
Padfoots Heir

Perseus Sirius Black is an orphan who’s just been introduced to the world of magic. While exchanging what little money he has for wizarding currency, he’s met with a unwelcome surprise. This is an AU take on HP. The main character is an OC. Things will change from the original story. You have been warned.

S1r1usG0ld · Derivasi dari karya
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6 Chs

An Introduction to Slytherin

After a nice filling meal, the Headmaster made a few more announcements before shuttling them off to bed. An older student gathered everyones attention and said, "All right first years, my name is Gemma Farley please follow me to the Slytherin common room."

Percy followed behind the rest of the first years and they soon made their way down the stairs. As they walked Gemma spoke, "First off, I would like to say congratulations for making it into Slytherin House! Of course, such an opinion will only be shared by your fellow Slytherins. We Slytherins are often written off as untrustworthy, so don't expect the other houses to roll out the red carpet for us."

A couple of the first years chuckled weakly at Gemma's joke, Percy and a couple of other of the smarter children grimaced at that information. While people often made comments on what they thought of House Slytherin, to be given a warning as soon as your sorted meant that the prejudice ran even deeper than they originally thought. Percy cursed the stupid hat, promising his vengeance of the highest order.

Gemma continued with her speech, "While most will tell you that your house is like a second family, I'm here to tell you to forget you ever heard that! Slytherin is a dog eat dog world. If you place your trust in someone so completely here like the other houses do, chances are all you get for your trust is a knife in the back. That's not to say that we don't take care of our own, if anyone from the other houses gives you problems your fellow Slytherins will have you back. Though within the Common Room, it's a free for all."

Percy noticed that multiple student seemed to turn pale at that. The only ones who didn't seem worried were Malfoy and his goons, and after hearing about his background from the twins, he didn't blame them. Lucius Malfoy was a very powerful man, right now he lead the Dark faction on the Wizengamot. To cross him would be equivalent to crossing the Dark faction and every family that includes. There's always someone willing to suck up to Malfoy for a favor further down the line. That made Draco a very powerful kid. While the younger kids probably won't bend to his every wish, the older kids who are about to graduate and be looking for jobs won't pass up such an opportunity.

"There are very few rules to survive in Slytherin: Firstly, Don't get caught no matter what; Sexondly, outside the common room we stand together and Finally, unless someone is in danger of death, handle your own problems. If you can remember all of that, you just might make it to graduate." Gemma finished as she stopped in front of a large wooden door with an ornate snake on it.

Gemma turned to face us and said, "Listen close because I will only say the password once, after that a new password will be located on the white board every friday. If we find out that you have given the password to any non-slytherin, detention will be the least of your worries."

After shooting a fierce grin at the younger years that made them shiver, Gemma turned back and in a grandiose manner uttered, "Ashwinder."

The door shuddered, before it swung open slowly revealing the Slytherin common room. The Common Room was just as dreary as Percy expected for being in the dungeon. It was quite dark inside, but just bright enough to read a book. Percy figured that was more than likely beacuse they were below the Great Lake, which could be seen from the windows. Multiple students could be seen lounging in the sitting area reading books or chatting. It was honestly, alot more normal than he expected it to be.

That is, until Professor Snape drifted in with his cape billowing in the ind behind him. His eyes scanned the the first-years, stopping a moment at Percy before continuing like he didn't exist.

"While many of you here may know this, my name is Professor Severus Snape. You may refer to me as Professor Snape or Potion Master Snape. Although I have been forced into accepting being your Head of House, know this," he spoke in a deadly tone that let everyone know that what he was about to say is of the utmost importance, "While the other Heads of House feel like wasting their time listening to every little thing you say, my time is not so worthless. If you have a problem, bring it up to a prefect. If you are injured, go see Madam Pomfrey. Anything else figure it out in your own."

A look of disgust spread over Percy's face at the man's unwillingness to do his job, 'Why work here if you aren't going to do your job.'

His thought must have somehow shown on his face as Professor Snapes eyes snapped to his and soon a look of pure fury appeared on his face as he yelled out, "Black, front and center!"

A bewildered expression appeared on. Percy's face, but one look at Professor Snapes face had him following his directions. As he stood in front of the other first years, Professor Snape stalked over to him, and after getting entirely too close, began staring him down menacingly.

After thirty seconds of silent staring Professor Snape turned and said in a mockingly sarcastic tone, "I'm sure your wondering why I singled you out Black."

Percy nodded his head in agreement.

"Answer me when I speak to you!" His Head of House bellowed.

"Y-yes, I was," Percy stuttered out in shock. He seriously wanted to knwo what this guys deal was with him.

Professor Snape snapped his eyes to him like a shark smelling blood, "That'll be 5 points front Slytherin. Don't stutter when you talk, it'd be a disgrace if you did so in front of the other houses."

The other Slytherins looked shocked at what was happening, although for different reasons. The first yearswere suprised because they couldn't believe how strict the teachers were at Hogwarts, and the older years just couldn't believe there eyes, they had never seen Professor Snape take points from a Slytherin unless soem5hing drastic had happened.

Percy was shocked, before he could help it a outraged look appeared on his face as he said, "That's not far!"

A predatory gleam was seen in Professor Snapes eyes, "That'll be another 5 points for questioning a teacher Black!"

Percy's blood was boiling, he'd never been so humiliated before, he took a deep breath knowing he'd never win an argument against a teacher. He gritted out in as calm a tone as he could, "Is there anything else, sir?"

"I just wanted you to know that I knew your father when I was in school," Although he knew it shouldn't, a faint amount of hope appeared in his chest. Here was someone who knew his father personally, maybe he would have something to confirm his theory about his father's innocence. He ignored the audible gasps of the other students because a teacher just admitted to knowing a Death Eater focused entirely on what Professor Snape would say. But the next words spoken crushed that spark of hope as soon as it formed, "and life in Azkaban couldn't have happened to a worse person, he was just as evil in his school years as he is now. So just know that I'll be watching you like a hawk."

Percy just stared in shock with his mouth dropped slightly. That was the worst thing anyone had ever said to him. It didn't escape Percy that Professor Snape knew exactly what he'd done. He played with Percy's emotions and relished in his anguish.

Tears of frustration unwillingly escaped his eyes as he muttered, "Is that all, sir?"

Snape looked at him in disgust and berated, "Wipe those tears boy! If a few words can reduce you to tears, then maybe the hat was wrong to place you in the great House of Slytherin."

Percy not trusting his voice nodded and lined back up, not paying any attention to the other first years snickering at his disgraceful showing.

They were soon dismissed and sent to their respective dorms. Percy ended up rooming with Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini. Luckily, Nott was not much of a talker and Blaise had enough of a heart to let him sleep off this horrible first day. Percy laid there and went over his interactions with Snape multiple times in his head. He thought of countless scenarios were he could have said something witty or sparky, even if it would have dug him deeper into losing points at least it would have been better than crying.

Percy wished he could go home, at least there he could be treated like a human being. He soon drifted off to sleep, hoping tomorrow would be better

I included the scene with Snape to show Percy's still an 11 year old child at the end of the day. let me know what you think in the comments I think it makes the mc more human.

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