

Life is short but people tend to long for immortality even at the expense of the innocent. But what can we do? Life has never been fair towards us it only cares about who is stronger in this pit. While the weak cower, fearing what may come their way. Never push them to the corner or they will bare their teeth. Follow Lorenzo of the Forest as he heads on an adventure to become strong and finally fulfill his long desire. Revenge!

Key_To · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs


Walking at midnight, the busy taverns around the red-light district were bustling as ever. The windows on houses, stores, and inns were closed and the lighting on the paths were street lamps flickering as the warmth from the sea blew the fire of the lamp.

Sneaking and doing the ritual outside is the most ideal way because the magic circle tends to cause commotion if done inside the town. They might think that I was doing something sketchy.

I arrive at the southern forest near the town. This area has zero beasts residing so it will be safer.

I laid out the necessary materials for making this magic circle. Nullus said I need to ground 10 ether stones and used them to form the magic circle. The magic circle arcane text was just a simple structure. No identification of magic circle type or calling magnates. It just states, "Spirit who roams aimlessly let me provide you a path."

When I finished doing so, I place the bell at the center of the magic circle. I started reciting the text on the magic circle using the arcane language.

Small shiny particles appeared out of nowhere. These particles appear in different colors and feel. Some red particles feel warmth, love, or hatred, green feels life or sickness, blue feels like sadness, depression, but also hope, and many stark contrast feelings.

These particles swirled at a rapid rate creating a rainbow whirlpool. All the colors mixed together, creating 5 vertical lights of azure, white, dark blue, gooey green, and a heterogeneous light of red and black.

The vertical lights popped revealing their forms of wings, leaf, skull, mucus, and a flame.

"At your service." said the 5 spirits speaking the arcane language.

I looked at them and started communicating in arcane. "State your uses."

Azure wings, "Body enhancement and modification"

White Leaf, "Healing"

Dark Blue Skull, "Emotion Distortion"

Gooey Green Mucus, "Poison and Toxicity"

Red-black Flame, "Curses"

Replied the 5 spirits emotionlessly.

I started weighing the 5 spirits. What appeared inside the magic circle are 2 spirits of order and 3 spirits of chaos. Nullus said that I need to choose 1 from each.

Without much thought, I chose, "Azure wings and Red-black Flame are you will to serve me?"

"Yes, master!" They replied.

And with that the other three bowed, disintegrating back into particles before vanishing.

"Master, grant us our name?" The two spirits implored.

Using all the power of my mind I forcefully make names I see fit with them, "Azure wings your name will be Caeish, and you Red-black Flame will be called Akaen."

"Thanks!", "Yoshaaaa." Caeish and Akaen expressed their gratitude.

After naming them, they flew straight inside me. The final part of the ritual will begin.


A sudden pain struck my body. It made me kneel on my knees, gritting my teeth as I experience stabbing pain within me.

Both hands holding on my forehead shaking, my eyes rolling back into my head. A slit appeared on my forehead as blood flowed out, and an eye slowly rolled to a position. This eye has black sclera and iris, and its pupil is pure white. Some of the blood that flowed out started spreading around the eye forming a symbol of fire.

My back arched as a wing tattoo appeared. My scapula was stretched out extending before turning into a wing, another set of arms or legs, and other parts of my back transforming. It ripped my shirt apart into unrecognizable pieces.

When this all calmed down, I fell on my side. I temporarily lost my ability to move. Just lying there blood covering my face, on my forehead a flame tattoo, and also on my back was a wing and my exposed naked upper body.

I greedily breathed like it was my last, and my ribs expanded out of proportion. Even with my current circumstances I still felt fulfilled.

Finally, I've done it. If what Nullus said is true then, I'll be the same with golden foundation cultivators.

As half of my body's strength started returning, I slowly use my legs to sit up. Closed my eyes and perform my meditation. I can finally feel something that is different.

Three rivers of flowing ether went inside my body. It's like my body has 3 filters that suck ether inside and the refining quality is much better than red but not at the same level as purple.

It's not enough for now, but in time I'll receive the same result as a golden foundation or even better.

After my meditation, my bodily function has finally returned back. My eyes are getting heavy though. I started collecting my things, my shirt is in pieces now so just I'll be going back naked.

I rapidly ran inside the town, some patrols looked at me weirdly. They might be thinking I'm some pervert but they never stopped me as I don't have anything threatening.

Arriving at the inn I directly jump on the bed. Greeted with warmth and comfort is what my body longed for after that excruciating experience. And with that my consciousness faded away into the dreamland.





Lorenzo was sweating profusely as his room got hotter because of the glaring sun outside. He woke up with a dried throat and a wet bed. Anxious that he might have peed on the bed, he checked his pants by touching his pants with his hand and smelling it. It does not smell like pee but sweat.

He breathes in relief, quickly removing all the sheets and placing them inside the laundry basket placed at the door side. After doing that, he went to the bathroom and takes bath.

Marco and Sheen are doing a high-paying task and are still out for like 3 days.

When Lorenzo was done bathing, he wore a casual shirt and pants. Because he is now confident with his foundation, he planned to head to the bookstore today.

"Good afternoon mister." Lorenzo greeted.

"So it's young sir. Good afternoon, what can I do for you?" the shop owner greeted back.

"Are there any manuals here for the Shaman route?" he asked.

The shop owner went down to his counter and said, "Follow me, sir."

Following the shop owner, he went to a stack of books and scrolls searching for something.

As he was searching he was at loss. His search continued only to find a single manual.

"Sir, unfortunately, this is the only manual I can find and it is an old one at that," he said apologetically.

Curious Lorenzo asked, "Can I have a look?"

The owner handed a withered bloody brown manual. Its front was engraved, a text indicating its title. What was written is _Bane Queen's Gourd_.

This pique Lorenzo's interest, it's not really powerful but it is well-balanced. The abilities listed were immobilization, attacks, and there is also scouting. This is like a heaven-sent all-rounded technique that he really wanted.

Without thinking twice Lorenzo asked its price. "Mister, this is a wonderful technique. How much does it cost?"

"Give me a minute young sir." The owner replied as he went towards his counter. He pulled a sheepskin and there listed currently all his display.

"This one cost 80 ether stones, young sir." He said.

Lorenzo who was cheerful gave a pouch, the inside contains 100 ether stones. "Mister here is my payment. It's a 100 ether stone, take the extra."

"No young sir, I can't take this." denied the owner. He tried pushing back the pouch but was stopped by Lorenzo.

"How about this mister, if you have any gourd there give it to me. I'm in a good mood right now, so I don't mind giving you this much." Lorenzo insisted.

"This!? Alright, sir if you insist. I'll go get the gourd right now." The owner said as he rushed inside the back door.

The owner went back carrying a red gourd and gave it to Lorenzo.

"Young sir, this is my lucky charm. I carried it with me whenever I travel and collect books. This accompanied me on my journey back to my younger days. It is not of mystical origins but a normal one, I only bought it because of its beautiful color." The owner explained.

Lorenzo hesitated, this gourd had some sentimental value to the owner and this might be of great importance. "Mister are you sure about this? I only need a simple gourd, not something so precious."

"Don't mind young sir. Now I don't travel anymore, my business is quite big now and people will come and sell me the books that they collected. My only wish is that the gourd will be taken care of and travel back to the lands once again." It is now the owner's turn to insist.

"Thank you mister for entrusting this valuable object to me. I'll cherish it as much as you did." Lorenzo replied.

The owner waved both his hands. "No sir, it is I that is glad. Thank you for being generous. My name is Albion Clough when you have any book that you don't need anymore you can sell it to me. May I ask this young sir's name?"

Bowing his head, Lorenzo introduced himself to Albion Clough. "The name's Lorenzo of the Forest. If I ever have a book, you will be the one I'll sell it to."

"It is my pleasure sir Lorenzo." Albion Clough bowed back.

And so, Lorenzo waved at Albion Clough as he exits the store.

Carrying the gourd, Lorenzo went to the forest while reading the manual that he recently bought.

Before he can step into the 1st step of cultivation called Fetal soul, he first must find a single bee and a gourd.

Now that he secured his gourd all he needs now is a bee. The forest is swarming with bees of many kinds.

The bees flocked to areas with a lot of flowers. They gather pollen from the flowers that they need to create their sweet honey.

Lorenzo, who was nearing the gates, asked the guards if they knew a spot inside the forest that has a lot of flowers.

The guards gladly responded pointing at the western part of the forest. Lorenzo bowed and thanked them, running in the pointed direction.

As he was heading there Marco and Sheen who were about to enter the town saw Lorenzo.

"Lorenzo! Hey!" Marco shouted.

Lorenzo halt his tracks looking at the ragged two. "Hey welcome back. So, how's the mission, any news?"

"Yeah, we completed it. It was an easy one, we were only tasked to escort. Fortunately, nothing bad happened along the way." Marco said.

He looked at the book Lorenzo was holding. "Did you proceed to the 1st step?"

Scratching the back of his head, Lorenzo bashfully replied "I was about to."

"What about your foundation?" Sheen followed.

Lorenzo started recounting what he did when Marco and Sheen were not around. He summarized what happened, the magic circle, fusing with two spirits, and how it will help with his refinement of ether.

They looked at him in amazement. Is this guy the bastard son of a god?

"Nice one Lorenzo." Marco commended. Sheen only nodded and send a thumb's up

Lorenzo could only grin. He did not share how painful fusing with 2 spirits is.

"So what's up?" Sheen asked.

"Well you see, this manual I got requires me to capture one bee," Lorenzo explained.

"Let us help you," Marco suggested.

"Okay, but don't kill it though. I need to refine it." Lorenzo instructed

The three young boys walked towards the western part of Nonoria Forest.

There was the coconut tree that is surrounded by a number of fruit trees, and below it was a flower field. These flowers are called Glorious Mornings. They bloom whenever the sun rises and the petals fold when the night came. There are also berries mingling with the Glorious Mornings.

"Okay let's separate and see who can catch a bee first. The two losers will buy the winner food tonight." Marco challenged.

Sheen and Lorenzo nodded at Marco. The three split off sneaking at some bees, which were peacefully collecting pollens.

Marco who was rash jumps towards a bee, failing to catch one. He disturbed the flowers where some bees were on, chased and bitten as he ran away, heading towards the sea.

Sheen and Lorenzo laughed silently at Marco's situation. They then focus back on capturing one. Swiftly the two flicked their arms, and then they ran away as fast as possible afraid of experiencing what Marco felt.

After running away from a safer distance, the two activate ether on their palms to restrict the bees from flying away. Then the two opened their palms.



Lorenzo whined as his bee was dead. When he was running away the bee bit his hands and now it was on the verge of dying. His hand was getting swollen.

"How did you do that?" Lorenzo asked.

Sheen proudly replied, "When I captured it I surrounded the bee with ether to calm it."

Marco whose lips and forehead are swollen came looking at the two open palms. "Hmmph, you're lucky today Sheen."

"You're much luckier 'BOSS'. Being bitten by bees and now looking like a battered duck." Sheen rebutted.

"I'll let you slide today. Tomorrow I'll turn you into a panda." Marco responded.

"You think you can defeat me again? If you're itching for a fight I'll scratch your back with these claws." Sheen replied showing his sharp nails.

"Alright, alright stop this. We lost to Sheen, boss. Let's go back and buy him the best we can buy." Lorenzo interjected.

When the two began stepping into the Fetal Soul stage, they started sparring. This way Marco can teach Sheen how to fight as they both were physical fighters.

Sheen gave the bee to Lorenzo, placing it inside the red gourd. They walked back inside the inn, changing clothes before ordering anything Sheen asks.

After ordering, Lorenzo excused himself. The two did not stop him as he brought a dessert and a meal inside his room.

Because he woke up in the afternoon and did other stuff too, he forgot the offerings for Nullus.




Shit, I hope he's not mad.

I placed the offerings inside the magic circle and started calling for Nullus.

"Explain," Nullus said emotionlessly.

"I woke up late and have something to do. So the offering was a little late." I explained.

"Hmmph, I could have punished you but I didn't. What did you bring today? What is this slimy brown thing is this edible?" Nullus voice sounded mad hiding his excitement about the new dessert I brought.

I answered, "It's called a Leche Plan."

"Hmm ump! Ahhh tsssp tsssp Okay I forgive you. Send another one of this leche thingy tomorrow to calm my angered heart." He shamelessly asked.

"Will do." I just gladly accepted it. Incurring this fellow's wrath is the last thing I desire. Fortunately, he is obsessed with food or I'll really be dead meat right now.

Horray Chapter 20!!!

Let's Goooooooo

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