
Chapter 30

I walked inside the restroom after the tournament was over. We were back in our apartment. Jay was already laying down. I was still questioned it, my ribcage was hurting. But there was no bruising. I ignored it and walked straight to the bedroom. I laid on the bed and threw the covers over me

"You did good out there. Thanks for taking it easy" Jay said as he put his hand over my shoulder and I laid my head on his chest

I chuckled "I'm sorry we had to win"

"It's okay I mean I only got my ass kicked by a girl and my fiancé. No biggy"

I wrapped my leg around his waist and pulled him close "I know I'm sorry, please forgive me" I looked up at him and gave him puppy eyes

He looked at me and leaned his head back "Ughh of course I forgive you"

I smiled "Good"

"Well, in the morning I will" He began to tickle me and I immediately began to squeal. He moved almost on top of me and tickling my neck with his mouth "Jay!" I squealed and giggled. Boy do I love this man

ey look who it is, our star boxer!" Hermann exclaimed as I walked into the main room

I smiled and dropped my bag on the floor as I heading to the food

"Alison is it so difficult to take your bag to your locker. You know just so that its not actually in the way here" Kelly said as he stood near my bag

I poured some coffee in a cup and turned around to Kelly "So, it's not like its bothering anyone" I blew on the coffee before sipped it

Kelly sighed as he picked my bag from the floor "Even now I'm always picking up for you"

I tilted my head sideways "Aw thanks Kelly, your the best big brother"

He hinted a smile before he walked away with my bag over his shoulder. I grabbed a plate and walked over to sit at the table. Brett was sitting down flipping through a magazine. The more she flipped the pages, the more aggressive she seemed

"And what did that poor magazine ever do to you?" I asked

She stopped flipping "Sorry, just have things going on"

"Chili?" She nodded

"Don't worry, things will work out"

"I sure hope so"

"So on a scale from 1 to 10 how badly was Jay mad at you?" Jimmy asked as he joined the table sitting across from me. His back was now facing the wall

I began to chew a strawberry "Well 10 being the highest, I'd say about an 11. But he got over it quickly. I heard you got your ass kicked though"

"Hey, Antonio is tough, I thought he would've gone easy on me"

"Well, he did. But then Jimmy began to beat him, so Antonio began to get pissed off and kicked his ass" Gabby explained

"Dude that sucks" I said chewing on another strawberry

Jimmy nodded and let out a chuckle "Hey so are we going dress shopping after shift?" I looked at Gabby

She nodded "Of course, one of my friend owns a bridal shop. She has the most beautiful dresses"

I nodded "Awesome"

We all stood up and headed to the trucks "Let's get to work" I mumbled

I know that it sounds weird but I love it when the intercom comes on, it means I get to help people. Thats the reason why I began a firefighter, to help people. I sat in the truck looking out the window as we made our way to the scene. I still remember when I told Kelly I was going going to be a firefighter, he was already at firehouse 51


I hopped off of the truck and put my hat on as I looked up at the apartment fire blooming

"Alright squad begin the search. 81, I want you to bring out the equipment, we need to control that fire"

Everyone began to fan out doing their jobs. I walked up to a victim who was with nearby "Ma'am, do you live in one of these apartments?"

She looked terrified, which was understandable "I live next to where the fire started"

"Do you know if anyone is still inside?"

She was breathing through gasps "Oh my god, I think so. The basement, there might be someone in the basement"

I nodded as Brett came to her to calm her down. I turned to Boden "Is the entire squad inside?" He nodded and held onto his radio strapped on his side shoulder "What about the basement, can anyone get there?"

Boden got on his radio "Squad, is anyone able to get to the basement?"

There was a static but Capp came on "No sir we've got to get everything else covered before we move to the basement. We found some people, were coming out"

"Chief theres someone in the basement, they won't make it out in time. Let me go, I can find them and get them out" I pleaded

Boden took only a second to hesitate before he looked at me "Matt!" Casey came by his side in a flash "Go with Alison. Someone is in the basement, go get them out"

Matt nodded as him and I ran to the basement area. It was at the bottom and had a small window. Matt had a crowbar in hand. He broke the window as the smoke was coming out. I took off my jacket and hat. I put on my mask securing it

"Hey" I turned to Matt "Be careful"

I nodded and and took a deep breath before I squeezed inside. I dropped to the floor as Matt handed me my jacket and hat. I put both on and began to search through the smoke "Fire department call out!" The smoke was getting worse and worse "Help.. me" I quickly turned my head to see someone on the ground. I was by their side in a second "Hey, is there anyone else in here?" She shook her head. I took off my hat then mask. I put the mask on her then put my hat back on "Come on, we've got to get you out of here" I got up and she held most her weight on me. The smoke was traveling along the walls and ended up blocking the window "Shit" I mumbled under my breath. I turned around with the smoke getting thicker and thicker. I grabbed my radio "I need help in the basement, I got a victim, windows no way out and the flames are surrounding us"

"10-4 copy that. We are on our way" Tony from Squad 3 said through the radio

I dropped to the floor putting my arm over my mouth slightly coughing from the smoke. I looked at the girl, she was conscious, thats a good sign "We're gonna get out of here okay, they're coming" I picked up my head when I heard commotion outside. Good, they must be here. About time. I began to stand up and pick her up along with me. But thats when I felt it, the aching on my ribcage. I fell back down when the aching only became stronger. I looked up to see Capp and Tony coming in. They grabbed the victim and Tony grabbed me

"Let's go" I grabbed onto Tony as we walked through the apartment in flames. We got outside finally and I breathed in the nice full air. I held onto my ribcage as the aching only continued to increase. What the hell was going on? I know I don't have a bruise. I stood up even with the pain, I couldn't let anyone know what was going on "You okay?" Kelly asked as he was by my side

I nodded "I'm good" I took a couple steps "Nice job Alison" Boden said. I looked at him and nodded. I walked to the truck and leaned against it breathing in and out taking slow deep breaths. I knew no one would be asking me what was wrong considering they were out focusing on putting the fire out. The pain was now decreasing slowly. It took a couple minutes before it completely cleared but still left a little ache.