Small Author's note:
From now on messages will be written like this: {bla bla}
While spells Will been written like this: [Bla Bla]!
Into the story
Whelp, it's showtime.
"My lord, are you okay?" Utgard turned his head to his side where Albedo was and had to stop himself from ogling her as she was even more beautiful than before. The same was True for the rest of the NPCs in the room as well. They all had been aesthetically pleasing to the eye in the game but it was more akin to that of a picture. Looked unreal with their lifeless appearance. But that was gone now and they were even greater with their body filled with life.
"It is okay Albedo. I just felt some sort of… disturbance." Utgard said as he tried to calm the succubus down.
"Sebas, go to outside of the tomb and take a look. If there are any enemies, contact me immediately and come back to the tomb. Members of the Pleiades shall go to their stations in ninth floor in case someone comes through the eight floor."
"I shall do as you have ordered my lord." The aged butler bowed even more before getting out of the room followed by the six maids.
"Pleione, Gudrun; I want you two to go to the fourth floor and make sure that the mines under the lake are as they should be. I am afraid that whatever I have sensed may have caused some sort of problem."
"As you will it my lord." The angelic maid bowed down and went out of the room along with the pale dragonoid.
"Albedo…" the Jotunn trailed off as he looked at the succubus.
"Yes, lord Utgard?"
"Come a little bit closer." Utgard ordered and the guardian overseer obeyed as she came near her lord before she yelped in surprise when Utgard got up from his throne and hugged her. It was a rather comedic sight. Albedo, a slender woman who barely reached one hundred and seventy centimeters being engulfed by a muscular giant like Utgard who was taller than two meters.
"M-My lord?!" Albedo stuttered out with a massive blush on her face that made her face look similar to a strawberry as she felt her lord's breath on her head.
"I apologize." Utgard said as he stopped hugging her, though not before inhaling scent of her hair one last time. "I just felt like doing that."
"Please do not apologize my lord!" The guardian overseer yelled out with her eyes opened wide as she knelt on on knee. "Being able to bring any kind of joy to a Supreme Being such as yourself is the meaning of my life!"
"I am glad to hear that." Utgard smiled down at the succubus, doing his best to keep his excitement under control.
This was the new world. His new playground, cause there wasn't a better term for it without anyone that could challenge the might of Nazarick. And more importantly, he was walking. He could feel his legs! He could feel the floor beneath his feet! He was free to do as he wished!
"Albedo, I will go to the sixth floor. Tell the rest of the floor guardians except for Gargantua to gather there as well. Call for Irisviel in place of Gargantua." Utgard ordered as he focused on his ring as teleported to his target location with Albedo's words of acceptance as a whisper behind him.
The sixth floor had been one of the more troublesome places to create for the members of Ainz Ooal Gown. The artificial sky, forests and most importantly; the colosseum.
Based on the original Roman Colosseum, that unfortunately hadn't survived the passage of time and idiocy of mankind in their world, and it had been a very fun place. Utgard could still remember the time their guild members had sat down on the seats and watched the members of the Eight Guild Alliance fight against monsters. It was even more fun when they had all died in the eighth floor though.
"HOO!" "AAAAAHH!" His thoughts were cut short as he heard two shouts coming from above. And here she was, Aura Bella Fiore with her brother Mare Bello Fiora tucked under her arm.
"We welcome you, Lord Utgard!" Aura saluted him while her brother fell to the floor in fright from his recent flight. Though they looked very different from how they would have looked if Utgard hadn't existed.
He didn't even do anything personally, it wasn't planned. Their new form was the result of only one question.
'Doesn't Peroroncino like lolis?'
And then BukubukuChagama aged them up immediately.
Now Aura was a bit taller than her loli form and her outfit was bit more mature with it showing smallest amount of her cleavage and her belly button while her red dragon scales cloth covered only from her wrists to slightly above her elbows.
Mare was also taller and so was his hair, reaching to the middle of his back while his green leaf cloak reached his knees. His clothes were mostly same with white blouse and leggings that reached almost up to his thigh high skirt. Lastly, unlike his sister, his blue dragon scale leather covered only his chest and shoulders.
"Mare, why the hell are you laying down while our Lord is in front of us?!" And while Utgard was thinking about their changes, Aura had realized her brother's predicament and decided show her displeasure with shaking the feminine boy from his collar.
"Please be at ease Aura. I am just here to conduct a small experiment." Which was trying out his magic. Though if he was honest, it was less an experiment and more him playing around.
"Of course my lord. You are the lord of the great Tomb of Nazarick. If there is anything you wish to do then we shall do our utmost to help you so!" Aura declared with her chest puffed out with pride and even Mare nodded shyly. "I-It's as sis said." Gosh they were adorable.
"Well, then I'd like to ask for some targets. It has been a very long time since I practiced." Utgard said as he raised his axe to hint what exactly he was about to do.
"Is that Axe of Ainz Ooal Gown?!" Aura's eyes widened with amazement while Mare was right behind her, also vibrating with excitement.
"Yes, the greatest weapon our guild. I would like to try using it a bit." Utgard said and watched as Aura ordered some reptile like servants to put some targets in front of him.
With a breath, Utgard raised his axe and pointed it towards one of the targets and casted a spell that he didn't use much but saw it as a must to use now, "[Fireball]!" And then the straw dummy was reduced to ashes along with the two other near it with a blast of fire. Which the elven twins watched in glee.
This was one of the best things about his axe. As Utgard's build was a mix between Warrior and Mage, the members of the guild decided that his weapon should be able to help him with both. So his axe could also be used as a magical staff that could support his magic very well. Now for something else.
"[Summon: Primal Fire Elemental]!" With a glow from one of the nine gems on the axe, a giant monstrosity of fire and death appeared where the last targets stood, destroying them.
"Aura, Mare; would you like to fight with it?" He smiled down at the twins as he pointed at the monster with his axe mich to Aura's glee and Mare's distress. Which did nothing to stop his sister from dragging him into the middle of the raging inferno. It's healthy for children to play with fire.
Now, Utgard wondered how long it would take for one of the guardians to come just as a purple portal appeared near him and the one who stepped out was…