
Paradox of Nox

In the quiet town, Jake Shrestha leads what appears to be a mundane life. Despite having all the elements of a fulfilling existence, he consistently senses an incompleteness lingering within him. He believes he is not truly the person he perceives himself to be, and that his current reality is nothing more than an illusion constraining his true potential. Everything around him seems unreal, yet it maintains a tangible quality. Jake attributes these thoughts to an unidentifiable void, a feeling that something crucial is missing, though he remains uncertain about its nature. One day, when he awakens from what he once considered a dream, Jake discovers himself inhabiting a completely different body.

IamStone · Fantasi
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7 Chs

The nightmare

"Why are you doing this?" The man's voice trembled with terror and desperation, pleading for an answer amidst the chaos.

Jake's response was chilling, his demeanor a cold contrast to the fear that gripped his victim. "Huh... hahaha! Why?" Jake's eyes narrowed, a sinister smirk playing on his lips, displaying his indifference to the suffering before him. "You came after me first. You need to understand; this is your fault."

With a swift and brutal motion, Jake struck the terrified man, his actions fueled by a primal instinct for dominance. The man, driven by sheer desperation to survive, attempted to flee, but Jake's pursuit was relentless. In a frenzy of violence, Jake's hands became instruments of death, the sickening sound of flesh meeting metal echoing in the air, drowning out the man's anguished screams.

Exhausted and trembling, Nox awoke from the nightmare, his heart pounding in his chest. Sweat drenched his body as he lay in the darkness, grappling with the horrors that had unfolded in his mind. "What was that?" he muttered, his voice trembling with disbelief. "These days... I'm seeing these kinds of nightmares... of killing people, blood, and gore." Nox's thoughts descended into a murky abyss as he wrestled with the terrifying realization of the darkness that lurked within him.

In the wake of the nightmare, Nox found himself lost in introspection. His mind, haunted by the unsettling specter of his dreams, questioned the nature of his own identity Was the figure lurking in the shadows of his subconscious a manifestation of his true self? The thought unsettled him.

As Nox's nightmare continued to haunt him, a knock on the door shattered the silence, pulling him back to reality.

Knock, knock. "Young master!" The urgent voice, followed by the creaking of the door as it swung open, revealing Michael standing on the threshold.

Jake, still rubbing the remnants of sleep from his eyes, raised an eyebrow at Michael's early arrival. "Why are you here so early?" Jake questioned, his curiosity piqued.

"Lord Ainz has summoned you," Michael replied briskly, his tone conveying a sense of urgency.

With Michael by his side, Nox made his way to Lord Ainz's office, his mind swirling with anticipation and apprehension.

"Father, I am here," Nox announced as he entered the room, his gaze fixed on the imposing figure of Lord Ainz.

"I heard about your sparing from Diluc; it seems you have recovered," Lord Ainz remarked, his voice carrying a note of approval.

"Yes, Father," Nox confirmed

"I have prepared a dagger for you, and there is someone you need to meet," Lord Ainz continued, his words sparking a sense of intrigue in Nox as he awaited further instructions.

"Michael, bring Ray here," Lord Ainz commanded, his tone firm and authoritative.

Without hesitation, Michael nodded and swiftly departed for the guest room of the castle.

Returning moments later, Michael escorted Ray into Lord Ainz's office. Ray's demeanor exuded respect as he greeted Lord Ainz with a bow.

"This is a talented individual who will accompany you to the Imperial Academy," Lord Ainz declared, his eyes resting on Ray with a measure of approval. "For the next six months, he will train and study alongside you."

Nox regarded Ray with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation, recognizing the importance of this partnership for his future endeavors at the academy.

"Nice to meet you, Ray," Nox greeted with a nod.

"It's my pleasure, young lord," replied Ray respectfully.

From that day forward, Ray and Nox began training together for the next six months. They studied diligently, with Nox focusing on magic and martial arts, while Ray honed his swordsmanship and martial skills.

Six months later, on the training grounds, Nox and Ray sparred vigorously.

"Young Master, have you called for me?" Michael approached, interrupting their session.

"Yes, I have an important task for you," Nox stated.

"What is it, young master?" Michael inquired.

"I need you to gather information on the individuals attending the Imperial Academy from the Nyxia Kingdom," Nox explained.

"Understood," replied Michael, ready to undertake the assignment.

A few days later, with only five days left before Nebula Academy admissions, the candidates must pass the written and practical tests for enrollment. The Nox and Ray have completed their preparation.

Michael arrived at Nox's room with the gathered information neatly documented.

"From the Nyxia Empire, 250 individuals are slated to attend the Nebula Academy," Michael reported. "Among them, 15 are noble sons or daughters of counts from our empire. All are considered potential candidates for admission."

Nox contemplated the information. "In the past, only 50 students managed to gain entry into the Nebula Academy due to its high standards. Those who fail to secure admission return to Nyxia to continue their studies. The academy's reputation is built upon producing exceptional and highly skilled graduates."

Nox reflected further, acknowledging, "Even if I am unable to gain admission, I can continue my studies independently at home. However, having a skilled mentor can greatly impact my growth. Therefore, I must give my best effort to secure a place in the academy."

Five days later, the entire Nox family gathered to see Nox off as he prepared to depart for Nebula Academy. To reach the academy, Nox needed to board a boat that was arranged by the academy. Accompanied by Ray, Nox traveled to Shadowfall City, where they awaited their boat at the seashore.

Michael escorted them to Shadowfall City, ensuring they reached their destination safely.

As Nox and Ray stood by the Shadowfall City seashore, waiting for their boat to Nebula Academy, a familiar voice called out from behind them. "Hey, Nox! I knew you'd be attending Nebula too. Let's go together!" It was Misa Diablo, Nox's cousin. Her father, Lord Andrew Diablo, held the title of Duke of Grimdawn City and was a 6th-class mage.

Nox turned to see Misa approaching with a smile. "Misa! It's good to see you here," he said warmly.

Misa grinned in return. "Likewise, cousin. Father told me you'd be heading to the academy. We'll have quite the journey together."

Nox nodded. "Indeed. I'm looking forward to it."

Ray observed the exchange with interest, noting the camaraderie between Nox and Misa.

Meanwhile, Nox muttered to himself, reflecting on the connections and information he had gathered. "Well, it's fortunate I remembered all that Michael provided," he thought, feeling a sense of readiness for the challenges ahead.

Back at Lord Ainz Diablo's office, the atmosphere was tense as Ainz and his aide, Trix, discussed Nox's departure for the Nebula Academy.

"Have they boarded the ship, Trix?" Lord Ainz inquired, his voice tinged with concern.

"Yes, my lord. I was observing them until they boarded," Trix replied promptly.

Lord Ainz leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. 'You know you can't accompany him to the academy. It's against the rules,' he explained firmly. 'The academy must remain an independent environment. Besides, I have confidence that he can handle it.

Trix nodded in understanding. "Yes, my lord," he acknowledged respectfully.

In the meantime, at the Shadowfall City seashore, Nox, Ray, and Misa continued their conversation while awaiting the arrival of their boat. Anticipation filled the air as they looked forward to the journey ahead to Nebula Academy.

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