

In the normal world people have a certain hormone ''Adrenalin'' that prepares their bodies to better handle stressful situations, a fight or flight condition which is totally normal to experience most of the times, however this have limitation as to how far the body can transform. As the laws of nature intel , where there is right there is wrong, where there is normal there is abnormal as well.

Everybody's grandmother use to tell them stories of the great mythological beast, imaginary creatures that existed only in fairy tales and shape shifters who were not only magical, but natural.

A very long time ago, there was population of beings with the ability to hones this natural process within their bodies at one hundred percent, it was part of adaptation that enable humans to reign over nature and it predators. This was made possible by calling out to strong emotions like fear, anger, jealousy...,allowing them to take physical form and assume control of the body, revealing to the outside the true version of one's inner self, the part of you with immeasurable powers. It was believed that there lived a devil and an angel inside everyone of us, that when they are afraid people tend to reveal their true self. the type of person one is would determine the kind of monster they would become.

It was passed through genetics, so as the world evolved it disappeared over time, however there were still cases of unexplained casualty, damages beyond science's understanding and despite all proofs that there were monster among us the government still refuses to acknowledge their existence instead they said that it was nothing but a story told to children so that they did not speak to strangers.

A certain September in the United States of America that same injustice was done to the life of a man who would later turn out to have the power to something about it.

He use to live a simple life as a twenty four years old man, tall and white with long black hair, slightly curvy at the bottom and touches his shoulders. work as a cop in California where he rented a one bed room apartment with no wife and every month he got quite a satisfying salary. He was a night shift and loved his job, had a best friend named Erick, He also had a crush on his subordinate from work whom he had not told yet, she was a 5.7 foot tall Latina with long black hair that she closes like a Mohawk . he always knew that one day he would come to regret not telling her, yet some how he told himself that it was for the best and that she was worth the wait. Although he always went out of is way to get her attention, she never even noticed him, but he wouldn't give up ether, so he made it a habit. Every night when got to work she was always the first person he would greet, he would make coffee for everyone of his colleagues making sure that he delivered hers personally and every time he did, all she said was ''thanks '', sometimes he told her to go home while he stayed at work filling in for her, despite all his effort to gain her affection she only saw him as that kind friend that could she rely on when she needed help. knowing that made him feel rejected every time, he never truly admitted it but the only sad part of his life was the blanks that he could not fill alone.

That had been his life for a long time until one day around eight(pm) he was home sitting on couch half naked in a dark room with a big bowl of popcorn in his hands, watching television of a very high luminosity which was playing the news about another mysterious death where the victim was a cop who was going back home to his family from his night shift, however his car was smashed by what appeared to be a big foot, which was observed from the print it curved on the ground all around the smashed car when viewed from the sky'' God knows what the heck is happening in this town'' said the reporter on TV. ''yeah! no kidding'' Guion said to himself, as he put some popcorns in his moth and moved his head a little closer to the screen while he chows slowly focusing more attention to the news, then his phone rang. He picked off the couch right beside him and looked at the screen, it was an urgent call from his superior ''Yo! WhatsApp boss'' Guion answered. '' how many time have to tell you to call me sir, you idiot!'' the superior replied in a slower tone to make it crystal clear, '' Of courses sir'' Guion said, '' Never mind! a new recruit just got assigned to your post, I need you here to show him around'' the superior said, Guion listens quietly, rolls his eyes and said '' you can very well do it yourself sir'', ''what was that?'' the superior inquired aggressively, '' My shift is only until twelve sir '' Guion replied. '' I could have sworn I heard you say something else'' the superior said, ''No! that's exactly what I said'' Guion replied, ''Fine! that's what you said, now get the hell up in here !''The superior said to him then hung up.

He got his bedroom immediately after ward, didn't even take a shower, he got in his uniform and left for work, they wore a dark blue uniform with long sleeve that most liked to shorten at elbows, including him and a black bullet proof suit and boots. few minutes later he was already there '' Good morning Ms Geo!'' said as he walked in the station, leaving the door to close it self, it was an automatic closing type, so it closed it self slowly, while he rushed to the boss's office. '' it always her, hunn!'' a cop standing next to her station holding a cup of coffee said to him as was just about to touch the door handle to the boss's office.

It opened from in side and as it did a voice came through it, ''what else can he do, after all he has never been much of a womanizer'' it said. '' Rick!! ''Guion yells, surprised to see his long last childhood friend once again, ''Yo!'' Rick replied, just like Guion he was white and tall, with black hair, he wore a blue gen trousers, brown leather boots and black jacket with FBI written on the back. '' So you two know each other well that should make it easier'' The boss said as he also got out of the office and stood with them just out side the door, he was a black man, in his forties, tall but not so much and wore the sheriff's uniform, but Guion stays confused. '' lieutenant Maro, meet special agent Rick Ryan'', '' he is joining us for a special investigation'' the sheriff said, '' Special agent, you told me it was a new recruit'', '' I thought it was a rookie '' Guion said to the him. '' Everything I tell you on the phone is a code'' the boss said, '' You mean a lie '' Guion replied, but the boss pretended not to have heard him, so continued and said,'' beside, with all that going on in this city we couldn't risk being overheard by the wrong ears''. '' Maybe it's just me, but that sounds very much like we are about to break the rule here!'' Guion whispers to both men before him, as got anxious,'' Count me out!'' he said. '' I am not giving a choice you know'' the boss said, '' you're the boss, I get it. But why the hell do we need him for an investigation'' Guion inquired, the boss looks side ways, rubs his fingers to his chin and said,'' well for starters you're quite useless in that line of work'', ''what! then what in the hell do you need me for'' Guion raises his voice at the boss,'' will you stop with the question, you're acting like a child'' the boss yells back. '' you two are like father and son'' Rick said, ''shut up !'' they both yelled at same time, ''woo!'' Rick yells, as he makes ones step back with is hand held up like he was on a gun point. the boss quickly regains his cool, placed his hand on Guion's shoulder and said '' hhh! listen something is happening to my city, things that we can't explain, as sheriff, I intend to find out what it is and see it through to the end''. '' I don't want to lose my job'' Guion said regrettably, '' I know how much you love this job, but people are dying'', ''if we don't do anything now'', '' it's on us'' the boss said in a lower tone. '' you'll be teaming up with me and lieutenant Annika Georgia '' Rick said while he smiled, '' I'm in'' Guion replied immediately, ''it's what I thought'' Rick said. Guion's sudden change of heart struck the sheriff as fishy, so he yells in shock'' wait! are you in love with Annik...'', before he could finish the sentence Guion had him on gun point, instantly Rick and the whole police station that seemed to have been busy doing some paper works had their guns pointed at Guion, while he stares directly into eyes of the sheriff'' if you finish that sentence, you're dead '' he said, giving everyone the impression that he was really going to pull the trigger. '' Come on now don't be stupid, put the gun down'', ''put it down!!'' Rick said by raising his voice at him, while the other cops watched him closely. he looks around by turning his eyes side ways, withdraws his gun and said '' I was never gonna shoot, you said it yourself he is like my father''. The officers took down their guns as well then the two childhood friend made their out side the station, as they walked Rick says to Guion '' between us, you prepared a speech didn't you?'', '' shut up!'' Guion replied, feeling a little embarrassed.

While they were catching up, lieutenant Geo was summoned to the sheriff's office where she was informed of the secret investigation, while she listened without saying a word '' I understand'' she said, and was officially part of the plan. On the other hand Rick and Guion sat on the front boot of a small police car, in the parking lot right in front of the main entrance gate'' so when did you even become a cop?'' Guion inquired, '' seriously, you call me your best friend and you don't know this much about me'' Rick replied, '' dude I'm a cop not a spy '' Guion said, '' this is why I always be better than you'' Rick replied, '' keep dreaming'' Guion replied back, then the both smiled. Guion went on and ask Rick '' so what are we actually dealing with here'' he said, '' you saw the news right?'' Rick replied, then looked at the sky and said '' they are demons roaming around wearing human flesh''. A second later an enormous bird like figure flew over the station rapidly, almost covering the whole station under its wings, causing everything there to vibrate like an earth quake had just occur, as it passed. '' did you see that??!'' Rick said out loud, as they both stood up from the car, staring in the dark sky more attentively, '' for a moment there, I felt cold, it's like I was tremendously terrified of something'' Guion said as he trembled at it presence, '' you are not the only one '', '' it would seem as though the very walls of the station shivered of chill '' the boss said, as everyone got out of the station looking at the sky, '' what could possibly do that ?'' a male officer asked, '' a monster '' Annika said.

The next day, September twenty, Guion woke up late about 10 AM, but the mission was only to at 8 PM, so he brushed his teeth, hung the towel around his neck after wiping his face with it, then turned on the news while he stood in front of the TV. ''this morning a gigantic feather of about the size of adult men was found stuck through the California state capitol's pointy top'' said reporter on the news.

He turns off the tv, went to the garage and began to workout using tires and dumbbells, since his garage was quite big to both those things . It took him three hours to finish exercising, and he went to the shower after that. When he was done, he wore a white towel and left the shower, the heard the door bell ringing, while was going to his bed room to get dressed, so he went to get the door instead. Surprisingly, it was Rick and Annika in their casual clothing. blue gen trousers, grey T-shirt, black biker jacket and black shoes for Rick and a short white dress with black flowers and black high heels boots for Annika. '' Ms Geo!'' he yelled and hid behind the door, leaving only his head exposed. '' I'm here too '' Rick said, but Guion gives him dirty stare, '' damn! '' Rick said, '' Ms Geo! it it possible that you could, wait till get dressed, cause I'm kind of naked right now'' Guion said by pretending to lough and make jokes, but before she could open her to reply, Rick had already pushed open the door '' Nope! '' he yelled, as he walked in and Annika followed him behind. she looks at Guion and said '' hot '' seductively, but he stays speechless rubbing his head , with a fake smile on his face.

'' could someone turn on the fan, it scorching hot in here.'' Rick said, as he walked to the kitchen, '' please make yourselves at home'' Guion said, then went straight to his room and dressed up, when he returned he found them both wearing aprons while they make pan cakes. '' Yo! Guion '' Rick yelled happily, '' what's happening ?'' Guion asked, '' Annika could you give him your apron, it's been a while since we worked together.'' Rick said , '' alright '' she said, gave him the clothe and went to the sitting room.

'' what you doing! '' Guion whispered furiously, the second she turned her back at them '' what are you doing! '' Rick replied the same way, '' you brought Annika Here unannounced, what if something goes wrong!'' he whispers again, '' what ! are you a king? I hear you've been crushing on her for six years and you have not told her yet! '' Rick whispers back, '' so what! that's my problem. '' Guion whispers, '' so what!? '' '' look at her you idiot , she is perfect, if you do something now you'll watch her for the rest of your life kissing that guy, while she drinks your coffee'' Rick said, '' what! what guy? '' Guion asks curiously, but Rick smirks while he removes his apron and said '' are you worried?" then place it against Guion's chest and left.

He went to the sitting room, sat close to Annika and posed his arm on her shoulder, around her neck, '' you done? ''Annika asked, '' Nope! he'll do it'' '' he is better at it anyway'' Rick replied then turned is head to ward Guion and made two quick kissing impressions, making him extremely mad.

few second later Guion snatches Rick's arm from Annika's shoulder frighteningly '' food is ready! '' he said, with a fake smile, '' jeez! you scared me. '' Annika after skipping her breath. They went to the dining table and began to eat '' don't get me wrong , but what made you come here Ms Geo?'' Guion asked, ''Rick! '' she said, '' he said that it was your birthday, that had a lot of surprise gift for you and asked me to come with'' she further explained, '' just you! '' Guion asked, '' yeah! why did you ask me of all those people?'' she asked, '' when people see me driving around with a guy they think I'm gay. '' Rick replied, '' what about the other girls?'' Annika asked, ''they all look like boys. '' Rick replies without a care in the world and they all laughed.

'' Do you still got that car you bought eleven years ago? '' Rick asked Guion, '' yeah! in the garage, why? '' Guion replied, '' you bought a car when you were thirteen years old? '' Annika asked as she while she smiles, ''It's nothing special really '' Guion replied, '' is it still working? '' Rick asked while he walked to the garage. Guion tries to stop him '' wo! hold up, where the hell are you going? '' he said, but Rick wouldn't stop, so he decided to go too, while Annika remains seated. ''Come along Annika you will love that car. '' Rick said and they left.

Inside the garage was only few spare tires, some gym equipment and an enormous monster truck at the centre of the garage, covered in a black dusty clothe that had been left unattended for more than a decade, '' what brand is it? '' Annika asked, '' wait for it...'' Rick replied, then Guion pulled of the clothe. It was black mustang with huge tires, '' No way! '' Annika said, '' I told you, you will love it. '' Rick said, '' how could a thirteen years old possibly possess this much money? '' she asked, ''well, we were very rich kid. '' Rick replied and Guion tries to hide the sad face that Annika couldn't help but notice, yet said nothing in that moment.

Rick opens a door, got in the car, opens a small fridge behind the hand brake, in between to front seats and pulls out a big bottle of white horse '' damn! it's warm. '' '' we are so dead. '' he said, the got out of the car, '' isn't it the wrong time for wine right now? '' Annika asked, '' darling there is never a right time to ride a white horse, you just do it. '' Rick replied, the Guion followed through immediately '' you just do it! '' he said, while Annika stood clue less of what they were talking about. '' I know what is missing." Guion said while he waved his up and down, then climbed in the car, turned on the radio and put an old disco song' I'm burning up ' by Yvonne Chaka chaka. He began to move head to the sound of the beat as he sat on the driver's seat. He points his finger at Rick and he started shaking his as well while he pointed his finger back at Guion then both they sang along with the radio as they danced and drank. As they did Rick hands the bottle to Annika and began to dance around her, yelling '' drink!, drink!'' repeatedly then Guion joined also. she holds the bottle on her lips up side down and faced the ceiling as she drinks, she passed it on to Guion afterward and joined the dancing.

Few minute later they were all tired, sitting on the ground leaning on one of the car's front tires, they stared at the floor not knowing what to do next, while Annika sucks the final drop of wine from the bottle '' you know, you two are so different from each other, yet it's nearly impossible to tell you apart. '' she said, it's quite simple really'' Rick implies as he stands up '' I'm the fun one. '' he said, then walked toward the door, '' And where are you going?'' Guion inquired, '' I'm going to lock you both in here.'' he said. Annika became a little alerted, so she asked Guion '' he's not really gonna do that. '' '' right? '' , '' of course not. '' Guion said with a smile of great confidence, but quickly changed his impression on him '' shit! '' he whispers the rushed to they door, and Annika followed. '' Rick! open the door. ''he yelled as he tried to pull open the door, but Rick ignored him, '' Rick! please open up. '' Annika yelled, still he ignored, '' grow up Rick, open the door. '' Guion said in a sweet tone, however he refused to respond, '' open up the door damn it!! '' he yelled even louder. '' I am not opening until you confess your love to Annika! '' Rick replied. speechless she was. she looked at he with wide open eyes as though she had seen a ghost, but before she could say anything he fainted from embarrassment '' what a! '' she yelled.

She grabbed his legs, dragged him to the car the slapped him across the face. He rapidly wakes up not knowing what to say to her as she kneeled down, staring at him right in the face '' He was probably not in his right mind. '' she said. When Rick noticed that they were no longer behind the door he unlocked it, left the keys there and left, however they continued to believe that the door was locked, so they did no bother checking it out. Just as it was starting to look like Guion would perish of humiliation, Annika's curious nature saves the day. She was walking around looking for something to do, in order to pass the time as they had plenty. She tumbled across two big water guns, a blue and a green, they were fully loaded. she took them and gave on to Guion, begging him to play with her '' come on Guion, we still have more hours in this place. '' she said. He took the gun and said '' Alright! '', she shot water on face and ran away, '' Ho! you'll pay for this. '' he whispered the chassed after her. They played for an hour, using the garage as battle field.

when they were both whole wet and the guns were out of water, a romantic song play on the radio'' ho! my god that's my favourite song! ''she yelled, ran to Guion grabbed his hand and dragged him in front of the car the began to slow dance with him, holding him very tightly against herself, then laid her head close to his neck, on the right shoulder and closed her eye.

After dancing couple of songs, Annika got in the car and sat next to the driver's seat '' I'm so exhausted. '' she said, so Guion got in too and sat on the driver's seat. Since it was already getting dark out side which they could see through the windows, Guion switched on the light inside the car. '' so does he always lock you on your birthday? '' Annika said, '' he does that when he believes that I'm in love with someone, but scared to tell them. '' Guion replied, '' are you in love with me? '' she asked, looking at him and saw that he struggled to reply, so she took down the question '' sorry that came out wrong. '' she said, pretending to laugh, but Guion smiled. They looked at each other suddenly they were silent, only staring at one another, before they knew it their heads met and they kissed, nonetheless released each other swiftly, and looked in opposite directions. When it got every dark outside, Annika took Guion's phone that he left on top of that small fridge to check out the time, she discovered Rick's message from three PM'' the door is open but I bet you won't wanna come out. '' the message said. she giggled after reading it silently. '' WhatsApp! '' Guion asked. she showed him the screen of the phone, '' he really is your best friend isn't he? '' she said. '' he is my brother. '' Guion replied, then took the phone from Annika.

It was already eight PM, what's more they discerned that despite having them locked up in the garage for so long Rick was awfully hushed the whole time, they surmised that might have passed out some where in the house. Guion worried therefore he chose to go check out on him'' Ms Geo! we should probably go check on him.'' Guion said. '' I think that we are way passed the Ms thing, call me Annika. '' she said, opened the door and got out, '' of course Annika.'' Guion whispered and followed her. Annika pulled the door and it opened pretty easily. After searching for everywhere they saw that he had left the keys at the door. '' he's gone! '' Guion said, '' he wouldn't possibly leave the boor, may be he's in the car. '' Annika said and went to take a look. when she got out side even the car was gone '' son of a...'' she yelled, Guion also got out moreover, he saw the same thing that she did. He ears the phone ringing from his pocket, when he check it was another message form Rick it said '' happy birthday brother. '' with two happy faces. he laughed, '' so many surprises.'' he whispered. Annika asked why he was laughing, he said it was nothing furthermore he told her that would bring with his car. '' the monster! '' she yelled with joy, '' can I drive? '' she said. ''if that's what you want. '' Guion replied.

They returned to the garage after closing all the doors, Annika rushed to the driver's side, grabbed the door handle and stopped in spite of her excitement '' Guion! '' she yelled, so he stopped at the point of opening the door too. '' happy birthday! '' she said while she smiled, '' thanks! '' Guion replied, smiling also and then they got in the car. Guion opened the gate using the remote key that was tied together with the house keys then she started the car started the and drove away.

When they arrived to the station, there was no one outside, but the light was on inside. they parked the car next to four others, which were small police cars. when they got out of the car, Annika saw an officer glaring at them through the window as the headed inside, like some king of stalker. The moment that they opened the door, he was there. '' cool ride. '' he said as Annika entered, however she failed to respond because she in a hurry, so Guion answered him despite being in hurry too. '' thanks John. " he said, but John could careless about him, instead he had his solely focused on Annika as she walked.

Out of no where Rick touched him on the shoulder from behind, frightening him out, so he turned around quickly. '' where the hell did you come from? '' he said, '' outside! '' Rick replied, '' but, but I didn't even sense you come in. '' he said, '' well, I'm a special agent, I'm pretty good at hiding my presence. '' Rick replied. he could make up that John's attention was completely aimed at Annika even while they spoke, because his eyes were fixated to the sheriff's office where she was standing with Guion and the sheriff. He could see them clear as day, considering that the door was wide the whole time. Rick was a bit taller than John, so he lowered his head to John's and whispered teasingly in his ear '' they make a great couple, don't they. '', ''she's too good for him. '' he replied with and an angry face. '' Is that right! '' Rick said to himself, smiling suspiciously and went to the office, leaving him there.

In the sheriff's everyone appeared to be waiting for Rick. the second he got inside the sheriff looked at him, saying '' Agent Rick! thank you for coming. '', what did I miss? '' he replied, ''not much, but now that you are her we are good to go! '' the sheriff said, Rick looked at Guion and Annika then said '' and you, are you good? ''. Guion remained silent, but Annika gave him a dirty stare. ''Before we start, I wanted introduce you to another member. '' the sheriff said, '' what! I thought we agreed to keep this top secret. '' Rick said to the sheriff. ''I apologize for breaking our agreement, but what happened this morning scared me. '' the sheriff replied. '' what happened this morning? '' Guion asked, '' you didn't watch the news? '' the sheriff said, '' oh! you mean that giant feather on top of state capitol?'' '' yeah! that definitely a monster. '' Guion replied. '' But what could that possibly mean?'' Annika inquired, '' It was a declaration of war. '' Rick replied. '' However the government refuses to recognize their existence. they say that they are simply that were told to children, so that didn't talk to strangers. '' '' if thing go wrong, we will need the whole sheriff department to make a situation that will force the government to take action. '' the sheriff said, '' so you told everyone then? '' Rick inquired, '' like I said, I apologize. '' the sheriff replied.

In that same moment John entered the office wanting to speak to the sheriff, but was interrupted, by the sheriff who was conveniently just about to call him '' just the men I was looking for.'' he said as he placed his hand on his should, leading him to stand before Rick. " Agent Rick meet Johnathan Jalu. '' the sheriff said, '' good to know you John." Rick said while he shakes his hand. '' you too! '' John replied, '' John here, will be joining us on this quest. '' the sheriff said, '' hhn! it rhymes. '' Rick said, '' No only that. In three weeks John has discovered countless hidden bodies, all victim to unnatural deaths, it's almost as though he was drawn to scene of the crime. '' '' it's in my believe that even if it stays at the bottom of the sea, he will be able to find it.'' the sheriff said. Rick stares at John smiling, he said '' I look forward to witnessing that in person'', ''thank you John replied, '' oh! yes you wanted to say something when you got here.'' the sheriff said to John, '' yes! I wanted to tell you that all the preparations have been made, we are ready to go. ''John replied.

The sheriff shook his head once and said ''we'll go through the plan before you leave. '', before he could say more he was interrupted by Annika who desperately wanted to drink coffee. '' Guion could you make me some of coffee ? they help me relax. ''she said, breaking everybody's focus for she seemed to have raised an irrelevant issue, so they were quite confused by it until explained herself. '' I know I'm supposed to say this, but this is the first mission that scares the crap out of me like this. '' she said. Guion looks at and said " of course, right away. '' and left. '' we don't have time for this lieutenant. '' the sheriff said, '' nah! we do. '' Rick interrupts him, '' from all the report you gave me, the killings occur from eleven to twelve, it's only nine '' he said. Not long after that Guion returned with the coffee in a ceramic jar and five cups on a platter, he served everyone including himself.

The sheriff explained the plan, having a cup of coffee in his hand like everyone else, they drank wile they spoke '' alright the mission is simple, you go , you find that monster, then you take a clear picture of it and bring it here, so we can all see what the military is so afraid of. '' he said.

When there was no more to discuss, the sheriff gave the order, '' alright dismissed! '' he said. Annika and Guion were not in their uniforms, so they felt the office first to go change, John left just after them. Rick stay behind to have a word with the sheriff alone. '' something else we need to discuss perhaps? '' the sheriff inquired, '' what more can you tell me about this John fallow? focus on the negatives.'' he said, the sheriff gives him a curious look and said'' I don't know how that is gonna help, but he's had a grudge on Guion for a while now. he believes that Guion stole his position, that is too immature to be lieutenant. Six years ago when Annika signed up, she had eyes for Guion and it's clear he loves her too, but John insists on standing in the way. '', '' why did you ask any way? '' the sheriff, '' gatta know your enemy. '' Rick , '' but John is your ally. '' the sheriff said, '' and your ally. '' Rick replied, '' nobody says that. '' the sheriff said, '' is it?! '' Rick replied and left the office.

When he got outside the station, they were all waiting at the door, '' you took your time. '' Annika said, ''sorry ! '' he replied, '' oh! I didn't expect that. '' Annika said, smiling and surprised, ''damn right! you didn't, I'm totally unpredictable. '' he replied and Annika smirked and then they walked to the cars. John proposed to escort Annika despite knowing that she was clearly going for the Mustang, '' Wanna drive me with Annika? '' he said, '' thanks! but I'm going with the monster.'' she said. In that moment it was clear to Rick that John was in fact jealous of Guion, yet he continued to provoke him at great extends, because he suspected John of been the killer form the comments that the sheriff made about him, he wanted confirm his hypothesis by put John until he cracked. Rick imagined that the more jealous John gets the faster he would reveal the killer instinct within him. He knew without a doubt that it was John, seeing that during his secret investigations on the murders, people testified that the victims were killed because someone might have been jealous of them. It was just an hunch, even so Rick's allegations are always accurate. He was about to get inside his car, just prior to opening the door, Rick stopped him by getting his hand on his shoulder, as he looked him in the eye, he said '' if you want girls, get yourself a nice car. '' he shook his head and walked in his luxurious Mustang and drove away, Guion followed right away while John remained paralyzed with anger. Eventually he too got in the car and followed them. They travel in a straight line, tailing each other. After a while they switched, John was in front and Guion was last. He led the in a deserted place where most buildings were still under construction, there was no much electricity either therefore the place was very dark, what more it was that ten o'clock in the night.

There was one building that looked like a mall, still under construction, a five story building, it was extremely large. They parked at foot of the building, not very far from the entrance, which was Rick's idea. Apart from not trusting John who happened to be guiding them, he knew for a fact that something was going to go wrong in there, that is why he had prepared a plan of escape, in case John was indeed a monster. When they got out of the cars Rick told everyone to take only a gun and a flash light, while he carried an infrared camera along. Although Rick plainly out ranked them all, he let John take the lead, then the three of them together, followed him behind slowly moving their flash lights around to see their surroundings. When they entered the building Rick turned the camera on and hung it around his neck, facing directly at John. '' what the hell is this place. '' Annika said, '' I never even knew, this it existed. '' Guion said.

Before going any further Rick stopped advancing, he held Guion on the shoulder, so that stops too, since Annika walked next to Guion, she stopped as well. John had no idea of what was happening behind his back. Annika attempted to call him, but Rick would let her. He moved swiftly behind her and laid a sharp Knife against her neck, before she could say anything then whispered in her ear '' keep, quiet! ''. Even though he knew full well that Rick would never harm Annika, Guion was also caught off guard by Rick's unforeseeable reaction. He withdrew the knife from her neck all by being cautiously soundless, they stood still up till he was far enough from them, soon he perceived that some it and paused as well, with a distance of about ten meters between. Guion quickly understood that Rick has had his suspicions on John the whole time, seeing he trusted Rick so much, he to got Suspicious of John. '' how can you tell that the monster is gonna be here? '' Guion asked, yet he remained silent. '' isn't it obvious? because, he is the monster. '' Rick said, '' what! don't be ridiculous! '' Annika said, '' oh! yeah. '' Rick replied, then took out his small gun and shot twice in the back. '' what hell are you doing! '' Guion yelled and grabbed him by the collar. '' Oh! my God, he just shot John. '' Annika yelled fretfully and dashed to him without even analysing the situation. After few steps, she saw that John was still despite having been shot, even if they all had their bullet proof suit on. she steadily and called out to him ''John are you alright? '' she said in lower tone, with fear in her voice. He turned around leisurely, releasing a bizarre roaring sound, like a dragon, loud and terrifying. '' Guys! to the cars, now! '' Rick yelled raising his voice. they began by running backward, as they were no totally sure that the sound were coming from him, but when he turned around they saw red eyes as shiny as a start. ''oooh! shit, he is the monster '' Annika yelled. they turned around and ran as fast they could to get outside. They go outside, quickly started the cars and made speeding reverse, as they did they heard rumbling noises, like the sound of building collapsing then they saw an enormous humanoid figure with red shiny eyes jumping out of the building top causing half of the building to collapse straight away. They turned the cars around and drove out of there, using their highest gears. Rick had the fastest car so he had the lead and Guion was right behind him. Not matter how fast they drove, the monster only drew near.

It had a big muscular body, which was literally covered in strong muscle tissues, three arms, a normal arm, a giant muscular arm with so many veins, that was bigger than its whole body at the back of his right shoulder, a pointy muscular left arm that was about his own height and multiple tentacles with pointy ends sticking out of its back. Only half of it face belong to john.

Its chased after the cars for a while, when it got close enough to the monster truck, about five meters from it, it stuck some of many tentacles though the truck bed to allow it self to jump onto the car. Annika removed a machine gun containing a very long chain of bullet, from back seat, passed it through the small window on the roof and installed it there, aiming straight at the monster, while its chain hung down inside the car. she started to shoot at John with insane precision targeting it face, but the beast continued to stick its tentacles into the car. It took so many bullet just to make it blink, however it only drew near. Although the bullets did not cause john serious damage, he could feel the pain that the inflected the closer he got to the car until he eventually released the car and quickly jumped to a building's side wall on the side of the street, proceeded chasing them from there. his tentacles allowed him to the walls by piercing through the as it ran.

Even from that far Annika still landed accurate shots on him, so he jumped from one building to another all across the street, trying to avoid the bullets, while pursuing them, but no matter how much he tried to evade the shots, Annika still managed to hit him.

To him the bullets were nothing but an optical irritation that was only making him even angrier, until he couldn't take it anymore. He ripped off big concrete blocks from the buildings and threw them at the cars, as he chased them. They had the impact of an hand grenade when they hit the ground. Rick and Guion both being excellent drivers they were able to dodge all of them, quite easily.

After so much they finally made their way to town where there was enough light but no human activity, which was Rick's plan from the start. Guion did nothing but follow him behind blindly, and so did the monster. It followed them into a parking lot of a big mall around two AM, no other car was there except theirs. When they drove along a very long line of giant pillars that led straight to exit, Rick turned on the radio and revealed that they could trap it down there long enough to escape. '' Annika! I need to weaken all the pillars. '' he said, '' what! the building will collapse. '' she replied, '' don't you think I know that! '' Rick said, '' this is on you! '' Annika replied, then aimed the gun at the pillars and shot them one by one, wearing them off to point of collapse as they drove passed them. the moment that they got through the exit, the building fell on the beast, just few inches from catching up to them. Only the part that were the pillars had been weaken fail to the ground, the rest remined standing just he had predicted.

However, they did not get as much time as he had presumed, he had no idea what kind of monster they were dealing with. few minutes after the collapse it jumped off, through the broken pieces the building with explosive power, lifting off the pieces that fallen on him by simply moving.

He landed on the road, kilo meters away from the mall they were already far. the monster possessed the ability to somehow sense them no matter hoe far they were gone. he did that by waving hid tentacles in the air, picking up the vibration from everything in the atmosphere and was able to pick up their whereabouts. they were driving a long road in Dana point. A beach town at the right and very long cliff on the left. To give them a test of his power, he struck the ground beneath him with his right foot, causing a massive cruck on the road that followed them all the way to Dana point and continued to some of the buildings beside them, forcing them to fall and block the road to Guion. He then travelled about more than fifty kilo meters in one jump, using his powerful legs, reaching directly to them. Shaking the ground as he lands, preventing Guion from going nether frontward nor backward, because he was between the fallen building and the monster. Its walked toward them slowly, but with intimidation. Annika shot at it until all the bullets ran out, hopping it would go away, but no, it kept approaching without even glitching. " You belong to me Annika! " it said. They ran out of options and stood still, Annika watch it getting closer knowing that there was nothing more that she could do, while Guion tried to shake off the parts of the houses that had him trapped, he reversed as it took but the car would go anyway. when the monster got close enough, Rick interfered and hit the it legs with the back part of his car by drifting, forcing it to the ground. When the car span for the second time, Rick tuck a pistol through the window with his right hand and drifted with it. When the car stopped he had the gun aimed at the monster's right eye before it could hit the ground, then pulled the trigger. He shot it in the eye and reversed away quickly, as it screamed in pain, holding it face with it smaller hand.

Guion finally managed to break free, immediately reversed to the right in order to have the beast in front of him then drove into with full speed, sending it flying from the cliff, however it tentacles to stick to the cliff face before falling too far, Rick was not convinced that it was dead, so he pulled out an RPG-7 from his back boot, went to the cliff, aimed it at the monster and shot, blasting it into the water, then threw the gun afterward. A second later Guion and Annika joined him, where he stood. '' He wasn't dead yet? '' Annika asked, '' what are we dealing with Rick? '' Guion said. '' I shot him in the eye the bullet bounced right back, whatever weapon we have can't kill him. '' '' we gatta get the hell out of here or we wont. '' Rick replied, and rushed to his car.

They drove out of there quickly, like their lives depended on it. After reach a safe distance from it without encountering it for some time, they assumed that it might have gone away, so they relaxed and drove a little slower. When they reached a certain bridge tunnel, a very less populated area, they felt an earthquake while they passed under it. The tunnel began to collapse. they struggle to survive by dodging the falling rocks, before the tunnel crumbled completely Rick manged to pass through, but Guion and Annika were not so lucky. It fell on top of them, covering the car almost entirely, leaving only the front part exposed, even the doors were all blocked by the fallen rocks. The moment that it happened, Rick stopped his car immediately he was already a bit far from Guion, he knew right there that the monster was behind it, so without thinking twice he stepped out of the car and ran toward Guion and Annika as fast as he could, while he yelled '' Guion get out the car !, get out of there now! '', but they could not get out because all the doors and windows were completely blocked, yet kept pushing the part that was covering the top window, using his back and both hands. Rick continued to run to them and at them to leave the car, before he got too close he was caught off guard and got a slap from the big right arm. The back of the hand hit him in the stomach, sent him flying way passed the car until he hit against a tree and fell face first to the ground, yet he still tried to yell at him, as he stuck his hand toward them '' run Guion, run! '' he said, coughing out blood.

When Guion saw what john did to Rick he forced himself hard enough until he was able to push the heavy rock aside, pulled himself out quickly then tried to help Annika to get out as well, but before she could grab his hand, Guion was snatched from her. when she raised her head through the window to check, she saw him getting squashed inside the massive hand, while he bled from every hole on his head, she froze out fear, trembling as she heard the sound of breaking bones. '' Guion! '' Rick yelled, but Guion was already unconscious yet the monster continued to squeeze him. '' let him go you bastard! '' Rick yelled. " come with me Annika, only I am the right one for you. '' john said, '' over my dead body. '' she replied. '' you are a lieutenant, sworn to protect this city, so you understand this things work'' '' do your duty and be my wife, or I will lay this city to waste. '' John said, then gave her smaller right hand after dropping Guion to the ground. Annika couldn't choose between the city and her own life. she walked quietly toward him. Just as she was about to hold his hand, Guion grabbed her right hand instead, stopping her from going further. they were both shocked that he was still alive '' walk! '' John said, but Annika ignored him, instead she kneeled down and held Guion's cheeks as he lay down'' you're alive. " she said, while she smiled, making John even more jealous. He rose the pointy arm and threatened to kill Annika '' alright then, if I can have you, nobody else will! '' he yelled, while he tried to stab her in the back. the urge to save her overwhelmed Guion until he could not feel pain any longer. He pulled her away from him and made her fall down behind himself, while he stood up using her as leverage, '' no! ''he yelled and punched the monster in the gut with all the strength he had. surprisingly his punch actually blew him miles from there by crushing through so many buildings until he faded from sight. Annika couldn't believe her eyes '' how did you do that? '' she said, '' I don't know. '' Guion replied, confused by his strength.

He lost focus on the fight, but the fight was only beginning. Annika already started to doubt Guion as well seeing the kind of power that he had just displayed, so she watching carefully from behind his back as she sat there. she saw a enormous wall made in bricks flying toward them from the direction in the monster thrown, '' watch out! '' she yelled at Guion, however his body still felt numb, because all his bones were crushed by John, so all he managed to do was raise up his head and look, while standing there trying to shield Annika using his own body without any attempt to defend himself. He thought he was going to get smashed by it no matter what he did, so he lost hope in survival and just stood still watching it approach. It hit him right in the front, but shattered into pieces without even leaving a scratch on his body, he remained standing like nothing had happened. Since Annika sat still behind him she also got out unharmed. After his strike failed John felt challenged by Guion and was determined to kill with whole his might. he jumped and landed on Guion with a powerful blow from his big right arm, crushing him to the ground, picked him up and threw him through the car's header all the way to the back seat. He went right through the engine, with so much friction causing sparks, so the car blew up almost instantly, '' Guion!! '' Rick yelled, but Annika remained puzzled by everything '' what the hell are you Guion. '' she whispered to herself, as she stared at the hole that Guion had left through the front part of the car, while he was stuck in there as it burnt. John picked Annika up from the ground and walked confidently away.

Rick tried to stop him, but he could not even stand up, however he knew that Guion was no ordinary human, that if there was anyone who stood the best chance of stopping John it was him, so he continued to cheer him on '' Guion, whatever it is that holds you back, let it go cause we need you now brother! '' he said, '' oh! just what can he accomplish? '' John said, '' Guion is dead, just give up Rick we can't beat him. '' Annika said, ''he is dead hh! obviously you don't know him as much as I do'' he said, and forced himself to his knees, he looked at burning car and yelled '' Quit messing around brother, break free!!'' Boom! another explosion occurred to the car, the huge rocks that were on the top all erupted in the process. When he stuck his upper body out of the burning truck, he was no longer Guion, he was the stronger monster. he was way bigger and much more muscular than usual , his skin was darker with mysterious red markings on it, sharp pointy bones sticking out of his elbows, a hard eyeless skull, with its front resembling that of Tyrannosaurus and its back that of a triceratops, long back hair sticking out at the back of the skull resembling a lion's head. With his hands still stuck in the car, he generated insane power in the form of a massive shockwave just by screaming. His mouth opened as wide as that of a dragon, with teeth and a thick pointy tong, he could be heard by the whole city, even John was swept off by the turbulence forcing him to release Annika. Once free from John's grip she was blown into Rick's direction, so he caught her and shielded her from the stones and dust by turning his back on the source of the storm, while pressing her face against his chest.

surprised John quickly realized that he had to stop him before it was too late, so he jumped in with a punch, this time using all the strength he could master, but before he could land his big right hand on his target, Guion raised his right hand, placed it few inches from John's belly while he was still in the air and shot a giant bone from his palm, piercing John's stomach with intense pressure pushing into the city's centre. When he hit the ground he bucked to get up because the bone had pierced deep into the ground, while he still had a big part sticking out of his gut, but he use his big hand to pull it, it was about three meters long. meanwhile Guion walked out of the fire. He had beasty legs and a muscular tail, with numerous small pointy bones sticking out of it in pairs. He looked at Rick and Annika, exhibiting monstrous noises that reflected nothing but murderous instinct, even then Rick could tell that was only concerned and despite what he looked like he stared him in the eye and called him his brother '' that's right go get him brother. " he said, Guion looked ahead, screamed and jumped. He jumped so high that he vanished from sight, '' is that Guion ? '' Annika asked, yet Rick remained quiet.

The second John saw him falling from the sky, he grabbed a car and threw it at him, in spite of that he saw it coming, he drew sword like bones out of both wrists, sliced an X into it and passed through uninjured. instead the pieces fell into people's houses. he landed beside john then whipped him with his tail straight away, even so John grabbed it with the big hand, span him around once and threw him along the road side. he crushed a long line of houses as he fell, nevertheless he quickly got back on his feet, John jumped at once in order to deliver another blow, Guion jumped as well. Both they collided into a tall building and were about to fall back down, however John his tentacles to stick to the wall while kicking off Guion, but he grabbed his leg and used it to climb on him, locked his legs around his waist and punched him in the face twice. when he tried to defend himself the building began to crumble. the residents became alerted and started to panic, running out of their houses as they were not safe anymore. They stood and watched from a safe distance while others took videos of the fight.

Being that close to John had made it hard for him to use his bigger limbs and Guion advantage of the fact that he was preventing them from falling to give him tough time. He kept punching him in the face with is right hand while holding John's smaller arm with left hand. He took four punches and he was fed up. He stuck some of his tentacles in Guion's shoulders and some in his neck. Guion found that very irritating so he stopped punching and grabbed them, releasing the smaller arm as a result leaving himself wide open. John punched him in the gut and he loosened his legs just a bit, then grabbed him with the big hand attempting to through him away, but Guion enlarged the clause of his right hand and stuck them in John's forearm, drawing himself close again, however John punctured a hole through his gut with his left limb, then using his right big hand he reaped off the wall next to the window and hammered him through the wall with it. After crushing through ten walls, he stopped in a certain bedroom where he stumbled across a whole black family hiding in the closet, he got made and stormed at him as fast as a lightening, spearing him across the street into another house where John came to realize that Guion was only getting faster and stronger.

When they got to the ground John had Guion's neck locked under his armpit using his small arm, but easily broke free by piercing his tail through John's shoulder rendering it numb, except he struck him again with his left limb, all the same he dodged and grabbed it with his left hand then knocked him in the right eye with his elbow, gashing out his eye. John endured and punched him with big right arm, still Guion dodged and cut his armpit by scratching it with his enlarged clause using his right hand, when passed under it by turning toward the left, then turned toward the right and ripped off his left limb by scratching it. He span backward going in for a kick with his right leg, but Guion tackled him with a fast spinning lower kick, he fell on his back and before he could stand back up Guion hit the ground with both fists closed together. A colossal sharp bone skewed John in the back, lifting him up as it rose. As mammoth and towering as a baobab tree, it grew taller than the tallest skyscraper. When he touch it he passed right through and entered inside it like he was dematerialized. In a blink of an eye, he was standing John's skull less corps, holding in his right hand his still talking head. As the blood from his neck stained the sizeable surface of the pure white bone he spoke his last word '' according to your norms, you have done justice to the ones I have killed, few years from now some will come to you seeking justice for me. Be careful for this world is cruel. '' '' to them you are a hero, to love ones you are nothing but evil, it does not matter the good in your heart, there is always. '' he said.

Guion looked down and saw the world staring back with fear in their eyes, bloody tears came scrolling from underneath his blind skull because he knew then, that regardless of what he did he will always be a monster to human kind, notwithstanding that he raised his and roared. his shockwaves caused friction in the cloud, summoning lightnings in the sky that brightened the whole town. When the police arrived, it was too late, a portion of the city was ravaged. Although they could see him clear as day, they stumped just like everyone else '' God save us all. '' the sheriff whispered. From the crowd Annika and Rick managed to get a gleam of the view '' he is a monster. '' she said. The second he saw her, he dropped the head, jumped toward the sky and vanished in the clouds. Rick however appeared not shocked in the slightest. When the police started to remove people from the area, he laid eyes on a mysterious young man, whom he later lost sight of.

When the sun came out, they were in the sheriff office first thing in the morning, however Guion did not show up. Annika couldn't get over the fact that she had started to grow fond of him, they sat facing down. '' I can't believe he was the monster all along. '' the sheriff said, '' I had my suspicions. '' Rick said, '' I could tell you from the way you looked at him, what gave him up though? '' the sheriff said, '' his jealousy. '' he replied, and they both stared at him demented '' any regular person can get jealous it is part of human nature. '' the sheriff said, but Rick glared at him silently and the sheriff quickly rephrased is words '' you don't think they' re. '' he said. '' Overwhelm. '' Rick said, '' impossible, those were just bedtime stories told to children, they are mere fairy tales. '' Annika said. '' that would explain why the government is so afraid to act. '' the sheriff said, '' what do you mean sir? '' Annika asked, the sheriff played on his computer the videos of John that Rick had taken and posed when he was just about transform from his human form. '' these aren't just monsters, they are humans with God like powers, I have seen them'' he said.

While he remembered, the sheriff told them the true story of Overwhelm. He said that a long time ago there were people with the ability to hones their emotions and let them take physical form, allowing them to turn into monsters to fight other monsters, that ability was called Overwhelm. Our era did not approve of their existence they were terrified of them, and sought to annihilate them. he was barely eighteen when he joined the military, they threw everything at them. He said that he thought that they went extinct, but Rick revealed that they did not go extinct, that the government had signed some sort of coexistence agreement with them, giving them the night and the others the day. '' bull!! why would the government do something like that!? '' Annika said, '' is that right, let quit pretending for a second that they are not chickening on us'' '' why do you think they have not intervened yet? '' Rick asked, '' there has to be a reason for that. '' Annika replied, just as she finished the morning news came up '' the stories going around about monsters are false, the resident themselves have testified that they had experienced an earthquake and nothing more. '' the reporter said, '' what the hell! she is lying. '' Annika said,