
Overlord: Trinity

Trinity is the top guild in the game of Yggdrassil prior to its shutdown, it was led by three powerful players, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They were hired by the developers of the Yggdrassil to stop Momonga's madness in the new world. Would they be the one to end his tyranny that threatens the very existence of the world he was settling or would they fail utterly like those who have fought them? A light novel where enemies seems to have no chance against the main character will now face the greatest threat he didn't expect.

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6 Chs

The Trinity Entrance to the New World

"The boys are back together huh?" The man in his late twenties spoke in a casual demeanor as he looked at the two men who were about the same age as him.

"I guess, the developers of Yggdrasil offered us a premium of five hundred million yen to eliminate someone in the game..?" the youngest one, who is in his late teens said doubtedly.

"I thought the game shut down a year ago. This doesn't make sense. Is the game server still alive or not?" the man in his mid-twenties asked.

"I checked it in my gaming pod, the Yggdrasil is wiped out from the playstore, so technically, it doesn't exist."

"So why are they still offering us money to play a game that ceases to exist?"

"Well, we can only find out once someone who invited us explains it."

Just as the trio exchanged puzzled glances, a sharp knock resonated through the room. The door swung open, revealing a man clad in a sleek black suit, his aura exuding an air of authority. His eyes scanned the room, locking onto the three bewildered men.

"Good evening, gentlemen," the suited man greeted with a voice that commanded attention. "I'm here to escort you to a place where all your questions will be answered."

His statement hung in the air, luring the trio with a promise of unveiling the enigma that had surrounded them. With a nod of acquiescence, the three men followed the suited figure out of the room, their curiosity growing with each step.

Silently traversing a labyrinthine corridor, the man in the black suit led them to a door marked with a discreet emblem of Yggdrasil—a reminder of the virtual realm that had once captivated their lives. Pushing open the door, he motioned for them to enter.

The room they stepped into was unlike anything they had anticipated. It resembled a sophisticated control center, with a panoramic view of a sprawling metropolis displayed on a series of monitors that lined the walls. A large conference table dominated the center, flanked by high-backed leather chairs.

Taking their places, the trio watched as the man in the black suit assumed a position at the head of the table. His gaze swept over them, his eyes betraying a depth of knowledge and purpose that hinted at a far greater story.

"Gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself," he began, his voice resonating with a blend of authority and intrigue. "I'm Mr. Nobody, and you will refer to me by that name. You must be wondering why we are inviting you here to our headquarters to play a game that we shut down two years ago. Well, the answer to that is there is an aberration."

"Aberration? I'm sorry, what was the definition of the word?" The young one of the group asked.

"Let me rephrase it," Mr. Nobody said. "There was a malfunction. You see, Ygdrassil, two years ago, was scheduled to be terminated worldwide. A lot of players stayed until the end of the countdown and from there, a malfunction happened. This will sound odd but the players who stayed at the end of the countdown seemingly became their own avatars, traversing in this new world created by our artificial intelligence. Look, I know this sounds odd but there are no simple words that can fully capture the complexity of the situation. This aberration, this glitch in the system, has given birth to a parallel realm within Yggdrasil—a realm where the line between player and avatar blurs, and the consequences of their actions hold real-world implications."

The trio exchanged incredulous glances, their minds struggling to grasp the gravity of what they were being told. The game they had once enjoyed, the virtual realm they had explored, had somehow transcended its digital confines to become a tangible reality.

"So this is like an isekai, where the character got trapped in the gaming world?" The oldest of the bunch asked.

"Yeah, you can put it that way," Mr. Nobody confirmed. "So, out of thousands of players, only one of them remained."

"What happened to the rest?"

"They died in that world. Most of which are low-level players who started a month prior to the game's shutdown."

"And who is this player who remained?"

"It's the guild master of the guild, Ainz Ooal Gown," Mr. Nobody revealed.

"Ainz Ooal Gown," one of them repeated. "I know that guild, isn't it one of the top guilds in the Yggdrasil made up of heteromorphic races?"

"Yup, that was it," Mr. Nobody confirmed. "Specifically, Momonga. I'm sure you have heard of him right?"

"Yeah, the name is kind of familiar."

"So what do you want us to do?"

"Well, it's simple really, we want you to exterminate him. The world that he is living in may not be real, but the denizens of that world are. These are some of the videos we have recorded."

A holographic screen popped up in the middle of the table, showing videos where Momonga slaughters 70,000 soldiers with one spell, invading the Holy Kingdom by one of his NPCs, basically just him and his NPCs killing people in that world.

"And to add to that, they are invading a kingdom by the name of Re-Estize Kingdom because a carriage that is flying their flags was attacked. You can see where this is going right? Using a small incident to declare war is just…too far."

"You want us to go into that world and stop him?"

"Yeah, and I believe the three of you are enough to terminate Momonga and his army of NPCs," Mr. Nobody said confidently.

"It's a shame that I won't get to fight Touch Me, we used to fight in the game to pass the time…"

"What was the score again?" Mr. Nobody asked curiously.

"200 and 203, 203 is Touch Me, so you can see that I lost to him three times in a row."

"That isn't surprising, you are also a world champion…Father. To be more specifically, the World Champion of Asgard."

"Oh we don't call ourselves by our title in the real world, Mr. Nobody," Father said.

"The second oldest is the Son and the young one is the Holy Spirit," Mr. Nobody said, glancing at the two men.

"You got it right. So, one more question before we get into this job. We will dive into that world again, right? How can we get out once the job is done?"

"We'll know when you eliminated Momonga, but you'll be there for as long as Momonga is still alive. So what would it be? Do you accept the offer?"

"Hmm…well five hundred million yen is a lot of money, so I'd take the job. How about you two?" Father glanced at his partners.

"Sign me up, I want to experience the game that kept me playing all day," The Son said.

"Me too, I need the money to pay for my brother's tuition and mother's medical bill."

"Then it is all settled," Mr. Nobody said. "You will be escorted to your specialized pods where you will be playing your own avatar. Remember, the user interface would be different, it was like you are possessing your own avatars."

"Oh question before we enter," The Son raised his hand.

"What is it?"

"What happened to the player? Momonga I mean?"

"Oh, he is in this headquarters, pretty much alive. We are observing him, giving his body nutrients and such. You can say that we are conducting an experiment. We hypothesized that if you defeated him in the game, he would return to his body. So questions?"

The three shook their heads.

"Well then, let's get you boot up."


In the peaceful confines of Carne Village, bathed in the warm hues of dusk, Enri embarked on her customary stroll, a respite from her daily duties. The village thrived under the watchful eyes of the goblins she had summoned, their loyal presence instilling a sense of security among the residents. These horn-summoned guardians, known as Unlai, Shuringan, Suigyo, and Yaburo, patrolled the streets with an air of vigilance, their hulking figures a formidable deterrent against potential threats.

Yet, despite the apparent tranquility, an intangible unease gnawed at Enri's consciousness, casting a shadow upon her otherwise serene countenance. It was as if an invisible thread of apprehension connected her to an impending storm, one that threatened to disrupt the very fabric of Carne Village. As she meandered along the familiar paths, her gaze turned to her goblin comrades, their sharp eyes studying her with concern.

"Lady Enri, you seem troubled. Is something amiss?" Unlai inquired, his gruff voice laced with genuine worry.

Enri's lips curved into a faint smile, masking her inner turmoil. "I'm fine, just a bit unsettled. With the Sorcerer Kingdom engaged in a war with the Re-Estize Kingdom, I can't help but wonder if its repercussions will reach our peaceful haven."

"Ahh, the war," Suigyo interjected, his gravelly voice assuring. "Fear not, Lady Enri, for the village is well-guarded, and we shall not let any harm befall our home. You have my word."

Enri's gratitude shone in her eyes as she nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Suigyo. Your words bring solace to my troubled heart."

As the group exchanged reassurances, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a piercing sound, rending through the air with a jarring intensity. Villagers instinctively covered their ears, seeking respite from the deafening intrusion.

In the wake of the shrill reverberations, a distant spectacle seized their attention—a brilliant pillar of light, emanating a celestial golden glow that painted the surroundings with an otherworldly radiance. Its divine luminosity enveloped the landscape, infusing the atmosphere with a sense of awe and trepidation.

"What…is…that?" Enri tried to speak but the overwhelming sensory overload left her momentarily speechless. The villagers, too, stood transfixed, their eyes fixed upon the ethereal display unfolding before them.

As the luminous pillar of light gradually dissipated, revealing its source, Enri's jaw dropped in disbelief. Standing at the epicenter of the radiant spectacle were three godlike beings, their appearances transcending the mortal realm. Clad in resplendent silver armor that glimmered with divine energy, they exude an aura of power and majesty that left the villagers awestruck. Their bodies were adorned with intricate engravings, symbolizing the celestial realms they hailed from.

But what truly took Enri's breath away were the magnificent golden wings spread wide behind each of the godlike beings. Feathers of purest gold cascaded in shimmering arcs, imbued with an ethereal luminescence that bathed the surroundings in a warm, celestial glow.

Enri's heart pounded in her chest as she beheld the breathtaking sight before her. The golden wings, glistening with divine light, gave the godlike beings an otherworldly presence that surpassed mortal comprehension. It was as if they were messengers from the heavens, sent to guide and protect the mortal realm.

The villagers, too, were captivated by the divine sight, their eyes wide with wonder and reverence. Whispers of awe and disbelief rippled through the crowd as they bore witness to the extraordinary beings that had descended upon their humble village.

Time seemed to stand still as the godly figures surveyed their surroundings, their piercing gazes scanning the gathered villagers until their eyes locked onto Enri. The intensity of their gaze sent a shiver down her spine as if they could peer into the depths of her very soul.

Enri found her voice, albeit trembling, and spoke with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. "Who...who are you? Why have you come to Carne Village?"

"We are Trinity, bearers of divine purpose, summoned to herald the cessation of all suffering inflicted by the entity you name the Sorcerer King," resonated the one in the center with a voice that echoed through the depths of their souls, reverberating with an otherworldly grandeur. The sheer magnitude of his words sent shivers down their spines, as if prophetic whispers from the celestial realms had taken form.

"Sorcerer King…" Enri repeated. They are looking for her master, the supreme being who saved her and her sibling from getting killed.

As the gods teleported into the village center, the goblins tasked with protecting the village found themselves frozen in place, unable to move or even blink. Their bodies were seized by an overwhelming sense of reverence and awe, rendering them motionless witnesses to the extraordinary encounter unfolding before them.

Enri, too, felt the weight of the gods' presence pressing upon her, their divine aura permeating the very air she breathed. It was as if time itself had been suspended, leaving her suspended in a surreal moment between reality and the realm of the divine.

Trinity approached Enri with measured steps, their movements exuding a grace that surpassed mortal limits. The god in the center, his voice resonating with the weight of prophecy, continued to address her, each word hanging in the air like an unspoken decree.

"The Sorcerer King, the one you serve, possesses unimaginable power," the god declared, his voice echoing through the village square. "But his actions have not gone unnoticed by the pantheon. We have come to pass judgment, to determine the fate of this mortal realm and its inhabitants."

Enri's heart raced within her chest, torn between loyalty to her master and the overwhelming presence of the divine beings before her. She mustered the courage to speak, her voice trembling yet resolute.

"Great gods of Trinity, I am but a humble servant of the Sorcerer King. If his actions have brought suffering or turmoil, then I beseech you to grant me an audience, that I may convey your concerns to him," Enri implored.

"Father, I think one of the Sorcerer King's NPC is in this village and is attempting to communicate with someone outside…" said the Holy Spirit.

"Jam it," Father ordered, his voice reverberating in the air.

The Holy Spirit raised his Divine Class Magic Staff and stabbed the ground. A surge of divine energy coursed through the earth, creating a mystical barrier that sealed off the village from any external communication.

[7th Tier Magic: Sonic Siphon.]

When the spell finished casting, The Father called.

"Come out now, servant of the Sorcerer King," he beckoned. "Calling for help is futile."

Within the teeming throng of individuals, a figure gradually emerged, rising above the remnants of fear and timidity. A tall, statuesque woman with a complexion kissed by the sun held the attention of all who beheld her. Clad in a resplendent maid uniform that accentuated her curves, she emanated an air of elegance and confidence. Her slender fingers tightly gripped a colossal battle-ax, its imposing height matching her own,

"I'm Lupusregina Beta, a member of the Pleiades Six Stars and a loyal servant of the Sorcerer King," she introduced herself, spinning her battle ax with a flourish to showcase her skills. "You just spoke of something unforgivable, there is only one supreme being in this world, and that is Ainz Ooal Gown."

The Gods exchanged glances and scoffed.

"She is surprisingly devout to Momonga," The Son finally spoke. "Father, let me handle her."

"Okay," The Father nodded, giving him permission.

The Son smirked, readying his Divine Class Mace and Shield that glowed like molten gold. His eyes locked onto Lupusregina Beta, a playful yet confident gleam dancing within their depths.

"Ah, Lupusregina Beta," the Son of Trinity spoke, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "A servant of the Sorcerer King, you say? It seems you hold him in high regard. But let us put your loyalty to the test when faced with true power."