
Owned by Alpha

Aray's father was framed for participating in the rebellion and was executed, and she became the lowest slave.Alpha Devon bought her from the auction and offered her a condition of exchange. "As long as you give birth to my child, I will give you freedom." What she didn't know, however, was that her master was not only his mate, but also one of the judges who sentenced her father to death. The bad thing is that Aray actually fell in love with her father's enemy!

Bibo_Lili · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Chapter 22 He was injured

My vision blurred just as darkness seemed to engulf me, but at that moment, a deafening roar echoed in my ears, and the hand choking me quickly released its grip.

Finally, I clawed my way back from the brink of death.

Gasping for breath, my mind started to regain normal consciousness. In my field of view, I witnessed two wolves locked in combat.

A massive black wolf had the gray wolf pinned to the ground, furiously tearing into its body. They fought fiercely, emitting terrifying roars.

It was my first time seeing such a huge and powerful wolf, and my instincts told me that the black wolf was Alpha Devon. Undoubtedly, the wolf he was overpowering was the red-bearded judge who had tried to kill me earlier. He glared furiously at Alpha Devon with his reddened eyes and then viciously tore into the black wolf's body with his sharp claws.

"Don't!" I shouted loudly.

A sudden surge of power coursed through my body, and I could feel it was the same sensation that comes before a werewolf transformation. But something seemed to be holding me back, an obstacle I had to break through to complete the metamorphosis.

" Melissa, my wolf. I can sense you. Come back, return to my body," I pleaded.

The two wolves across from me continued to tear at each other, while I kept calling for my wolf. In this moment, my body felt excruciatingly painful, as if I were a butterfly struggling to break free from its cocoon.

Melissa, can you hear my call?

It was as if she was approaching me from a distant place, but I couldn't see her. An invisible force was blocking our connection.

"Melissa!" I mustered all my strength for one last call, but then she disappeared once again. I felt an overwhelming sense of despair!

"Stop!" a man rushed in, positioning himself between the two wolves and creating some distance between them.

The wolves, who were just moments ago locked in a vicious struggle, finally halted but continued to glare at each other. Rage surrounded the black wolf, and a low growl emanated from his throat.

"Calm down, brothers!"

The man stood in the middle, gently calming the two wolves, extending his hands like a referee in a boxing ring signaling for a stop. I remembered this man; he was the one who had tried to harass me in the hall earlier. Alpha Devon called him Duke, the one who took Alpha Devon away from me.

"While I don't understand why you were fighting," Duke said to them, "you both should know the rules. This club belongs to the royal industry, and nobody is allowed to cause trouble here. If the club manager finds out about your fight just now, he can expel both of you at any time! So, before things escalate, I hope you can both calm down!"

Duke's words seemed to have an effect on them, as both wolves gradually calmed down. The low growls from both sides subsided, and the fight had come to an end.

Soon, they reverted to their human forms, their once intact clothing now reduced to tatters from the scuffle. Duke arranged for the waiters to bring them two sets of clean clothes.

Alpha Devon walked towards me after changing, and I thought he would reprimand me, but he remained silent and helped me up from the ground.

"Devon!" the red-bearded judge said with a hateful tone, "I will remember this debt!"

"Think twice before laying hands on my slave again!" Alpha Devon positioned himself in front of me, "Next time, you won't be lucky enough to leave alive!"

"She's your slave?" the red-bearded judge sneered, "Then you better prepare a dog collar with your name on it for her, or I can't guarantee that I won't feel the urge to choke her to death when I see her again!"

"Go ahead and try!" Alpha Devon roared, "I could kill you right now!"

"Frank!" Duke whispered to the red-bearded judge, "I think you should leave, now!"

Frank! So, the red-bearded judge's name is Frank! I remember that name!

To prevent them from fighting again, Duke firmly held Frank's shoulder and led him away. As the room's door closed, Alpha Devon turned around, and his green eyes locked onto me intently.

"I told you not to wander around. Why didn't you listen?" Alpha Devon asked sternly.

I wanted to explain what happened, to tell him that I followed Frank because I wanted to know the secret he mentioned about the New Moon pack. But all the words got stuck in my throat, and I couldn't say anything.

"I'm sorry," was all I could say.

"Why were you with Frank?" Alpha Devon inquired, "Why did he want to kill you?"

"Because..." My mind was racing, and I needed to come up with a reason that Alpha Devon wouldn't suspect.

"I accidentally bumped into him in the hallway," I said cautiously, "and then he found out that I'm a werewolf from the Crescent pack. So, he grabbed me and threatened to kill me."

"Why did he want to kill you?"

"Because he is the judge for the Crescent pack's rebellion case." Memories flooded back, and my voice trembled as I continued, "He tried to force me to accuse my father of being involved in the rebellion. I refused, so he kept tormenting me. I hate him! When I recognized him in the hallway, we argued. I'm sorry; it's my fault!"

"Do you want to kill him to avenge your father?" Alpha Devon's tone was somber.

"Yes," I looked up at him, hoping for comforting words or support. But his eyes were cold, and his voice felt like the chill of winter.

"The Crescent pack doesn't exist anymore! You belong to me now; you're a werewolf of the Galaxy pack!"

But my veins carry the blood of the Crescent pack, and even if I die, my soul will forever belong to them! I can never forget the scene of my people being sentenced to death. I refuse to believe that the Alpha I've always respected would betray the king; in my heart, he has been kind and tolerant. He never incited our people to rebel, and neither did my father.

One day, the king's army entered our pack and declared my Alpha a rebel. Those rude soldiers arrested everyone in the tribe and threw them into prison. It was an unjust trial, and overnight, the werewolves of the Crescent pack.became rebels.

No, this can't be true.

That judge named Frank must know something about the Crescent pack's rebellion!

"Are you listening to me?" Alpha Devon's voice grew stern, "Answer me!"

I immediately snapped out of my past memories and softly responded to him.

"Yes, Master."

At that moment, I caught a faint whiff of blood, and when I looked up, I saw a red stain spreading on Alpha Devon's white shirt around his waist.

"You're injured!" I exclaimed in shock.

Alpha Devon glanced down at the bleeding spot and casually said, "It's just a minor injury; it will heal quickly."

"No," I insisted, "you need a doctor! Let me go find one to treat you!"

"Don't leave!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his embrace, "Don't go anywhere, stay here with me!"

I pressed myself close to his chest, hearing his heartbeat quicken. His hand gently stroked my hair as he whispered softly.

"Do you know how worried I was when I heard you cry for help? I was afraid of losing you, and now you're here with me. Promise me that you'll be obedient in the future, be a good girl!"

"I promise!"

I looked down at the bloodstain slowly growing larger, tears involuntarily streaming down my cheeks. Oh heavens, his wound isn't healing; it's getting worse.

"Please, let me call a doctor for you, I beg you!"