

As they passed the gateway, they could not help but eye the area warily. It felt like they were inside of a building now rather than underground. The walls were smooth, with some architectural flair that involved a lot of straight lines and sharp edges. Unlike the pleasing curved patterns that were embedded in the marble columns that they had been following. 

A chill breeze flowed through the passage, causing Exile to narrow his eyes in the darkness. 'If there's a breeze then there should be an exit.' The group continued on in silence. They were worried that their voices would carry in this strange place and alert anything dangerous to their presence. 

Exile's eyes narrowed as he held up a hand. "Stop!"

The group paused as they eyed him with curiosity. The only sound they could hear in the passage was their own footsteps. They could not see too far, but they were fairly certain that there was nothing there.