
Pacific Island Nation Captures World's Attention

Chen Yang, armed with the legendary [King's System], embarks on an epic journey to found his own nation! Your mission? To transform a deserted island into a prosperous and powerful kingdom, the Kingdom of Yan Guo! But to achieve glory, Chen Yang needs citizens. And the more citizens he attracts, the greater the rewards! With each immigration milestone, Chen Yang unlocks revolutionary technologies that propel him to the top of the world: 1,000 immigrants: Obtain [fertilizers without side effects] and build the world's first farm, exporting coveted agricultural and secondary products to all countries! 10,000 immigrants: unlock the [anti-cancer drug formula], build the world's first hospital, and become the source of global health! 100,000 Immigrants: Master the [Automobile Manufacturing Project] and establish the world's leading automobile manufacturer, with hundreds of car models, from economy to luxury, dominating the streets of every country! 1,000,000 immigrants: Conquer the [Phone Manufacturing Project] and create the most powerful technology giant in the world! On the first day of listing on the stock exchange, shares soar to 80 million, exceeding all expectations! Tens of Millions of Immigrants: Unlock [Information on Nuclear Weapons Research] and make the Kingdom of Yan Guo an unstoppable force on the global stage! But Chen Yang's ambition is not limited to power and wealth. He dreams of creating a haven where everyone is free, prosperous and happy. Join Chen Yang on his epic journey to build a new world from the ground up! “I am Chen Yang, the first king of the Yan Guo Kingdom. My goal in founding this country is to create a home where everyone is free from…” Discover what awaits you in the Kingdom of Yan Guo! **IMPORTANT WARNING** This is just a translation of the novel "I bought an island in the Pacific and founded a country that caused a sensation throughout the world." I don't own the copyright to it. If you are the legal owner and feel offended in any way, please contact me and I will remove it immediately. **TRANSLATION NOTE** If you want to support the work I do in translation, consider joining my Patreon/SolarisVitally to support me and keep bringing me projects and reading more advanced chapters.

Solaris_Vitally · perkotaan
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64 Chs

Chapter 42: The First Workers Gradually Arrive

It's already seven o'clock at night, and more and more people are receiving the email response from Yan Guo's government.

However, compared to the millions of work visa applications, there are only around 40,000 job vacancies available, meaning the vast majority of people will not get the job.

Meanwhile, netizens who applied for tourist visas are becoming anxious compared to those who got work visas.

Some impatient internet users turn to the internet to search for information.

"Did anyone here apply for a tourist visa for Yan Guo?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Dude, have you gotten your tourist visa yet?"

"Not yet, there has been no sign."

"Wow, mine doesn't have any news either."

"No one has done it yet?"

"It's probably because there are a lot of people applying for work visas, and Yan Guo's employees are overworked."

"That must be the reason."

"How many people applied for Yan Guo's work visa anyway?"

"According to reliable sources, in our country China alone, there are more than 1 million people!"

"Nonsense, there's no way there are that many people."

"That's not enough? Didn't you see how long the queue was at the police station? It's scary."

"I don't care how many people applied, I just want to know when this tourist visa will come out!"

While work visas continue to be approved, those who applied for tourist visas have not received any response, which is very frustrating.

Time passed and soon the next day arrived.

October 17th, 10am.

Everyone who received the work visa for Yan Guo was preparing for the trip.

Some of them were already on their way to the airport.

Most were young, carrying backpacks and rolling suitcases. When they arrived at the airport, they took photos that they thought were beautiful, posting them in their circles of friends or on social media, along with their plane ticket and work visa, expressing their excitement and apprehension about going to work in another country.

[I'm going to work in Yan Guo, I hope to have a good new year!]

"Good luck, my brother!"

"I'll wait for you back to eat fried chicken on New Year's Eve!"

"You're going to take a look and see what it's like there, if it's good I'll go there too next year."


On October 18th, 10am Yan Guo time.

Saipan Island, airport.

A group of men and women of all ages, carrying backpacks on their backs and pulling suitcases, arrived at the airport from various countries.

Feeling the warm weather, looking at the blue sky and white clouds over the dry island, they were a little lost and a little excited.

Someone saw another person with a similar backpack and suitcase and asked: "Friend, are you here for tourism?"

"I'm here to work on Yan Guo."

"What a coincidence, I'm also going to Yan Guo."

There were also many young women in the group, one of them came over and said, "Hello, are you also going to Yan Guo?"

The long-haired girl looked at her: "What?"

The other was confused: "Huh?"

Is this girl a foreigner?

This left everyone perplexed since they were all migrant workers.

They had generally limited education and only knew a few simple English phrases. What the girl said was clearly not English, so no one understood.

One of them tried to respond with his limited English: "You, work in Yan Guo? Me, also work in Yan Guo!"

The long-haired girl was even more confused: "What are you talking about?"

Damn, we can't communicate.

Finally, another girl used a translation app on her cell phone and was able to establish communication.

"Oh, so you're from Taiwan," the man replied instinctively, looking at the girl's legs.

"I don't know how many foreigners work there. If we can't communicate, work efficiency will also be affected, right?"

"We all do assembly line work, no problem."

While talking, they rented a car and headed to the port.

Chen Yang responded via email, saying that after arriving in Saipan, they should go straight to the port and catch the ferry.

So, although it was their first time going to Yan Guo Country, the process was quite simple and didn't make them too worried.

When they arrived at the port, they saw the familiar ferry.

It was the same ferry they had seen on Chen Yang's live broadcast, with the word "Yan" emblazoned on it.

They headed to the ferry, where there were workers.

"Hello, we are going to work in Yan Guo Country."

"Hello, please show your visa."

The young people quickly got their work visas, and after the workers checked them, they said, "Please board."

"How much does it cost?"

"It costs nothing."

"Doesn't it cost anything?" The young people looked at each other in surprise and a little excited.

They thought it would at least cost a few hundred dollars, but they didn't need any money.

It seemed that Yan Guo Country was specifically covering the expenses of migrant workers.

How thoughtful.

"Hello, please show your visa."

"She's from Taiwan and doesn't understand Chinese."

The worker agreed and started communicating with her in Thai, the girl's eyes lit up and she responded in Thai.

The workers were amazed by this, wondering how they knew even this less common language.

Yan Guo Country's wealth truly was great, even ordinary ferry workers could speak minority languages!

After boarding, they were surprised to discover that there were free drinks and snacks on board.

Initially a little shy, more and more people started to loosen up, grabbing drinks and snacks.

Sitting in their seats, drinking their drinks, eating snacks, looking at the blue sky, white clouds and sea outside, the tiredness of the journey and the anxiety of a foreign country, as well as the feeling of being far from home, were gradually calmed down.


(translation note:

If you find any errors in the translation, please let me know so I can correct them.

This novel is already completely translated into my pateton.)