied as he then stretched his hands out, gesturing for her to come into his embrace, and like an innocent and submissive little lamb, she entered Jin's embrace before her older-looking brother could stop her.

Lifting her from the ground, Jin's smile shifted from a calm and handsome one and morphed into a sadistic and evil grin.





With a loud crack, the little girl screamed in pain, but instead of Jin releasing her, he tightened his hug causing her skin, bones, and flesh to be destroyed. Her body was quite literally broken in half as the brother just watched shell shock.

"Was that necessary?" Seth asked Jin who was now covered in blood, and with a cold light in his eyes and an indifferent expression, Jin said.

"Not really...no it was not necessary at all. But, it is fun seeing the expressions of fear, shock, and despair in the eyes of a creature. It is beautiful, of course not as beautiful as yours but, don't you find those eyes beautiful." Jin said as he pointed at the hollow eyes of the little girl.




(Next Chapter Name: More Demonic Markings)

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