
Parallel worlds shuttle door

Gu Ning struggled to survive in the post-apocalyptic world, trying her best to protect her parents and her loved ones, but was tragically designed to die in the streets. She woke up in a strange space. A space, a door. The door opens once to peace, and again to the end times. She travels between the peace and the post-apocalyptic world, collects the wealth that people do not value in the post-apocalyptic world, goes to the peace world to exchange food and equipment, and returns to the post-apocalyptic world to save humanity.

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54 Chs

Chapter 38- Opsychic powers

Gu Ning did not dwell on why Xiang Xu had gained such an ability, but instead milked her for any information that might be useful.

This included the fact that it was the coloured crystal cores that allowed one to evolve psychic powers, while the transparent ones could only be used as a supplement over and above the depletion of psychic powers.

At this Gu Ning questioned, "Do psychic powers deplete?"

"Yes." Xiang Xu nodded seriously, "Just like today at the gate, the maximum number of fireballs that woman sent out was probably around twenty. Usually each fireball change out would consume the psychic energy in her body."

"What about you?" Gu Ning asked.

"My spiritual power can cover this entire campus. That means any place I want to see can be seen as long as I want to." Xiang Xu said confidently.

The seeing Xiang Xu was talking about here was not seeing with the naked eye, spiritual power could not be described as eyes, but rather a feeling, like countless tentacles, when it touched something it was touching through the tentacles, like a blind man's hand touching something and then giving a clearer message through the conduction of spiritual power.

It is like Xiang Xu's spiritual power can perceive at first glance from which direction several people are coming, and if it is more detailed it can also determine whether it is a man or a woman based on the shape of the clothes on the body, if it needs to obtain more information then it needs more spiritual power as a support to do more detailed work analysis.

It is not like what the naked eye can see, a glance can be seen walking several people is male or female is tall or short is fat or thin.

Gu Ning nodded, then said, "So you have no other functions besides that of a radar?"

... Xiang Xu first froze for a moment at Gu Ning's description, then after thinking carefully about it, she said somewhat deflated, "At least for now, yes." But she added quickly, "But I'm currently researching other uses for my spiritual power. You know, I haven't had a few days to eat that bead. I'd be a lot more powerful if I were given more time. And just the effect of a radar alone can already help you avoid a lot of dangers."

Gu Ning, however, did not continue to dwell on the usefulness of the radar, but asked with interest, "How old are you?"

Xiang Xu was slightly stunned by the sudden change of topic, then she realised what Gu Ning meant by this question, and said with a little imperceptible pride, "I'm eight years old. I'm in my third year of school."

Gu Ning hadn't asked her what grade she went to school in, but she had taken the initiative to say it, and it had to be said that this was a way for her to score extra points with Gu Ning, to prove that she was smart, and far smarter than Gu Ning had thought.

But Gu Ning's reaction was a big disappointment to Xiang Xu, she just nodded coldly and didn't feel much surprise about it.

This frustrated Xiang Xu a little. She was born different from the rest of the world, she could remember things from the first moment she opened her eyes, spoke at the age of half a year and was already conversing fluently at the age of one. She made a lot of headlines for it, and was offered a number of TV shows and interviews, but she turned them all down.

She couldn't hold a conversation with people her own age and even some adults would treat her with inexplicable awe.

She is very good at observing people and easily catches the weaknesses of the other person.

This Gu Ning, on the other hand, she had been carefully testing, but apart from the time she had revealed her biggest secret, that she could see the future, she had only shown the right amount of surprise, and all the conversations after that she had been calm and a little frightening.

And she had, for far too long, not felt what it meant to be afraid.

Gu Ning had no time to be distracted from her feelings, but carefully pondered in her mind what Xu had said, and after thinking about it she came to the conclusion that the evolution of one's psychic abilities after eating the crystal nucleus was most basically dependent on one's own potential.

"You said that the chances of a crystal core allowing a person to evolve are not 100 percent." Gu Ning said.

Xiang Xu quickly pulled himself out of that frustration and answered Gu Ning's question, "Yes. Many people become psychics, but more people are still ordinary people. Maybe zero percent, or zero percent or less."

Gu Ning was not in a good mood at the moment, even with some depression: "So, I'm now the part that belongs to more people."

This was a declarative sentence. Because after she had eaten that bead, she hadn't noticed anything different about herself per se at all, and if space hadn't changed so much, she would probably be even more depressed now. But Gu Ning was even more eager for her strength to increase than the change that the space, which was dispensable and now served the sole purpose of helping her relax, had. After all, she had already tried, and that space was not accessible to anyone but her.

"It's strange." Speaking of this Xiang Xu's two light-coloured eyebrows couldn't help but frown adult-like, "I can clearly sense a very powerful wave of supernatural energy in your body. And your eyes also show a change that would only occur if you had evolved psychic powers. But you can't send out supernatural energy, and I don't know what's going on."

Gu Ning was secretly speculating in her heart, could it be because the supernormal ability that was supposed to be in her body had been robbed by space and then evolved space, so although she had evolved supernormal ability, she had no supernormal ability to use, this was really ... Gu Ning sighed in her heart in a very depressed manner.

Gu Ning and Xiang Xu's conversation went on for a long time.

At the end Gu Ning's closing words were: "You are very smart, but smart people tend to have too many ideas of their own. I can guarantee that you will never need to starve or freeze as long as you follow me, but I need a promise from you." Gu Ning's face was cold and solemn as he said, "I will not treat you like a child, and it is entirely possible that I will squeeze your psychic abilities. And you must submit to me completely, show your intelligence appropriately, and discipline that brother of yours. If you can do all that, then you can move into this dormitory of ours."

Instead of being intimidated by Gu Ning's words, Xiang Xu gave a relaxed smile, a light dimple appearing on the right side of her face, adding a bit of cuteness to her face as she said, "Before this, my brother and I had been worried about how to get through the winter. My brother and I had made a vow when we buried our mum and dad that we would live well. But we were both still too young, and the world was so treacherous that we would probably be killed before we could become strong." She looked at Gu Ning, her eyes filled with genuine gratitude, "I am indeed very wise, so I understand very well that if I lose this chance there will never be a second one. And we will prove to you that your decision today was unbelievably right."

It was only after Xiang Xu walked out of the dormitory door that she felt a pang of fear.

No matter how shocking or heartfelt her words were, Gu Ning just stared at her coldly with those light-coloured pupils. It was as if this conversation was almost a life or death decision for her, while for Gu Ning, it was just a dispensable decision. The attitude Gu Ning displayed forced her to play her cards that she was not prepared to play all at once, and make a promise that she could not possibly have agreed to.

But for some reason, it was clear that in her plan she was supposed to have the initiative, but the development of events greatly exceeded her expectations and the final result was very different from what she had envisioned, but she felt very happy, unexpectedly very happy ...

At Xiang Yi's slightly worried look, Xiang Xu gave him a nod and then unfolded the brightest smile since the end of the world.

So, the end result was that the two siblings, Xiang Yi and Xiang Xu, moved into this dormitory.

The few Cheng Ming Jia Daoist who were completely unaware of Xiang Xu's supernatural abilities clearly showed their surprise.

After all, in their opinion, Gu Ning really did not seem like a person with such a sympathetic heart.

Gu Ning allowed Xiang Xu to give a short introduction to his supernatural ability, and everyone's faces, except Xiang Yi's, showed a very surprised expression, obviously shocked by Xiang Xu's supernatural ability.

Daoist Jia exclaimed, "High-tech radar, huh?"

Another brief self-introduction was made to each other.

Then Gu Ning got down to business.

"I'm going to bring the news of the crystal nucleus to Third Brother, and then go out with them to kill zombies and collect the nucleus, taking advantage of the fact that we must gain the initiative when not too many people know about this news yet. The time we buy during this time is the time we have to catch up with others."

Daoist Master Jia nodded his head and said, "Gu Ning has a point. Once this news is spread out then it will definitely drive people crazy."

The others also expressed their agreement.

They were all vaguely excited, whether it was Daoist Master Jia and Cheng Ming who had seen Yan Yu use her supernatural powers with their own eyes, or Huang Mengyao Xie Yuhong who had heard about it through their mouths, they were all very keen on that kind of supernatural power that turned into a fireball with their empty hands.

Gu Ning's gaze swept around the faces of the crowd and said, "So, which one of you is willing to go with me."

Several people glanced at each other and all gave a solemn nod.

It was clear that no one was willing to miss this opportunity.

"Very well." Gu Ning said, "Xiang Xu, you are in charge of monitoring the gates of the gathering place, if any military cards come back, then they are San's people, inform me immediately."

Xiang Xu nodded, her pupils slightly shrinking, while the invisible spiritual energy had already dispersed out, heading straight for the gate.

While monitoring the gate over there, over here she was still focused on Gu Ning, waiting for Gu Ning's next arrangement.

Huang Mengyao said, "If we all leave, then who will take care of uncle and aunt?"

Gu Ning said, "I will send them to Third Brother's place."

Even if the two groups of Yan Yu and Wang Jizhong wanted to find trouble while she was away, they would have to see if the guns in the hands of the soldiers of the Third Company would agree to do so.

Gu Ning continued, "When we evolve our powers, we can try to go towards the downtown area where the zombies are more dense. Seeing as winter is coming, we need a lot of supplies and warm clothing and quilts." It wasn't just them, but also the soldiers of the Third Company and the children. Gu Ning could never forget those curious and well-behaved eyes, the summer in H Province was as hot as a furnace, the winter was notoriously cold, and there had been a very serious snowstorm one year.

It was the first winter after the end of the world, and most of the people had left home in a hurry without warm clothes, and without enough supplies, I was afraid that half of the nearly hundred or so children would not survive the winter. As San said, these children may be weak now, but one day, when their generation grows old, they will grow strong.

They are the hope for the future of this world.

So while she could, she also hoped to help them through the first cold winter of the end times while they were still weak.

The downtown area is a concentration of zombies, the hardest hit area. After the end of the world, many people escaped from there and no one dared to venture there anymore. Only daring to seek their own hideouts in remote places.

But there also meant that there were very many large supermarkets, shopping malls, and various department stores that had not yet been looted, and there were many supplies there that they desperately needed.

Thinking about it this way, the amount of stuff that could fit in that space after it evolved more than the not-so-spacious little room before should be enough for her to sweep through the major supermarkets and malls in the entire province.

Thinking about this, Gu Ning's depression that she had obviously evolved but had no powers to use was relieved.

Of course, Gu Ning hadn't forgotten her plan to go to a gold shop to pick up some money.

She was now very poor, very poor, so when she thought about it, although it was a bit more dangerous on this side of the end times, the returns were still very high, and she would at least be able to pay off her family's current debts.

In short, the immediate priority now was to advanced the alien powers. Including her parents, if say Gu's father and mother have evolved their powers, she doesn't need them to go down and kill zombies, as long as they have the ability to defend themselves, then she will have to be much easier.

If she was lucky, Jia Daochang Cheng Ming Huang Mengyao Xie Yuhong had also successfully evolved her powers, then the pressure on her would be much lighter.

If, unfortunately, anyone did not evolve their powers, then she would have to carefully consider whether she still needed such a companion.

Although it was a bit cruel, but we had no family, to say that we had only known each other for two days, to put it bluntly, they only saw the strength that Gu Ning had shown. And it was only reasonable for Gu Ning to kick them out because they hadn't shown the strength to not hold them back. It was a case of each side getting what they wanted.

Of course, Gu Ning didn't want this to happen, after all, they had stood by their side in the first place during the several crises that had occurred before, and had rarely shown any disagreement with their decisions, these four people could still be considered trustworthy, and after the end times, such people weren't easy to find.

Gu Ning was considering a lot of things.

However, Jia Daochang and the others were still immersed in the excitement of gaining their "superpowers".

They did not yet have a clear idea of what supernatural powers were.

Xiang Xu didn't say much without Gu Ning's permission, and didn't take the initiative to explain the basic knowledge of crystal cores and supernatural powers.

Gu Ning, on the other hand, already had a clear concept from his conversation with Xiang Xu.

There were seven basic faculties of supernatural energy.

Gold, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth, and the slightly more usual-looking Department of Speed and Strength.

The fireball Yan Yu sent out belonged to the fire lineage of supernatural abilities.

"I can sense that the fluctuations of her supernormal abilities are very weak. The amount of psychic energy stored in her body is also very small, that's why it was consumed so quickly." This was how Xiang Xu described it at the time.

And like Xiang Xu's own mental psychic powers were classified as mutant psychic powers.

People manipulating powerful psychic powers to fight was a picture that people nowadays could not imagine at all.

In Xiang Xu's description, it was as if Gu Ning was seeing a grand, sweeping picture slowly lifting a corner of its mystery in front of her.

Although she could not see the whole picture, Gu Ning's blood was already boiling for it.

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