

Here is the story of a fierce dictator and his story how he lived. The story of a boy from being a nobody to becoming the most powerful and feared lord of Falcon continent. Its his journey to conquer the world and become the only king who was never defeated in a battle. 'What is fear? It's Ozimaynads', said one of the native person of the land. But, power is temporary and so is the king. Witness the rise and fall of a man beyond mercy and kindness. A man with no emotions and heart. Whose story will tell what you must not do in life and beware of who you trust.

Prathit17 · Fantasi
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7 Chs


The map of Falcon continent now didn't had Balheru-Jerokio and Ceres. Routourousfenicol was now even bigger in size after winning these two nations.

Ozimaynads gave the soldier of Ceres two choices, first one was that they join Routourousfenicol's army and serve him or the second, die.

Soldiers of Ceres made a compromise and joined the army of Routourousfenicol.

Kirckby's wife was permitted to stay in the palace. She didn't say anything. She was still in shock, unable to believe what she just witnessed.

Artezist stood next to Ozimaynads, his bleeding was now stopped.

'My Lord', he said. 'What next?'

'Let's first go back to Routourousfenicol and then we will discuss what to do next', Ozimaynads answered.

Ceres flag was taken down and Routourousfenicol's flag was now flying high in the sky.

The new borders were drawn, Routourousfenicol now bordered three nations from right side, Canonil, Moncarw and Florisoer. Routourousfenicol was now the second biggest empire in the continent according to landmass, first was Fradrock, which was even beyond Canonil. No one knew anything about the west world. All the empires and nations were a mystery to Routourousfenicol and the southern Falcon nations. Falcon continent was huge, it shared many empire still unknown to many on the east side of the world.

Within two days the news spread across the whole continent about the glorious yet cruel in every way victory. This was a reminder to all the fellow nations and empire that now they are not safe and Routourousfenicol will attack you anytime now. Some nations were scared not of the country or empire but the king, Ozimaynads.

Rumors started flowing that Ozimaynads will take over the world and will become the first ever king who will be called the, "The Conqueror of The World".

Ozimaynads went back to his home city and settled down for a bit. Last one month was tough and engaging but now they were victorious and had plenty of time in their hand to plan who they would challenge next. Ozimaynads still thought about what his father had said to him and it was partially true. Kirckby was overpowering him in the fight. Ozimaynads was losing and he still didn't knew the strength of other kings out there. He had to get strong if he was now going to take on big nations like Canonil and others.

Ozimaynads thought of the ways he could increase his power, now obliviously there were two, the first physical and the second mental. He had to increase both in order to be victorious. One of the other things was terror which was equivalent to power. Other nations now were beginning to fear him. His mere presence would kill them such was the image of Ozimaynads in the continent now but still he had much worthy and bigger opponents and he had to build terror in their mind too. So, what is the best thing to do if you want to terrorize your enemy, you first terrorize his people so much that their king could not handle this situation.

If he wanted this to happen he needed to kill people in order to create fear in the neighboring nations. He was obviously not going to massacre his own people but he still had Balheru-Jerokio and Ceres public available.

Ozimaynads after two days of rest called Artezist.

'You summoned me, My Lord?' Artezist bowed.

'Yes', Ozimaynads answered. 'I have a plan'.

'About what?'

'You know. Increasing fear in the hearts of fellow neighbor kings'.

'And what is that, My Lord?'

'Massacre. Kill half the population of both Balheru-Jerokio and Ceres'.

Artezist muscle stopped moving, he was now scared of the man he was standing in front of. Was he the same man he believed in so much and respected so much?

What is he talking about? Artezist thought. Killing all those people. All the innocent people so he can create his false image. Was Pennyvile right about him, is he really a maniac? No, I should not speak so of my Lord. I need to warn him!!

'My Lord', Artezist was trembling. 'If you do that not only the native people over there but even our own people will revolt against us. You need to rethink on this'.

'Are you the adviser, Artezist?' Ozimaynads raised his one eyebrow.

'No, I am not My Lord'.

'Then don't try to be one. You will obey my each and every order'.

'Yes, My Lord', Artezist looked down.

'Just because I am friendly with you doesn't mean you can order me around', Ozimaynads said. 'Artezist, I believe in you but if you betray me or believe turns out to be false, I will make sure you die beautifully'.

Artezist for the first time felt Ozimaynads killer aura and now understood how all the people he killed felt before he killed them. Artezist nodded in yes and left. He was all covered with sweat and unable to think. He needed to share this with someone. The Finance Minister was his friend so he told him first about it.

'No way', Finance Minister was even in a bigger shock than Artezist.

'I know', Artezist wiped off the sweat from his forehead with a napkin. 'He really gave those orders'.

'But you are the Defense Minister, you can stop him', Finance Minister replied.

'I wish I could but I am not Kings Advisor. He won't listen to anyone'.

'I am sorry, Artezist. I can't do anything', Finance Minister patted Artezist shoulder and walked away.

Artezist kept wandering here and there thinking how would he tell his army to kill the people of Balheru-Jerokio and Ceres who were actually now the people of Routourousfenicol. This was a bad idea and also they were risking the trust and loyalty of the fellow citizens. Army might even not follow this order and start to despise the king.

At last, Artezist did what he had to do. He summoned the army and told them the new order. Army was also in shock and were bewildered. Was this the same king they fought the war with? How can he be so cruel?

'I know, my friends', Artezist said to the Army officers. 'You don't want to do it and you might even question the king but he has power and right to make decision. We have to obey him for our own good and please don't hate him'. Artezist then turned around and left.

Soldiers had no choice but to kill people. Five thousand soldiers were send to Balheru-Jerokio region and another five thousand soldiers were send to Ceres. No one was happy about what was going on and what was going to happen. Innocent people's lives were worthless now, no one was going to live. Soldiers didn't know how many people they had to kill but enough so that their king is satisfied.

On one, literally no one protested against Ozimaynads. Everyone is scared of him because they know it's not possible for anybody living in this nation to kill him, his powers are unmatched.

Back in the palace, Ozimaynads had to deal with another problem. It was Niks. He had to keep him alive in order to use him at his advantage. Niks was the part of "Plan B". After the massacre, people will not keep quiet and obviously revolt against the empire but that is where Niks comes in and saves the day by convincing the people that it was for greater good. Niks was stupid to be honest, he blindly believed on Ozimaynads rather than his own uncle and was even working with him now.

Ozimaynads went to the guestroom where Niks stayed.

'How are you?' Ozimaynads asked as he entered in the room and sat on the couch.

'Fine', Niks sighed. 'What about you, My Lord'.

'I wanted to talk', Ozimaynads answered. 'You have got any time?'

'Yes, please'.

'I am going to make you the Chief Minister of Balheru-Jerokio'.

Niks quite didn't understand. Was Balheru-Jerokio now a state of Routourousfenicol?

'That means my nation is no more a country but a state of Routourousfenicol'.

'Yes. Your nation is now our country's part and our country has provinces and states. You are prince of Balheru-Jerokio and to keep people in control we need you'.

'What did you do to my people?'

'I killed them'.

Niks went blank for a second and shivered. 'You want to me to cover up for you?'


'After what you have done to my people?'

'Yes. See our future conquer projects have big nations and after we win that you will get big chunk of it in your own state plus the wealth'.

'Ah—', Niks thought. He was again falling in the trap of Ozimaynads. 'I need time to think'.

'Yes. Of course, you have two days', Ozimaynads stood up and left.

Soldiers reached Balheru-Jerokio and the remaining went straight to Ceres.

Unit A was assigned for Balheru-Jerokio and leading them was Commander Tom.

'Listen everyone', Tom shouted. 'We all are now going to enter the city. The city has approximately 100,000 people, kill 50,000 and we are out of here. Understood?'

'Yes, Sir!!' all the soldiers said in chorus.

Soldiers moved on into the city and started to kill people, house by house killing five to eight men and woman. Children were not touched but left crying on their parent's dead body. Soldiers were moving like how fire spreads in the forest. Once brown soil was now red with blood. A soldier closed his eyes while killing so he couldn't watch the person's expression of aghast.

Within half an hour they killed around 500 people.

In two hours they killed around 3000 people and they were not stopping.

On other hand, same thing was going on with Ceres. In two hours soldiers wiped around 2800 people. Houses and sheds were set on fire, shops were destroyed. This madness had to stop otherwise this would mark the end of the empire.

Till the end of the day around 13000 people were killed. There was so much blood that it rose as high as till their knees. Soldiers were crying in a corner.

Unit B commander was Karl.

'Sir', a soldier said to Karl. 'I can't do it anymore. I can't kill any more people'.

'You have to soldier', Karl replied. 'Otherwise, king will kill you and us too', Karl kept hand on the soldier's shoulder and continued, 'it will be over soon lad. Just wait'.

The truth was neither Tom nor Karl knew when this was going to be over.

Tom and Karl then wrote a letter to Artezist to dismiss the order because a large number of soldiers were now not going to obey any orders and kill innocent people.

Artezist was in his room, depressed. A messenger pigeon came and brought a letter with him. Artezist got up and took out the letter but before he could open it another pigeon came with letter.

Artezist kept both letters on his bed and picked the first one to read.

It said:

Respected Defense Minister,

I am Commander Tom from Unit A assigned to Balheru-Jerokio. I want to inform you that now the soldiers won't kill anyone. They had enough of this torture and do not wish to see any more deaths. Please dismiss the order. The death count has already reached around 13,500 people. Please do something.

Yours sincerely,

Tom More Port.

Artezist then opened the second letter and it was from Karl. It also said the same thing. There were total 26,500 deaths in a single day but now it was limit. Artezist was going to confront Ozimaynads no matter what.

Artezist knocked on the door of Ozimaynads and then got in.

'My Lord', Artezist said, still stammering. 'I want to give you the ground report of the situation'.

Ozimaynads was looking at the continent's map. 'Yes', he gave permission.

'Around 26,500 people died today'.

'Whoa!!Today itself. That some progress'.

'I want you to dismiss the order, My Lord'.


'Because soldiers will now no more kill people. They are upset'.

'Babies get upset. I won't dismiss the order until they kill around a 100,000 people combined'.

'My lord, if we keep going like this the empire will fall. We would lose our support and trust of people'.

'They can't overthrow me'.

'Please understand my lord. This will arise the anti-nationalist sentiments in the hearts of people'.

'You don't understand so you Artezist? We are here not because of people but because of power. I am the king not because my father was king but because no one would defeat me. I want other nations to notice and then try because after that there will be no continent there will be only Routourousfenicol'.

'There is politics involved here. Other kings may influence our people and use them against us'.

'Ok fine, don't be such a cry baby. I dismiss the order. Happy?'

Artezist could not believe that Ozimaynads said it that leniently.

He then went out and wrote the letter to the Commanders.

Ozimaynads was going to dismiss the order next day but Artezist still came and saved couple of thousand lives. This was all for a higher and greater cause that Ozimaynads himself was not quite able to understand.

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