
Path to Liberty: Thousand Year Conflict

In the modern world, Jin, a 26 year old man burdened by an unyielding pain that resides deep within his soul, meets a tragic end when he is crushed by a careening truck. But instead of finding eternal rest, he awakens in a realm beyond life, where the echoes of his pain persist. Yet, the realm itself seems to conspire against Jin's desire for peace. Forces beyond his control push him to confront his deepest fears and face the consequences of his choices. Haunting echoes from his past intertwine with present challenges, blurring the line between reality and the ethereal realm... What truly awaits him?

Cythiano · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Redemption through the Soul's Crucible

<p>A lone soul drifted aimlessly amidst the vastness of space, seemingly trapped in its own ethereal existence. Yet, within this boundless void, the soul found solace in the path it had once chosen. It no longer sought redemption or a chance to change its past. Instead, its only desire was to find peace and seclusion, far away from the tragedies that had befallen it.<br/>As the soul continued its drift, a subtle shift occurred within its consciousness, stirring up a storm within that had been asleep far too long.<br/>It was time to wake up.<br/>...<br/>...<br/>...<br/>Suddenly, Jin found himself awakening in a vast plane that existed within the depths of his own soul. It was a realm untouched by the constraints of time and physicality, where the landscape stretched as far as the eye could see, filled with ethereal hues and breathtaking vistas.<br/>He found himself in a world, unlike anything he had ever known. The familiar cityscape had transformed into a landscape of breathtaking beauty. Verdant forests stretched as far as the eye could see, their lush canopies whispering secrets of ancient wisdom. Towering mountains kissed the sky, their majestic peaks reaching for the heavens. The air was crisp and fragrant, carrying a sense of untamed possibility.<br/>Getting over his dazed state, Jin walked towards the sound of water, his mind burdened by memories that refused to release their grip, even after death. The serenade of nature offered little solace as he drew closer to the source, revealing a breathtaking waterfall crashing against unyielding rocks, its thunderous roar an echo of the turmoil within him.<br/>Jin approached tentatively, his gaze fixated on the tumultuous waters. With a mixture of trepidation and bitter amusement, he extended a trembling hand to touch the surface, causing ripples that mirrored the unrest in his soul. A wry smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he pondered the irony of finding solace amidst such chaotic beauty.<br/>"So, the mind is like water, huh?" Jin muttered, his voice tinged with a touch of sarcasm. "Guess my mind's been doing some serious Olympic-level synchronized diving for the past decade."<br/>As the echoes of his words faded, Jin sought refuge on a patch of grass near the waterfall. With weariness etched into every line of his face, he closed his eyes, yearning for a fleeting respite from the tempest within.<br/>Not to mention, he just died.<br/>Cause of death?<br/>A truck...<br/>When he opened his eyes once more, a newfound clarity greeted him, yet the scars of the past remained as a reminder of his enduring torment. It was as if the weight of fatigue and stress had momentarily lifted, unveiling the true extent of the burden he had carried for far too long.<br/>"Well, would you look at that?" Jin muttered, a tinge of bitterness seeping into his voice.<br/>"All those times I thought I was actually getting some rest. Turns out I've been napping like a professional insomniac."<br/>Leaving the waterfall behind, he ventured into the vast expanse of the grassy landscape, his heart heavy with bittersweet nostalgia. Memories surged forth, taunting him with glimpses of a life he had once known.<br/>In a way, he felt at peace, at least for a little bit.<br/>No longer was he bound by the shackles of his old world, a world that dealt him the shittiest of cards... he was now in this plane or whatever...<br/>As Jin ventured through the desolate expanse, a strange look etched across his face. The haunting echoes of his past deeds reverberated through his mind, each memory a testament to his time as a child turned combatant. He couldn't help but let out a dry and self-deprecating sigh.<br/>'Limbo perhaps...?'<br/>He thought to himself.<br/>"..."<br/>He paused, his gaze fixed on an ethereal arena materializing before him, its grandeur a stark contrast to the barren surroundings. The sight stirred mixed emotions within him, a cocktail of resentment and yearning.<br/>"The... grand arena?"<br/>Jin stepped into the center of the arena, his eyes scanning the hallowed ground. The memories flooded back, vivid and unforgiving. He couldn't escape the ghosts of his past... these memories were akin to heavy blocks of concrete, weighing down on his shoulders. It seemed to serve as a reminder of what he has gone through.<br/>"If this arena, where I once clashed with formidable opponents, can materialize... then-"<br/>As if in perfect synchronization with his thoughts, a sudden gust of wind swept through the arena, swirling in a tempestuous dance.<br/>Jin closed his eyes, steadying himself amidst the powerful currents that buffeted his body.<br/>And as he opened them...<br/>"..."<br/>"..."<br/>Before him stood a figure, a warrior of unparalleled skill. Their eyes locked in silent recognition.<br/>*RUMBLE*<br/>The arena slowly transformed into a stage where their martial prowess would clash, each movement charged with lethal intent.<br/>"This guy... is no joke."<br/>Jin was really familiar with this man.<br/>After all...<br/>"This guy's me."<br/>Their gazes were locked, the tension slowly increasing with each second.<br/>A single leaf, carried by the preceding gale, gently descended to the ground, its descent signaling the commencement of a monumental clash.<br/>*FWOOSH*<br/>Jin immediately charged forth and so did his opponent, the amount of force their foot generated left a deep imprint on the ground.<br/>His strikes were lightning-fast, his technique flawless as he executed a dance of power and precision. The sound of fists cutting through the air and the swift footwork resonated through the arena, creating a symphony of combat.<br/>The air grew dense with tension as each fighter unleashed their arsenal of techniques. Jin's movements were a testament to his honed skills, an embodiment of the battles he had waged against the greatest adversaries. Every strike was calculated, aimed to dismantle his opponent with surgical precision.<br/>His eyes burned with a mixture of focus and a haunting memory of past defeats. There was no room for distraction, only an unyielding desire to ignore the fire he thought had extinguished. The weight of his failures seemed to fuel this fire more, transforming his strikes into expressions of unfiltered ruthlessness.<br/>The clash intensified, the arena witnessing a display of martial excellence. Jin's opponent matched his every move with unwavering skill, pushing him to the edge of his abilities. Their bodies moved in perfect synchrony, an intricate dance of attack and defense.<br/>No words were exchanged, only the symphony of combat echoing through the arena. Jin's movements were calculated and devastating, his strikes landing with precision. He read his opponent's intentions with an uncanny instinct, countering with relentless ferocity.<br/>Time seemed to bend as the battle raged on, each fighter fully immersed in the rhythm and flow of combat. The arena was consumed by their relentless exchange, a testament to the indomitable spirit of warriors who had tasted both victory and defeat.<br/>It was a battle of time, a clash where the present confronted the past.<br/>Though older now, at 26, present Jin had become more mellowed out. He understood control and timing better than his counterpart, who was still trapped in a state of pure uncontrolled anger.<br/>'Did I lack that much control...?'<br/>As the battle approached its climax, Jin's movements grew sharper, each strike an embodiment of his unwavering calmness. His opponent, a reflection of his own past, faltered under the onslaught, their defenses crumbling before his unrelenting assault.<br/>As time passed, silence fell upon the arena as the phantom opponent slowly dissipated, leaving Jin standing amidst the remnants of his mental battlefield. Sweat dripped from his brow, his chest heaving with exertion. There was no elation in his eyes, only the bitterness of a man who had faced demons tougher than this one.<br/>His eyes swept across the arena, taking in the intricate details of the battlefield. The worn-out ground bore the scars of countless battles, cracked and marred by the impact of mighty blows. The surrounding walls, towering and imposing, whispered tales of warriors who had tested their limits within these very walls.<br/>A chill wind swept through the arena, carrying the echoes of past struggles and the whispered hopes of those who had fought here. The faded banners that hung from the rafters bore witness to the warriors who had once graced this hallowed ground, their legacy forever etched in the annals of combat...<br/>Jin once again closed his eyes.<br/>'I was molded in this place... can I escape it?'<br/>He wondered, pondering the possibilities while immersed in the echoes of his past.</p>