
path of struggle

Life A word can be simple or complex, depending on how you see it Life is about what you have lived and what you will live in which you will fill the pages of your story before you die The story may be good or it may be bad But what matters is your story Something you have achieved and there is no going back and you do not have an eraser that will erase a point from what was written. .So what would happen if you could write a new story with a new beginning and new rules? A man once said Life goes on, whether you laugh or cry, do not burden yourself with worries that you will not benefit from The important thing is to stop philosophizing and start this story (Note: English is not my language and I only use a translation app)

fikri_anas · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1-

The morning sun rays through the delicate white curtains to give a soft light to an old-fashioned room with brown teak walls.

(M.M.: Teak is a wood famous for its hardness and resistance to rotting and ageing. It was used in the past in building houses)

Around the room spread many tools and old books.

.Within one corner of the room there was a large bed for two couples. The quilt rose and fell, suggesting that there was someone under it.

After a while, the door to the room slowly opened with a creaking sound, and a small shadow entered the room with slow steps towards the bed.

The rhythm of the rise and fall of the quilt changed, but quickly returned to the old rhythm.

The shade has reached the side of the bed


.Suddenly the quilt soared into the sky and swiftly arms flew out to catch the shade.

A feminine, childlike screeching sound erupted from the shadows as he was pulled out, showing his young age


A little girl of six with unkempt brown hair and chubby cheeks

The owner of the hands spoke in a rough and raspy voice

From the wicked one who disrupted my father's sleep


"no, but ..Tickle Punishment

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-stop-ha-ha-ha-ha-mama-who told me to wake you up-ha-ha-ha-ha I surrendered, sorry, haha"

The Big Shadow cast a contemplative look as if he was an investigator looking for inconsistencies in the accused's statements

"You accused, are you telling the truth?"

"Yes sir, yes sir"

"Okay, I forgive you."

.Silence fell over the place until a laugh came from the greater shadow, followed by the laughter of the smaller shadow

"Okay. Thank you, my little princess Lucy, for waking up this lazy old man. You can go down first. I'll go get ready."

She screamed excitedly and threw her hand towards the sky and then hurried out of the room

"Okay daddy"

.He let his gaze follow it with a small smile on his face before standing up to show his tall height and wide frame heading towards the bathroom.

In the bathroom he looked at his reflection, familiar and unusual at the same time

A face with harsh features, red pupils, a square chin with a thick, trimmed black beard, and hair reaching the back of his neck.

.He passes his hand near his left ear to reveal the most noticeable thing on his face, an ancient sign of a paw scratch that runs from his ear to the side of his cheek.

He said with a frowning expression on his face before regaining focus

"Thirty-one years have passed"

He knocked his hand to fill it with water from the bucket and washed his face.

.Then he went downstairs with heavy steps, a sweet smell passed on the tip of his nose and his eyes sparkled

He reached the main hall, where there was a dining table in the middle of six seats, and Lucy was sitting on one of them while waving her legs in the void and looking around as every hyperactive child of her age would do.

.Hanna before screaming as he looks at the side from which the smell is coming

"good morning"

A new, mature voice came from a woman on the other hand

"Good morning dear"

While his face looks like a bigger version of Lucy with a cute smile and a tender look

"Wait, my dear, at the table, breakfast is almost ready."

"As you like"

.After sitting on the main seat, he changed his focus to little Lucy, leaned on his elbows and looked at her with a smile that made her focus back on him.

"So what's my little princess' plans for today?"

she says innocently

"Hmmm, I don't know. I think I'll go play with my house and learn to sew, so I can make Baba gloves that keep him warm when he goes fishing."

."Oh, little Lucy thinks of her old dad how sweet he is." Though it's spring, any gift from your sweet daughter, no matter what, would be lovely.



Green-gloved hands placed a small pot in the middle of the table and attracted the attention of the father and daughter duo

"It's mealtime, you bastards."

.Then she distributed the dishes from the table and poured out the soup before sitting across from her daughter with a questioning look.

Lucy looks at herself defiantly

"Sigh. Looks like our daughter has grown up and no longer wants to sit on my lap or on her father's lap."

The father completed the act, while speaking in a sad tone

."Yeah, maybe tomorrow you'll leave us rotting in this house to find a husband."

"Hey what. I'll never leave you!" Lucy shouts in a tone of surprise and desperation to explain her non-existent mistake.



The couple burst out laughing, making the daughter confused even more, and her expression turned to exclamation and then anger

She says in an angry tone

"You two fools are bullying me again, hmph."

."I'm sorry baby, but you're so cute, Mama can't stand it."

"Okay, let's start eating before it gets cold," says the head of this family, ending the discussion

If someone looked out of the window to describe the view as

'Happy normal family'

The view of the father's vision {Nebras Tucker}

.After we finished breakfast, I am ready to go hunting. I have prepared my equipment, including clothes and armor. As for weapons, they are useless.

"Okay, bye, have a good day."

"Bye dear, take care of yourself."

"Papa, catch me a rabbit."

"Don't you already have one?" She already has one. Why would she want another one? Is the old one dead?

."I just want another one to make Teddy (the rabbit's name) kind." Good excuse huh

"Okay baby"

"Oh, thank you, dad."


Give them a nod before going out and then close the door


As soon as I left, the fresh air blew in my face with the smell of the desert

"Good morning Tucker." Oh, isn't that the voice of Little Betty's dad?

Good morning, Mr. Wayne (M..M: ahem ahem it's not a bat don't worry ಠ_ʖಠ)

"Going hunting again?"

"Yeah, after all, tomorrow the caravan will come and I need a lot of money. You know how women turn into predatory creatures when shopping."

"Mohoho, isn't that mean enough to call them predatory creatures, although I agree with you?"

"I told you it's not an exaggeration, huh..Well, see you later, Mr. Wayne."

"Later Tucker"


After reaching the edge of the forest, I close my eyes and turn on my "gift" to reveal in my right hand a simple turquoise arc emitting an unnatural coldness.

.This is my gift or what I called Apollo and the reason why I am one of the few people who are able to go deep into the forest without turning to the most delicious types of food for a particular creature,

With a deep breath and touching the ends of the scratch on my cheek, I enter the forest

Today I'm going to kill that fucker.


.After several turns and avoiding some animals and monsters along the way, he stood a few meters away from a semi-giant cavCave the most dangerous creature in this area, which was going to cause his death for the second time, and after a while he could see the yellow fuzz, so he turned his foot sideways and separated it from his front leg, then he held the bow with hi…

Tell me if there are any mistakes

fikri_anascreators' thoughts