

Here is the story of a fierce dictator and his story how he lived. The story of a boy from being a nobody to becoming the most powerful and feared lord of Falcon continent. Its his journey to conquer the world and become the only king who was never defeated in a battle. 'What is fear? It's Ozimaynads', said one of the native person of the land. But, power is temporary and so is the king. Witness the rise and fall of a man beyond mercy and kindness. A man with no emotions and heart. Whose story will tell what you must not do in life and beware of who you trust.

Prathit17 · Fantasi
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In Search of a Master

A man was walking fast, breathing heavily. He enters a room which was as bright as sun.

'My Lord', he stopped and took deep breath. 'The spoiled prince, Ozimaynads massacred the people of Balheru-Jerokio and Ceres'.

'It's a trick', said the guy who was sitting on the big throne like chair in his bedroom. The guy was very tall and had long beard and moustache and looked like he was in his late 30's. 'Ozimaynads thinks he knows everything about human behavior now but he is far behind in this league. He just entered in the east, let's give the lad some time until he realizes what a blunder mistake he has committed'.

The tall man was king of Fradrock, the biggest empire in the continent at the time. The king's name was William Kohler. Some people even called him "The Prince of Darkness" due to his actions in the past.

The other guy was King's advisor and Defense Minister, Port Loherwald who looked like he was in his mid-50.

'Hail, Lord Kohler', Port bowed.

Back in Routourousfenicol, Ozimaynads woke up early in the morning thinking what to do next. All the soldiers who were send to massacre civilians were back and were disappointed in their king for such callous act.

Did Ozimaynads need some sort of training or wisdom? Why was he so confused and angry. His father left him with so many unanswered questions that it was making him sick.

Ozimaynads finally decided that he will take lessons from a teacher about fighting, defense and politics but big question was where would he find such a teacher who had knowledge of everything?

He then called Artezist and asked him, 'Where would I find a teacher who can teach me to attack but at the same time how to defend and also politics?'

Artezist was confused. He didn't know how to respond to that because the strongest man he ever knew was sitting in front of him asking him about someone who is more powerful than himself.

'I would have to search, My Lord', Artezist cleared his throat. 'But why do you need a teacher?'

'You know', Ozimaynads looked away. 'I never went to school and I really want to now. So, I need a teacher'.

Artezist didn't buy his reason but he didn't argue, he just bowed and left the room.

Ozimaynads then decided to visit the library to see if he finds any sort of information about the East side of Falcon continent and why everyone refuse to talk about it.

He entered the library which contained more than thousands of books but book's name was written on the side so it didn't took him long to find the book he wanted. He took out the book named, 'The History of Falcon Continent'.

He started reading it but it only featured west side of the continent. There was not even a single word about Fradrock or Canonil or any other east falcon empire nations.

Did something terrible happened in the past that everyone refuse to talk about. What was the deal with this overhyped piece of land? He needed to find the oldest man alive in their kingdom who he could trust and who would know such a thing.

Out of nowhere he was reminded of Seleyaz, the old man who tipped him about Rutaved. He never got the chance to thank him or meet him afterwards. Was he even alive? Ozimaynads had to find out.

He then called a bunch of random soldiers, 10 to be precise.

'Listen all of you', Ozimaynads said. 'I want you all to find this guy named Seleyaz, who is 85 years old and bring him to me. Don't behave rough with him. Bring him to me with respect. You got it?'

'Yes, My Lord!!' all the soldier's said in unison and went to look for this guy named Seleyaz.

Artezist then talked to Education Minister about his new problem. He told him about what happened back in Ozimaynads room.

'A teacher who is so skilled?' even Education Minister shocked to hear the demand. 'I have to search, Artezist. We may have someone like that but I am not sure'.

'Please do it fast', Artezist replied. 'Lord Ozimaynads would ask me any minute now'.

'Ok, relax', Education Minister kept his hand on Artezist shoulder. 'I am going to start the search immediately'.

Education Minister left to find the teacher for the King.

Artezist then went outside of the palace into the city to find a teacher.

Meanwhile the soldiers were having trouble finding this man name Seleyaz. The soldier then gathered more men to search for Seleyaz. Also, they could never find him if he was dead but there was a register in which names of people who die on duty were mentioned. Some soldiers went there to find out whether the man was alive or dead. The register was huge but everything was written in alphabetical order but then also the letter "S" had 123 pages for itself and it was going to get though for soldiers to find this guy's name.

Other soldiers searched the odd part of the palace. Like janitor's room, cook's room, etc. but still they had no luck finding him there. Now only few places were left and if they could not find him there then they would declare the guy dead.

Artezist was now in the city, riding on his horse through the streets. He then searched for schools but then thought that how would a school teacher teach the King so he didn't stop and moved on.

He almost spend two hours in the entire city but had no luck finding any mentor. He then realized that he left the city and now entered the forest area. He then got off the horse and went to the nearest well to drink water. He bended down and took out a bucket full of water and started drinking it and then saw something peculiar. He kept the bucket on the side wall of the well and walked straight to get a better glimpse of what was going on.

It was a guy shooting arrows on the target made from wood hung to a tree. The weird thing was not that he was every time hitting it right in the middle but he did it blindfolded.

Artezist wanted to see more. The man now just took out two arrows and somehow miraculously hit the both arrow right in the spot in the middle. It was mesmerizing what Artezist was witnessing and he finally decided to go and talk to him.

Artezist started walking towards the man and now that he got a clearer view of him. The guy was bald, in his fifties, extremely fit, had a weird beard and moustache and was tall. The guy heard the footsteps of Artezist and took off the cloth that blinded him.

'Who are you?' the guy asked Artezist aiming the arrow at him.

'You don't know me', Artezist was pretty surprised to know this that even after being the Defense Minister people don't know him. 'My name is Artezist'.

'Nah...Still have got no idea who are you', his grip tightened.

'I am the Defense Minister of Routourousfenicol'.

'Oh', the guy lowered his bow and suddenly looked embarrassed. 'I am sorry my lord, I didn't know it was you. Actually, I don't go out much'.

'What's your name?'

'It's Avan, my Lord'.

'Are you teacher?'

'No sir, I am just a farmer. I live in outskirts of the city'.

'Can you teach, Avan?'

'Depends on the type of student'.

'If I say the King of Routourousfenicol'.

'No', Avan said it so fast without any hesitation that it made Artezist wonder if this guy knows anything about human behavior or the outside world.

'Why?' Artezist asked straight away.

'I have heard about him. He is stubborn and doesn't listen to others', Avan answered.

'Better be careful what you about our King, Avan', Artezist glared at him.

'I am sorry if that hurt you, my Lord but it's a fact and I am just a farmer', Avan replied.

'Then how do you use bow and arrow so well?'

'I read books about War Tactics, Politics, Skill of Handling a weapon and many other things. I am fifty-five and I started practicing when I was sixteen so thirty-nine years of practice got me here I suppose', Avan answered.

'I need you Avan', Artezist said. 'You have to teach the King. You have great knowledge I suppose and we are looking for people like you'.

'Okay', Avan raised an eyebrow. 'But there are some conditions'.

'What conditions?'

All the soldiers after hours of finding Seleyaz but being unsuccessful gathered in front of the palace to discuss what they had to do next. The soldiers who checked in the register said that there was no one named Seleyaz who was dead. Seleyaz was alive but it was like he vanished somewhere. Soldiers searched the entire palace but had no luck finding this old stupid man.

One of the soldier then went inside the hall and saw a very old man walking around. He then yelled and told him to stop. The soldier then approached him and asked him his name and the answer was pretty shocking.

'My name is Seleyaz', the old man said.

'Where were you?' the soldier finally felt relieved and irritated at the same time.

'I was unwell so I went home but now I am feeling better so I came back to work', he said it so easily that it pissed off the soldier.

'Don't go anywhere stay here, alright?'

The soldier then went outside and informed everyone that he found the old dude and they all rushed in to see who this man was actually.

'Now listen', said another soldier to Seleyaz. 'Lord Ozimaynads called you and go fast without stopping!'

'Okay', Seleyaz started to walk accompanied by two soldiers who showed him respect.

Seleyaz was still confused why Ozimaynads summoned him out of nowhere after so many months. He kept walking towards Ozimaynads's room and reached there in four minutes. The soldier told him to wait outside while he informs the king that Seleyaz was here.

After one minute Seleyaz was called inside. Ozimaynads was relieved to see Seleyaz alive.

'I thought you were dead', Ozimaynads said.

'No My Lord, I am pretty much alive', Seleyaz replied sarcastically. 'You never called me after that day'.

'I know. I should have but I completely forgot'.

'It's okay son!'

'I had some questions that I believe you have answers to'.

'Go on'.

'What's the big deal about East Falcon Continent and why is that nobody knows about it'.

'Because parents never told their kids and schools don't teach such dark history', Seleyaz eyes told how horrific this place was and what happened there.

'So, what happened?' Ozimaynads moved forward.

'It was seventy-five years ago. I was ten years old, already doing job in this palace. Your great grandfather was king back then, Lord Brail the fourth. The continent back then had many small princely states and small independent village territories ruled by Village head and beyond that was the Dark Land, the land of horror and cruelty. This place was ruled by kings that burned their own nation for their greed. Killing of innocent children and people. Animals were killed so badly that even you may vomit after watching it and all this for money and satisfaction of ones ego or I may say the King's ego. These kings were brutal because they were powerful. The people over there are unlike any other human race in the world. Everyone is six and half feet tall and their bodies are huge, their faces are disgusting, their laws are mere insult to humanity and the fact is no one has ever been able to rest their foot in their territory, those who tried were killed slowly in a time of seven days'.

'Oh my God!!' Ozimaynads had this feeling that he never experienced, it was panic and terror. 'How can someone be so cruel?'

'Take your example', Seleyaz gave a short laugh. 'You killed innocent people of Ceres and Balheru-Jerokio, wasn't that cruel?'

'I wanted to scare people and the King of the East', Ozimaynads pointlessly justified.

'People who die every day and Kings that were born with no fear. Quite nice strategy'.

'I didn't know'.

'Still it doesn't give you any right to kill people what so ever', Seleyaz changed his tone to more of a sympathetic one. 'See, I know you had a rough childhood and teenage but now you have a chance to change yourself and experience nice and good things. You cannot win over people by power but with love and care. Don't become one of those East Falcon kings, Ozimaynads'.

'Okay', he sighed looking down at his feet.

'I hope you are satisfied with my explanation?' Seleyaz asked.

'Yes, thank you', Ozimaynads answered. 'Thanks Uncle'.

'You are welcome my child', Seleyaz gave a beautiful smile and left the room.

On the other hand, Avan was going to mention his terms and conditions. Artezist for one moment was scared what the guy would say.

'My first condition is, he should act like a normal nineteen year old kid around me, not like any king. He needs to listen to me.

Second condition, he would never back answer me otherwise I will leave him right there and go. He needs to respect me.

Third Condition, he should not question my techniques.

And that's it'.

Avan asked for the impossible stuff. Ozimaynads would never agree to conditions like that. Artezist requested him a day so he could discuss all this with Ozimaynads and tell him. Avan told Artezist where he lives and left walking further north.

Artezist didn't know what would be the reaction of Ozimaynads. He went back to the palace and first thing he wanted to do was speak with Ozimaynads but the Education Minister called his name out.

'Oh there you are, Lord Artezist', Education Minister didn't smile means it was a bad news.

'What happened?' Artezist asked gently.

'Sorry, I couldn't find any mentor for our Lord'.

'No worries I found one', and Artezist started walking straight to Ozimaynads room.

Artezist knocked and went inside Ozimaynads room.

'My Lord', Artezist bowed. 'I found a mentor'.

'Great and?' Ozimaynads asked.

'He proposed some terms and conditions', Artezist answered.

Artezist then told him about the meeting and what they discussed and Artezist was pretty sure Ozimaynads would yell or disagree with all the terms and condition but the vice versa happened.

'Ok, fine', Ozimaynads said with no expression on his face. 'I am ready'.

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