
Overpowered cultivation with the Innate ability Shop

Readable and being edited

Derewz · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

The Shop

It had taken over 300 years but finally I had done it , everyone thought it was impossible and my fellow Dark mages thought I had gone mad but I had done it.

I had finally engraved the strongest Dark magic spell on my soul and had become a Primordial Shadow born , the jealousy on the eyes of the other dark mages was immeasurable but , I Adron didn't care.

This was officially the beginning of my immortal ascension into a God of Darkness and the path though unconventional was still way faster than the normal way of growing stronger.

After completing the evolution of my soul I was ready to begin the evolution of my body , this time it took only about 10 hours of constant engraving all around my soul then letting it infuse power constantly into my body causing multiple markings to appear and disaapear.

Right as the process neared completion a feeling of dread washed over me and I felt hot white pain all over my body causing it to begin shutting down , looking around with my last bit of energy I saw the three people I had considered my comarades , the same people who had helped me in the journey to accomplish the evolution.

With devious smiles on each of their faces they each shot a Dark flame at me consuming my body in flames and attempting to eliminate my soul. With one final act of defiance and anger I exploded me Mana core killing both me and the ones who had betrayed me.

That is the last thing I remembered and now I am here sitted in a field of grass unsure of exactly what I was doing here , worst of all was the huge bear Like creature prowling around me.

I tried standing but basically tripped on my malnourished legs , of course that wasn't supposed to be the case so I scanned my whole body and realised it wasn't mine at all and was a very crappy underfed version of me with Dirty silver hair.

I tired crawling away only for the huge bear to pounce on me and smash one of my legs before roaring right into my face but before it could kill me the thought hit me , I wasn't a knight or a warrior I was a god damn fucking mage.

Smiling at the bear who had probably felt that something was wrong I placed a hand on its chin while it tired to back away but was too slow and got stabbed right through the snout with a spike of pure Darkness from my palm.

The bear fell without resistance but my focus was no longer on the bear because right before me a screen had opened up infront of my eyes floating and dark golden colour with words written in black.

[Welcome host to the innate ability shop.]

[Host is currently in the process of assimilating into new body.]

After that multiple screens opened up infront of me with different characters then they all closed at once and I lost consciousness.

Throughout that period of Darkness I went through multiple visions and random memories of people I didn't know but when I pieced them together I understood what the Innate ability shop was.

It felt like hours but when I woke up the sun still remained smack in the middle of the sky shinning incredibly brightly , on covering my eyes to prevent myself from getting blinded I was surprised by the difference because the previous thin hand devoid of any flesh was now fairly muscular and healthy.

Standing up I also noticed my legs and body were now back to their old self with just enough muscle that leaned on the healthy side now all that remained was my clothes that had been ripped by the change in my body size.

As of now that was if little importance to me because I was in a forest so clothing would become a concern when I reached civilization and that was once I found out where the hell I was.

But for now I was concerned about the shop so grabbing the bear carcass I dragged it into the cave that it used to call home and begun butchering it separating everything but shockingly I found it's core in its head instead of its chest like all magical beasts usually had.

Soon I was done and had organized the wood and dry grass it had used to make a bed so holding out my hand I channeled the little Mana I had left and released a tiny fireball setting making my own bonfire and beginning to roast the slightly bloody meat.

While the meat roasted my attention was on checking out this shop thing.

Suprisingly all it took to open it was to want it to open and infront of me the dark gold translucent screen opened floating in midair with four sections showing my status , innate abilities , techniques and the shop itself.

[ Host's Status]

Race : Primordial Shadow born

Stage : Infant

Dark Cultivation : Null

Devil cultivation : Halfling realm

Physiques : (Silver Inferno Devil Furnace physique >Sealed) (Eternal Darkness conduit physique >100% awakened )

Attributes : Darkness , Silver Devil flame

[Innate abilities]

-Blessings of Silver flames (Sealed)

-Body of eternal Darkness

-Child of eternal darkness


(Body techniques)


(Movement techniques)


(Combat techniques)


(Weapon techniques)


(Arcane techniques)


[Innate ability shop]


Shop coins : 2000

After closing the rest of the screens and focusing on the innate ability shop I understood why it only showed dots unless fully opened , the shop was near endless and I could continue scrolling down for hours and still not reach the end but thankfully it had a search function and could be limited to only show desired skills.

As I continued admiring some of the more powerful skills in the shop an old message appeared before me like a reminder.

[Due to the host having killed a third grade wild beast while still undergoing full assimilation the host has received six free shop purchase tickets.]

[The host has received 10 Divine Primordial grade techniques and 2 Racial evolution tickets]