
Pacific Island Nation Captures World's Attention

Chen Yang, armed with the legendary [King's System], embarks on an epic journey to found his own nation! Your mission? To transform a deserted island into a prosperous and powerful kingdom, the Kingdom of Yan Guo! But to achieve glory, Chen Yang needs citizens. And the more citizens he attracts, the greater the rewards! With each immigration milestone, Chen Yang unlocks revolutionary technologies that propel him to the top of the world: 1,000 immigrants: Obtain [fertilizers without side effects] and build the world's first farm, exporting coveted agricultural and secondary products to all countries! 10,000 immigrants: unlock the [anti-cancer drug formula], build the world's first hospital, and become the source of global health! 100,000 Immigrants: Master the [Automobile Manufacturing Project] and establish the world's leading automobile manufacturer, with hundreds of car models, from economy to luxury, dominating the streets of every country! 1,000,000 immigrants: Conquer the [Phone Manufacturing Project] and create the most powerful technology giant in the world! On the first day of listing on the stock exchange, shares soar to 80 million, exceeding all expectations! Tens of Millions of Immigrants: Unlock [Information on Nuclear Weapons Research] and make the Kingdom of Yan Guo an unstoppable force on the global stage! But Chen Yang's ambition is not limited to power and wealth. He dreams of creating a haven where everyone is free, prosperous and happy. Join Chen Yang on his epic journey to build a new world from the ground up! “I am Chen Yang, the first king of the Yan Guo Kingdom. My goal in founding this country is to create a home where everyone is free from…” Discover what awaits you in the Kingdom of Yan Guo! **IMPORTANT WARNING** This is just a translation of the novel "I bought an island in the Pacific and founded a country that caused a sensation throughout the world." I don't own the copyright to it. If you are the legal owner and feel offended in any way, please contact me and I will remove it immediately. **TRANSLATION NOTE** If you want to support the work I do in translation, consider joining my Patreon/SolarisVitally to support me and keep bringing me projects and reading more advanced chapters.

Solaris_Vitally · perkotaan
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56 Chs

Chapter 5: Conclusion of Crowdfunding and the Imminence of the Foundation of the Country

After dinner, around 7:30 p.m., the two police officers headed to the community where Chen Yang resided.

At that moment, Chen Yang had already had dinner and was sitting in front of his computer, immersed in building the national website Yan Guo and the application. After all, how could a country exist without its own official website?

However, his work was interrupted by the sound of knocks on the door. Chen Yang walked to the door and found himself face to face with the two police officers.

A moment of surprise hung over Chen Yang, but before he could say anything, one of the officers stepped forward:

"Chen Yang?"

"It's me," he confirmed.

"We're officers from the Huayuan Highway Police Station, and we're here to conduct an investigation," the officer explained.

Invited by Chen Yang, the officers entered and soon started the conversation. Curious, Chen Yang asked about the reason for their visit.

Watching Chen Yang closely, the officers sought clues in his reaction. They were familiar with the signs of nervousness in suspects, but Chen Yang showed none.

After introductions, the officers got straight to the point:

"You posted a crowdfunding video, didn't you?"

Chen Yang, now understanding the reason for the visit, nodded affirmatively.

One of the officers continued, "We've received a report of crowdfunding fraud involving you."

Chen Yang couldn't help but laugh, "That's absurd. The crowdfunding I conducted is in complete compliance with the law. I can provide relevant documents and procedures to prove it."

As he spoke, Chen Yang brought out his bank card and other documents from the opening of the custody account, offering them to the officers for inspection.

Actually, all compliance procedures were rigorously followed, with a processing date for today.

The police then verified the bank account number posted by Chen Yang in the video, confirming that it matched the account of the supervisory bank. In other words, Chen Yang's crowdfunding campaign is fully compliant, with no evidence of fraud.

Of course, for now, we're only in the crowdfunding phase. The funds raised must be used for the purchase and construction of the island. Any diversion of these public funds for other purposes would constitute a crime, but this is a scenario that has not yet materialized, and it's beyond the control of the police.

After confirming the legality of Chen Yang's crowdfunding, the police thanked him for his cooperation and left, saying, "Thank you, Mr. Chen. We'll be on our way for now."

"Of course, take care," Chen Yang replied, closing the door behind them.

Back in the room, Chen Yang immersed himself in work again. He remained busy until late into the night and early morning, finally completing both the website and the app.

Looking at the final result, a clean and tidy website and app, Chen Yang smiled satisfactorily.

Meanwhile, the rewards from the system soon appeared again:

"[National website and app construction completed. Reward: 50,000 citizen points!]"

With 350,000 citizen points in his account, Chen Yang could hardly wait to realize his dream of buying an island and building his own country.


The next morning, when checking his bank account, Chen Yang saw the balance:

[Balance: 1,381,368 million!]

The crowdfunding was completed! With the amount fixed at 1,381,368 million, no further transfers could be made to that account.

After meticulous planning, the crowdfunding of 1,381,368 million was closed in less than 24 hours.

The process went so smoothly that Chen Yang felt a wave of accomplishment.

"If you have enough money, you can buy an island!" he thought to himself, marveling at the ease of the transaction.

Without hesitation, he accessed the website and placed the order.

"Order confirmed!" announced the system, and Chen Yang received the instructions: to pay 1 million US dollars to the other party within three days to complete the transaction.

"It's time to exchange foreign currency!" he decided, aware of the formalities required for international purchase. Although the crowdfunding was in CNY, the transaction required US dollars to buy the island in Saipan.

Each citizen of the 'Dragon Kingdom' could exchange up to $50,000 US dollars per year, but for commercial purposes, theoretically, there were no exchange restrictions. Chen Yang, as the owner of a media company, took advantage of this possibility and converted the 10 million CNY into US dollars for the island purchase.

After completing the banking formalities, it was already ten in the morning.

"It's time to book my flight!" Chen Yang decided, acting quickly to ensure his immediate departure.

He opened the travel app and purchased a ticket to Saipan, with the flight scheduled for 12 p.m. the same day.

After booking the ticket, Chen Yang quickly organized his belongings. With few items to carry, he grabbed some clothes, his passport, and set off with a backpack on his back.

As he made his way, his phone began to ring incessantly. The video he posted had gone viral, and now both his parents and some relatives and friends were aware of his plans.

The calls ranged from requests for borrowed money to appeals for him to reconsider his actions. Despite the concerns expressed by his parents, Chen Yang knew he had already made an irreversible decision.

He talked at length with his parents, dispelling their concerns as best as he could.

As for the requests for borrowed money, he decided to ignore them, as they were seeking only their own benefit.

He simply chose not to answer the calls that kept coming in.

At eleven o'clock, Chen Yang arrived at the airport. After collecting his ticket, he took out his cellphone and started the second live stream.

With over 10 million people online, comments streamed in like a flood during the broadcast.

"Thank you for the support. The crowdfunding is complete. I've bought the island and booked a flight for 12 p.m. I'm on my way to the airport now," announced Chen Yang, displaying the auction purchase records and flight details for the viewers.

"The crowdfunding is already done?"

"This guy is amazing!"

"I'm excited!"

"The boss's determination is admirable!"

"We're waiting for our passports, boss!"

After a few words with the viewers, Chen Yang ended the stream.

Major marketing accounts also immediately spread Chen Yang's progress.

# Chen Yang bought the island and left#

"This guy is relentless. He really wants to build a country."

"Even if I don't believe it much, it's still exciting to follow."

"I doubt he'll last long. A deserted island is no place to live."

"Don't pour cold water on me."

"I'm not pouring cold water on you with this, it's really unrealistic."

"It's really unrealistic. If you use your brain a bit, you can understand. Let's not talk about something as far-fetched as founding the Yan Guo Kingdom. Let's talk about survival. You need water, light, and fire, right? If you go out for ten and a half days, it'll be enough. But it's simply impossible to live there for long."

"Haha, who doesn't know the issues you mentioned? Do you think the big boss doesn't know that? But he did it anyway. This big boss is definitely a giant in action, but unlike you, he only thinks about it without doing anything. If you can't do it, you can't do it."

"In fact, this big boss has already surpassed 90% of ordinary people in terms of determination."

The internet was now fully engaged in Chen Yang's movements, every step of his being followed with great interest across the country.