
Path to Liberty: Thousand Year Conflict

In the modern world, Jin, a 26 year old man burdened by an unyielding pain that resides deep within his soul, meets a tragic end when he is crushed by a careening truck. But instead of finding eternal rest, he awakens in a realm beyond life, where the echoes of his pain persist. Yet, the realm itself seems to conspire against Jin's desire for peace. Forces beyond his control push him to confront his deepest fears and face the consequences of his choices. Haunting echoes from his past intertwine with present challenges, blurring the line between reality and the ethereal realm... What truly awaits him?

Cythiano · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Unveiling the Tragic Legacy

"I am but the creator and the protagonist in this enigmatic theater of the mind. Each adversary I confront is naught but a mirror, a reflection of the facets of my existence that yearn to be acknowledged and conquered. Though the battles I wage exist solely within the realms of my imagination, the wisdom they impart is palpable, resonating with the authenticity of forgotten eras. In the rhythmic dance of combat, I unearth the unfathomable depths of my unwavering fortitude and unlock the latent reservoirs of boundless potential that lie dormant within my being."

- Memoir of Kazei, The Eternal Seeker. ca. 1583 - 1591




As Jin took in the intricate details of his surroundings, he suddenly felt a presence beside him, a voice that echoed with wisdom and understanding.

"Tokita Jin, The Vengeful Stormbringer, you have come to seek solace in the vastness of your soul."

Jin fought the urge to cringe, his eyes snapping open to meet the gaze of the enigmatic presence before him. It appeared as a spectral warrior, donned in ethereal armor that seemed to meld with the misty essence of the realm. Her voice, surprisingly feminine, resonated with timeless authority.


As Jin inspected the new arrival in front of him, the newly arrived presence remained silent and kept its gaze on him.

"Seeker of solace, you have traversed the depths of your soul and confronted the specter of your past."

Her voice echoed, reverberating with calmness and understanding.

"But... know that true liberation lies not in escaping the place of your molding, but in embracing the lessons learned within its crucible."

The spectral warrior stood before Jin, her ethereal presence emanating a sense of ancient wisdom and quiet strength. Her ethereal armor seemed to blend seamlessly with the ethereal mist that surrounded her, billowing softly as if moved by an unseen breeze. The material appeared to be forged from the strongest fabric in the universe itself, shimmering with a gentle luminescence that bathed the warrior in an otherworldly glow.

Her features were delicate yet resolute, her eyes pools of deep wisdom that seemed to hold the secrets of countless ages. They sparkled with an inner light, reflecting a myriad of emotions from compassion to resolve. Her long, flowing hair cascaded down her back in waves, the strands appearing as if spun from the darkest abyss.

Jin's gaze locked onto the spectral warrior, a mix of curiosity and uncertainty in his eyes.

"Who... are you?"

After an indefinite amount of time, the silence which had been permeating the surroundings finally fell apart as Jin asked this question with a sense of uncertainty as well as distrust.

However, it didn't seem like the spectral warrior took it to heart as her facial expression softened.

A soft smile graced her lips before she spoke again.

"I am the guardian of your soul realm and this grand arena, an embodiment of the collective experiences and wisdom that have been forged within these walls of this grand arena. I am here to guide you, to help you find your path to enlightenment."

Jin's brows furrowed as he absorbed the warrior's words.


No matter how much he tried to conceal his expression, the nameless spectral warrior before him saw right through his veiled mask.

"If trust is what you seek, then trust you shall earn."

She spoke, her voice carrying a soothing yet commanding tone.

"Allow me to summon the echoes of warriors past, those who have fought in the grand arena and faced their tragic ends. Listen to their stories, feel their presence, and perhaps you will find a glimmer of trust within their legacy."

With a graceful sweep of her arm, the spectral warrior summoned several warriors from ancient times, their forms materializing before them. As they appeared, their spirits intertwined with the ethereal realm, their spectral presence pulsating with the echoes of battles fought and lives lost.

Jin's gaze shifted from warrior to warrior, his eyes transfixed by their spectral forms. The spectral warrior seized the moment, stepping closer to him.

"These warriors fought valiantly... their names etched into the annals of history."

She began, her voice melodic and resonant.

"Yet, like you, they too faced hardships and challenges that tested their resolve."

Her words lingered in the air, carrying with them the weight of countless struggles and triumphs.

"They were... real people?"

Jin inquired, his voice a mixture of intrigue and cautiousness.

The spectral warrior's eyes gleamed with a soft glow as she met Jin's gaze, her voice gentle yet resolute.

"They are not mere echoes of the past. They are symbols of strength, resilience, and the indomitable spirit that dwells within each of their hearts as well."

She answered, before gesturing toward the first warrior.

"This is Lothric..."

The spectral warrior began, her voice carrying a melodic resonance.

"A skilled tactician, he led his forces with unrivaled cunningness and precision, devising strategies that turned the tides of battle. Alas, his tragic end came when he was betrayed by the one he trusted most, his legacy tarnished by deceit."

The word betrayal was something that didn't sit quite well with Jin as opposed to everything else she said.

"...betrayal. Right."

His voice was laced with a tinge of bitterness.

The spectral warrior's keen eyes caught the subtle change in his demeanor, a flash of understanding crossing her face, but she chose not to address it directly, respecting the unspoken boundaries of Jin's vulnerability.

Therefore, she continued her explanation of the brilliant tactician.

"Lothric... a brilliant mind, as sharp as the edge of his blade. He once told me, 'A true warrior must not only wield a sword but also a well-timed jest.' In the darkest of times, a well-placed jest can lighten the spirit and inspire hope."

"Once told you...?"

"Say, it was more of an 'any last words moment' before his soul was in respite."

"...is that so."

Sensing the slight hint of amusement laced in her tone, he was a bit surprised by the sudden jab of... humor.


Jin absorbed the spectral warrior's words, his gaze shifting from warrior to warrior, their spectral forms embodying a shared struggle.

'Could I face them?'

Jin wondered, his gaze lingering on the warriors, contemplating the clash between ancient and modern combatants.

A subtle change in expression occurred on the spectral warrior's face as she, for some unknown reason, knew the thoughts hidden behind Jin's cautious but otherwise indifferent exterior.

However, temporarily disregarding his inner turmoil, she gestured toward the second warrior, a spectral figure adorned in armor adorned with intricate engravings.

"This is Seraphina, known as the Shieldmaiden..."

She spoke with a tinge of sadness.

"She defended her people against overwhelming odds, her unwavering loyalty shielding them from harm. But in the end, she fell in battle, sacrificing herself to protect those she held dear. She was one of the first in history who can truly uphold the title of a thousand-man army. Fearless and ruthless to her enemies, but a protector and saint to the people she held dear."

Seraphina's gaze met Jin's, her ethereal eyes filled with a mixture of determination and a hint of sadness. She nodded as if acknowledging the weight of her sacrifice.

The spectral warrior then turned her attention to another warrior, this one bearing the scars of a different kind of battle.

"And here stands Kieran, the Silent Blade."

She introduced, her voice tinged with respect.

"He was a master of stealth and cunning, his every movement shrouded in mystery. But his silence masked a tragedy—a betrayal that left him broken and alone."

Kieran's presence exuded a sense of brooding intensity, his eyes reflecting a mix of pain and quiet resolve. He glanced at Jin, a fleeting connection between two warriors who had tasted the bitterness of betrayal and abandonment.

One by one, the spectral warrior introduced the fallen warriors, each with their own unique story and tragic end. There was Lucia, the girl who fought until the bitter end, whose flames burned bright before being extinguished too soon. And then there was Gideon, the Ironclad, who fought with unwavering strength until he met an untimely demise.

With each introduction, the spectral warrior wove a tapestry of lives lived, of battles fought, and of the sacrifices made in the pursuit of their ideals. It was a delicate dance, as she carefully revealed the depth of their struggles while respecting the boundaries of Jin's guarded heart.

As the final warrior's name was spoken, the spectral warrior turned her gaze back to Jin, her eyes filled with a mixture of empathy and determination. She knew that these stories alone could not unravel the tightly wound threads of Jin's distrust and pain. But she hoped that by sharing their experiences, by unveiling the scars they bore, a spark of understanding might ignite within him.

"These warriors have walked a path similar to yours."

She said softly, her voice carrying the weight of ancient wisdom.

"Their struggles are not so different from your own. In their stories, you may find echoes of your journey."

Jin's gaze remained fixed on the warriors, his expression a blend of curiosity and guardedness. The spectral warrior took a step closer, her voice filled with quiet resolve.

"Trust is not easily given, Jin..."

She said, her words a gentle reminder.

"But know that in this realm of introspection, you are not alone. The echoes of these fallen warriors stand as a testament to the strength that can arise from vulnerability and the power that can emerge from wounds healed."

She extended a hand, her eyes holding a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows.

"Will you walk this path with us, Tokita Jin?"


