

Sometimes our choices lead to success and sometimes destruction. My one wrong choice and everything ended infront of my eyes. I Ishani a middle class girl fall in love with a wrong guy . he killed my whole family brutally and I end up in jail for the crime I never did. But before I can executed i transmigrated into another body named Anjali. God gives me one chance and I will make one enough.

Cloud_Diva · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

First meeting in high school

I immediately went into the kitchen and prepare fresh coffee for him as per his liking and than I went back in his room. This time he was sitting on the chair near the window in a black silk bathrobe . The emerging sun rays falls on his body making him more handsome and attractive. But I know that who he actually was . I knocked the door and went inside.

I place the coffee on the table near him and take two steps back.

He took the cup of coffee and gracefully take a sip .he closed his eyes as he was feeling the aroma of the coffee in mouth. I was not surprised by his behaviour as he was always like this .

After few seconds he finally opened his eyes and waved his hands signalling that I can leave the room . I immediately bowed and went out of the room. After that I took a sigh of relief. Because standing beside him is not easy at all . I clearly remember when my Father was temporarily transferred in the city and therefore I have to change my school I meet him first time at the entrance of the school when I was already late on my first day and the doors were already closed . I was pleading the gatekeeper for letting me in as this was my first day but he refused without listening to my urges. Suddenly the rude demeanor of the guard changed . He immediately went up from his seat and opened the door . Seeing this I looked back for finding the reason of this sudden change in the behaviour of the guard .

When I turned back I saw handsome tall boy coming in the school uniforms his sleeves were ruffled and the bag which merely contain a single notebook was hanged on his shoulder. But his demeanor was quite oppressive . Only one look and like any other teenage girl made my heart jump in excitement but I make sure that my face remain calm because I have already mastered this. When the guard opened the door ,taking this as a chance also entered the school and run towards my class but as I was new there I got lost and in my I get collided with a man in his 40's . He was wearing white shirt with black pent seems they were specially tailored for him. I bowed and apologized to him .

He looked at my face for a moment and than asked me with a serious tone, what are you doing here ??classes have already started.

I met his cold gaze and tell him calmly that this is my first day and how I get lost and trying to find my class.

He sees me than moved ahead after saying, follow me.

We went into the class and he introduced me with my fellow classmates and than he asked me to take the seat and introduced himself as Silvester Hart.

When I move forward most of the seats were filled except one at the last of the third row.

When I went there ,a boy was already sleeping with his head down on the table it seems that he has nothing to do with what happening in the class and nor he was interested in it .

Excuse me , I said in a low but calm voice.

He moved his head upward for seeing who the hell is disturbing him . He looks at me with disgust as i have committed a crime. He was the one whom I met at the entrance i immediately recognised him. But he seems uninterested in knowing that's why he took his bag and make space for me .

The class started but he was sleeping all the time . Like he has nothing to do with all this. After the lecture ended all the students start starring at me and than start gossiping.

{Hey, see she is new in our class. Should we talk to her}

{ You don't see her dress looks like she is from a poor family I am definitely not going to talk with low class girl}

{ Don't know how she gets into this prestigious school}

All of them were gossiping about me . But these things were not new to me as due to father's frequent transfers I have already habitual of all this .

The day passed like this. As the lectures ended the boy sitting beside me finally opened his eyes .

He took his bag quietly and leave the class while I was packing my bag. I hurriedly follow him for stopping him.

He looked back at me with cold gaze seems that he was saying that I was wasting his time .

Well I don't have any interest in knowing what he was thinking I remain calm and said,

Thanks for today morning.

He looks at me for a while and than move forward ignoring me .

I was still standing at the same place seeing his back .

Anjali ..Anjali, another maid called my name and I get into my senses

What are you doing here ?? Go to the kitchen chief butler is calling you . I nodded my head and went into the kitchen where chief butler was telling everyone about their schedule and duties.

When I entered the kitchen everyone start starring at me. chief butler move forward towards me and with a smiling face and he said ,From today you will prepare the coffee for young master. He tells me that he likes the coffee you made today.

After listening this my heart start jumping.

Oh god now , I have to see the devil daily what's wrong with you how will I complete my mission if all this continues.

I sighed and nodded my head although I was not happy but I also don't have any option.