
Passive Collector

"Did you enjoy it?" "I did. Thank you." "Don't mention it. You do remember our deal don't you?" "I do. I'm yours for eternity." ______________________________________________________ After breaking up with who he thought was his future wife our MC, Seth, decides to go back to his hometown and think his future through. What he did not expect was to awaken his Ability on the way. His Ability allows him to enter the world of Awakeners where his life become even more complicated. Join him as he walks the path of an awakener while trying not to kill everyone that annoys him. ______________________________________________________ Disclaimer: I am only posting this story on Webnovel. I am not responsible for this story being illegally posted on any other site. ______________________________________________________ Also, if you like this story then consider supporting me by donating to Ko-fi. Here's the link: https://ko-fi.com/mobj108871

Mobsjourney · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Chapter 5 - Home(1)

"Well, that was weird." I open my eyes to stare at an unfamiliar ceiling. Was having a dream like that normal? It felt so real. Too real... No, there's no way it was a simple dream. There's only one way to test it. 

"Status" Is the word we use to summon our abilities. When I say summon, I mean it from a theoretical perspective. When I say summon, I mean the information about the ability. This information is public to create more powerful awakeners. When you say "Status" It shows you your abilities and their uses or potential uses. It shows your status, level, race, age, and a few other things. 

"Hah, noth-" I really need to wait before saying something. Before I finish my sentence a red screen in front of me... was this the original colour?


Name: [Seth]

Level: [0] 

Experience: [0/50]

System restore: [0/10]

Experience: [1/250]

Ability: [Passive Collector]

Currency: [1]

Status: [Physical: Rested/Mental: Confused]

Health Points: [15/15]

Mana Points: [10/10]

Strength: [1]

Dexterity: [1]

Constitution: [1]

Intelligence: [1]

Wisdom: [1]

Charisma: [1]

Mana: [1]

SP: [0]

Skills: [Unlock: Level 5]

SP : [0]

Inventory: [Unlock: Level 25]


Quests: [Unlock: Level 10]

Shop: [Unlock: Level 50]


"Shit, that's a lot of info... Hmm, is there usually so much info available to awakeners? Not important. Let's see what my ability is. [Passive Collector] huh? Let's see the description."

[Passive Collector - ERROR!! INCOMPLETE - The ability to passively collect points]

"That... did not help. Can I communicate with this thing?" 


"I guess that's a no. The slime I killed yesterday should have been worth some experience. Where is it? Is it because I wasn't an awakener at the time?? Ugh, this is a lot of shit and way too confusing" 

I look at my watch and see it's almost time for me to leave. Shit, I was out for close to a day.

Awakenings usually happen instantly, mine took an entire day. I don't need to pack anything because I barely made it into the room before awakening. I just take a quick shower and leave. After informing the receptionist I leave the inn and walk around the city. 

I'm not walking around to take in the sights. I'm looking for a weapon. I have practised with many of them but they are all from the school so I can't bring them outside. I just need something to help me survive the remainder of my journey. While it isn't as dangerous to travel from the Tower to Ciethy, it is still dangerous. There are still monsters roaming around capable of killing me if I'm not careful. 

I walk into one of the more famous weapon shops. I can see why they are famous, their weapons are incredible, shiny and expensive. I check my Guild ID and my account. 

Guild ID - 4037 credits|

Savings - 15 486 credits

I expected more. Considering this is my savings for the last six years I expected to have much more in there. Well, I have been spending a lot on living and Kate so it makes sense. 

Hmm, that's not right. I'm not feeling... anything against her. I was emotional yesterday. I'm not proud of it since I can usually handle my emotions pretty well. I completely lost it the other day and now? Nothing! That can't be right. Was it my dream? Was it my awakening? 

As I think about the dream I feel the kiss and guilt consumes me. I know my girl- I know Kate cheated on me and that was terrible but I don't want to do the same thing to her. Even though we're definitely going to break up, I won't do anything while she thinks we're still together. 

Speaking of, I open my watch to see all the messages I have. Hmm, less than I expected. There are two from my parents which is understandable, they are asking when I will reach them. I reply to them saying I'll be there at the latest, in two days. 

There's also Kate here, she's sent around twenty messages. I can see she's panicking and I want her to suffer so badly. I want to punish her for what she did but... I know it will hurt me as much as it will hurt her. Even more so considering I know exactly what's happening. I type a quick message saying I'm visiting my parents, block and delete her number. Even if I don't want to hurt her she still fucked me over or didn't considering I'm one of the few she didn't fuck. I won't let her off the hook just like that. 

Yep, I see it now, the dream voice was right. I have BPD. What was I doing? Right, buying a weapon. The cheapest sword here is 2000 credits. It's a bit expensive but better to be safe and broke than dead and rich. Shit, that was a badass quote, I should copyright it. After buying a sword for 3000 credits. I went with one slightly above the lowest quality along with knuckle dusters for 1324 credits. 

I now have around 11,000 credits in my savings, excluding guild income. Before leaving I buy a few nutrition packs, grape flavoured since they taste the best. Nutrition packs are mostly for adventurers. When you're on the road and don't have time to cook you drink a nutrition pack. It has all the necessities for a healthy body and a healthy meal. You can live your entire life on this and it won't negatively affect you. It might be more nutritional than most meals, the only problem is the taste. I buy three packs for 200 credits. The other problem is the price, it's expensive. The average middle-class family earns around 5000 credits a month. These things are 200 each. 

After doing all this I start walking to the entrance of the city to leave. There is a fee to enter the city but leaving is free. I leave the city and start my way to Ciethy. It shouldn't take more than a day to reach the city on foot. 


What up? How's everyone doing? 

Me too, me too. 

I have no idea how to add a map. X﹏X