
Overpowered Broadcast System

Opening a broken Taoist temple, he obtained an outdoor live broadcast system, so he started a live broadcast, picked lingzhi, raised falcons, showed operations, and when he turned back, he realized that the whole world was watching him. Participating in “Life to Live”, the audience: “Is This anchor is cultivating to immortality?” Participating in “Follow Master Bay to Adventure”, the fans: “This is not adventure, this is a vacation!” Later a reporter interviewed him, “Fans say you know martial arts, is that true?” “I don’t know any martial arts.” Said a red bird flying over, he jumped from a high platform of more than ten meters with a leap …… ...... Note: nothing here including the cover belongs to me all credits go to their respective owners. Author : 昙花落

EternalDragonO0 · Seni bela diri
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56 Chs

Chapter 56: Hunting

"Look, everyone, the South China Tiger is hunting!"

Ning Fei squatted halfway on a branch, looking at the South China tiger lurking in the grass on the ground, and explained to the audience.

The drone flies by his side, and the live footage is exactly the scene of the South China Tiger.

"Tiger hunting generally seeks cover, sneaks slowly, and when the prey is within the attack range, it suddenly jumps up to attack the back of the prey."

"Tigers bite off the spine of their prey. This is the most typical attack method of big cats."

Ning Fei spoke softly, although the voice is not loud, but the words are clear and make people sound very comfortable.

This scene is much more exciting than watching tigers and lions hunt in the TV show "Man and Nature".

The difference between the two is like watching the live broadcast of the game and watching the replay of the game. It feels completely different.

You don't know what will happen next, every moment is a new challenge, this feeling is only exciting.

I saw the South China Tiger crouching low and slowly advancing forward. If you don't look at the size, it will be exactly the same as the cat's attacking posture.

Its prey is a fat wild boar.

At this time, it can be seen that now is an era of looking at the value of appearance, including animals.

If a cheetah preys on a baby antelope, because the baby antelope is more cute, many people will say "why eat antelope", "you run the baby antelope!" "Run the baby antelope!"

But now the South China Tiger preys on wild boars. The former is handsome and domineering, the king of beasts, and the latter is dark and full of bristles, just like a messy critic.

Therefore, all the bullet screens are:

"South China Tiger, come on!"

"Eat it! Come on!"

"It's so exciting!"

"The most realistic hunting scene, live broadcast in real time, this feeling is really cool!"

"Haha, the anchor hurry up and join together."

Netizens cheered for the South China Tigers, one by one they were very excited.

At this time, the South China Tiger had lurked to a sufficient attack range, and in the next second, its sturdy movements stunned everyone

I saw the South China tiger suddenly jumped up, two sturdy tiger claws grabbed towards the back of the wild boar, and at the same time, with a fierce roar, it opened its blood basin and bit it.

This scene is very shocking.

This is why the tiger is called the king of beasts.

The wild boar reacted and seemed to want to run, but two huge tiger claws touched it and knocked it to the ground!

Such a fat wild boar can't take a tiger's claw at all!

is enough to show how powerful the tiger's attack power is!

Then the tiger snapped off the wild boar's spine, and the wild boar hissed a few times and stopped.

Everything happened in an instant.

South China tiger hunting scenes made netizens truly feel the fear of facing wild beasts.

"My God, it's so scary!"

"Looking at the anchors interaction with the South China Tiger yesterday, I think the South China Tiger has a very docile character."

"It's a wild tiger after all, it's not a joke that the hungry tiger is eating."

"Scared me to death, scared me into a cold sweat."

"Now that the anchor is really something, why didn't the South China Tiger attack him? Could he really be a monk?"


"Take it far, brothers."

Netizens were discussing enthusiastically.

Then, I saw that the South China Tiger began to drag the wild boar little by little toward the female tiger.

"It's a good male tiger of Gu's family!"

"Men should be as responsible as the South China tiger."

"How do I remember that the anchor said that the male tigers always run after finishing them, and they have an affair with many female tigers,"

"It's no secret that tigers are sexually obscene!"

"Hahaha, aren't all men like this."

"Hey, brother, I am not like this."


Ning Fei came down from the tree, the South China Tiger looked at him when he heard the movement, but it just gave a low roar, and immediately continued to drag the prey in his mouth.

It seems that the South China Tiger acquiesced to Ning Fei's activities on its territory.

The tiger has a strong sense of territory. Any large animal that dares to invade will be killed by the tiger without hesitation. Ning Fei's unscrupulous activities in the tiger territory, there are still several wildlife experts who have not figured out the reason.

"This animal friend card is really good, but unfortunately there are three left."

Ning Fei thought to himself.

"Dear viewers, I was a little hungry when I saw tigers preying on wild boars, so I ate wild boar today."

"It should also be explained here that due to the relatively good ecological restoration of the Qinshan Mountains in recent years, wild boars have been flooded, and the crops of many farmers have been destroyed by wild boars."

"Uncle Li in the east of the village planted 20 acres of sweet potatoes. Wild boars like to eat sweet potatoes and peanuts, which have sweet roots and stems. So last year, Uncle Li's sweet potatoes were all ruined by wild boars. Finally, they depended on the village. The relief is barely enough."

"In order to deal with the problem of wild boars, the forestry department also established the province's first agricultural protection hunting team in accordance with the law, and hired more than 20 experienced hunters, equipped with shotguns to carry out the killing of wild boars in accordance with the law."

"At the same time, hunting qualification certificates were issued to hunters in some villages."

"The result of the final hunt is that although certain results have been achieved, wild boars are too capable of giving birth. There are more than a dozen litters a year, and the reproductive ability is terrible."

"I came back from the summer vacation of my junior year last year and obtained a hunting qualification certificate, so it is legal for me to hunt wild boars."

"It is better to conduct hunting under the law."

"By the way, it is worth mentioning that Uncle Li is now the most famous hunter in Qinshan Village, and he makes a living by buying wild boar bacon."

Ning Fei talked to the audience in the live broadcast room, and everyone found it very interesting.

The policies of the higher-level departments will be adjusted according to the actual situation. For example, if wild boars have no impact on the lives of farmers, hunting will be banned; if wild boars become flooded, "hunting teams" will be sent to protect the interests of the people.

Ning Fei also has a hunting qualification certificate, because he was a good hand at bow drawing.

"I will also explain here that my hunting license only allows me to hunt wild boars and hares in the area south of Qinshan Mountain, and I am not allowed to hold shotguns. Guns require a gun license, and ordinary people cannot approve them."

"The famous hunters in the village usually use animal traps and power grids to hunt, but this thing is also very dangerous. Orionists must take care to prevent hurting people."

"Today, let's hunt a wild boar!"

Ning Feis words made the netizens in the live room very excited. Is the live hunting so exciting? This is much more interesting than fishing.

However, some netizens have never seen hunting scenes since they were young, so they can't bear to watch.

This is also normal. There are many people who like to eat meat, but they can't understand killing. For example, lamb is delicious, but the methods of killing sheep are often cruel.

At this time, just imagine human beings as the top creatures of nature's food chain. Just like tigers, in order to survive, they must hunt their prey. As the longest of all things, it is normal for humans to hunt reasonably.

Ning Fei said again: "I'm going to get my bow, I brought a bow specially this time."

Ning Fei did bring a bow. After all, it was an outdoor adventure, and he always had to deal with unexpected needs.

Ning Fei usually puts the bow on the top of the backpack and wraps it with a cloth bag. Netizens can also see what it is.

"Bows and arrows, so primitive!"

"Hahaha, Ning pays attention to saying that there is no need for power grids and traps. I thought what high-tech equipment was used, it turned out to be bows and arrows."

"Are the anchor joking? No common sense? Do you know how thick a wild boar skin is?"

"As a person with a hunting qualification certificate, I can tell everyone that a large-caliber shotgun can't penetrate the skin of a wild boar at a distance. This anchor wants to hunt wild boars with a bow and arrow? Think too much!"

"That's it~wuxiaworld.online~Hahaha, isn't it that Ning Guanzhu is about to cry!"

"Look at it, it must be shameful, wild boars are really not that easy to kill, otherwise they won't be flooded."

"Bows and arrows are generally used for hunting rabbits."

"This is the 21st century, and it's not expensive to buy a mechanical crossbow with this weapon."

"Mechanical crossbows seem to be contraband."

"Hey, let's go away. It's probably grandstanding. Hunting wild boars with bows and crossbows is simply a joke, a gimmick."

"How do I think Ning Guanzhu is not such a person?"

Netizens talked about it again, especially a few people who claimed to be "senior hunters" began to have a crazy rhythm.

You know that on the Internet, there is never a shortage of superior people.

These people especially like to pretend to gain recognition from others.

Refer to some "annual salary of one million, just got off the plane", Douyin's "How did I own my own villa before the age of 23", some bar's "Ten years old fans tell you... .."

didn't know if it was true, anyway, if they came to a conclusion based on their one-sided knowledge, they would pretend to be a big man and say this conclusion.

"Hunting wild boars with bows and arrows? If you can do it, I will pull S upside down in public!"

Afraid that others would not believe it, these people also made a vow.

On the other side, Ning Fei returned to the tent, but instead of removing the bow he made, he took out the "Su Mu Bow" he had drawn yesterday.

Netizens can't see the picture inside the tent, and the bow is always wrapped in cloth. They don't know what the bow looks like.

So, when Ning Fei walked out with a bow and arrow, the netizens exclaimed again.