
Parallel Memory

A person's perspective plays a vital role in developing one's personality. What happens when you realize the world you live in is the same as a Novel. Zero Elea gets a Skill called Parallel Memory which allowed him to get the memory of his alternative self of a different universe. He realizes that the world he lives in is similar to the novel he used to read in his alternative world. The world will face catastrophe in the future but there is no need to worry as there is a main character working hard to save the world. And what about me? I am but a mob character. ======== Discord Link: https://discord.gg/taRUJMkDrc

SomDxD · Fantasi
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513 Chs

Titan Storm Guildmaster

Zero continued to have his information-gathering team keep their eyes on Fal and the girls.

He wanted them to report him if they did anything suspicious. He might even get information on the people who conspired against him.

He also had another team to keep their eyes on Titan Storm.

With Fal being in the Titan Storm guild, there was a huge chance for him to be commanded by them or may be receiving support from them when he is in trouble.

Though Titan Storm didn't seem like they were about to do something. But even if they did try something, I was not going to let them do whatever they wanted.

I already have my information-gathering department look into the people involved in making that news. I already dealt with people who were directly involved.

Now, I had to see whether it was planned by Fal or if it involved other people who were controlling the situation in the dark.