
Pallet Comprehensive

Ash and his friends enjoy life and adventures of school

Batman117 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 4

"CHHHHUUUUUU!" Rings out as Ash lifts Misty's shirt up to about her ribs when Pikachu got tired of watching Ash lift Misty's shirt and he fired a Thunder Bolt out of desperation to help his friends from making a mistake.

"AAAHHH!" Ash yells as electricity courses through his veins and the lust for Misty leaves and the sudden scream scares the sense back into Misty.

"Thanks Pikachu." Ash says knowing he was doing something he wasn't supposed to since he was Thunder Bolted and now he's trying to pick himself up off the ground.

"This is great. Pikachu Thunder bolted his own master and now he's weak and the girl twerp has no Pokémon and he has no more.

"What happened? Why I am so sweaty and what's up with my shirt? "Why are my panties so wet?" Misty asks/thinks pulling and adjusting her shirt that's stuck to her skin from her sweat and then the memories flow about what happened but before she can find out if Ash knows anything a giant red hand flies out of the bushes and grabs Pikachu.

"PIKAAA!""HELPPP!" Pikachu cries as he gets pulled into a cage.

"PIKACHU!" Ash yells.

"Prepare for trouble!"

"And make double!"

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight, fight, fight!"

"Meowth! That's right!"


"Who are you losers?" Ash yells to them.

"We are not losers! We are members Team Rocket the greatest criminal organization in the world." Jessie says.

"Yes! I take offense to that!" James yells.

"Wells yous two might as well run away while you can. Pikachu's ours." Meowth says.

"CCCCHHHHUUU! CHHHUUU!" echoes as Pikachu tries to get out of the cage.

"Haha. You didn't think we would be unprepared did you? A shock proof cage for a shocking Pokémon." Jessie says.

"Yes and the only thing you can do is watch as we get away!" James yells at them as Meowth flies the balloon up.

All three of their jaws drop when they hear his next six words.



"HE HAS A 3 MAN ARMY WITH HIM!" James yells.

"We aren't turning back now!" Meowth says.

"Bulbasaur Solarbeam! Squirtle Hydro pump! Charizard Grab Pikachu from the Balloon." Ash commands.

"NO, NO, NO!" James yells as Charizard targets them and with a quick grab Charizard grasps Pikachu and the cage right when the Solarbeam and Hydro Pump slam into the balloon.

"We're goings down!" Meowth says as they slowly descend.

"Are you O.K Pikachu?" Ash asks.

"Pika." "Yeah." He answers.

"Awesome. Bulbasaur Solarbeam again, Squirtle Hydro Pump again as well, Charizard Flamethrower, Pikachu Thunder Bolt! Everyone use maximum power!" Ash yells as his team/friends use the commands as hard as they can and then the moves swirl together forming one complete move and it smashes into the balloon.

"LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" the trio yell as they blast off into the sky followed by the faint "WOOBBUFFET!"

"Good job everyone." Ash says hugging all his Pokémon and Charizard Flamethrowers his face.

"Ash are you O.K?" Misty asks when he does.

"Yeah I'm fine Misty. That's just Charizard's way of affection and other emotions." Ash says.

"Oh. Well hello everyone." Misty says and after checking with Ash, Bulbasaur and Squirtle happily/playfully attack Misty. "I take that as hey." She says giggling.

After five minutes Ash returns Bulbasaur and Squirtle and letting Pikachu back on his shoulders Ash asks Charizard for a ride to Cerulean City and his flamethrowers his face as a yes.

"Alright Misty. You ever flown before?" He asks climbing onto Charizard's back and she shakes her head.

"Well you are now." He says extending his hand.

"Is it safe?" She asks slowly accepting his hand.

"As safe as safe can be." He says pulling her up. "Just hang on to my waist tight O.K?" and he whispers to fly as fast and in any way he pleases to get them to Cerulean and He roars in happiness before jetting into the sky with Misty and Pikachu screaming in fear and Misty tightens her grip around his waist.

Finally after 10 minutes of flying they arrive in Cerulean City and them in front of the gym. Ash thanks Charizard and before he returns him his face gets burnt one last time.

"Have fun?" He asks and she frowns at him and he takes her hand into his. "You know you had fun Mist."

Her frown slowly curves into a smile. "I did have a little fun."

"I knew it." He says giving her a small kiss. "You ready?

She nods and they head into the gym.

"Hello! Anyone home?" Ash yells.

"Um… Ash, could you do me favor?" Misty asks.

"Sure what is it?" He asks.

"Challenge my sisters to a battle. I've read they've barely been able to win challenges but they are undefeated, and I know you could beat them." She says.

"Mmh. Alright I'll beat them for you." He says giving her a kiss before they enter the main gym area. (The pool)

"Hey like we have a challenger." A blonde girl says.

"Don't they ever learn?" A blue hair girl says.

"Guess not." A pink haired girl says.

"Well, let's like, get this over with. I'm Daisy, this is Violet, and that is Lily. We are like the Cerulean Gym Leaders." Daisy says.

"I want to battle you." Ash says.

"Alright." Violet says.

"It's going to be, like 4 Pokémon each and like, against us in gauntlet." Lily says. "Substituting allowed, like for the leaders only."

"I'm fine with that." Ash says.

"I like, start with Staryu." Daisy says sending out Staryu.

"Let's get them." Ash says to Pikachu who hops off of his shoulder.

"That shrimp thing is, like going to start you off?" Daisy laughs.

"Begin!" Violet says but Daisy didn't hear since she was laughing at Ash's choice.

But the laugh dies when she hears his command. "Pikachu Thunder Bolt!"

"CCCHHHUUU!" Sounds throughout the gym as Pikachu obeys and Staryu faints.

"Hey!" Daisy yells. "I like wasn't ready."

"One down." Ash says.

"Like my turn." Violet says. "Seel go!"

"Pikachu come on bud. Let's go Bulbasaur." Ash says and Bulbasaur pops out of his ball.

"Alright, Seel use Arora Beam!" Violet yells.

"Bulbasaur, Dodge and use Razor Leaf!" Ash commands and Bulbasaur barely misses the beam and lets off with a razor leaf that critically harms Seel.

"Seel; Dive!" Violet commands and he dives into the water.

"Bulbasaur stay where you are and wait for it to attack then try to dodge." Ash says.

"Seel use Tackle!" Violet commands and Seel flies out of the water behind Bulbasaur and he barely avoids it but he falls in the water.

"Looks like it is over now." Violet says.

Ash grits his teeth and desperately tries to think of something. "Bulbasaur sink to the bottom and prepare for Solarbeam and wait for my command." He says and hopes that Bulbasaur can hold his breath for the needed time.

"This is over. Seel use tackle again!" Violet says and being under water Seel moves with great speed just like Ash thought.

He waited until Seel got right in front of Bulbasaur and was almost about to surface when.

"BULBASAUR SOLARBEAM NOW!" and Bulbasaur releases the super stored energy just as Seel was inches away from him and was at his fullest speed and the Solarbeam makes a direct hit on Seel and he floats to the top fainted. "BULBASAUR RETURN!" Ash yells tossing him his Pokéball and returning him then he calls him back out.

"Bulba!" "I did it!" he says happily.

"Yeah you did buddy." Ash says hugging him.

"ASH YOUR TWO DOWN AND ON A STREAK!" Misty says excitedly running over and hugging them and Bulbasaur uses his vine whip to hug her back.

"Hey, you still got two Pokémon left." Lily says not noticing Misty and that hurts her a little. "This is two on two."

"Alright." He says.

"Gyrados, Goldeen GO!" She says grinning. "This is over now."

"I doubt that." He says grinning back. "CHARIZARD LET'S GO, SQUIRTLE YOU TO!"

And Lily's grin disappears at the Charizard.

"Gyrados Hyper beam that Charizard! Goldeen Tackle the Squirtle!"

"Charizard Fly! Squirtle Withdraw!" Ash commands and they obey so both of Lily's attacks miss.

"Charizard Grab Squirtle and Fly around with him! Squirtle stay in your shell" Ash says and they obey.

"What's he doing?" Misty thinks to herself and her sisters are thinking the same.

"Goldeen water gun in front of him!" Lily yells and Goldeen does and Charizard flies into the attack and roars in pain. "Gyrados Hyper Beam again!" she says and this attack hits Charizard spot and but he manages to stay in the air.

"NO! CHARIZARD HANG IN THERE! SQUIRTLE REMAIN IN YOUR SHELL!" Ash yells as Charizard wobbles in the air then Ash thinks of a way to get Gyrados out.


"DO WHAT!?" All the girls say disbelievingly and Charizard doesn't believe it as well.


"You're a stupid kid Ash. Attacking your own Pokémon. Why didn't you just forfeit instead of doing that?" Lily says.

"CHARIZARD DO IT NOW!" Ash yells and Charizard reluctantly begins flying in a circle gaining speed and then the shape of Earth appears and Charizard begins Spiraling down towards the ground with Squirtle still in his shell terrified that Ash would do him like that he looks out of his shell long enough to see the ground about 20 feet away (18-21 meters) and he goes back in his shell.

Ash watches as Charizard spins toward the ground and then his lips curve into a grin.


"Listen to her Ash. It will be Charizard against two." Lily says.

Ash just watches and waits then just as he is about ten feet away Misty closes her eyes and he yells. "CHARIZARD PULL UP AND THROW SQUIRTLE AT GYRADOS!" he yells and Charizard pulls up a few feet from the ground and towards Gyrados and then throws Squirtle into Gyrados head and the built up Momentum, Kinetic Energy and speed makes Squirtle crash right into Gyrados's head and he falls backwards and Squirtle bounces off his head and into the water.

"CHARIZARD SCORCHING FIRE ON GYRADOS NOW!" Ash commands as Gyrados slowly tries to get up and Lily still in shock from the last attack doesn't hear the command but she hears Charizard roar and is about to give an order but she sees the attack inches away and knows it's too late to give a command and the attack covers the part of Gyrados's body that isn't under the water.

"Gyrados are you O.K!?" Lily asks and Gyrados falls over with a weak roar."

"Gyrados is unable to battle." Daisy says and it stings all three of the sisters that Gyrados lost a match and it isn't even their Gyrados and then Squirtle pops out of the water and onto one of the floating platforms.

"Great work Charizard! Great Work toy you to and thanks for trusting Squirtle!" Ash yells to them.

"ASH YOU'RE ALMOST DONE! THAT WAS GREAT! YOU HAD ME SO SCARED THEN THAT COMMAND YOU GAVE IT WAS… WOW!" She says before pulling him into a deep kiss and he kisses back.

"Ahem." Lily says clearing her throat. "The battle isn't over yet."

"Alright baby. We'll finish in a bit alright? Let me go ahead and end this." Ash says giving her a quick kiss.

"That girl seems familiar." Lily thinks to herself.

"Hey we still have a battle!" Ash yells to her. "Charizard find somewhere to rest O.K? Squirtle can take it from here right buddy?" Ash asks and Squirtle whips out black shades and puts them on as Charizard lands behind Lily to rest.

"Alright. How about One on One now?" Ash yells to her.

"This is new. This is the first time anyone has made a two on two battle here into a one on one. I like this kid." "Alright, one on ONE OOWW!" She yells and turns around rubbing her butt and Ash hears Charizard grunting as his laughs while she yells at him.

"CHARIZARD WHAT DID YOU DO?" Ash yells to him.

"He burnt my ass." Lily yells angrily and she continues her verbal assault on Charizard.

"Hey Squirtle what wrong?" Ash asks because Squirtle's cheeks are red instead of blue then him and Pikachu look to where he is looking and then they both cover their eye and face because they know their cheeks are red too. "Squirtle withdraw buddy!" Ash says he and Pikachu still covering his face.

"Why'd you with draw Squirtle? The battle hasn't started yet. And why is your and Pikachu's face covered?" She says looking back at him.

"Um… Your butt is showing. Not your swim suit or panties either, it's your your bare butt." He says letting one eye peek and he sees her face turn blood red as she tries to cover it and since she is failing she just sits down.

"Well you do have a cute one. So you can't really blame him." He says and Misty gives him an angry look. "I've got to defend my friend don't I? Besides you have the cutest ass here and know it." He whispers to her.

"AWE! THANKS ASH! No guy has ever said that without wanting me to strip." Lily says happily since he isn't after her body.

"Pika Pi." "Nice Save." Pikachu says and he and Ash knuckle bump.

"Bulbasaur come out bud. Use vine whip to carry my jacket over to Lily. Lily use my jacket to cover yourself until the end of the battle." Ash says.

"What did he say?" Misty asks because he and Pikachu fist bumped.

(In case any of you skipped chapter 1 or 2 Ash can understand Pikachu because Pikachu has been going to school with Ash since Kindergarten and Pikachu learned to write in English & Japanese because he is in school too and taught Ash the grammar and languages of Pichu's, Pikachu's, and Riachu's. and the other Pokémon Ash caught in Seasons 1-5)

"He said you should be ashamed for thinking I was looking at her butt and thinking it was cuter than yours." He says.

"I'm sorry." Misty says.

"It's O.K. baby." Ash says pulling her close to him and giving her a soft kiss. "You ready for me to win this?"

"Do it sweetie." Misty says and he is ready just as Lily tied the jacket around her.

"Ready." Lily yells.

"Ready." Ash yells.

"This is now a One on One battle. Ash of um… what was it… "Pallet Town!" Oh yes, Ash of Pallet Town and Lily of Cerulean Gym." Daisy says. "Begin!"

"Goldeen Tackle!" Lily yells.

"Squirtle Head Butt!" Ash yells and both Pokémon use their given attack.

They watch intently as the Pokémon fly towards each other.

Then thinking if a way that they could end it they both give the same command.

"WATER GUN!" and they watch as they try to stop their current command and try to engage in the command.

The two water guns connect and the two Pokémon struggle back and forth with water power. But after a minute or two they find Goldeen isn't as leveled up as Squirtle and her water gun slowly starts decreasing in power and finally Squirtle's water gun blasts through Goldeens and slams her against the edge of the pool and she swims wobbly in the water.

Ash watches as Squirtle breathes deeply from the last attack and knows he need to finish this or Squirtle will get hurt more.

"Squirtle prepare to finish with Skull Bash." Ash says hoping Lily will forfeit or something to save Goldeen from further more unneeded damage. "Lily give up now, please I don't want Squirtle to hurt Goldeen anymore."

"That's sweet. But Goldeen isn't done yet." She thinks.

"Not yet Ash. Goldeen still has some fight." She says grinning.

"Fine. I'm sorry Goldeen, but Squirtle Skull Bash!" Ash commands and Squirtle flies toward Goldeen with white around him.

"Goldeen… Hyper Beam!" She yells when Squirtle is inches away taking them completely off guard taking a page from Ash's book.

"HOW THE HELL!?" Ash asks as Goldeens mouth turns gold/red/orange as

Ash watches as the Hyper Beam comes out just as Squirtle almost made impact and he couldn't give any kind of command and the attack engulfs Squirtle and then slams him into the roof and falls back down and onto the floating platform and there is dust around him and Ash prepares to return him then the smoke clears.

"SQUIRTLE!" "YEAH!" He says happily popping out if his shell.

"YOU THE MAN SQUIRTLE!" Ash yells to him.

"Squirt Squirt Squirtle." "Not today Goldeen" He says.

"Skull Bash again!" Ash commands and this time the move hits its mark and Goldeen struggles in the water and Squirtle breathes harder.

"Alright Ash. You win." Lily says sadly after seeing Goldeens condition and the bond of Ash and his Pokémon. "I can't endanger Goldeen anymore OOOWWW! You fucking Dragon I'm going to snap your neck!" She yells after her flames her again.

"Charizard return!" he yells throwing the Pokéball over to him and a rea light returns him then he remembers he just won.

"WE DID IT!" Ash says happily and Squirtle jumps into his arms and Ash hugs him. "But Squirtle how did you survive that Hyper Beam?"

"Squirt Squirtle Squirt Squirt." "After she said Hyper Beam I knew you wouldn't have anytime to help me so I withdrew just in time." He explains and Ash hugs him tighter.

"Alright buddy. Return you deserve a long rest." He says.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WON WITH A CLEAN STREAK!" Misty says excitedly and she jumps onto him and the sudden move causes them to fall with her on top but she ignores the fall and presses her lips to his and decides that now would be a great time to try Frenching.

"Um… Here's your Cascade Badge." Daisy says breaking them up.

"Oh um Thanks." Ash says getting up and then helping Misty before receiving the badge.

"You like look like someone." Lily says.

"Yeah, you totally look like our baby sister Misty." Violet says.

"Yeah it's like totally our sister." Daisy says sarcastically.

"I am your sister." Misty says a little angry they don't recognize her. The only difference is she has a hickey and different clothes.

"It like is." Violet says and they all hug.

"Like what happened?" Daisy asks.

"Yeah, we've like missed you." Violet says.

"Why'd you leave?" Lily asks.

"Because I wanted to school, and you three wouldn't let me." Misty explains angrily.

"You don't like need school. There is online school on your laptop, and plus you're a gym leader." Daisy says.

"I don't want to be a gym leader." Misty says before Her, Violet and Lily get into a huge argument.

"So, like down the road is like this great burger place, would you be into going and grabbing something to eat so can fill you in our sister and us?" Daisy asks after dropping herself out of the conversation, knowing it is a lost cause.

"Sure." Ash says. "Hungry buddy?"

"Pik." "Yea." Pikachu says.

"Aight Pikachu's in. I'll buy." Ash says.

"But I invited you to eat, shouldn't I pay?" Daisy asks.

"Yeah, but figured since I'm dating your sister, I could pay and tell you about us and put us on equal ground." He says as they head to the burger joint.

Finally after 5 minutes of walking, thirty minutes of eating and talking about Misty and 5 minutes of walking back Ash and Daisy find solid ground about Misty.

"So, we were like your first gym battle in like ever?" Daisy asks when they enter the Gym.

"Yeah, I was just going to let Misty clear things up with you guys but she wanted me to beat ya'll because you were undefeated." He says. "Watch out." He says pulling her to the side as a vase zooms by where she was standing.

"Thanks. How'd you do that?" She asks. I've trained and become one with my Pokémon is that right Pikachu?" He asks and Pikachu nods.

Then his attention goes back to the vase and Misty throwing stuff at her other two sisters.

"Misty you need to chill O.K?" He says running over to her and taking her hand.

"I do not need to chill. They are trying to get me to stay here and help with the gym." She says slowly putting the knife down that she was holding.

"Sweetie. You don't have to worry about staying at the gym or anything again unless you want to." He says sitting on the ground and sitting with his legs crossed and bringing her with him and has her siting in his lap.. "Hey, Pikachu you want to go hang with Misty's sisters for a bit. Maybe tell them about you and stuff?" He asks.

"Pi." "Sure." He answers and Ash gets his bag and gives Pikachu his pen and pad so he can talk with them and Pikachu hops off with her sisters and he smiles at Violet's last comment. "Did he like calm her down with just one sentence?"

"Why won't I have to worry?" She asks as they leave.

"Because while you were trying to kill Violet and Lily me and Daisy went out and talked about you. Daisy told me about you and some other stuff and I told her about us and how you loved going to school." He answers.

"Really? What did she say about me and school?" Misty asks happy that she is finally on the same page as one of her sisters.

"Well we talked a long time about it and finally she said you can continue to go to school as long as you keep in touch with her at least. Here's the Email address." He says giving it to her.

"Oh, Ash. That was so sweet of you." She says entwining their fingers.

"You're my girlfriend. I would do anything for you. I even beat your sisters and got a gym badge for you." He says kissing the top of her hand.

"Thank you for doing that." She says.

"That's like the only reason he like battled us? Just too like make her happy and like to get back at us?" Violet asks.

"Like he didn't even care if we were like undefeated." Lily says. "He is good for her though. He's a real gentleman, he made an unfair match fair. Speaking of the match I really should get some new pants so he can have his jacket back." She says getting up and going to her room.

"We'll he seems to really love her and they do seem to love each other." Daisy says as they watch the two teens and Pikachu only shakes his head ashamed of himself for suggesting they watch.

"Alright. So you want to stay here for the night and then tomorrow head back home?" He asks.

"Yeah. Can I take some stuff? You know some um… personal things?" She asks.

"Sure baby. If you wanted to take the gym I would find a way to get it." He says at they get up.

"I love you." She says giving him a quick kiss.

"I love you too." He says.

"You two are like so perfect for each other. Oh thanks for letting me use your jacket. And for the compliment earlier." Lily says giving him his jacket back.

"No problem." He says. "You mind if we stay here the night?"

"We don't mind. It would like be nice to have like a guy around for change. Like just girls get boring after a while." Violet says.

"Would you two like mind staying for than a night?" Daisy asks. "We're kind of bored of one another."

"Um… what do you think Mist?" He asks.

"Well, I guess I could catch of with them. Besides school is cancelled to about Christmas." Misty says.

Her sisters hug them happily because they have two new people to talk to now.

"You guys mind if I cook?" He asks.

"YOU CAN COOK!?" The three ask.

"You've screwed yourself now baby." Misty says.

"Yeah all I need is some type of meat, veggie, bread, or something else that isn't microwaveable." He says.

"I going to store guys." Daisy says.

"No, you're going to get veggies so he can make those nasty French things!" Violet says.

"Yeah! I'll go." Lily says grabbing the purse from Daisy.

"I'll go!" Misty says snatching the purse from her. "We don't have time for you to take five hours looking at stuff. What do you need from the store Ash?"

"Um, Dr. Pepper for me and I don't care what food you get. Oh can you get Onions and Carrots?" He asks.

She glares at him.

"What? Know what, never mind I can work without carrots. Find me a substitute then please." He says.

"Can you like make anything from 3 items like Tomatoes, cucumbers, and meat?" Violet asks.

"Yeah." He answers.

"Can you make something from nothing?" Daisy asks.

"Yeah." He answers again.

"Is there anything you can't make?" Lily asks.

"Yeah whatever new thing my bro Brock makes." He answers.

"Alright. I'll be a bit baby. My room is down the hall, second on the left." She says giving him a kiss.

"Wait a sec. Here I know you like to "over shop" sometimes." He says giving her his wallet.

"That was once." She growls and snatches the wallet from him and he chuckles softly as Pikachu jumps onto his shoulder and Misty heads to the store. 2 minutes later Ash knows he staying was the biggest mistake he has yet to make.

Five minutes into Misty being at the store Ash and Pikachu have been answering questions from all three of her sisters. They answered so many questions in five minutes that Pikachu's pen ran out of ink and all the paper in his pad was used and he was now half way through with the pad and pen Lily gave him to use.

Finally after 30 minutes the most beautiful noise catches Ash and Pikachu's ear.

The Eeeerrrrrk of an oil needed door opening and that is music to their ears. "Misty's back from the store." He says jumping up and Pikachu jumps onto his shoulder.

"Hey Mist, You need help with the bags?... Alright I'll help. Pikachu too!" He says pretending she answered.

1 hour later he makes them Roasted Lemon Chicken, with real Mashed Potatoes at Violet's request, Salad at Daisy's request, and Sweet Tea at Pikachu's, Lily's and Misty's request.

After dinner they tell Ash how good he can cook, and he tells them it is nothing compared to Brock's and seeing her boyfriend Misty tells them they need to go to bed and they can ask anything as long as they stay. But before they go to bed Ash calls to inform his mom about him and how he will be staying in Cerulean for a while.

They stay until after Thanksgiving and Ash calls his mom up and asks her to come to Cerulean for Thanksgiving and seeing an opportunity to cook for a lot of people she agrees and Ash sends Charizard to get her.

After Thanksgiving Ash and Misty become closer as friends and as a couple because Misty being a Romantic begged him to have/attend "Couples Exercises" with her but after seven weeks Ash was slowly losing his temper with the male instructor because he was trying to cheat on his wife with some of the girls, Misty being one of them, and she seemed to have been really taking a liking to him so, Ash got Mrs. Steel the female instructor and on the ninth week caught him in the act flirting with one of the female students. 3 weeks later they divorced and Misty promised that she wouldn't have him attend classes like those anymore, but he said that she seemed to enjoy them a bit he would give another one a shot, but she decided it would be best to skip Couples Exercises because they seemed to be a very close couple, only fighting over stupid things. Like whose turn it was to do a chore, or who didn't do laundry. Pikachu had fun watching them fight making secret bets with Brock who would video chat often.

March 2 2013 School reopens.

"I'm so glad that they finally got rid of all those bugs and we can now return to school." Misty says she and the gang walk to their dorms to get their stuff and prepare for third block.

"I know. I've been home schooling myself." Brock says.

"Me too." Joy says.

"I tried to school myself but I had more important things." Ash says unlocking their dorm door. "Hey don't you two have to get your stuff for third?"

"We got an hour break remember?" Joy asks.

"Oh yeah." He says rubbing the back of his head. "What you guys want to do for an hour?"

"We could get lunch." Joy suggests.

"I'm cool with that." Ash says. "What about you guys?"

"I could go for a bite to eat." Misty says.

"Sure. Where we going?" Brock asks.

"I don't know. Anywhere I guess." Joy says.

"Sounds good to me." Ash says.

"Any food is good to you." Misty jokes.

"Not all. Just most." He jokes back and everyone chuckles.