
Elven Domain [2]

As the geniuses made their way through the streets, they couldn't help but be captivated by the Elven City's atmosphere. The air was filled with melodic whispers and the scent of blooming flowers, creating an enchanting ambiance that seemed to seep into their very souls.

The Elven architecture was truly a sight to behold. Tall, slender towers intertwined with the surrounding trees, their branches seemingly reaching out to touch the sky.

Each building was adorned with delicate carvings and intricate patterns, showcasing the elves' meticulous craftsmanship.

As the group of geniuses continued to walk through the Elven City, they couldn't help but notice the curious glances from the elven residents.

Although curious, they made sure not to approach them and look from afar. Even those on the road quickly went to another place when they saw humans coming towards their direction.

It was evident that their presence in the city was causing quite a stir among the locals.