
Paladin’s Path

Amaris Whitlock born into a world where the human and demon race have been at odds for years. For the last 100 years the Land of Huain has been living in a state of peace, but when demons began to resurface in the human territories and Amaris’s home kingdom Is overtaken by demons and his father sacrifices himself to allow Amaris and his younger brother to escape. Amaris steels himself to get justice for the fall of his kingdom and destroy the demon race once and for all. But the path to justice will not be easy and he will need all the help he can gather along the way.

DaoistzXyuNd · Fantasi
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The dark cave was filled with naught but silence and an eerie darkness. The soft crunch of rock and gravel underneath his boots, and his nervous breathing was the only audible noise inside.

'Seriously, what could master possible have me searching for so far below the cliff' The bearded man mumbled to himself. Despite his being very adept at his use in fire magic, he was still human after all. Having him scale the deep ravine just to get in this dark cavern, was no easy task. 'It better be worth all my suffering!' He thought in annoyance.

He was already sure there was no other living creature inside the cave, as he had checked the area with his magic moments before he had even entered and again when he actually went inside. However he still held an air of nervousness as being in this unfamiliar and uncomfortable environment was not reassuring in anyway.

In his hand was a small orange flame he was using as his light. The small orange flame was flickering as the soft breeze came through the dark cave, but it would not extinguish as long as he was channeling his magic into it, so it continued to burn.

It was just as he felt he was getting deeper into the cave without finding any real reason to have gone in the first place did he hear it. The unmistakable sound of someone walking on the same rock and gravel floor as him.

As he was certain he had checked for any signs of life other than him he frowned and paused for a moment. After all it could have been just his echo. One second passed in silence, then another, then another. It was just as he was about to breath a breath of fresh air that he heard it again. Only this time, it was closer.

The hair on his body stood up as he could hear it. It wasn't just closer. It was right next to him. Whipping his body around he held his hand out and a large wave of orange flames filled the cave. As the orange light illuminated the dark he jumped in fear and confusion of what he saw in front of him.

Jagged teeth. Long black fingernails, charcoal color skin and two curved black horns on top of its head. His body frozen he attempted to take a step back in fear. "T-this can't be!" He exclaimed.

A sinister chortling sounded from the the creature in front of him. A deep distorted voice coming out. "It seems a little mouse has found it's way into my den."

"Y-you should exist!! Abomination! How are you here!" He shouted defiantly. Enveloping his hands in the bright orange flames he positioned his body to attack.

"Little human, we never went away!" It chortled. "You humans pushed us away, and attempted to destroy us but now..haha we are one step closer to returning to our rightful place!"

"You aren't going anywhere!" He threw his palm out casting a wave of fire at the creature to which it just stood there. Soaking in the flames as if it was experiencing a baptism from the underworld. His skin soaked in sweat from fear his body tense from fright he was horrified. "Th-this shouldn't be possible! How can something like you exist?!"

Though he had the alarming urge to run he could not move his body. The piercing red eyes of the monster in front of him rooted him to that spot. "Little mouse, thank you for making my job so much easier." It cackled.

That sinister laugh, and glaring red eyes was the last thing he saw before his neck and body were no longer connected. His last thought being that he should have never come down the ravine.

The charcoal skinned creature just smirked at his handiwork. "Looks like it's time to start."

The world would not know what had happened to him. The Youngest disciple of the the Sword Saint of Yelan but it would be the catalyst that would throw the entire continent of Huain into mortal disaster.