
Chapter 33

I was walking back inside when Camille stood in front of me "Hey, it's nice to see you again"

I rolled my eyes inside but tried to smile on the outside. She could tell all I wanted to do was leave from this spot

"Look I just wanted to say the past is in the past. So let's not dwell in the past. Let's move forward and put everything behind us. So what do you say, friends?" She extended our her hand

I knew I couldn't really fight this. Must less I didn't want to argue in front of everyone. I pressed my lips together and moved my eyes from her hand to her a couple times "Friends" I tried to give a good smile and shook her hand

She smiled before she pulled away and walked outside. I began to walk back where the rooms were at rolling my eyes in the process. Mills was standing next to the door with his arms crossed across his chest. He was giving me a grin. As I was passing by him he chuckled "What was that about?"

"God I hate her" I softly hissed and rolled my eyes as I heard him let out a another chuckle before he followed me

We walked back and I grabbed another ice pack from the freezer next to Mouch's bed "Is that where you get them from?" Mills asked

I nodded as he sat on the chair and I sat on the bed, legs crossed. I placed the ice pack on my ribcage causing me to wince and put my pillow over it to hide it "Mouch has a mini fridge and freezer. He keeps ice packs in the freezer just for emergencies, but what he doesn't know is that I take them. We'll have been ever since I got this unknown injury"

He let out a laugh "So I heard the paramedic got fired. Who's gonna take over?"

I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know. But it won't be long before they found someone" I looked at him "You know we really all miss you around here"

He looked down and nodded "Yea I know"

"Why don't you just come back?" I have an innocent smile which made him laugh

"I wish, but things happen. I've noticed it though. Different people here"

"Yup, people come and go. It's like what Peyton Sawyer says in One Tree Hill, people always leave"

He gave me a weird look and laughed "I missed you Ali" I gave a big goofy smile "So what were you and Kelly talking about? You looked pretty pissed"

My smile turned into a grin "I said something I know I shouldn't have"

"What did you tell him?"

I took a deep breath before opened my mouth to speak "I told him I'm getting out, I'd rather quit my job and have my brother hate me for really long time"

Mill's mouth flew open "You can't just quit what about everything you worked for?"

"I just can't have my brother hate me for the rest of my life. I know him Mills"

He ran his hands through his face knowing not to fight with me because he won't win "You can't just quit"

Before I could really say anything the intercom came on

"Time to get to work" I gave Mills a quick smile before I stood up and ran to the trucks. It was my first time putting on my squad uniform. Not that there was any difference. Just the name on the back of the jacket. And the hat. The entire ride was quiet. Wow, never thought it was this quiet. Still I liked it. I put on my gloves and the rest of my gear on the way over. Once we arrived we got down and gave a quick look at the fire

"Okay let's do a sweep. Capp, Cruz, Tony take the side entrance. Alison your with me" Kelly instructed and we all nodded as we followed

I put on my protective mask quickly and followed Kelly close behind. Once we went inside we began trying to peer through the smoke. We checked each room. My eyes were on high alert, since I've been working with the fire department my eyes got trained to look at each and every thing through the heavy smoke. Kelly and I found some survivors and took them out in time. We went back in to sweep the rest of the house before we went back out

"Building is clear Chief" Kelly said as we walked out carefully

Boden nodded "Good, let's put out this fire"

Truck 81 was already on it. I took off my mask and slightly pressed on my ribs through the jacket. I winced softly. It burned, felt like someone had punched my ribs over and over while they were already bruised. I looked up to see Jay with the rest of his team standing near their cars. Voight was beginning to talk to Boden

"Hey" I said as I approached him

"Hey" He asked as his hands were stuffed in his pockets

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked holding my hat in my hands

"This apartment fire may be connected to the case were doing right now" He was watching as they were putting out the fire

I nodded "How's your first day on squad?" He asked. I looked around making sure Kelly wasn't around and shrugged my shoulders as I turned back "Fine. I just know Kelly isn't to fond of me being on squad. So I told him I'm getting out"

He looked at me "What do you mean?"

"I'd rather quiet then have my brother hate me for the rest of my life"

Jay sighed "Baby, you can't quit no way"

"I know Kelly. He won't get over this. I have to. I'm not losing my brother over something like this"

He put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a kiss on the forehead "It's gonna be okay"

I nodded "I sure hope so"


Camille watched from a good distance away. She was of course suppose to be helping out with the fire but she was watching Alison's every move. She could see Gabby was close by "Hey Gabby, what's up with them?" She asked pointing to Alison

"Oh their engaged. That's Detective Jay Halstead. He works with intelligence down at District 21" She explained

Camille nodded as she only continued to stare at them. Her left brow rose up and she gave the biggest smirk after biting her bottom lip. Detective Jay Halstead. Good to know. This is gonna be fun she thought as she smiled and walked away towards the truck
