
Overlord: Withering of the World Tree

Yeshua had just graduated from college and was about to enter the workfield, but he had suddenly contracted coronavirus. He was slightly devastated at first, but he quickly got rid of that feeling, instead, he became even calmer than he was before. Why? Well, the reason was that he was curious of what happened after death. Pretty crazy, right? Now that he's in another world where he can gain unimaginable power, what will he do?

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4 Chs

Volume 0 Chapter 4

I was easily outnumbered by the sheer amount of monsters that were summoned in the cave. I mean, it does make sense since dungeons are supposed to be raided by multiple parties.

Anyways, I don't think it'll be too hard in clearing all of the monsters. The only problem I'll have is the boss since it's five levels above me.

'I guess I should prepare quickly before I get attacked.'

"「Anti-Evil Protection」"

"「Repel Evil」"

"「Calming Scent」"

"「Quick March」"

"「Rabbit's Foot」"

There you go, that should be enough. Alright, now it's time to cast a distraction spell.

"「Extend Magic: Blinding Light」"


Bats and vampires are extremely vulnerable to light. I used this advantage to attack first. While they're busy blocking the light from their eyes, I cast another magic spell.


This spell allows me to move at faster speeds. It compliments well with the spell 「Quick March」 which raises my speed by 20%.

Dragons are known for their massive bodies which greatly diminishes their speed. Now, that disadvantage is no more.

I quickly approach the nearest monsters and slam them with my body. I want to minimize using magic as much as possible to conserve mana.

4,874 exp

243 Gold Coins

The spell still has a few seconds before it's deactivated, so I need to act quick. Although the spell that I cast does affect me because of the light, I can still maneuver around by utilizing the passive ability「6th Sense」that I bought a few days ago.

With that in mind, I stabilize my position and start clawing at the bats in the air. They were the most troublesome foe to deal with since they're quick. I utilized the chance to take them down before the light dwindled down.

5,589 exp

474 Gold Coins

I slightly jumped in the air and cast another spell.

"「Twin Magic: Shockwave」"

By now, the light had already dwindled down and the monsters had gained their sight back. Even then, they wouldn't be able to see a wave invisible to the eye.

The bats in the air were crushed by the shock waves that spread throughout the cavern.

Unfortunately, the waves were not enough to kill all of the bats and the vampires were only slightly damaged. The boss had finally made its move after seeing the monsters diminish by the second.

'Oh, no you dont.'

"「Boost Magic: Sunlight」"

I had cast the spell while I was near the center of the cavern to spread it around more evenly.「Boost Magic」elevated the spell to a higher tier, resulting in higher damage and area of effect.

6,076 exp

589 Gold Coins

Most of the vampires had been burned to death and a huge chunk of health had been taken away from the boss.

The spell was still in effect, so I swept any other mob that was still alive and killed them.

4,341 exp

436 Gold Coins

Almost all of the monsters that were summoned were killed in under a few minutes. A lot of data crystals and gold coins were dropped on the ground.

The only monsters that survived the onslaught of magic spells were superior to the small fry. But it's not like they didn't take damage. As a matter of fact, most of them were even one hit from dying.

The rest of the surviving vampires weren't that much of a problem. I just swiped them with my paw, or clawed them apart.

5,439 exp

594 Gold Coins

The only monster left in the vicinity was the boss, Kanik. Most of the spells didn't do much damage to him, except for the「Sunlight」spell. Even then, its health was still above 75%.

The blood lord set one of its free hands in the air. A ball of blood was visibly forming in front of its hand. Once it got to the size of a boulder, the blood separated into 20 swords.

'A skill, huh.'

Since it was a skill, I couldn't analyze the swords, which is bad since I don't know if they're lethal or not.

The swords were stationed in a circular arc around the vampire. The vampire motioned 2 of the swords towards me in astonishing speeds.

I needed to test out how powerful the swords were, so I let them damage me.



'Uh-oh, that's pretty bad.'

That amount of damage was almost 1/10 of my whole health, and that was only two attacks. There are still plenty more left, and I don't even know if they can be regenerated or not.

I want to be in prime condition during the fight, so I quickly use a potion.

I might, or might not die during this battle. It all depends on what other abilities it has.

'Here goes nothing.'

"「Summon Monster 3rd: Dire Wolf」"

"「Summon Monster 3rd: Gnoll」"

"「Summon Lesser Fire Elemental」"

A wolf three times the size of a normal one came out of a magic circle. Another creature came out of another magic circle, this one being on its hind legs and having the head of a hyena.

Afterwards, a small fire spirit was summoned and floated in the air. Its body was fully ablaze and wisps of flames would occasionally spew out of it.

I did not wait any longer and immediately commanded the creatures to attack the boss monster.

The wolf encroached the vampire and utilized its speed to distract the boss and leave an opening.

The blood lord sent an attack towards the speedy wolf, but did not end up landing. Next, the Gnoll got in close range with the blood lord and pierced its body with a spear.

This did not do much damage to the vampire, but it was enough to stall time for the Fire Spirit.

The Lesser Fire Elemental floated above my head and shot multiple long ranged fireballs towards the blood lord. Most of them landed, and it suffered great damage.

Vampires are a type of undead, which means they're weak to fire and sunlight. What a normal fireball damage does to a normal mob, it does more than twice the amount of damage to a vampire. Not to mention the damage boost the fireballs have because of the Lesser Fire Spirit's natural affinity towards fire magic.

Another surplus with the attacks, were the dot per second damage they had. Being attacked by fire spells had a chance to trigger a burning stat.

With the barrage of fireballs and ticking damage, the blood lord's health had fallen to 50%!

But, as soon as the blood lord's health had fallen below the half mark, a change occurred. Its eyes turned from a shiny black, to an eerie blood red. Its body started bulging with muscles, and its size had started to expand to a ridiculous size.

My gut feeling was telling me that something was wrong, so I used my skill.


"Blood Lord" Kanik, lvl 20 (Berserk)


I was cautious against it before, so I was able to deal huge amounts of damage to it without getting attacked much. But now, it triggered its berserk state, so I was in deeper trouble.

Two attacks were enough to lower 10% of my health, who knows how much stronger it has become.

'Before I let it fully finish transforming, I need to attack with full force!'

"「Summon Angel 2nd Tier」"

Another magic circle formed behind me. A small angel made of light came out of it. The angel made of light adorned white, thin armor with a metallic bow on its hand.

The boss quickly looked towards the angel's direction after sensing positive energy. Seeing the angel only made angrier, and it charged at me faster than before. Its body went from pale white, to crimson red. Not to mention that it's body was bulging with veins, and the blood swords that it created had duplicated.

But, before it could reach me, I casted two more spells.



The 「Invisibilty」spell made me disappear from the blood lord's view, and 「Odorless」prevented it from tracing my scent. Needless to say, it might have been overkill.

Hiding from its view, I sprinted around the vampire and attacked its back. Furious that it could not pinpoint its enemy, it mindlessly attacked anywhere and everywhere it could.

While it was distracted, I commanded the Gnoll and Dire Wolf to sacrifice themselves to hold down the boss. Then, I would use the Lesser Fire Elemental and the Angel to attack from afar.

The Dire Wolf quickly attacked the boss with its high agility, and bit down on its neck. Next, the Gnoll used its spear to pierce the blood lord's body on to the cave walls.

While the boss dealt with the two summoned monsters. I readied my next and, hopefully, final attack. I commanded the Lesser Fire Elemental to form a giant fireball, while the Angel readied to shoot a barrage of light arrows.


I quickly turned around to face the incoming wave of blood swords approaching me at fast speeds. No matter how quick I was, I wouldn't have been able to dodge it, so I did my best to withstand the damage.





While the swords slashed my body, I signaled for their attacks.


The giant fireball that the Lesser Fire Elemental made flew by the cave towards the blood lord.

Caught off guard by the attack, Kanik took the magical attack head on, crying in pain in the process.


'Yes, it was effective! But, I'm still not done yet. It's health is still at 30%. Also, the Lesser Fire Elemental had used up its time limit already.'

After the wave of swords finished, I popped a few potions to replenish my health.





Replenishing my health, I glanced towards the blood lord. It was afflicted with the [Rage] and [Burned] status effects. The [Burned] status effect made it more susceptible to fire based attacks, and the [Rage] status increased its PHY. ATK in exchange for lowering its MAG. DEF.

Without letting it attack any more than it has, I charged at it. Because of my invisible and odorless state, it could not find me. I cast one final spell, using my last bit of MP.

"「Boost + Maximize Magic: Thunderlance」"

A royal blue lance of thunder flew at the enraged blood lord. It penetrated its head, piercing the cave walls and shattering them with all its might.


After pinning the boss down, I signaled for the Angel Guardian to commence its attack. It retracted its bow string while a bright arrow of light formed. It immediately released it after, and I saw as it split and multiplied into dozens of arrows of light.

Each one was a direct hit. The boss was riddled with light arrows all over its body.

It twitched one last time and let out a weak scream before fully disappearing into particles.

16,376 exp

1,371 Gold Coins

Middle Tier Crystal x1

I heaved a breath of relief. Just then, I also heard the game notification.

[Quest has been completed!]

Clear Dungeon〖Undead Cemetery〗

Rewards: 75,000 exp, 10,000 Gold Coins, Middle Tier Data Crystal(s) x10

[Player Level Up!]

3 Skill Points

3 HP

4 MP






2 Resistance

3 Special Ability

[Choose one of your classes to level up]

[Middle Tier Data Crystal(s) x10 have been sent to the Item Box]

[Choose three Tier 3 Spells]

[Hidden Requirements have been met!]

[You are the first player to beat a dungeon!]

Reward: World Item ー «Philosopher's Stone»

Just like last time, a lot of notifications popped up. But, this time it was different. One of the notifications that popped up left me astounded.

'I got a World Item?!'

I did expect to earn something special for being the first person to complete a dungeon, but I didn't expect it to be something as grand as this. Like any other person would, I immediately viewed its description.

[«Philosopher's Stone»]

The embodiment of perfection and enlightment. The highest form of alchemy one can achieve, many have sought it only to fail and be consumed by darkness. It was said to be created by sacrificing a leaf of the World Tree. It's white color depicts purity and heavenliness.

It enables the user to learn an extra spell when leveling up. This applies to the previous levels of the user. Does not apply to Super Tier Spells. When equipped, the skill『Unfettered Mind』activates.

[New Quest(s) has been added!]

Unique Quest - Memoir of the Forgotten One

Explore 〖Crypts of Pontifex Mortis〗

Reward: ???


Just the effects alone made me stumble down. I mean, how absurd is that?! Instead of learning three spells per level, I'd be learning four! That's insane!

Beside that, I gained a new quest. I don't know anything about it yet, so I'll leave it alone for now. Coming back to the World Item, I take it out of my inventory and equip it.

[You have equipped «Philosopher's Stone» into necklace slot]

On my dragon's gigantic body, a white stone attached itself into my chest. When originally viewing it, the white stone was the size of a human's palm, but it had enlarged due to the size of my body.

It was an intrinsically carved stone, so beautiful that it could be mistaken for a precious jewel. The peculiar thing about it, was that it was considered a necklace, yet it had no necklace cord, it was just the stone.

All in all, it was a pretty cool cosmetic, but it could not compare to its effects.

Now, I need to choose which class to level up. While I could level up [Mage], I'd prefer leveling up [Dragon Lord] in order to max out my racial classes and stats.

[Racial Class [Dragon Lord] has leveled up!]

Dragon Lord 1/10

'Nice, now I need to choose 3 new spells, well, 4 now. Since the World Item's effect applies to my previous levels, that means I can learn 19 new spells right now. Well, there's no need to rush so I'll pick them out later. For now, let's open the dungeon's chest.'

A giant chest occupied the place where the boss died. It had the design of an ordinary wooden chest with metal plating.

[Open Chest?]


[You have obtained Low Class Item Minor Healing Potion x3]

[You have obtained Middle Class Item ‹Bloody Eyed Club›]

[You have obtained Middle Class Item ‹Wound Soothing Gloves›]

[You have obtained an artifact ‹Goblin's Bag of Gold›]

Alright, now that that's done, I can log out now. It has gotten pretty late, so I'll login tomorrow to learn the new spells and sort out my inventory.

[Would you like to log out?]


[Logging out...]


BaneOfExistence A/N: Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, but here's a new chapter.

I don't really get that much time to write now that I have school and after school activities. The only available time I have are the weekends.

Anyways, I'll try to post another chapter by next week, so stay tuned.