
Overwatch: Rise of Rose

Disclaimer: I do not own Overwatch, its events or its characters. In a fit of rage, our protagonist accidentally kills himself and gets the option to get reincaranated to a world of his choice. Based on the many hours of dedication and a body pillow, he chooses the world of Overwatch. Join Shawn as he fights robots and helps change the world. Cover is done by Badbitch21.

Eaglestriker_22 · Derivasi dari game
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120 Chs

Assault on the Hashimoto

Shout out to Yorinchin79. May you get accidentally nano boosted as Lucio and get a teamkill. 

Mamoru and I stood among the crowd, looking at the building in front of us. We had spent the entire day doing research, finding the blueprints for the building, interrogating to get a general idea of how many we were up against, and finally, preparing for our assault. 

Before us was a black and gold skyscraper, 22-stories tall according to the blueprint. While the sign read, Shibuya Offices, it was a front to house the Hashimoto clan. From our position, we could see men in suits stood guard at both the doors and lobby. Obviously pretty suspicious if it was just an office. 

What was even more suspcious was the fact that Mamoru decided to keep true to his traditions and was dressed just like a shinobi and was standing right there in the middle of the crowd. I chose a more modernized look, wearing a black jacket with pockets on each side, over a black shirt. Along with my black pants, I was wearing a black hat that covered my white hair, and a mask that covered my mouth. I was wearing googles that provided me with any visual aids like a map of the building. For this mission, Mamoru gave me shoes that are shared among the Shimada that allowed a person to wall climb. 

Mamoru steps forward which parts him from the crowd that was previously hiding him. The guards immediately take notice of him, hovering their hands towards their waist, indicating that they possessed weapons. Seeing that he didn't care, one begins to pull out a communication device, but is stopped by me as I carefully place a silenced shot between his eyes. Mamoru quickly dashes forward, slicing his hand across the guys neck as he passes. 

The crowd takes no notice of the disposal of the two outside, and we causally enter the building. As the sliding glass door opens, a soft ding announces our presence, getting the attention of the two guards in the lobby. 

"Can we help you?" One asks, as he is not sure of what to do as the guards outside wouldn't have let us in the building if we didn't have a purpose here. I notice the other guard look past us and his eyes grow wide as he notices the fallen bodies of the guards outside. Before he can do anything, two more silenced shots ring out in the lobby followed by the heavy thud of two bodies. 

As Mamoru takes the key card off of the guard's body, I internally chuckle at something that amused me about this situation. Despite how we were dressed, our plan wasn't to infiltrate. Mamoru's style was that stealth was an option, as we were here to assault the place with just the two of us. I had no objections to that, as I think I should honor my mentor's style and adapt to this line of thinking as well.

Heading to the elevator, he swipes the dead guard's security badge on the light and presses the button to the second floor. The door's close and the elevator smoothly begins to ascend. Our research had told us that the guards only had certain level of access. The guards on the ground floor wouldn't be able to go past the second floor without alerting everyone that something was amiss. On the second floor we would have to find the guard that would grant us access to the next levels of floors. 

The elevator dings and slowly opens to reveal a group of six grunts laughing in the hallway. The ding makes one look, and he snaps back into seriousness as he gets his comrades in attention as well. Not letting our misfortune get to us, Mamoru darts forward, taking the lead of this dance as I pull my pistol, ready to provide assistance. 

The grunts manage to draw their weapons in time, three with swords and two remaining further back with guns. As the men with the swords engage in close combat with Mamoru, their strategy becomes apparent. They intend to preoccupy him, keeping him from being able to deflect while the others shoot him. 

While one holds his blade in place, a gunman sees his chance, taking aim at Mamoru. A shot is fired, and the swordsman expects Mamoru to drop dead, but instead hears the loud ting of metal. Turning around, he is momentarily distracted allowing Mamoru to easily cut him down. With the shock of getting his bullet deflected by another in the air, both gunmen turn towards me just in time for a well-placed shot to knock their head back as they both fall to the ground dead. 

The remaining two try to take Mamoru on, but it's all in vain as he dances between their swings and with one motion of his hand, slices both of their necks. We don't bother searching their bodies, as we knew they weren't holders of the guard key we needed. No doubt our kerfuffle was heard throughout this floor, so alarms most definitely were going to be raised. Wasting no time, we move on, in search of what we require.

Further up the building....

A woman with long. silky black hair sat on a large red swivel chair with a glass of wine in her hand. Her eyes were glued to a screen and remained there when the door to her office softly opened and closed. 

"Lady Hashimoto, it appears we have intruders." The man announces. 

She reveals her screen to him, showing two figures dressed as shinobi killing five guards before moving on. 

"You don't say?" She says sarcastically. 

The man shuffles uncomfortably, "What are your orders, ma'am." He asks.

A shadow extends from the wall and stretches unbeknownst towards the man. He only begins to think something's up when he notices the smile on her face. A cold chill spread across his body as he feels an arm rest on his shoulder. 

"No doubt that's Mamoru and his apprentice. Let me handle this sister. I want the apprentice." The shadowy figure pleads. 

From the corner of the room, stretched out on a couch, another beautiful woman with a bulging belly resides. The man avoided looking at her at all costs despite her revealing clothes barely exposing her breasts and legs. 

"I call dibs on Mamoru. I think it would be nice to have the complete Shimada set, don't you, my dear?" She asks the man snuggled up next to her.

"I will not stand for it. I will only have you all to myself." Sojiro replies, bringing a smile to her face.

"Oh stop. You make me blush." Kozuke says playfully. 

Standing next to Yahiro, a figure clears their throat as if they had one. Everyone turns to the robotic frame with purple eyes. "I need not remind you how much you have at stake on this. Those two are the only obstacles in your way of controlling Japan. Do not underestimate the apprentice, he is far more capable than what you give him credit for. I suggest that you not give into flimsy human whims and take prizes, not prisoners. Kill them both." He says to them. 

At his words, all three of the sisters roll their eyes at him. Who was he to command them what to do? Yahiro addresses him, "My suggestion is that you remember that here, our word is law. Don't forget that without Talon's support, you wouldn't even be here to wage war against humanity. But your words have a ring of truth to them. Otsuka, take care of them."

Otsuka smiles cruelly, "With pleasure. I'll be back before my darling nephew is born."

Without another word, she disappears leaving the man trembling with the three. Yahiro's eyes fall back on the man with a bit of disappointment. 

"What are you still doing here? There are intruders in the building right now. Go gather the exterminators and handle those pests." She commands. He gives her a bow, before quickly exiting the room. Leaning back in the chair, she rubs her temples in frustration. 

"If you're stressed out, Sojiro here gives a superb massage." Kozuke tells her sister. Ignoring what she just said, Yahiro stands, grabbing her weapon. 

"They'll no doubt be coming for you. Make your way to the main room. We'll have to show our guests some Hashimoto hospitality." Kozuke smiles when she hears this and snaps her fingers. Sojiro rises and carries her princess style. Their robot guest makes no attempt to leave with them, but they didn't care. 

Yahiro thanked whatever deity at their luck that it was just the two of them so foolishly attacking them. She could feel all her ancestors were watching as it was almost the time that all their hard work finally came into fruition. The age of the Hashimoto was soon.