
Growing Numbers

"WintersEmbrace... MidasTouch..." Exile paused as he glanced from one to the other. "You two will my join my Pantheon. As for the rest of you, there's still a chance. Once I have the full results if you qualify I will come to find you here."

The other three players shot hateful glares at the two he had singled out. Which Exile took note of. Winter and Midas looked up with bright smiles on their faces as they thanked him. However, Exile held up a hand to silence them. 

"Before we wrap things up. Tell me, what are you the Gods of?" Exile cocked an eyebrow out of curiosity. Wondering if it would shed some light on how they won against all of the others.

Midas was the first to step forward, and with a rather embarrassed expression looked Exile in the eyes. "I am the God of Fortune."