
Overwatch: Rise of Rose

Disclaimer: I do not own Overwatch, its events or its characters. In a fit of rage, our protagonist accidentally kills himself and gets the option to get reincaranated to a world of his choice. Based on the many hours of dedication and a body pillow, he chooses the world of Overwatch. Join Shawn as he fights robots and helps change the world. Cover is done by Badbitch21.

Eaglestriker_22 · Derivasi dari game
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120 Chs

How Shinobi Settle an Argument

It was as silent as it was dark. I couldn't sense them, much less than I could see them. There were many factors to take into consideration, for example, did they have a way of tracking me? Have any of them moved yet? If I was the same person who I was months prior, I would have been screwed here. But I was the perfect guy for this situation. 

 But soon, my patience is rewarded, as they mistake my carefulness for cowardice and get aggressive. Through the silence, I hear the one thing that they couldn't make silent, as much as they tried. The shrill sound of a blade slicing through the air, which my mind processes and pictures perfectly. Seeing that it was aimed to behead me, my body reacts, raising my own weapon which stops his with a resounding clang. Before I can counter his attack, the sound of more weapons stops me, as I dodge multiple strikes, each one aimed at my vital points making it easier for me to determine their trajectory. 

With my eyes being useless, it was comparable to being blind, which allowed my mind to draw on my other senses to gather information at an astonishing level. I could hear the carelessness of my enemies, as they ever so slightly disregarded their quietness, allowing me to map a mental note to their location. I could feel the weight behind their attacks, letting me know their confusion, and their growing fear. I could smell something heavily laced within the surrounding air. It was no doubt the cause of how my ability to sense their bioelectricity was dulled. 

The mental map my brain was providing me with allowed me to see sort of an outline of all my enemies, keeping track of their movements whenever new information was gathered. However, as their numbers began to dwindle, I became painfully aware that I started out with twenty-one enemies, and one person was unaccounted for. Even now, while there were only three enemies remaining, I was on high alert for her.

Then, my senses flared, as I detected her in a way that I didn't expect. As good as she was at remaining unseen, it was weird to find that she wore such an overwhelming perfume. Just as I dispatch another one of her goons, I swing my katana around behind me, colliding with hers with a resounding clang. 

"My intuition was right. There's no way I'm going to listen to that bot and kill you. You will be mine." She says as her voice sounds like it's around when I know that she's right here in front of me. 

"There's no chance that I lose here. After I deal with you, I'm going to join Mamoru upstairs to kill your other sisters." I respond to her. She had no idea that her poisons would easily get identified and cleansed within my body. Plus, with my Sensorimotor Synchrony, it was highly unlikely that she was going to be able to hit one of my vital points. 

The weight behind her blade loosens, as I can tell that she steps back as the darkness echoes her chuckles. 

"I took care to not underestimate you, Apprentice of Mamoru. Our guest has taken care to give us an accurate evaluation of your abilities. I had hoped that you alone would come once you received my invitation, while Mamoru ran upstairs to his death. In preparation our upcoming engagement, I pleaded with my Patron Spirit for a means to defeat you.

Mind you, pleasing an eight-headed serpent is no easy feat, therefore, you will come to help me pay off the debt I've incurred for the gift that it bestowed on me. I was already powerful prior to the blessing, but now, I'm unstoppable."

All the while she was going on with her rambling, a growing sense of unease began to overtake me. It was then that I could taste a subtle bitterness in my mouth. I began to feel my senses get overwhelmed. I was... poisoned?

"You see, he blessed me with the ability for my poison to successfully affect anyone I target with it. You might have some way of cleansing yourself, but that was before the blessing. You're mine now." 

Her voice trails off as it reverberates through my head. Ignoring it, I focus on my bioelectricity, commanding them to remove the foreign substance within. There was no response. My cells continued as if I didn't just command them. A bit of panic begins to swell within me as colors of the rainbow start to dart across my eyes. The strength in my legs give out and the colors all fade to black. 

[A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, I was going through some personal problems that kinda left me in a depression. From now expect only a chapter a week.]