
Chapter 32

Just another work day. Or at least that's what I thought. I felt this weird sense of what felt like twisting pain in my stomach. Oh wait that was just the aching pain in my ribcage. I walked inside and passed the trucks then into the main room

"Peter Mills?!" I exclaimed. He was standing near the table chatting with everyone

"There she is" He opened his arms and I happily hugged him tightly. He returned the hug happily.

I pulled away after a couple seconds "What are you doing here?"

"Well I missed my friends" He smiled

"How long are you staying?" I asked putting my hand around the strap of my bag

"When are you getting married again?"

"In about 6 months"

He nodded "Then that's how long I'm staying"

I smiled "That's awesome"

"Hey Peter come check this out" I turned to see Cruz outside. He patted my shoulder before he left outside

I made my way to the locker room. I did my usual routine and ended up in the same place as yesterday. Back on the bed, ice pack under my ribcage. Book in my hand. I was so invested on the book that I didn't notice Mills sitting next to me

"Interesting book?" He asked

My eyes moved to him "Yup"

"You've been sitting there for like almost an hour" He said eyeing me

I chuckled "Your starting to sound like my brother"

Mills kept his eyes glued to me for a second. I looked at my book remembering where I left off before I closed it. He moved his hand towards me. I looked at him baffled. He reached over and pulled the ice pack from underneath me. I hung my head down and sighed

"What's this?" He asked looking concerned

I softly sat up "Just an ice pack" I said shrugging my shoulders "How did you know I had it there? You couldn't see it"

"We've been best friends for so long, I know you. What's going on?"

"Mills, nothing is going on, I'm fine"

He pressed his lips together and nodded. He stood up as he took a few steps walking away

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked

He turned to me "Well since my own best friend is going to lie to me might as well go back to North Carolina"

I sighed "Fine, I will tell you"

He sat back down. I looked around to make sure no one was around "But you have to promise you won't tell anyone"


"Promise me Mills"

He let out a sigh "Fine, I promise"

I let up and stuck out my pinky "Pinky promise"

He gave me a look and I stood my ground. He knew by the expression on my face not to mess with me or argue "Fine, I promise I won't tell anyone" He wrapped his pinky over mine. He pulled away and waited for me to explain

I exhaled before I spoke "It was awhile back. We had responded to a call at Jay's work. It was a bomb, when we got there Jay was still inside. Boden kept yelling at me not to go inside but I didn't listen. I found Jay inside. We were walking to the entrance when the building caved. Jay tried shielding his body on mine. But when the roof came down it bruised my ribs big time" As I was speaking about it I was remembering everything. It stung me for a second.

"There was a bruise so I knew that's how it was suppose to be. Then later on I was fine, then I began boxing. Training for the annual boxing tournament. There wasn't a bruise anymore. But after the tournament I was aching so much. I didn't know why"

"What happened?" He asked with a concerned face

I picked up my shirt only halfway. I glanced down only for a second and saw nothing but my bare skin "Why do you have so much pain then?"

I put my shirt down and shrugged "I don't know. But every time I move it hurts like hell. Hence the ice pack"

He stayed silent for awhile "You have to tell someone"

I shook my head "No, and you promised"

He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees "How do you expect to keep this from your brother? And Jay?"

"I don't know, but you promised" I insisted

He let out a sigh "Ali.."

"Mills please, I just got into squad. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize that. I will tell them. But just not now"

He ran his hands through his face "Fine, okay. But you will tell them soon"

I nodded. But truth be told I didn't want to. I couldn't. We took off back to the main room. Mills his went way and I went mine. I was walking in the middle of the room until my eyes moved around outside. Then I stopped dead in my tracks. No freaking way. Matt was coming inside when he approached me "Hey Matt, what..."

I stopped as I was looking outside. He turned to look over his shoulder and realized what I was looking at "Oh thats Camille Rivers, new candidate on truck 81"

I nodded "Right" I was finally able to move. I turned and walked to the table sitting down next to Brett "What's up with you?"

She was poking at her food with her fork. She turned her head to me "You didn't hear?"

I looked at her confused "Hear what?"

"Chili got fired, today" Her voice was soft, raspy

My eyes widen, I felt for Brett. She tried helping Chili. Plus she was close to her. I turned my head to see Kelly outside. I gotta talk to him sometime. I patted her arm and gave her a smile before I stood up and walked outside. Most of truck was clearing their equipment. My eyes were peeled on Kelly. And as I made my way to him I could feel a pair of eyes of me. From Camille. God I hate her "Hey Kelly, can I talk to you?"

He nodded and we both walked outside. I stood in front of him while his back was to everyone else "What's up?"

"Tell me the truth. You don't like me being on squad"

He exhaled and crossed his arms "Ali that's not it"

I shook my head "I know you Kelly, that look on your face when I told you guys I was promoted to squad. That wasn't a I'm happy for you Alison" I rolled my eyes

He reached his hand and it landed on my shoulder "It's like I told you before. It's dangerous"

"Kelly that's what you always tell me, that's what you've been telling me but I've been here for such a long time. I know it's dangerous. But I'm happy, and I thought you would've been happy for me too"

There was silence because he didn't say anything "You know what you don't have to worry anymore"

His eyes focused on me "What do you mean?"

I looked passed him then back at him "I'm getting out. I'd rather quit then have my brother hating me for a really long time" I didn't give him time to answer instead I simply walked passed him making my way back to the main room