
Path Of A King

Hiroki Yukito, a half Japanese 17 year old boy student from Japan that was transported to another world. A world full of magic, swords, adventurers, demi-humans, and vast untouched landscapes that are lush green and beautiful. This new world is also full of adventure and mysteries that are waiting to be found, vast forests and mountain ranges waiting to be explored. Hiroki has a goal and it's not to return to earth but to make something of himself in this new world. With the help of his friends, subjects and lovers he'll conquer it all. Though the continent of Ercas is a new frontier full of beauty, many dangers also lurk. An original Story written by: Jorge Duenas

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10 Chs

Level 1

Chapter 3

As we headed back to Emily's home we were talking about how this continent's name is Ercas and that the Zen Kingdom was just one out of five known countries in the continent of Ercas. First, in the Zen Kingdom which we are currently on, The king's name is Rowe Grey Mauntell and the queen is Catherine Gifford Mauntell. Second, in the Nevos Kingdom not much is known about the other than the fact that they are located west of Blackthorn on the other side of the Darkwood forest. The Nevos kingdom king's name is Eduar Nev Eseliaz the queen is Emilia Luz Eseliaz. Another kingdom on Ercas was the Fenrok kingdom most of that country is covered in woods. The Fenrok King is a high Elf named Elvalas Nil Urethien the queen is Isabella Nev Urethien. There was also the Lynat Dukedom ruled by a duke called Veric De Legian married to Edalia Legian. There was also the Thysna Empire, ruled by Emperor Thoidus Sev Vydric he's known to be married to multiple wives but the most known is named Lydia Vydric.

We finally arrived at Emily's home and entered. I sat on one of the wooden chairs of the only table near the kitchen. I was relieved to rest since my body was still feeling extremely weak I got tired very easily during the outing to the food market. Emily started to prepare a meal for us to eat, As she prepared the meal we kept talking about this world.

"Although... there is also a settlement called Elape it's currently just a territory with one town built around the ruling lord's castle. I guess if you count the recent Territory of Elape it makes 6 known countries on Ercas. Just a few seasons ago the Elape territory was just a few spread-out settlements that had many different clans. The clans fought for dominance, during that time it was called Clans territory. Oh! I almost forgot! Here, I bought you a map of the continent."

"Thank you Emily! awesome the map shows all of Ercas in detail. What's this huge piece of land called "Unconquerable Territory?"

"Well... the Unconquerable territory is a land mass that has yet to be explored. Many countries have tried by sending experienced adventures to try to claim the territory but all have failed. The land terrain is very difficult around the Unconquerable Territory. As if that wasn't hard enough, there are monsters called Utz that attack and devour humans in the mountains that surround the Unconquerable territory! They say that the monsters around the mysterious land were created by using ancient dark magic that has been lost due to the prosecution of those who practiced the dark arts. Of course, those are only myths that people spread. Hiroki... How can you not know any of this information? It's almost as if you were not born in this world and come from elsewhere. Now that I think about it you mention you are from a country called "Japan" I've never heard of such a place in the whole continent!"

"You're right Emily, I'm not from this world. I have no idea how I got here or how I suddenly awoke in the DarkWood forest. I didn't tell you from the beginning because I was afraid that you wouldn't help me if you knew the truth. To be honest... I was terrified when I realize that I wasn't on earth anymore. Since I knew nothing about the situation I was in, I decided that staying quiet was for the best. I understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore now that you know the truth."


While speaking to Emily, I realized that telling the truth was the right thing to do in the end. Emily deserved it! since she has been nothing short of nice and helpful to me. Even if she wants nothing to do with me, I already know enough about this world to at least have a chance of surviving in it. What should I do now? I guess finding out a way to return back to my world should be a priority.

"Hiroki give me a minute I'm still trying to comprehend your story. So you're telling me that you are from another world called earth?"


"I can understand why you initially stayed quiet about this. If I was in your situation, I would most likely do the same! Furthermore, I've never heard of anyone coming from a different world! That is just so unreal to believe! If you don't mind Hiroki, can you tell me a little more about your world?"

"Earth is the name of my world. It is the 3rd planet orbiting the star called the sun, in the milky way solar system. I come from an island nation called Japan. We don't have magic and humans are the only dominant species."

As I continued to talk about the earth to Emily, she kept having more and more questions. In the end, she fell asleep on the wooden chair she was sittings on. Her head was resting on top of the table. I was sitting on the chair across from her looking at her. With the only light source being a single white candle in the middle of the table, her features somehow seemed more alluring. During our talk earlier, we ate a stew that Emily made using the ingredients that she allocated at the food market. It was the best stew I had ever tried in my life! She added ingredients I've never even seen back on earth! The meat she used was something similar to venison. I got up and gathered the dishes and took them to the kitchen. I placed them on this world's version of a kitchen sink. I took the time to wash the dishes, spoons, and cups we used for tea. The water seemed to be pumped from the ground after cranking a lever located on the side. After I was done, I walked towards the bed that I had used during my unconscious time and grabbed a clean spare blanket that was in a drawer under the bed. I placed it on Emily so that the night breeze wouldn't let her catch a cold as she slept. She made no reaction as I placed the blanket over her. Somehow, she looked even more beautiful as she slept. The candlelight lit her face in just the right way, revealing a warm expression on Emily's face. Before going to bed, I blew out the single candle in the middle of the table where Emily had decided to sleep.

When I awoke the next morning, I saw Emily in the kitchen making breakfast. Emily had changed into a one-piece black dress. My sleeping area had a full vision of the kitchen. Despite my bed being a portable futon, it was on top of a frame that raised me off the floor. Emily's house had only one room with privacy. The red door with a bronze door handle had to be Emily's bedroom.

"Good morning Emily."

"Ah... good morning Hiroki how was your night?"

"It was good I slept great and my body feels a lot less tired than yesterday. How was your night Emily?"

"I was actually quite great! although I did wake up at night and moved to sleep in my room."

"I didn't want to wake you yesterday night you seemed like you were really tired."

"Yes, I was... T-Thank you for covering me with a blanket at night."

"No problem Emily! I didn't want you to get a cold"

Emily gave a warm smile, then turned around bringing her dress to life. Her snow-white skin radiated with the sunlight that came through the windows. I was stunned until I heard Emily call out.

"The meal is ready!"

I got up from my bed and put on my white dress shirt along with my black dress pants. I covered myself with the blanket while putting on my clothes I was slightly embarrassed changing in front of Emily. I started walking towards the table, got a chair, and sat on it. While I waited to be served, Emily set a wooden plate in front of me. She then proceeded to serve me a type of egg, or at least that's what I thought. The dish reminded me of scrambled eggs, making me forget that I wasn't on earth anymore. The egg-type dish looked very fluffy with a golden butter color the aroma was very delightful. She then gave me another wooden plate with a green sauce. It had some sort of grain ingredient inside the sauce. Despite the odd color, the dish smelled very delicious! The grain ingredient inside the green sauce almost reminded me of rice.

"This dish is made of beaten eggs of an Ura. Uras are a type of flying creature that make their nest inside the southwestern part of the DarkWood Forest. The Ura hatchling likes to eat the atas that grow in the trees there. Since the Ura hatchlings can't fly they are also caught to make a delicious delicacy. Although, the Ura hatchlings are the size of 2 adult humans when hatched but completely defenseless. The adult Ura are about the size of a small house. Most people just aim to collect the eggs. Since an Ura's nest always has 500 eggs or more they make for a good harvest. The eggs are about the size of two adult human heads together when recently laid by the Ura. As the Ura hatchling grows inside the egg, the egg also starts to grow until it reaches about the size of a large boulder. The eggshell of the Ura is also collected and used in making light armor. Adventures of white rank usually start off with light armor made out of Ura egg shells, mainly because of the economical upside to it since it's relatively affordable."

"Interesting... so adventures have a rank system. Also, who governs Blackthorn?"

"Correct. Blackthorn is governed by Lord Roderick Baylor the eighth son of house Baylor. House Baylor has governed Blackthorn for eight years now and every generation of house Baylor has served the king very loyally. We should probably start eating our breakfast before it gets any colder."

As we ate, we didn't talk much. I was too busy processing our previous conversations in my head. Gathering and reviewing all of the information that Emily has told me. Everything about this world and the Kingdoms on it. I did notice that Emily had been very quiet this morning compared to last night when we were eating the delicious stew dish that she prepared.

"U-um Emily, was something wrong this morning? You've been quiet during breakfast."

"Well... I've been thinking, that in two months I'll be 17 years old and I'll be married off to House Baylor. I'll be married to Lord Roderick's youngest son Leren Baylor."


I unconsciously got up while hitting the table with my clenched fists. I was angry that the girl who I'd grown to love was going to be married to some lord's son. I finally thought that I would finally get a girlfriend even if it had to be in this world! I sat back down on the chair and stared at my clenched fists that rested on top of the table.

"Hiroki, I don't want to marry Lord Roderick's son! I've tried escaping my noble background for all my life and I finally thought I had. "

I got up from the chair and walked around the table until I was sitting next to Emily. I fell to my knees while staring at her beautifully colored eyes and hugged her. At first, she was surprised but then she responded by hugging me back. As we held on to each other she whispered into my ear.

"Hiroki... I've never told anyone my feelings like this, thank you!"

I was taken aback when I felt her warmth so close to me. My heart raced so fast that I could almost guarantee someone could have heard it. I thought of how good she smelled, How soft she felt. It was hard for me to focus on anything at this point. As we parted I looked into her eyes and she into mine. Her eyes were a dark blue and glisten as her tears fell down her rose-colored cheeks. I was in complete admiration. We stared at each other completely enamored so much so that time seemed to stop! I did not want this moment to end. I didn't care how much time passed or if my knees started to go numb. We slowly started to get closer. Our bodies move closer like a magnet to iron. Our eyes traced back and forth until my lips finally met hers, closing my eyes and savoring the wonderful feeling inside of me. I wasn't familiar with it until now... could it be? True love! When our kiss had stopped time began to function as it should. My eyes moved from looking at her lips to her nose, leading up to her blue eyes. I tried to open my mouth to say something but words would not come out. The silence was broken when a knock rang out.

"Hello! Miss Zolckster, Are you home?"

Emily got up from the chair and grabbed my hand she lead me into her room and told me to wait and to be quiet. I understood the situation and compiled at once. Emily rushed out of the room closing the door behind her. I heard her footsteps heading towards the front door.

"Lord Baylor! How can I help you today?"

"I came by to see how my future wife was doing on this fine morning. I also heard a disturbing rumor which said you were spotted walking with a man around the food market."

"No! Lord Baylor. I was just helping out an adventurer find his way to the adventurers guild branch office. "

"I see... Miss Zolckster. Filthy adventurers getting lost, not finding the guild no less it's almost comical. If it weren't for their needed skills to complete quests, I would have asked father to kick them all out of Blackthorn! Once I become Lord of Blackthorn I'll see to it myself!"

"Y-Yes Lord Baylor as you say."

"By the way, I almost had forgotten why I was here. Miss Zolckster I brought you a gift today! May I come inside?"

"Forgive me. How rude of me Lord Baylor. Please do come inside"

"No worries miss Zolckster. I brought you a fine dress today for our wedding. I also brought you this necklace I wish for you to wear on our wedding day."

"What a fine dress Lord Baylor! I'll be sure to wear it."

"This is the only reason for my visit today, I'll be leaving now. I've overstayed my visit miss Zolckster"

"Yes Lord Baylor, I look forward to your next visit."

I heard the man's voice say goodbye, then the door close, and all that was left was silence. The silence was then interrupted by footsteps heading toward me on the other side of the door. The door opened and Emily's figure emerged from the doorway.

"Hiroki, that was Lord Leren Baylor. The youngest son of Lord Roderick Baylor that governs Blackthorn."

"I see so that's who is arranged to marry you in two months."

"Yes... he came over to give me a dress and necklace to wear on the wedding day."

The dress that was resting on Emily's arm was white with a red outline around the neck and shoulder area. The necklace was made of a silver ore with a red gemstone that shined stunningly. I unconsciously clenched my fist as I saw Lord Leren Baylor's gifts.

"Hiroki! I don't want to marry Lord Leren Baylor! I'm afraid I've fallen in love with you Hiroki and I can't imagine myself in another man's arms."

"Emily... I love you!"

I leapt towards Emily and again embraced her. Lord Leren Baylor's gift fell on the floor as I felt Emily's hands embrace me.

"I never want to be away from you Emily! I'll always be with you and I won't let Lord Leren Baylor marry you at all cost."

"Thank you, Hiroki. Me too!"

We parted, then I walked to the table again. I sat on the wooden chair. Emily began to clear the table from the wooden plates that were set. I told Emily that I was going to sign up as an adventure at the adventures guild branch office here in Blackthorn. She nodded and told me to be careful on my way to the adventures guild. I got up from the chair and headed towards the front door. I then opened a small chest that was located next to the door and took out my dress shoes which were my only footwear in the meantime. I put my shoes on and proceeded to open the front door. As I exited the house Emily ran up to me and embraced me from behind.

"Good luck!."   

The streets are wide and made out of cobblestone. Some of the stones protrude from the ground, making it a bumping ride in a horse carriage. Arriving at 6th Street from Emily's house I turned right on the corner into a big stone road.

"WOW! There are so many people walking on this road."

People dressed in an old fashion that I never saw on earth, Carriages busily transport people on the stone-covered streets. I could see groups of adventures congregate near the adventures guild. Carefully making sure no carriages were near me I crossed the road toward the guild building. As I walked past many adventurers I could see the entrance to the guild building. More Adventurers were inside the building most of them around a huge board where requests had been pinned. I assume some people were choosing what quest to take for the day while others looked like they couldn't make up their minds. On the left side of the doorway, there were several round tables full of hungry adventures eating meals all the while talking to each other. I looked towards the counter that was occupied by a young girl. Assuming I needed to go to the counter to register as an adventurer, I started to walk toward it. Once I arrived the young girl greeted me in a polite manner.

"Hello sir, My name is Lorey Galor, How can I help you with something today?"

"Good morning, My name is Hiroki Yukito I want to register as an adventure today."

"Not a problem sir, please fill out this form and I'll start your registration process immediately."

Galor handed me a form and a pen. I started to fill the form out.

[You Name]___________

[Date of birth]__________





I started by trying to write my name but the strange pen didn't write, almost like a pen that has run out of ink.

"Sir you need to press the sides of the zocn"

Apparently, this strange pen was called a "zocn". As instructed I pressed the sides of the zocn almost immediately I felt pressure on both of my fingers that pressed on the zocn's sides. The pressure I felt was similar to that of a needle when you get a vaccine. I feel a slight pain on both of my fingers then the zocn started to shine a bright small light. My hand started to move by itself and began to fill out the form.

[You Name]Hiroki Yukito

[Date of birth] January 2nd, 1999

[Signature] *******

[Race] Human

[Level] 1

[Rank] White

All of my information was filled out before I knew it! I then handed the form over to Lorey the receptionist.

"Thank you, sir! I'll start the registration process now."

The receptionist inserted the form inside a White box that was made of some sort of metal ore. The White box began to glow than a card started materializing on top of the box where a dent just the right shape for the card was located. Then I felt weird for a moment... more like a sudden dizziness. Then a display appears right before my eyes like a hologram. I waved my hands through the display and the hologram was intact. My hands just went through it I was amazed.

"That is your very own menu display sir. No one can see it except for you. To activate it just wave your right hand in an upwards gesture and to deactivate it just do the same hand gesture but this time downwards. "

"Oh! so that's how it works."

"If you'd like to select something just try to touch it was your finger and it will select your choice. To scroll pages you swipe from left to right."

"Thank you miss Lorey!"

"No problem sir. Here is your adventurer identification card."

Lorey Galor handed me my adventurers identification card and the moment I touched it my status screen read [CONGRATULATIONS NEW ADVENTURER]

"Your registration process is now complete. Mister Hiroki, you may start accepting requests from the board to your right. You can only take requests that are ranked white and green, though you can join higher ranked requests if you join a party of adventures and at least one of the members in your party is the appropriate rank of the request."

"Thank you for the information."

"Before I forget... the commission of your first four requests will be deducted by fifty percent for a total of 30 shells. It is a standard fee for registration. When ranking up, there will also be a fee that will be collected of 70 shells."

I was walking back to the entrance of the guild building. From time to time I stopped to look at my identification card since it was my first time seeing something like it. The card was rectangular, glossy white, and had a strange glow on the outline overall it fits on the palm of my hand. It had my basic information on it.

[Adventures Guild of Ercas]

[Hiroki Yukito]

[Age 17]

[Level 1]

As I exited the building I passed the familiar group of adventures that were talking and laughing recounting quests they had done. I didn't pay much attention to their conversation but I overheard some of it.

"The soldiers that were stationed on the northwest of the Darkwood forest disappeared from their barracks!"


"Yeah, I'm telling you! A whole squadron disappeared! 10 men with zero trace of them left. The food that was served in the mess hall was still warm. The scout that found the empty barrack was sent from a fort that was 30mins away. A Ruo hadn't arrived with an update from the barracks the fort decided to send a scout to investigate."

"What an Erie story. What would cause a whole squadron of soldiers with a knight captain to disappear? Knowing you Roy... you were probably drunk on Atas ale and made up the story you old drunkard!"

"I Understand what your saying, Ron. I just happened to hear this story from a peddler that I met at Blackthorn's gates."

I continued walking on the sidewalk heading west. I turned south to the street that led me back to Emily's house. After walking past 5th Street I could already see Emily's house. I finally arrived at her house and knocked on the door. Emily rapidly answered the door. I entered the house and immediately told her that the registration was completed at the adventures guild. I handed the small white glowing card over to her.

"Wow! Hiroki, so your 17 years old?."

"Yes, I turned seventeen two months ago."

I then proceed to explain how I could see a display menu screen to her. I then remembered the story the adventures were talking about and a few questions popped in my head.

"Hey Emily, what's a Ruo?"

"Huh? A Ruo is a flying bird that is used to send messages to far distances. Why do you ask?"

"No reason. I just overheard a conversation a pair of adventures were having as I was eating the adventures guild building. Also, I'm thinking of taking on a request to earn some money. I could also join an adventurer party to rank up faster."

"What? But requests are dangerous!"

"I know but we need money because I was thinking of moving to a different Kingdom. At first all I wanted was to find a way back to my world but now I want to make a life with you Emily. I don't want you to marry Lord Leren Baylor. I know that he'll most likely have me killed if he found out that I'm with you."

"By money, do you mean coin?"

So I guess the currency is just called "coin" here in this world. The only ones I saw being used were crystals and shells back when I went to the food market but I guess the currency is just coin. I wonder how many different kinds of coins there are. I'll ask Emily just to be sure.

"Yes. I mean coin. What are coins made of?"

"Coin is what we call our currency the lowest coin is a copper coin most people call it a shell because it looks like one. The next coin is a silver coin it is round with a crown in the middle so people call it "crowns". The last coin is a gold coin commonly referred to shield because the gold coin looks like a small shield. Though you can also pay using crystals that are collected by adventurers to make mana potions and magical items. Crystals are not an official currency but some people are willing to accept them as a form of payment."

"I see thanks for explaining it to me."

"What you said earlier do you mean it?"

"Yes Emily, I meant every word of it."

"I've never fallen in love before I'm happy it was you who captivated my heart."

"I feel the same way, Emily!"

We embraced each other dancing in a melody of love. After arriving here I thought for sure my life was over but finally feeling this happiness I feel like I'm finally alive. I held her hand, brought them together, and kissed them.

"I've saved up coin for a while now I don't know if it'll be enough. I'll bring it right now"

As soon as Emily said that she ran into her room and brought out a small chest. I instantly hurried to meet her and help her carry the small chest. It was brown with a black iron outline that curved over the top of the chest. The front had a small rectangular iron piece with a small hole in the center. Walking towards the kitchen we placed it on top of the table. Emily took out a small key from her dress pocket. The key looked like it was made from black iron ore. She inserted the key in the small hole in front of the chest and it made a sound as if gears were moving a small ticking could be heard at the same time she was turning the key until it stopped and the chest split horizontally revealing a small crack. Emily lifted the top of the chest and when she fully opened it it was full of coins. Wow ! I unintentionally spoke, the chest was full of crowns, shields, and shells. The three main coin that was used as currency in Blackthorn.

"This is what I inherited through my father's wish. I was saving it in case I needed to move out of Blackthorn or had an emergency. I want you to use this to buy armor at the Logrix's shop."

I began to count how many coins there were between Emily and I. We started counting the coin. The sound of coins hitting the pile rang out in Emily's house. After spending an hour we finally finished counting it all. It turned out there were sixty-nine thousand two hundred and fifty-nine shells, eight hundred and twenty-one Crowns, and five hundred and forty-eight shields. I looked at Emily with astonishment because this was a lot of coins!

"Is it really alright with you Emily?"

"Yes It is, why don't we go to Logrix's armor shop before the day ends."

We got ready and took only but a fraction of the coin to buy some equipment for me. We have around five shields, ten crowns, and fifteen shells. We began to walk in the already familiar street heading towards the armor shop. We passed the adventurers guild building and finally arrived at the armor shop. In the front top of the building was a sign that read [Logrix Armor]. I opened the front wooden door and held it for Emily. I soon followed Emily inside the armor shop and immediately saw a display of different types of battle armor. The armor on display ranged from leather light armor to ore heavy armor. We headed towards the front counter where a big man waved and greeted us.

"Good afternoon, how can I help with your armor needs? My name is Logrix and I'm the best armor forger in Blackthorn."

"Morning. My name is Hiroki I'm a new adventurer and I'm looking for a good reliable set of armor."

"I have a fine armor I crafted just yesterday it's made of Ura eggshell. The price of only 8 shells."

"Do you have anything else? Something made of a strong ore but easy to move in."

"I have one that might be what you're looking for but it isn't cheap. It'll cost you 5 crowns it's by far the most expensive armor I've forged."

"Can I see it?"

"Yes, I have it out back where I work on forging and repairing armor. Follow me."

We followed Logrix behind the counter through a small door that lead to Logrix's workshop. Logrix had to duck down and turn his body sideways to fit through the narrow doorway. I grabbed Emily's hand and followed behind Logrix while guiding Emily. I didn't have much trouble going through the doorway and neither did Emily. Logrix was a big man around six foot four tall and was very muscled around his arms. Working with heavy ore and tools had built up his body. We got to where the armor was just behind a large hammer that was used to pound ore that was being forged into armor or weapons. The armor was dark purple and had areas that were black and some chrome overall the armor was not bad looking.

"This here was forged by Ilutz ore that's only found rarely in the dungeon that leads to the unconquerable territory. It is lightweight yet very sturdy in taking hits. A dragon can blow a ball of fire at this armor and it wouldn't melt. It was a pain to Forge it took 48 sunsets to complete forging it. It is also impossible to Forge another one like this because it also required a Fairy soul to complete it and we'll those are next to impossible to find. The only reason I had one was because my sire found one while fighting in the battle of Lorn for the unconquerable territory led by Lorn Ironarm where over five hundred adventurers died and over one thousand soldiers of house Ironarm died. My sire said the fairy soul somehow protected his life and that's the only reason he made it back alive. I personally think he was just a lucky old man. Despite its name, a fairy soul is a purple ore that glows forever. The story goes that the fairy kin were created after a reaction made an unknown purple ore explode and thus created two god fairies that started the Fairy race hence the name of fairy soul was given to the purple ore."

"Do you believe in that story mister Logrix?"

"Me? Ahhahahaha no lad I don't believe in such nonsense Atas ale is responsible for most stories I tell ya. Drunkards can have a big imagination sometimes."

"I'll take the armor mister Logrix"

I took out 5 crowns from my pants left pocket and handed them over to Logrix. Logrix rushed to meet my hand with his and gladly received the 5 crowns.

"Are you a noble lad? that's quite the coin you have."

"Is five crowns that much?"

"Two of these little buggers are enough to buy you a two-story house here in blackthorn lad. Let alone 5 you can buy yerself a mansion."

I asked Logrix if he could help deliver the armor to Emily's house and he agreed with an eager Aye. I asked Emily if we were going to the weapons shop next, Emily then reminded me that there was no need to buy a weapon since I already have a sword. I had forgotten about the mysterious sword that was given to me by a shady vendor. I guess that sword will have to do for now.

"Hiroki, how about you find a request to complete in the adventurers guild."

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea Emily."