
Pariahs Of Ciona

Ciona, a mystical world; once guided by the might of the primordials and their children the celestials. Now it is found in great dissemblance, due to the loss of one of their own. Though there are few places one may find peace, it is all but fleeting. Those who endure pray to the creators for better days, pray for the time of their return. Many now live forsaking those who made them. Others hold out hope they will return. Enter The Pariahs, a group that has amassed resources and other like minds to bring harmony to their world. These people are ghosts, shadows that died or were never born. They’re trained killers who work for three legends, individuals responsible for multiple serious and violent crimes. Now we set our sights on an individual who is to cross paths with them, is it by fate or preordained; let's find out.

Angelo_Nevermore26 · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Job Well Done?

Miles, Ethan, and Morgan stood outside the building as multiple officers began to escort the vampires out of the building and into one of many armored vehicles. Morgan stood using her magic to create a large canopy made of darkness. Vicky, alongside a handful of vampires, may have had enchanted items to protect them, but the others weren't as fortunate. Thankfully Morgan had more than enough magic to spare to help make the transfer easier. As they stood off to the side a few officers glanced at them. Some had nervous expressions while others looked at them in disdain and disgrace. 

"You'd think helping catch one of the biggest threats in three different kingdoms would cut us a break," Ethan mused as he looked at an officer who was eyeing him with disgust. 

"Then again I think they're just jealous since we're getting a bonus for doing the job they can't." He remarked smugly. The officer who had been eyeing him scoffed.

"Why would I be jealous of you psycho," The officer asked while taking a step towards the trio. "Besides Miles, and Morgan, you're no better than the common criminals we go after. If you ask me, the day Takeda started "rehabilitating" you scumbags was the day the Hunters lost all my respect."

 Ethan smirked deviously as he locked eyes with the man. His eyes flashed causing the man's demeanor to waver for a moment. 

Finally he scoffed and turned away from them while saying, "Keep your monster on a leash Miles." With that he moved away from them.

"Aww, I was hoping he'd do more," Ethan mused with a twisted grin. Yet as soon as he said this he felt someone slap him in the back of his head.

 "Oi," He shouted, then turned his head to see who had hit him.

 "Morgan really?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his head. "You know as well as I do, these guys…" His sister didn't let him finish.

"It doesn't matter, you were told not to escalate things. Takeda was stern when he said as Hunters we weren't allowed to provoke or fight non-magic users." Morgan explained in a sharp tone.

 "Do you really want him to send you back to St. Anselm? Or do you want to shut up and keep yourself in line?" She asked as she locked her piercing blue eyes onto Ethan's sickly yellow eyes.

"Fine," Ethan tisked while crossing his arms. 

"Once Takeda arrives and pays us it won't matter." He muttered.

 It took him and Morgan sometime but now that they had finally gotten the days off they requested. That and Ethan was cleared to resign from being a Hunter. After this last successful hunt he was allowed to return home or keep working with Takeda.

 That and of course they saved up enough money to buy a boat ticket to Minu. Normally they wouldn't have had to wait so long but Takeda was also adamant on Miles going with the duo to see them off.

"You won't have to wait long," Morgan remarked. 

Ethan followed her gaze and found the police chief himself stepping out of his squad car. Takeda Yowlen was in his late forties but you could hardly tell, but that was the case for most daemons. With his appearance most would always find him an odd sight. He was always taller than most men but that's especially if you included the two black horns that curved backwards. These were accompanied with his gray hair he kept cropped and neatly trimmed. Being the police chief of Genopia he tried dressing casually in; a navy blue shirt tucked into a pair of black tactical trousers and a pair of tactical boots. Yet what made him odd was his steel gray petticoat that covered his tail. It was a black thin whip-like tail that ended in a point; like all daemon tails. 

"Miles," Takeda began as he walked over to the trio and smiled warmly. "Yet another job well done." His voice may have been gruff but his tone was kind.

 "Thank you three for capturing Vicky and her men. With her arrest I think we can safely say even Eidra's officials will be happy. If anything they may even reach out so they can take her into their custody." He continued causing Ethan to yawn and stretch. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Ethan muttered as he rolled his right shoulder. 

"We did a good job and good things are to follow. Now can we please have our checks? We have plans and a boat to catch on time." He added trying to justify his impatience. Takeda chuckled at this while Morgan and Miles sighed and shook their heads at his ignorant behavior. 

"Of course," Takeda said as he reached into his coat and pulled out three three envelopes. "As promised, your checks. Now before you go running off, promise me you won't cause any problems in Minu. Your Hunter's only here in Genopia. Leave any and all problems to the Minu Guard." He added in a sharp parental like tone.

"Don't worry sir," Morgan said as she glanced at her younger brother. "I'll make sure Ethan doesn't do anything ignorant when he gets to Minu." She said in a stern but reassuring tone. 

Takeda looked at her and nodded. He knew the two came from military backgrounds but Morgan seemed to be the only one of the two who remembered her training. Yet he also looked at her and sighed long and hard.

"Very well, but please do re-think your resignation Ethan. Same for you Morgan, though your time was limited I do wish you could have stayed." Takeda added, causing a few of the other officers to glance at them. "As a Hunter you've both done this city so much good. I know you can do more if you stay with us." Takeda almost sounded like an agent trying to coast a rising star into his care. 

 It was true the siblings wanted to leave the Hunters but it was only after a few months on the job. He wasn't sure why but he hoped it wasn't due to his officers or fellow Hunters.

Morgan smiled thinly at Takeda and said, "As tempting as that is, I must also go home. Minu is my home and I…" 

She looked off into the distance almost as if she were staring at the city line already. 

"I've been away for too long. Besides I am a member of T.A.M.E, something that has been a plague even for me." She added causing her tone to become quiet.

"Very well, I've kept you three longer than I should have," Takeda stuck out his hand to Ethan than to Morgan. She hesitated but eventually took it, and shook his hand. 

"It's been an honor and a pleasure Ethan and Morgan Pearce. I wish you good luck and safe travels." He took his hand back and saluted the siblings, causing a few mutters and whispers from some of the officers. Yet Takeda didn't care, to him they were as much an officer as they were Hunters.

"Thank you sir, I…" Before Morgan could finish Ethan interrupted her and Takeda.

 He tapped his wristed multiple times. If that weren't enough he also had his eyebrows raised and his lips pursed. 

Morgan sighed then said, "May the primordials and celestials bless you, sir." 

With that she and her brother turned away from Takeda and walked past the other officers who were moving about working. Takeda sighed then fixed his gaze onto Miles who had surprisingly remained quiet during the exchange.

"Are you alright Miles," Takeda asked. 

His tone shifted from his usual tone to a softer caring one. Thankfully he hadn't gotten the reports from the emergency responders who rushed over. They were able to heal Miles's wounds before Takeda had ever arrived. If he had read them or worse, arrived earlier then he would have lectured Miles about being safe. 

"Don't tell me Ethan, leaving has you choked up?" He joked with a slight hum to his voice. 

Miles smirked faintly as he sighed, "No just thinking about Vicky."

 He looked at Takeda and the two locked eyes. "I feel like there's more to her than the crimes she's committed but it's just a feeling." Miles admitted while allowing his posture to relax a bit.

Takeda on the other hand placed his right hand on his chin and began to think. 

"You think she ran out of Eidra?" He asked curiously. Miles met his gaze again and the two came to the same conclusion.

 "I had the same thought but without any more information from Eidra's law enforcement, there isn't much we can do but speculate. That or perhaps Ms. Williams could inform us if we give her a bit of blood as a show of good will." He added, once again with a jesting tone.

"Maybe," Miles remarked as he couldn't help but smile at the joke.

 "But unless you're also willing to make a deal with her I doubt you will get anything out of her." Miles glanced over in the direction Morgan and Ethan went and sighed as he heard his phone ping. No doubt it was a message from Ethan telling him to hurry up and move."If anything comes up, call me and I'll rush back," Miles remarked with a sharp but protective tone.

Takeda chuckled at this but simply replied with, "Unless you can teleport there's not much you can do to get back to Genopia so quickly." 

The two shared a small laugh then parted ways.

 As Miles walked away Takeda called after him, "Your father would be proud of you Miles!" Miles froze for a moment as he processed these words but started moving once more heading towards his two friends.

Both Ethan and Morgan were a block away from the crime scene where they had parked their transportation. For Miles it was a black 1967 Pontiac Firebird. It had been painted iron black, but due to time it was in dire need of a new paint job. The interior was lined with black leather while the metals and gears were painted a gleaming chrome. Ethan on the other hand was lounging next to his bike; an Indian FTR1200 Rally Scrambler motorcycle with a 1203cc V-Twin. The body was painted jet black but on both sides were a strange insignia, personally belonging to Ethan. Morgan on the other hand would often ride with Miles, either in the passenger seat, or laid out in the back. If it was one thing she hated, it was the sunlight. Perhaps it was due to what she was but even then she found she;d rather ride in an AC cooled car over a motorcycle. Miles unlocked the car as he approached, allowing Morgan to quickly duck inside.

"I take it you overdid it today," Miles asked as he glanced over at his partner. 

Morgan may have naturally been pale but at the moment she looked sickly pale. How did Miles know the difference well? It was all in her body language, Morgan was leaning against the passenger door with her eyes shut. She had her hood on and pulled over her eyes to keep the setting sunlight from her face. Miles started his car signaling for Ethan to follow suit, the two pulled out onto the road and began their ride to the Genopia docks. 

As they drove Miles couldn't help but sigh. The city always seemed to glow with a light of new hope during the day. Yet now as the afternoon sun began its descent the city would lose its lustrous mask. Now it would appear more dreary and seedy, an urban jungle full of hungry animals who'd do anything to rain supreme over all. Yet Miles wouldn't let that happen, with the newly formed Hunter's unit things were changing and it was indeed for the better. He just wished Morgan would have decided to stay longer than a few months. She was a valuable asset to them, but if she felt she must leave then he wasn't going to hold her back. The last thing he wanted was to be the reason she became bitter or worse.

very late on publishing this have been busy with personal objectives. will not bore you all with such things. know that i apologize for this hiccup dearly. hope you enjoy this chapter and as always until next time...

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